"Taozi, Miao'er, you go to class now and learn the difference between men and women." With that said, Yan Rujin simply ran away.

As he walked, he didn't forget to say: "Don't look for me. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to look for me."

She said and hurriedly ran away, and instead went into the tunnel that had been dug before Chu Yunjian was established.

After many twists and turns, Yan Rujin finally emerged from Qi Fang where Poria was.

"Miss!" Fu Ling was calculating the accounts in the room. When she saw Yan Rujin, her face turned pale with fright.

He quickly gave his lady a wink.

Yan Rujin understood and quickly shrank back.

Fu Ling quickly stood up, closed the door tightly, and then walked to the bookshelf on one side in person to pick up Yan Rujin.

"Quickly change my clothes and inform Zizhu to arrange for me to leave the city."

This room is Fu Ling's living room, and the wardrobe is also in the back room.

After receiving the order, Fuling hurriedly took out a crab green dress for Yan Rujin.

Clean and elegant without any embellishment.

He naturally started to change his lady's clothes.

"Miss, at the Qionglin Banquet, the most favored nobleman Tianxiang suddenly died suddenly, but I didn't want the emperor to be too sad and let the wise concubine take advantage of it. Now the holy scroll is thickening."

Tianxiang nobleman suddenly died suddenly, which was widely known throughout Haojing at that time.

"Didn't you say that the emperor had deep affection for him?"

"That night, the emperor visited the concubine. Then, his attitude suddenly changed. The noble Tianxiang who was originally said to be buried with the imperial concubine ceremony was just hastily stuffed into the tomb of a deceased concubine.

Previously on Furongyan, the emperor seemed to be very affectionate towards the queen. Why did he suddenly become like this?

"Is there any movement at the queen's place?"

"The news from the palace is that the queen has been copying scriptures in Kunning Palace in recent days. She has never met the emperor, and she has never left Kunning Palace."

Knowing that her son had stabbed such a big hole, the queen did not move.

Yan Rujin is thinking about it, and Poria has already served Yan Rujin to dress neatly.

"Burn your clothes and leave no trace."

To be able to find Chu Yunjian so quickly, Yan Rujin had reason to suspect that the prince might have used some secret method.

"I want to see Mr. He Ge and help me make arrangements!"

Fu Ling agreed, but she did not forget to remind her: "The Concubine Xian is now back in favor. I heard that the cases involving the Shen and He families have been suppressed, and even the trapped King Yu is now allowed to go to court. "

She spent the whole day hiding in Chu Yunjian planning her own affairs, but she completely forgot about King Yu and He Mianlan.

"Is King Yu married?"

"In one day, I welcomed the main concubine He Yanlan and the two concubines. It was a great sight. The emperor rewarded me with many things."

Yan Rujin narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard this.

After making trouble on his own side, the emperor so quickly favored King Yu with the overall situation in mind.

Or rather...

"On the eighth day of August, did the emperor go to Prince Yong's Mansion?"

Fu Ling thought about it and said, "No, I heard from the palace that the emperor was ready to come. I heard that after King Yong returned to the palace with a strange woman in his arms, he was so angry that he smashed the Qinzheng Palace."

"I don't think he wants to come. Normally, when King Yong comes to pick up the bride, even if he has just left the palace, by the time King Yong carries the woman back to the palace, he should have arrived at Prince Yong's Mansion."

Yan Rujin narrowed her eyes slightly.

She heard Yu Wenyan say that just after the homes of Shen and He were ransacked, the virtuous concubine in the palace was released inexplicably.

Thanks to the death of noble Tianxiang, the concubine Xian was able to regain her favor.

"Let someone find out why Concubine Xian was released, and who had been in contact with the emperor before that."

Fu Ling neatly folded the clothes that Yan Rujin had changed.Immediately he said: "My slave has already been investigated, and the news just came this morning. On weekdays, the emperor only sees those ministers, and there is nothing strange about them, but..."


"Prior to this, Princess Yonghe often visited the emperor with a food box."

"Do you know when it started?"

"Not long after Concubine Xian was locked up, she often went to the Qinzheng Palace with her food box to pay her respects. At first, the emperor was unwilling to pay attention to it, which was the matter with Prince Yong."

With that said, Fuling brought a cup of hot tea and presented it to Yan Rujin with both hands.

The tea was very fragrant. Yan Rujin couldn't help but curl her lips slightly as she watched a piece of tea leaf rise and fall in the cup.

"Someone needs to check this Princess Yonghe carefully. See who she has been in contact with. Why did such an arrogant princess suddenly change?"

was talking.

"Knock knock..."

A faint knock on the door made Yan Rujin take a step back nervously.

Fu Ling's face suddenly turned cold: "Who is so unruly and forgets my explanation!"

"My boss, the officers and soldiers are here. The boys can't stop us and are already coming this way!"

After hearing this, Yan Rujin immediately looked at the clothes Poria put on the round table: "It's about to burn!" As she said that, she looked at the water in the copper basin on one side and didn't forget to wash her hands.

It was at this moment that she clearly heard many footsteps.

Then use the powder from the Jiugui Bracelet to sprinkle on Lai Na's clothes to mix it up first, and she can't control that much.

After finishing it, she hurriedly got into the secret passage.

In the dark tunnel, Yan Rujin held a small lamp in her hand. Suddenly, she felt like a mouse.

Really aggrieved.

However, she was not willing to be taken back like this, and had to cooperate with the royal family in acting.

Hao Jing is now singing and dancing and has no idea what is happening outside.

Zizhu continued the news and it was already late at night when he came to pick up his lady.

Yan Rujin's stomach growled with hunger.

"Put some food in the secret passage from now on."

Zizhu, who had prepared everything long ago, felt extremely distressed when he saw his young lady: "Why do young ladies suffer so much? If you ask me, there are so many of us, and we are afraid of the imperial court."

"You are always cautious, why are you so indifferent today?"

Zizhu's eyes were obviously red: "Miss, there are more and more refugees appearing outside Haojing City now. Did you know? Because Prince Yepo of Beiyan and some other princess, the court lured the refugees there just for the sake of face. Chongyun Temple twenty miles away..."

She visibly choked up as she spoke.

Yan Rujin frowned.

"Isn't Chongyun Temple abandoned?"

"The imperial court said they would place the refugees there and guarantee three meals a day. But when the refugees had just left, Chongyun Temple suddenly flooded at night. Our sisters who were guarding the mountains went to rescue people, only to find out when we rushed into the fire that those people had died long ago. ”

Fu Ling mainly relies on Zizhu for some news inside and outside the city.

"How long has it been happening?"

"The city has been closed now, and you are only allowed to leave but not enter. Today at Youshi, our sisters also sneaked into the city in a convoy delivering food and other items. This is the news."

"Fu Ling's side doesn't know anything about such a big matter. Who is responsible for the refugee issue?"

Zizhu shook his head slightly and couldn't help but shed tears: "Our people have calculated that Chongyun Temple has received at least 5000 people."

Yan Rujin, who was originally very hungry, felt her throat tightening as she looked at the food on the table.

"Do you know why so many refugees suddenly came out?"

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