Crazy beauty never salty fish

Chapter 125 Although I am old, my arrows are still sharp!

Guan Yunhong dodged her bump and shouted again, "Xun Xiaotian! Xun Xiaotian, are you still alive?"

Only her own voice echoed in the whole room, she could no longer feel Xun Xiaotian's existence.

At this moment, she felt an inexplicable panic of her heart being hollowed out.

"Your brother Xun disappeared, what's going on?"

As soon as Yu Zhexi's voice reached her ears, a sharp crystal dagger slipped past her neck.

Guan Yunhong's face was pale, and she could clearly feel that as Yu Zhexi approached, negative emotions were also stuffed into her mind.

Even if she didn't want to admit defeat in her heart, she was still thinking about what to do to make herself run out safely, and the idea of ​​surrender would always pop up in her mind.

And this kind of thinking is still intensifying, constantly eroding her mind and disrupting her thoughts.

"The next move will kill you." Yu Zhexi raised her hand, and sharp crystals rose from the floor and rushed towards her.

Guan Yunhong's face was slightly pale, and he stepped back unconsciously.

After only taking three steps back, she clasped her hands tightly, forcing herself to restrain her emotions and stop moving forward.

The vest was held up by a sharp object. If she had stepped back in a panic just now, she would have been pierced by this object.

Yu Zhexi gritted her teeth, although unwilling, she was not surprised by this result.

It's not normal to be able to mess up all her plans, and to be dealt with hastily by myself like this.

"Have you played enough?" Guan Yunhong closed his eyes and pressed his temples.

Although Yu Zhexi didn't understand what she wanted to do standing there, but at this moment, the person in front of her was still breathing, so she couldn't relax.

Moreover, her ability to confuse herself, if she activates it again, she will definitely fail.

Not giving anyone a chance to breathe, she stepped forward decisively, and the condensed crystal in her hand turned into a sharp blade, attacking the person in front of her directly.

A sword aura directly shattered the crystal in her hand, a very familiar aura.

It is "breaking the army".

"How is it possible?" Yu Zhexi jumped back and became vigilant.

Didn't she cut off the induction between the two, so that even if the guy "Po Jun" yelled, he wouldn't be sensed by this woman?Why is this woman still able to summon "Po Jun".

"She relayed a sentence to you, 'Although your ability can make me completely ignore his existence, as long as I believe that he has not disappeared, half of your ability will be invalid.'"

Guan Yunhong used deceitful ability on himself to make himself believe that he would not be affected by Yu Zhexi's ability. Naturally, Yu Zhexi's ability had no effect on her.

This is the first time she tried to convince herself of her own lies, which is very difficult for any cunning practitioner, because once she has doubts, her ability will be invalid.

But this time, she succeeded.

Xun Xiaotian raised his hand, and the sword energy around him quickly disturbed the crystals in the room.

"You *crazy interjection* are really a traitor." Although Yu Zhexi had no idea, she couldn't escape at this moment, so she had to fight.

"The word traitor depends on your position." Xun Xiaotian replied with the usual expression.

Probably because the special ability of "breaking the army" is still there, Yu Zhexi can clearly feel that her ability to control emotions has completely lost its effect.

Her abilities have no effect on "Broken Army"'s Absolute Sober ability.

No, no, something is wrong!
It is said that if someone betrays, the leader will definitely recover the ability he bestowed, why didn't the ability of "breaking the army" fail?
Even if this guy is betrayed, the leader still recognizes him as his "broken army", what's going on?

"I get it, I get it—"

Yu Zhexi suddenly realized.

"No matter who you are now, the leader has determined that you are 'Po Jun', whether it's the one from before or the one now!" She laughed loudly, "And the two of you, even if there is a way to live together, one day... there will only be one left."

Guan Yunhong only thought that Yu Zhexi was mad at her words to stimulate the two of them.

How many people who made an appointment to "do not want to be born in the same year, the same month, the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month, the same day" will go to the end of their lives together?

Sure enough, the next moment, the crystals around her shattered in an instant, scattered in mid-air, like floating glass pieces.

The shattered crystal reflected her face, and her body seemed to be a hallucination.

"Wenqu" seems to be everywhere, but it seems to have never existed.

Everything around her seemed to be just a deceiving illusion just like her.

"Be careful!" A person jumped into the center of the crystal storm and hugged her tightly.

Through the translucent protective cover, Guan Yunhong saw a shadow-like arrow flying into the window, passing through the illusion created by "Wen Qu", and nailing her whole body to the wall.

The arrow was half the length of a man, and the aura on it was very familiar.

"Father?" Guan Yunhong stared at the direction the arrow came from.

At this moment, everyone in the garden on the top floor also noticed that a long arrow flew through the air, nailing Xie Xiu to death.

They looked back behind them, in the direction of the arrow.

The man with the huge bow left only a shadow for everyone, and he put the arrow back on his back.

"Guan Che! Is it Guan Che?" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Before that, they either heard about it or received letters, and they all knew that Guan Che might appear in the imperial city.

There are expectations, but when people actually appear, it is still shocking.

"He is back?"

The man muttered, when he saw the figure raised his hand and pointed at the crowd.

Inexplicably guilty, he always felt that the person with his fingertips was him.

"If you want to seek revenge, just come to Guan, it is immoral to always trouble children."

Although the man's voice was a little more vicissitudes, it was easy to recognize.

Although Xun Xiaotian was manipulating his body, he could clearly feel a lump in his throat.

Suddenly someone grabbed his wrist, and when he turned around, it was Si Xie.

Si Slack recited an inscription, and Guan Yunhong could clearly feel that in a short period of time, the control of his body had been switched back.

"Go and talk to your family. We'll talk about the matter between us later."

He pointed to a direction, and in that direction, the shadow of a woman appeared in front of her eyes.

"Mom!" Guan Yunhong ran in that direction, and the woman's shadow trembled slightly as if she had sensed something.

"Little Yunhong, don't get too close, okay?" Although Fu Xi really wanted to reach out to hug her child, she forcibly restrained herself.

Guan Yunhong stopped and stared at the shadow.

The light in the room was weak, and her face seemed to be covered with a veil of night, making it difficult to see clearly.


She really wanted to ask where they had been for so many years and why there was no news, but when the words came to her lips, it seemed that her throat was blocked by too many questions, and she couldn't make any sound.

In the darkness, the woman seemed to be smiling, but at the same time seemed to be crying.

//Please remember this, the heroine deceived herself once and succeeded, and she will be tested later (mark the key point!)

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