Fu Yu had many means to prevent the family from escaping, so these days, the most they could do was wander around the house. If they went any further, they would be politely warned by the people guarding them.

Lin Gui understood the basic situation and stepped in without any further hesitation.

There are only two people living in the house now, one is Wen Yuchan, the person to whom Bai Wan transferred money, and the other is Sun Jun, the murderer of Lu Xueyan.

The two of them also have a son who has gone somewhere because of gambling debts.

It was also because of this that they had no choice but to return to the country, and threatened Bai Wan with the evidence in their hands, asking Bai Wan to transfer money to them.

The ingenuity of cause and effect reincarnation was well experienced at this moment. If it weren't for the fact that the couple, and their son, were greedy people, they would not have been caught by the tail.

Lin Gui raised an eyebrow and ordered the bodyguard on the side: "Let her avoid it first."

The first person I saw after entering was Wen Yuchan.

When the other party saw her, there was nothing but dullness in his eyes, no luster and no other emotions. It was as if he had accepted his fate and was exceptionally calm.

Lin Gui only felt that this was the tranquility hidden under the storm, but her main target now was not Wen Yuchan, and we would talk about these things later.

Sun Jun was smoking in the room inside. The bodyguard went in first and was not polite to him. He first stretched out his hand to avoid crushing the smoke, and then opened the window to let the smell inside dissipate.

As early as when he was coerced and induced, Sun Jun had already thought that such a day would come to him. However, when he saw Lin Gui again, there was still a tremor of fear in his eyes.

That incident left such a deep impression on him, so when he saw Lin Gui, who looked very similar to Ms. Lu, it was as if he saw that person coming to ask for his life, and he couldn't help but tremble.

Lin Gui looked at him coldly with a mocking smile on her lips: "Why, are you afraid of me?"

When she first knew this person, Lin Gui couldn't control her emotions. Unexpectedly, when they met face to face, she was much calmer than she imagined, as if she no longer seemed like herself.

Sun Jun still looked the same as he had seen at the alley before. He looked very slovenly, especially now, he looked even more haggard.

Facing the question, his eyes flickered for a moment, and finally he lowered his head slumped: "Yes, I'm sorry."

Lin Gui didn't know what means Fu Yu used to make Sun Jun as honest as he is now, but this could not eliminate the anger in his heart.

"What's the use of being sorry? Why didn't you think about whether you would regret it when you agreed to this thing? You only have your own family, and others don't have their own families." Lin Gui's voice didn't pause at all, and there was color in his eyes. He completely sank, "If it weren't for the constraints of law and morality, I really want to let you pay for life with one life!"

Sun Jun and Wen Yuchan planned with Bai Wan to deliberately kill their mother because of their own selfishness.

They never thought about how sad Xiao Lin Gui would be in the days after losing his dearest relative.

Even if... Ms. Lu hadn't brought Lin Gui back to China with her that time, they would have died in the car accident, and then maybe the truth of the matter would have been concealed forever.

What Lin Gui said was the truest thought in her heart, but that was all she did.

"I hope you don't try to play tricks, otherwise the situation will not be what you want to see."

Lin Gui searched his eyes, and after thinking for a long time, he still felt that he couldn't help it. He picked up the empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it on his feet. The glass shards immediately fell to the floor, mixed with some Bloodstains.Sun Jun immediately came back to his senses from that hazy trance, hugged his feet and screamed in pain, curling up into a ball. Because of time, he had begun to become older. Except for some gloom, from his body Can't detect much danger.

But after all, this was someone who could discuss killing people with Bai Wan without changing his expression. The bodyguard did not let down his guard at all. He watched eagerly from the side. As long as he noticed anything wrong, he would rush to subdue him as soon as possible.

A cold and suffocating atmosphere spread in this small space. Lin Gui just looked at the actions of the person in front of her with cold eyes, without any emotional fluctuations. After a while, she laughed, not wanting to stay here any longer. Then he turned and walked out.

"It's best to hire a psychiatrist to keep a close eye on them and prevent them from suffering from any mental illness, otherwise the rest of the matter will be difficult to handle."

Many people try to escape legal sanctions through mental illness. Lin Gui cannot give them this opportunity. If they do something wrong, they should bear the punishment. They cannot escape smoothly just because time has passed.

Concepts cannot be conflated.

"Don't worry, ma'am, we'll get ready right now."

Lin Gui's reminder really enlightened the assistant, but he didn't take this into consideration. The two of them were indeed a little too silent in the past two days, but it was best not to let this happen.


After Lin Gui learned about this incident, she had been in a bad mood recently, and it was not clear now. She was not in a hurry to go home, and asked her assistant to drive to the dessert shop to buy a small dessert.

She has a physique that is not easy to gain weight. An He usually doesn't control food very strictly. She looks good no matter how she is photographed. However, Lin Gui usually won't eat desserts with high sugar content. Of course, Fu Yu gave She made the exception.

But also, when I am in a bad mood, I will indulge myself a little bit.

The small cake Fu Yu brought back that day ended up in her stomach. The new product tasted very good. Lin Gui also wanted to buy this when she came today.

The clerk had a smile on his face: "It's a coincidence that the customer came, and it happened to be the last one. I'll give you something else to try."

It's not too early now, and the cake shop is almost sold out of all the delicious food. It's probably the usual practice, and we always pay special attention to the first and last customers.

"Thank you."

Lin Gui finally received two small desserts.

The next thing you need to do is just follow the process, file a case, and then investigate to make Bai Wan pay the due price.

All the information was obtained through their intensified investigation during this period. The news has not been leaked. It is not known what Bai Wan's expression will be when he receives the notice from the court.

Lin Gui took a bite of the cake with an expressionless face. The sweetness filled her mouth, and she finally felt a little better.

Especially after coming home and seeing the fresh flowers in the vase.

To explain, I have checked and it seems that the maximum prosecution period for criminal cases is 20 years. Under special circumstances, the case can be reopened if it exceeds the limit. However, this concept is very complicated. I am not a professional, so I wrote it in a general way. Everyone is happy to read the article. ok, don't get into it~

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