"Zhang Yan beat her and refused to pay her back. She will still be fired."

After Yan Qiqi finished speaking, he sighed and said, "I don't understand. It's great to study hard. We are all social elites no matter what. Why do we have those useless relationships?"


As long as you go to school and find a job step by step, everyone's future is bright.

It's a pity that some people always want to save a few years of hard work.

It cannot be said that other people’s outlook on life is wrong.

In short, the winner is the king and the loser is the loser.

Li Shenglong felt that since Cheng Shengnan had been fired, it would be difficult for him to interact with her again in this life.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Shengnan ran to her dormitory and knelt on the ground to beg her.

"Shenglong, I was wrong before. I was really wrong before. Please forgive me and lend me some money? Only you can save me now. I don't want to be expelled. I am expelled. What will happen to my mother? My mother has always been proud of me, she won’t be able to bear it if I’m fired, she’ll go crazy, please save me, save my mother.”

Li Shenglong asked her to get up: "How can I save you..."

"I know you have money."

But since she has money, do we have to save her?
Proper moral kidnapping.

She is weak and she is reasonable.

Many people looked over.

Fortunately, Li Shenglong was thick-skinned. Li Shenglong said, "Then just kneel down and I'll call the security guard."

"You, are you really so cruel?" Cheng Shengnan was a little unbelievable: "You are so rich, 3 yuan is like pocket money to you. You can save my life and my mother's, but you are not willing to help?"

"Shenglong, you know, my mother sells tea eggs and works hard to support my education. If I am fired, what will she do? What will she do?"

"Woo, I deserve to die. I'm not good. I'm competitive. But my mother is not wrong. She was all implicated by me. Please save her."

Someone was really moved by Cheng Shengnan's words, and whispered: "Otherwise, just save her. The college entrance examination is not easy, and it's pitiful."

Li Shenglong raised his head and looked in the direction of the man and said: "3 yuan, who can use 3 yuan as pocket money? My money was blown away by the strong wind?"

Of course, it is indeed her pocket money, but she won't borrow it.

She looked at Cheng Shengnan and said: "It is indeed your fault, and you have to bear it. The head of the department told you many times at that time to be careful and not to be deceived, but you were complacent, thinking that you were great, and you wanted to encourage me. Go buy that equipment.”

"Then I can't persuade you, so what's the use of regretting it now? You're not a child. You didn't cause the trouble, so you still have to bear it, right?"


"You should leave quickly, otherwise it will be dark and there will be no buses."

Li Shenglong closed the door directly.

Oh oh oh!
Cheng Shengnan knocked on the door so hard that Li Shenglong didn't even come out.

She knew that Li Shenglong would definitely not help.

She said: "Li Shenglong, it's not all because of you that I was deceived. This person approached me because of you."

She added: "You said you have no money, you take a sleeper berth when you go out, and you embezzle public funds. Do you think you have very little money for the equipment you bought? Let me tell you, I have already written and submitted the materials about your embezzlement of public funds."

"You were the one who harmed me. You might be working with that person who sells fake goods."

"Otherwise, why is his money gone? Why is it gone? If you are so rich, how did you get the money?"

I didn't have any reason, so I started to blame others.

Li Shenglong went to the bathroom to get a basin of water, opened the door, and poured the water directly on Cheng Shengnan.

Cheng Shengnan screamed and soon began to tremble.

It is winter after all.

Li Shenglong smiled and said: "You will leave now, right?"

"Li Shenglong, I definitely can't spare you if I catch a cold." Li Shenglong said: "This time I admit that I was the one who caused the splash. If you die of a cold, I will pay you for your funeral expenses and I won't default on the debt. You can sue me."


Li Shenglong closed the door again.

Cheng Shengnan finally left.

In fact, being expelled is not the end of the road. She still has a high school diploma, otherwise she can retake the college entrance examination.

The school was kind enough to just expel her and not give her a major demerit in her file.

She still has a chance.

So how could Li Shenglong feel sorry for her and help her?

Her mother is indeed pitiful, but she has no way to teach her daughter, and she is jointly and severally responsible.

What's more, although Cheng Shengnan left, he left a lot of mess for Li Shenglong.

Many people heard her say that Li Shenglong embezzled public funds. Although no one reported it, everyone was talking behind her back.

I don’t think Li Shenglong is anything special. He will die for corruption and so on.

Until they heard about it, Li Shenglong's equipment didn't cost a penny. Even if he went on a business trip, the project funds would not be used at all.

None of them exceed 100 yuan.

Only then did they realize that they had misunderstood Li Shenglong.

"You shouldn't listen to that person Cheng Shengnan. She has bad moral character. Can she believe what she says?"

"No, she is the one who wants to embezzle, right?"

So Li Shenglong's reputation soon changed again, and many people wanted to get close to and deal with Li Shenglong.

After all, he is a capable person who can buy instruments for zero yuan.

Li Shenglong still goes his own way.

When others wronged her, she did not fall into the trap of self-evidentity. When others praised her, she did not feel that she was powerful.

I still maintain a normal mind and continue to take anti-cancer drugs.

Her goal in coming to this school is to make medicine for Li Huixian. She must not forget her original intention.

After three months of hard work, Li Shenglong and his colleagues conquered two intermediates and obtained the target structure with a purity of 70.00%.

After further purification and purification, animal experiments can begin.

Li Shenglong is looking forward to it, but it’s winter vacation.

Most of her classmates had to go back. She had no intention of going back, but the detention center in her hometown sent her a telegram saying that He Zhicong wanted to see her.

Li Shenglong thought for a while, agreed, and got on the train back.

After getting off the car, she went to the detention center first.

He Zhicong has not yet been sentenced, but it has been handed over to the local authorities. The other party has found witnesses to his murder, there are witnesses, and they have also found the bloody clothes that he has not disposed of. These are enough for prosecution.

He was about to be sentenced, and with the crime of arson, his death was not far away.

When Li Shenglong saw him, he was even thinner than before.

When he saw Li Shenglong, he broke down and cried, saying that Li Shenglong had harmed him, otherwise he would not have fought to the death or killed someone.

In the final analysis, I regretted that I had to be shot just because I didn't kill Li Shenglong.

Li Shenglong hugged his shoulders and looked at him with a smile: "I came to see you just to witness this moment. He Zhicong, you deserve it."

"Haha!" He Zhicong went crazy again when he heard that Li Shenglong refused to be obedient. He said in a mean and threatening tone: "I want to tell you that he is your biological grandfather, Wei Yanchi. Wei Yanchi is your biological grandfather. Haha, I know you are in a relationship. It’s exciting to be in a relationship with your own grandpa, isn’t it?”

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