The momentum of the two sides was tense, and they were about to fight. Suddenly, a strange insect chirp sounded, and the rainbow ants that were preparing to attack suddenly fell silent.

what happened? Changyue looked at the motionless rainbow ants in the sky with confusion.

"Human girl, please come and meet me inside the mother tree." Suddenly a soft female voice came from the direction of the big tree.

However, Changyue did not approach the big tree rashly. She found that the size of the rainbow ant colony here had exceeded her expectation. If she rashly listened to that voice, she would probably overturn.

Sure enough, Huanglong Desert is too dangerous.

Seeing that Chang Yue was unmoved, the voice sounded again after a long time, "Human girl, I don't mean any harm, I just want to ask you for a favor. I will give you a big thank you when the job is done."

If I really have malicious intentions, even if I don't take action, just relying on these people of mine, it will be difficult for you to leave today. "

Changyue looked around the sky and the number of rainbow ants was still increasing. She couldn't help but feel a little frightened. The number was indeed a bit too much. Unless she borrowed Bai Xi's spatial magical power, it might be difficult to escape today.

"Who are you?" Chang Yue asked loudly.

"Me? I am the king of rainbow ants." The voice replied.

Sure enough, Chang Yue had already made all guesses about the identity of the speaker.

It’s just that the king of Rainbow Ants shouldn’t still be Rainbow Ants? How can you speak human language? The Rainbow Ant itself is not a particularly advanced beast. Chang Yue really did not expect that this ant king would have such high intelligence.

"Human girl, if you don't do me this favor today, I won't let you go." There was a threat in the tone of the voice.

Well, if that's the case, then she'll go and see what the King of Rainbow Ants looks like, and I hope she can keep her promise.

"I promise to meet you, but I can't guarantee whether I can help you." Chang Yue said loudly.

"Of course." The Ant King said cheerfully, "If you really can't do anything, I won't force you."

As she finished speaking, the dense rainbow ants in the sky made way for a path.

"Flowing fire!"

Changyue called out Liuhuo.

"Quack quack~~~"

Liuhuo Xin understood, the flames on his body converged, and turned into a little fat chirp again and landed on Changyue's shoulder.

Changyue took Liuhuo and walked along the passage given by the rainbow ants towards the mother tree mentioned by the ant king. When she came under the mother tree, she noticed that there was a tree hole as high as a person on the trunk of the mother tree.

"come in."

The voice of the ant king came from the tree hole.

Changyue walked into the tree hole. After entering, she saw that the inside was like a small room. The room was covered with fluffy moss blankets and was dotted with luminous rocks, so the room was bright.

In the center of the room lay a woman with a big belly. This was the ant king.

Changyue was very surprised that the ant king was actually in human form, no wonder he could speak human words.

The ant king is very beautiful, with smooth black hair hanging down to the ground, a round face, dignified and majestic, but her yellow pupils make her look very coquettish.

As for the clothes the ant king is wearing... they are green, fluffy, and have small pink flowers... Why do they look a bit like the skin of a green velvet snake!

So the little green velvet snake she picked up was the child of the owner of this snake skin?

It seems that the small green velvet snake (Jasper) can survive in the ant colony, which is really merciful to the ants.

The overall appearance of the ant king is not much different from that of the human race. Apart from the coquettish eyes, the only other difference is probably the pair of long, transparent dragonfly wings trailing behind him.

The ant king's wings were lazily spread out to both sides.

The strange thing is that the wings of other Rainbow Ants are very gorgeous, but the wings of the King Ant are very simple, they are simply transparent without any color, but there are some weird crisscrossing lines on them.

"Hello, human girl." The ant king, with his belly bulging out, leaned on the cushion behind him covered with green velvet snake skin, and greeted Chang Yue softly.

The Ant King of Lingtai Realm!

No matter how gentle the ant king's tone was, Chang Yue did not dare to let down his guard because of this.

"Wang...what do you want me to do for you?" Chang Yue asked.

"You are a doctor, right?" The Ant King asked. Before Chang Yue could refute, the Ant King said directly, "You don't have to refute. I have been observing you outside for several days through my people, including my people. The sudden appearance in front of you was also done intentionally by me, just to lure you here."

Chang Yue's face turned a bit ugly when he heard this.

The ant king chuckled and said: "You don't have to be unhappy. I really have no ill intentions towards you. Our rainbow ant clan no longer eats meat after we have passed through the juvenile period, and the larvae cannot eat meat that is too high-grade. Huanglong Desert The endless strange beasts here are enough for us to reproduce, and there is no need to hunt human beings.

You may not believe it, but since we arrived in this desert, we have not hunted any human race. "

Humans are too smart. Hunting human beings may attract the attention of other human beings, and then be targeted by human masters. Therefore, there is really no need. Besides, human flesh is not as delicious as the meat of exotic animals.

This time, she would not lure the human race down unless she had no choice.

Seeing that the Ant King had confirmed his identity, Chang Yue no longer concealed it, "Yes, I am indeed a healer."

"That's good." The Ant King heard this with a smile on his face, "The favor I want to ask you for is very simple, that is...deliver my baby!" She said, stroking her belly.

Deliver a baby? Changyue was stunned? Rainbow Ant still needs her help when giving birth? As far as she knows, isn't it as easy for rainbow ants to give birth to children as it is for hens to lay eggs? Just look at the insect eggs all over the floor.

"You may find it strange." The Ant King sighed softly, "The child in my belly is somewhat special, and I cannot give birth to it."

The Ant King's words aroused Chang Yue's interest as a healer.

"Can I check on you?"

"Of course." The Ant King nodded.

Changyue walked slowly to the ant king, squatted down and began to examine the ant king's body.

She first took the pulse of the ant king, but the body structure of the ant king was different from that of humans, so the pulse condition was very strange. She could not intuitively know the specific condition of the ant king's body through the pulse condition. She could only feel it through the true energy, and then Compare with the human body.

Then she uncovered the ant king's clothes and examined the fetus in the ant king's belly by touching, pressing, sensing, and detecting.

What surprised her was that there was a large amount of unrefined Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi left in the Ant King's body. It was Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi, not Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi. What's happening here?

So Chang Yue told the ant king about her examination results, and finally the ant king told her the true situation.

It turns out that the rainbow ants here are not the native residents of the Huanglong Desert.

Many years ago, a blessed land came to the depths of the Huanglong Desert. Although that blessed land was not discovered by anyone, it was eventually shattered.

Several powerful alien beasts inside fought for control of the blessed land, which eventually caused the origin of the blessed land to be shattered, and the blessed land was about to return to ruins.

Because those alien beasts fought so hard that both sides were injured in the end, so that they had no chance of escaping from the blessed land.

The Ant King was not that powerful at that time, so she accidentally picked up the largest piece of the broken blessed land origin, which occupied almost four-fifths of the entire blessed land origin.

So the ant king escaped with some of his kin and fell into the Huanglong Desert. After wandering several times, he finally discovered the beautiful underground world where he lives now and settled down here.

It stands to reason that the Ant Queen's luck is good. She hid in the underground world and used the origin of the blessed land to practice silently and multiply her people in large numbers. Before long, her people were almost all over the entire Huanglong Desert.

She was able to speak human words through the senses of her people and learned it from adventurers in the desert.

The queen can share vision, hearing and other senses with ordinary black stone ants and rainbow ants. She usually relies on this shared talent to command the ant colony.

Of course, this sharing of senses is one-way.

However, the Ant King gradually became a little greedy and felt that the step-by-step practice of practicing with the Origin of the Blessed Land was too slow, so she began to "find another way" and swallowed the entire Origin of the Blessed Land.

As a result, under the influence of the origin of the blessed land, she mutated and became the beautiful appearance she is now. Her strength became stronger and stronger, and she soon broke through to the Lingtai realm.

But gradually she began to realize that something was wrong. A large amount of heaven and earth energy generated from the origin of the blessed land accumulated in her body. She could not refine it at all, and it even affected her ability to use the true energy in her body. Even the fetus she had recently conceived began to look different. Something is wrong.

As the days passed, the ant queen gradually lost the ability to move and could only lie in this room all day long. One, two, and three years later, the fetus in her belly was never born, and even became a burden.

As a last resort, after discovering Chang Yue as a doctor, she thought of asking Chang Yue for help, which is why Chang Yue came.

The Huanglong Desert is desolate. Doctors, pharmacists and other professionals rarely come here, but there are quite a few doctors. Unfortunately, their medical skills are limited. Chang Yue is the first doctor the Ant King finds.

After listening to the ant king's story, Chang Yue looked at her belly and thought: Could it be that she is pregnant with Nezha?

After thinking for a long time, Chang Yue said to the Ant King: "King, the most direct way is to directly remove the fetus by caesarean section. I can also help you remove the fragments of the origin of the blessed land that cannot be refined."

"A cesarean section to remove the child?" The ant king's face became a little gloomy upon hearing this, "Are there any other treatment options?" She found it difficult to accept the cesarean section to remove the child.

"Yes, yes." Chang Yue nodded, but looked a little hesitant, "I can use drugs and acupuncture to help you induce labor, but I'm not sure whether this method can be 100% successful, and drugs to induce labor will have a negative impact on your body. Damage cannot solve the impact caused by the origin of the blessed land."

Hearing this, the Ant King's expression became even more gloomy.

Chang Yue didn't say anything, just waiting quietly for the Ant King to make a decision.

The atmosphere was quiet for a long time, and finally the ant king made up his mind: "Then... let's have a caesarean section!"

If you continue to cut off, you will be subject to chaos! As the king of a clan, she still has this courage.

"Okay!" Chang Yue nodded, "Then I'll get ready first."

She first began to check the ant king's body structure again. Later, when she performed a laparotomy, she would still need the assistance of acupuncture. At this time, she would have to find out the acupuncture points on the ant king's body.

The previous examination was only a rough comparison, but now that formal treatment is required, it must be more careful.

After thoroughly exploring the ant king's acupuncture points, Chang Yue took out the alchemy furnace and began to refine the medicine, while Liu Huo stood aside to help light the fire.

About two hours later, with the fragrance of medicine filling the air, Changyue refined all the medicines needed for the operation.

After putting away the alchemy furnace and the remaining materials, she stood up and walked to the Ant King and said: "King. Let's get started!"

"Okay!" The Ant King nodded.

Changyue first gave the ant king a pill, and then signaled the ant king to take off his clothes.

After the ant king's clothes came off, she waved her hand and quickly tapped various acupuncture points on the ant king's body. In an instant, she saw that the ant king's body was covered with countless thin golden needles.

The energy of creation overflowed from Changyue's fingertips, and the energy of creation turned into thin threads and fell on each golden needle. As her fingers trembled slightly, all the golden needles suddenly began to buzz.

The air of creation followed the golden needle and entered the ant king's body. The ant king suddenly felt that her heavy body was much lighter. She glanced at Chang Yue in surprise, somewhat amazed at Chang Yue's medical skills.

Unexpectedly, she just invited a miracle doctor back!

Although she didn't know much about human doctors, they were so powerful that even if she had never seen them, she could realize that the human girl in front of her was not simple.

After finishing all this, Chang Yue waved her hand again, and there was a row of surgical instruments and a basin of jade wine spring in front of her. She took out a scalpel, washed it in the Yulin Spring, and then slowly cut open the ant king's belly.

Even though the Ant Queen's skin is creamy, snow-white and delicate, her skin actually has very strong toughness and defense. Ordinary knives can't hurt her at all. Fortunately, Changyue's knives are all specially made.

Miraculously, the ant queen didn't feel any pain or bleed a trace of blood when her stomach was cut open. She watched others cut open her belly soberly and felt very wonderful.

As time passed, a white egg was taken out from the belly of the ant king by Chang Yue.

After cleaning the eggs and placing them on the blanket aside, Chang Yue did not stop her movements. After a while, she took out pieces of yellow crystals the size of fingernails from the ant king's body and put them aside.

These are the energy of heaven and earth condensed in the ant king's body and cannot be refined.

Finally, an irregular ball was taken out.

This is the culprit that caused the ant king's physical abnormality - the fragment of the blessed land's origin.

Of course, compared to other fragments of the origin of blessed land that Chang Yue saw, this one is much more complete.

Putting the origin of the blessed land aside, Changyue began to help the queen suture the wound.

About two hours later, the Queen's caesarean section was completed.

In order to make it easier for the ant king, she gave him another pill.

The ant queen's self-healing ability is very strong. Not long after the operation, she flapped her wings and flew.

Finally, she could move freely.

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