Chapter 388 Little Reunion ( words updated, please vote for me!)

"Lee, this private dock is owned by the Keswick family, with a property rights of 999 years. It is in an excellent location. It is Old Mike's gift of apology to you."

On January 20, Li Yuan was invited by Old Roland to a pier in Victoria Bay, Central. Old Roland took a document bag from Michael's hand and said.

Last year Mike Keswick's nephew was doing trouble behind his back and was knocked out by Li Yuan.

But how could things end so easily...

Li Yuan said "surprised": "Have you not already paid for the Yihe Building? Why do you want to make up for it?"

Jardine House, the Connaught Building completed in 1973, is the first skyscraper on Hong Kong Island.

It is also the home of Jardine Taipan, the offices of the Keswick family.

On June 1, 1970, the Hong Kong government auctioned the land in the Central Reclamation Area. Eighteen consortiums bid for it, and Jardine Matheson Land won the bid with a price of HK$2.158 billion.

Seventy years...

Today, the market value of this building, even if it has shrunk by 30%, still exceeds that of most listed companies.

After Mike Keswick plotted against Fu Gui and Xiao Qi, and died suddenly overnight, Mike Sr. asked the Kadoorie family to offer the building as an apology.

And the headquarters of Jardine Matheson has been moved out of Hong Kong Island, just like in history.

But a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. Jardine Matheson still has hundreds of billions of assets, especially some scarce assets, which are still on Hong Kong Island like the money printing machine.

It's not that Li Yuan didn't want to swallow it in one gulp, it was just that Old Roland suggested that he had better not. He said that China still needs Western technology and markets. If the general trend is too weak, individuals should not act too strong. It is not the best choice.

Old Roland shrugged and said: "This is the reason why the Keswick family can continue to be brilliant for one hundred and fifty years. Li, the Sassoon family behind the HSBC consortium has completely lost its fragile relationship with HSBC because of the Hang Seng Bank incident. Now the biggest interest groups behind HSBC are American and British interests. However, Jardine Matheson has always belonged to the Keswick family. Do you know why?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "It can't be because you know how to assess the situation and admit defeat quickly after being beaten, right?"

Old Roland laughed and said: "You're right, that's it. As an old Chinese saying goes, a man who knows the current situation is a hero. He can adapt to the wind and sometimes survive better. How about it, what do you think of Yi now? Do you still have any grievances?"

Li Yuan looked at the document bag in his hand and the Connaught Building not far away, which has an excellent location and overlooks Victoria Harbor and Victoria Peak. Then he nodded and said, "Yes."

Michael laughed like a duck and said, "I knew it! Old Mike will be furious if he finds out!"

Old Roland chuckled and said: "I think even if there is still anger, it is no longer enough to attack Yihe, right? This is the brilliance of Yihe. At any time, pragmatic interests are higher than Face. Although some things are lost, it can protect Jardine's interests in Hong Kong Island from being suppressed again. A building and a pier are worth it. This pier is really good, it can park two large yachts, which is great ”

Mi Gao asked Li Xing who was following behind, "Tang Yuan, is there anyone in charge of the docks in Datang? You already have several cargo docks under your control. This is a good thing, so don't cause trouble."

Li Xing smiled and said: "There are people recruited from Hutchison Whampoa and Wharf, and they have humbly learned the advanced management experience of Cheung Kong Cargo Terminal. In terms of terminals, they have done really well."

Mi Gao almost died laughing, and said to Li Yuan: "Seriously, I have heard more than once that the executives of Changhe yelled at Datang, saying that Mr. Li of Datang was so shameless at such a young age that almost all management structures Everyone imitates them, shouldn’t young people go their own way? What kind of operating methods has CK Hutchison come up with? As long as it runs for half a year and there is no problem, Datang will immediately follow up. They have put in a lot of effort and effort. You just follow them. Later, they will imitate and plagiarize. Moreover, you are a new asset and a new management team. Although you are inexperienced, you have less internal friction and low turnaround costs. Li, Changhe really hate you and your son to death."

Old Roland also chuckled and said: "There are a lot of overlaps between the two businesses. Li, if you are an ordinary person, many methods have already come to you."

Li Yuan didn't care, and said: "Then he is a little too stingy. We have not copied their advanced technology, and we have entrusted so many properties to Changshi for property management. We can all make money together."

Old Roland burst into laughter and said: "Are all people named Li outstanding? Some newspapers have already named your Tang Li family, Cheung Shi Li family, and Henderson Li family as the Three Lis of Hong Kong Island. They say that British capital has been withdrawn on a large scale. Later, you three Li suddenly emerged as a new force and took up the banner of Chinese capital."

Li Yuan sneered and said: "This must be a press release issued by themselves. These two little gangsters are really good at putting money on their own faces. Who are they? They are just two masons who built houses with sand and cement to deceive people. Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, not a bureau at all."

Mi Gao said to Li Xing: "Some people outside say that you are little Li Zhaoji, because Li Zhaoji also became the head clerk of the family business Tianbaorong Gold Shop at the age of twelve. He is a famous prodigy and wizard. He took over the family business at the age of fifteen. , does it look similar to you?"

Li Xing smiled and said: "No, no, no, Li Zhaoji is a real genius. I am an ordinary person. I respect my predecessors very much, so I have been learning from them. Uncle Mi Gao, don't forget to tell them this." . Then if I learn from their strengths, they won’t scold me, right?”

Look, Li Xing is much more humble than him.

"Hahaha! Rice dumplings, well done!"

With that said, Mi Gao suggested to Li Yuan: "Li, the moon in the sky is round these days, how about our two families having a yacht dinner together? Park the yacht at the dock, and you cook on the shore... Wow, the nine-turn large intestine you made is awesome!”

Li Yuan laughed angrily and said: "You fake Jew! Jews don't eat meat that doesn't regurgitate, but you actually fell in love with pig intestines? Do you want to eat large intestine sashimi?"

Mi Gao rolled his eyes and said, "You tricked me into eating it first. I thought it was just called Jiuzhuan Intestine. I thought it was beef intestine."

Li Yuan said: "Not today, I have to go to Cao's house for dinner later. Ship King Cao Wenjin celebrates his birthday today. Old Luolan, are you going to Pengcheng the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

The ancient special train has already departed from Sijiu City, and the issue of Pengcheng Special Economic Zone has reached the point of quarrel.

After a large number of old comrades came to Pengcheng for personal inspection, they became even angrier, even to the point of shouting and killing. The situation was extremely tense for a time.

Gu Gu then decided to come and see for himself.

At the same time, several meetings were arranged, including the Kadoorie family, the chartering Wang family, the Li Jiacheng family, Jin Yong, and the Li family of the Tang Dynasty.

Old Roland paid great attention to it and nodded: "Yes, we will go the day after tomorrow. One day in advance, you can make some preparations. Li, when are you going to go?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Tomorrow, the whole family, except Tang Yuan, will go there and play there for two days. The day after tomorrow, Tang Yuan will go there with you. Young people, practice as much as you need."

Even old Roland laughed and scolded: "Li, what kind of fairy life are you living? How can you be a parent like you?"

Li Yuan laughed and said: "Who gave me a good son, old Roland, let me ask you if you envy him?"

Old Roland's laughter stopped suddenly, he turned to look at Mi Gao, and quickly turned his head back, maybe feeling unlucky...

As the group walked back, Old Roland reminded: "Li, if the two sides do not reach an agreement this year, or if the negotiations are postponed, Datang's capital chain will be tight. The Kadoorie family is already very good at spending money. , but without you to spend money, Datang's speed of spending shocked everyone. Li, why did Datang buy so much outdated technology? And it's just for reserve, it won't be used yet. When it is actually used, , perhaps it has fallen even further behind. No one understands it, but some technology companies in the West and Japan are living a good life because of it."

What can Li Yuan say? Can he say that the honeymoon between China and the West has less than five years left?

Five years may seem like a long time, but it is far from enough to lay a solid foundation for scientific research, cultivate talents, and promote technology industrialization.

If we don’t take advantage of these few years to stock up on key technologies, in five years’ time, technologies that are 30 years behind, let alone one or two generations behind, will be blocked.

Especially in the fields of optics, machine tools and some materials science, if you don’t have enough technology accumulation, if you want to develop on your own, the price you have to pay will be too high, especially the cost of time.

This is the rarest honeymoon period, and probably the last honeymoon period in the history of the two countries.

If you don’t take advantage of this time slot to buy more, you will miss it and you won’t be able to buy it if you want to spend money to buy it in the future.

In fact, it is a very confusing multiple-choice question. These few years are the best time to make quick money, but they are also the best years to buy technology.

If you go to make quick money, you won’t be able to buy technology.

But when I go to buy technology, I can’t make any money...

Just having technology without money is not enough. Without money, there is no way to develop it. You can't take advantage of it, buy technology with loans, and donate it to the country in exchange for a certificate in the future, right?

Li Yuan is not aware enough and cannot do it.

But if you miss this opportunity just to make quick money, it will be difficult to buy it again if you have money in the future.

He couldn't bear to miss this opportunity.

So I can only fold it into the middle, 28 points.

Two cents to buy technology, eight cents to invest.

Let’s make a lot of money in the next two years, and then there are still three years to go...

Li Yuan smiled and said: "As I said, if the Li family wants to be entrepreneurs, they must invest in technology. Besides, they haven't invested much, and the funds mainly flow to the market."

Mi Gao smiled and said: "Tangyuan, the newspaper said that you almost bought out all the factories in Hong Kong Island and moved them to the mainland."

Li Xing said speechlessly: "I was doing industrial upgrading, okay? In the past, there were 40,000 factories in Hong Kong, and 80% of them were just three or five people setting up small workshops to work in them. Now they are integrated into real factories. What's wrong? Even so, it's only preliminary integration. Once the integration is successful and the process is clear, it will be moved to the mainland to continue industrial upgrading."

Old Roland smiled and said: "That's right. If the mainland market can be developed, what you do today will be an extremely wise decision. The entire Hong Kong Island is a testing ground for Datang's technology upgrade department."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Grandpa Luo Lan inspired me."

Li Yuan also glanced at his son approvingly and said, "Don't be complacent and continue to study hard. I can't teach you anything in this regard."

Li Xing nodded and said, "Dad, I will study with an open mind."

Mi Gao patted Li Xing's shoulder sympathetically and said, "Your father's health is so good, but you still have to be under control for decades... It's so miserable."

Li Xing said angrily: "Uncle Mi Gao, if you continue to be disrespectful to me, Grandpa Luo Lan... Grandpa Luo Lan, you must know that in Chinese history, there was a wisdom that passed on to grandchildren but not to sons. You are still in good health, and you are good enough. Wait until Feili grows up."

"I choose!"

Mi Gao jumped up and lay on Li Xing's back, saying: "Little Tangyuan, you are so vicious!"

Li Xing laughed. If it had been Li Yuan, Mi Gao would have been lying on the ground with his body stretched out. Li Xing was kinder and walked forward carrying Mi Gao on his back.

Seeing this scene, old Roland felt warm in his heart.

The Kadoorie family was too small. Although Michael gave birth to four children, among the three daughters, Feili was the only son.

He is already too old and can clearly feel that the passing of life is accelerating, but the situation on Hong Kong Island is in turmoil. The Kadoorie family owns many gold industries, and HSBC is eyeing it.

Old Roland was worried that after his death, someone would take action against Michael and Feili.

With such strong support from the Li family, he felt much more at ease.

"Li, China Power is going to bid for a new coal mine in Australia. Do you want to take a share and join forces to bid for it?"

"Okay. But old Roland, my family is in a tight spot recently, so the Kadoorie family will help advance the payment first. It will take one year at most, and I will pay you back next year. Do you still take Longhu Pills? How about using Longhu Pills to pay it back?"


After old Roland cursed, he laughed again.


In Pengcheng in 1984, there were only a few high-rise buildings. From a high place, you could see large areas of farmland as far as the eye could see.

There are only a few high-rise buildings such as Guomao, Guoshang and Jincheng Building.

There are not many cars on the street, and most people still ride bicycles.

People's clothes are no longer just military green, but they are still mainly plain colors.

However, it can be clearly seen that the entire city has turned into a large construction site, with construction going on almost day and night, which is very different from most cities in the mainland.



In a farm fish pond, the children of the Li family were flapping in the pond like Nezha in their minds. Fugui plunged into the pond suddenly, and when they got up, they caught a tilapia in their hands.

Zhou Huimin, who was standing on the shore watching, clapped her hands and applauded, and she was invited to come and play together for two days.

As she gets to know the Li family better, Xia Tianmei seems to have acquiesced in the matter of the two children...

On the premise that the person is a good person, who can refuse this overwhelming wealth...

Li Yuan was grilling fish for his family on the shore. Xiaoba was sitting not far away, drawing a sketch with a pen and paper, concentrating on it.

It’s 26 degrees in Pengcheng today, warm and comfortable.

Xiaojiu took a copy of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and sat down to read it carefully. If he had any questions, he asked Li Yuan, which made his old father feel distressed.

Lou Xiu, who was sitting on the blanket chatting, looked at the bear son who was roaring in the mud pond, beating the sky and the ground was dark, then looked at Xiaoba and Xiaojiu, and said with a sad look on his face: "I brought them up, why are there such differences? So big?"

Nie Yu had given up thinking about this problem, lying on the blanket and lazily saying: "When the Yankee comes tomorrow, you can ask her."

Lou Xiao'e burst out laughing and said: "People from eastern Guangdong call everyone outside eastern Guangdong "Yankei", and people from Hong Kong Island also call people from eastern Guangdong "Yankei". They hit each other in circles. Do you dare to call them to my face?

Nie Yu pretended not to hear and shouted angrily: "The atmosphere in Hong Kong has changed now. When Bruce Lee was making movies in the 1970s, when he kicked up the 'Chinese and Dogs Not Allowed' and 'Sick Man of East Asia' signs, the entire Hong Kong Island was Applause. What have you been filming in the past two years? Last year, the film "Men and Women" filmed by Man Tsz-leung and Chung Chu-hong almost told Hong Kong people that mainland women are shameless and live in work shacks and are raped by workers every day in order to survive. In the past, mainland China People fled to Hong Kong Island, and the citizens secretly helped. Now, there are all kinds of insults and slanders. Adults can still remember some old things. When Hong Kong Island was short of water, people from the mainland carried water to them on their shoulders. But children in such an environment When you grow up, how can you watch mainland China? In the 1960s and 1970s, the world was dominated by Mandarin-language films, but now they are all in Cantonese."

loud If they can't do it, we owe it to them. The social atmosphere is like this, and those who make movies will naturally make what they want to see."

Zhao Yazhi wore big sunglasses, covering half of her face, and together with Liu Xuefang, they brought Annuo and Li Rui over who were about to go into the water to fight with their uncles. After hearing this, she laughed and said: "Sister Yu, you can take pictures too Movies. Uncle Six sold Shaw Brothers Cinemas to us, and now our theater is the largest theater in Hong Kong. As long as the movie is well cast, there will definitely be no problem."

Nie Yu joked: "Azhi, I heard that you voted for "The Legend of the New Shushan Swordsman" last year?"

Zhao Yazhi's face turned red and she said angrily: "Sister Yu, why don't you scold someone? Besides, my father also said that if I get Zhang Daqian's inscription, I will definitely not lose money in the future."

The investment in this film exceeded 20 million, and Zhao Yazhi invested 8 million, and then the box office was 17 million, and it was a loss.

However, before the movie was released, Xu Ke arranged for Lin Qingxia to go to Wanwan and ask Zhang Daqian to write a calligraphy.

After a fiasco at the box office, when Zhao Yazhi went home to apologize and admit her mistake, Li Yuan asked her to get the calligraphy, saying that she would not lose money.

Sure enough, this year there will be no more people, and this calligraphy becomes the final painting.

If it weren't for Zhao Yazhi's profound background, Jiahe would probably have turned against him and wanted the word back to make up for the shortfall...

Li Yuan brought the grilled fish to them and said with a smile: "It's not impossible to invest in a few movies. Find a good director, make a classic, and go to the beautiful mountains and rivers of the mainland to shoot."

Zhao Yazhi said: "Dad, in the past two years, many people from clubs have flocked to the film industry to dig for gold, and many actors are suffering terribly..."

Li Yuandao: "There is no good way. The Hong Kong film market and the local market are nearly one billion, and Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia combined are a business that can leverage billions of dollars every year. If the Li family suppresses them, public opinion will immediately be in an uproar. On the contrary, they will say that we are using black means to monopolize the movie market, and the Hong Kong government will take action. However, if you want to make movies, you can sign in the most talented movie actors. The Li family can still do it to protect the safety of some actors. . It is also important to cultivate talents behind the scenes. In the next two years, a film and television city will be built in mainland China. It is good for you to enter the industry now."

Lou Xiu didn't like to join in the fun and said: "I'd better do my costume design... Xiaoba paints well and we can cooperate in the future."

Xiaoba, who had been silent all this time, actually put down his pen and turned around when he heard Lou Xiu speak, and said with a smile: "Mom Xiu, let me help you!"

Nie Yu patted the carpet and sat up, shouting: "Li Xiaoba, you didn't hear a word I said so much. Can you hear what Mother Xiu said?"

Zhenbang chuckled and said, "Sister Yu, do you want to find Sister Qi? I'll call you Qi..."

"Gotta, gotta!"

Before Xiaoba could finish shouting, Nie Yu gave in: "I want to rest a little longer, so hurry up and draw your painting."

Li Yuan looked at Lou Xiao'e and said with a smile: "Does the grilled fish smell good?"

Lou Xiao'e's mouth was full of oil after eating, and she was extremely satisfied. She nodded and said: "Smells good!" Then she said: "Can we go out to play in the heavy snow?"

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "It's difficult. But it's enough to govern the country. What's the need for heavy snow..."


Lou Xiao'e spit out the fish bone to the side.


Lou Xiu gently spit out the ends of her hair that had been blown into her mouth by the wind.     “啕!”

Nie Yu probably saw Li Rui playing with bugs and retched.

Zhao Yazhi almost died laughing.

Cao Yongshan's mother was ill and flew to the United States to visit relatives.

It was also a coincidence that He Pingshi's mother was also ill in Canada. The two of them were truly worthy of being empress E's empress, and they had the same fate.

The two elder sisters-in-law were not here, and Zhao Yazhi, the second sister-in-law, was the leader of this generation. She put aside her work at TVB and came out with her.

Li Yuan had a sad expression on his face, saying "I have my heart set on the bright moon." He shook his head and continued to grill fish...


"Oh, this life is so good! How come you grow up so well!"

On January 24th, Gu Gu and his family came to Pengcheng accompanied by staff. Not only did Gu Gu go to investigate, but Li Yuan took Xiaoba and Xiaojiu to the Xinyuan Hotel to wait to see their mother.

After the ancient lady Qi knew about his arrival, she invited people to the suite on the third floor. When she saw Xiaoba and Xiaojiu, she fell in love with them immediately.

He then pulled Zhiguo forward and looked at the three brothers and sisters standing in a row. He wished he could turn them into his own grandchildren, and then asked: "Where is your eldest? I am familiar with you, so why haven't you met him?" "

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Be with the Kadoorie family and prepare some information to use when talking to Gu Gu tomorrow."

Sister Qi sighed with emotion: "Oh, you have grown up so much! It's thanks to your leisurely father that you let Tangyuan take care of things when you were only ten years old."

Li Yuan called to his son to help him: "Xiaoba, hurry up, draw a portrait of Grandma Qi and give it to Grandma Qi as a gift."

He also carefully explained to Sister Qi: "Sister Qi, this kid has been using a pen to scribble on things since he was one year old, and he doesn't care about others. I originally thought he was an autistic child, but his mother went behind my back and took him to see him. I went to the experts and they said it was normal. Then the more I went on, the more I loved drawing, and the better I got at it. I kept winning gold medals in drawing competitions for primary and secondary school students on Hong Kong Island. The prize money was enough for him to go to school."

Xiao Ba's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he decisively took out his sketchbook and pen from the bag behind his back, looking at Sister Qi eagerly.

The old lady didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had long heard that Li Yuan was not serious. Sure enough, no one had dared to be naughty in front of her for several years.

She also came from the Northern and Southern War. How could she not see that Li Yuan came up with this idea because he didn't want to be chatty with an old lady.

But looking at Xiaoba's handsome face and the expectant look in his big eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded in agreement.

Sitting on a single sofa as a model, he didn't let Li Yuan go and kept talking...

The parents are short-lived and far apart, and Li Yuan was a little confused when talking.

He originally wanted to talk more with Zhi Guo.

But when we talk about the journey of the Li children, we have a common language.

"The war was so hard at that time, but no matter how hard it was, the whole family had to stay together. Every time a place was liberated, I would take my children with me. They were fighting on the front line, and we were growing vegetables and making shoes in the back. It was close to the southwest. When we arrived, your grandpa Gu stopped allowing us to follow him, saying that no one was allowed to bring military dependents. I started to argue with him, saying that I was also a treacherous person, and I would go with him to kill my head. In the end, he surrendered to me. . I will take the children and their father to liberate China."

Sister Qi recalled those eventful years with a look on her face that was quite emotional.

Zhiguo listened with great interest and said with a smile: "Grandma Qi, you make the story of the Revolution more vivid. What we learn in school is to promote the deeds of sacrificing the small family to protect everyone and sacrificing the family for the country."

Sister Qi waved her hand and said: "Everyone must protect the family, and the little family must protect it. Even some very confidential units are now allowing family members to live in the unit. The unit must make arrangements for the children's education. This was not allowed in the past. Many units After all people enter, they are not allowed to contact their families for 20 to 30 years. Although it is very admirable and touching, it is unfair to the heroes. Your grandpa Gu gave the order. It is right to pay attention to safety, and it is good to pay attention to it, but we still have to talk about it. Human nature. Some things in the past were too extreme and need to be corrected."

Zhiguo nodded and said: "It's like Dazhai. The spirit of Dazhai itself is good, but there are some things in it that are very problematic if we uncover them now."

Hearing that his voice was a little harsh, Sister Qi laughed and said: "Hey, you little guy, you still hold a grudge. The one who criticized your mother did it for work, although his words were a bit excessive. But that's the kind of person he is, right? Isn't your grandpa Gu also very dissatisfied? It doesn't matter. Moreover, he has already gone to the farm to work as a consultant. Even if this page is over, you are not allowed to turn over the old score. Otherwise, others will say that your mother was retaliating and taking cruel measures. "

Zhiguo hurriedly smiled and said, "No, no, I really don't have such thoughts." Then he turned to look at his father and said, "It's really over, my mother said so."

Li Yuan said angrily: "I have exposed you, you have exposed me. What do you think I am doing? Am I a person who holds grudges? Am I someone who can retaliate? Your father and I are upright and never hold grudges!"

Sister Qi laughed so hard that when the room was bustling, the door opened and the voice of Gu Yu, Gu's youngest daughter, came in: "Oh, it's so lively!"

Xiaoba just put away his pen and happily stood up with everyone to greet him.

Gu seemed to be in a very happy mood. The staff had already said goodbye outside the door, and now Gu Yu and Qin Daxue followed in.

His ancient gaze first fell on Sister Qi who had not yet closed her mouth. Seeing that her face was filled with joy, she became even happier.

Stretching out his hand, Li Yuan stepped forward to hold it and smiled: "Gu Gu, you are so energetic."

Gu Gu smiled and said, "You are a great Chinese doctor. You say that I am in good spirits. It seems that my health must be fine."

But he didn't say much. He looked at Zhiguo and smiled: "Xiao Zhiguo, are you happy to see your father?"

Zhiguo smiled brightly and said, "I'm very happy." Then he said to Li Yuan, "Grandpa Gu specifically told me to come with the special train to see my father."

Li Yuan said happily: "Have you paid for the ticket? Dad took your Grandma Cao's special train and paid a lot of money."

The Gu family all laughed, and Gu Yu laughed loudly and said: "Yes, you are a rich man, we have all forgotten, you should charge more for tickets!"

Sister Qi pulled Xiaoba and Xiaojiu and said, "Look, look, how beautiful these two little ones are!"

Qin Daxue kept looking at her daughter, with both relief and guilt in her eyes. When Xiaojiu smiled at her, her tears fell and she quickly lowered her head.

Gu Gu nodded and said happily: "That's good, that's good."

After Gu Gu sat down, Li Yuan said: "Gu Gu, you have been busy all day. Please rest first. Let's go first."

"Hey, don't panic!"

Gu Gu laughed angrily and said: "You are very naughty. You want to run away when you see us old guys. We don't eat people!"

Li Yuan could only sit down and said with a smile: "The main reason is that I feel guilty. I don't understand what you are talking about, so I am afraid of showing my cowardice."

Gu Gu looked at Qin Daxue and said with a smile: "Look, look, the real person doesn't show his face. This man's teaching should not be preached lightly, and he asked me to treat him to a meal, so that we can have some good conversation!"

Qin Daxue looked at Li Yuan and said with a smile: "If you have any insights, just say that the game of reform and opening up is getting bigger and bigger. To be honest, the current situation has changed a lot compared to what was imagined in seven or eight years. It's good and good. There are many, and some of them are worse than previously expected. The situation is extremely complex, and different voices need to be listened to. You can speak from the perspective of a bystander."

Li Yuan still shook his head and said: "It's just because it's too complicated, so I can't say it blankly. However, I can be sure that it is absolutely right to change this path. This is not nonsense, the greater the simplicity, the more correct the truth. , the simpler. As long as the general direction remains unchanged, it doesn’t matter even if there are some setbacks or even a few steps backwards. According to objective laws, the progress of things must be tortuous and upward.”

Qin Daxue glanced at Gu Gu and saw him pick up the cigarette and light it, but when he saw the children there, he put out the cigarette again, smiled, and asked Li Yuan: "The media in Hong Kong are saying that even Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty We were not so confident that Hong Kong Island could return smoothly, so we transferred tens of billions of assets to Japan. Some old comrades came to me with newspapers and asked me what was going on."

Li Yuan wondered: "Didn't you tell them that you are my ex-wife now and can't control me anymore?"

Gu Yu laughed from the side and said, "Are you enthusiastic or not? Besides, even so, he still insists on taking a bite of Daxue. What can you do?"

Before Li Yuan could speak, Gu Gu smiled and said: "I can't bite you, and I can't bite you. The Li family of Hong Kong Island is the Li family of Hong Kong Island, and Comrade Qin Xue is Comrade Qin Xue. They are two different things. Some people can never let go of their thoughts. , and do not want to learn new ideas. People like this should go to the farm to cultivate the land. Xiao Li, we will definitely protect cadres like Comrade Qin Xue. Protect her ideals and protect her Honor. If young people who do practical things still have to carry the heavy burden of struggle like in the past, that would be the dereliction of duty of my generation!"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Gu Gu, with your words, I feel much more at ease."

After chatting for a while, Gu Gu probably let the family go because he was addicted to cigarettes.

After watching Qin Daxue go out holding a child by one hand, Sister Qi said with emotion to Gu Gu: "It's great. Sister Cao will also be happy to see Xiaoxue have such a happy family. Those who work in the leather industry cannot always end tragically. .”

After Gu Gu lit up the cigarette and took a puff, he looked out the window at the Guomao Building in the distance, smiled and said: "Everything will get better, everything will change for the better. This path is not wrong."


Back on the second floor, there is also a suite, which is smaller in size.

After entering the door, Qin Daxue hugged a pair of children and kissed them again and again.

After answering a few questions, Zhenbang asked eagerly: "Mom, do you want to sketch?"

The whole family became happy. Zhiguo went to rub his younger brother's head and said, "Xiaoba, besides painting, there are other very important things in life."

Qin Daxue smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll sit here and talk to my sister. Is that okay?"

Xiao Ba's head was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. He quickly took out his drawing book and started drawing with concentration.

Zhi Guo felt that something was not normal, and asked Li Yuan worriedly: "Dad, is my brother always like this in class?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Drawing during recess, people would line up for him to draw every recess, and the teacher also asked him to draw. There is nothing wrong with a dedicated love for governing the country. He also studies at ordinary times, and occasionally plays with his brothers. .”

Xiao Jiu chuckled and said, "Bago is just because he is coming to see his mother today. He is so excited and full of emotions that he uses a paintbrush to express it."

Zhiguo fell silent for a moment. He originally wanted to ask his younger brothers and sisters if they wanted to go to Sijiu City with him, but he was already able to take care of them.

But he has grown up now and knows that he should not force his younger siblings to make such a choice.

Qin Daxue looked at Xiao Jiu, held her face with both hands, and said, "Jiu'er, do you miss your mother?"

Xiaojiu nodded lightly. Seeing Qin Daxue shed tears again, she helped wipe them away and said with relief: "Mom, Bage and I are very good. We came to Hong Kong Island before we could remember. Sister Yu and the others grew up beside me, unlike Brother Six. Mom, you really don’t have to worry about us, we are living a good life. We miss you, admire you, and we all love you."

Qin Daxue hugged her beautiful and considerate daughter, who was as beautiful as a little fairy, and her tears were still like the bursting of the river bank.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Come on, such a good son and girl, why are you crying? By the way, the other children are over there at Pengcheng Hotel, can you go over there?"

Qin Daxue became embarrassed. She was well organized and disciplined. When she was hesitating, there was a knock on the door.

Zhiguo stood up and went to open the door. After opening the door, he smiled and said, "Hello Aunt Yu, long time no see."

Gu Yu knocked him to pieces and laughed angrily: "Seeing your unattractive father, you also became naughty, didn't you?"

Then he didn't go inside and said to Qin Daxue at the door: "The old man said, rest at night, there are no other activities, you can go out for a walk by yourself. Okay, I've finished conveying the message, goodbye... you sit down quickly Well, why don't you plan to send it back to the third floor? If you want to send it, let my son-in-law do it!"

Zhiguo burst out laughing and looked at Xiaoba.

Xiaoba looked at everyone blankly, and Qin Daxue chased them away: "Go, go, go, they are still children. This one is different from his brothers. He is too honest."

Gu Yu laughed and said: "It's better to be honest! He is just as dishonest as his brothers. I don't dare to ask for it."

As he spoke, he nodded softly to govern the country.

Zhiguo smiled innocently and said, "Aunt Yu, how could I be dishonest?"

Gu Yu didn't bother to pay attention, and pretended to break the melon, then closed the door and left with a smile.

Qin Daxue was concerned about Xiaoba: "Zhenbang, have you finished the painting?"

Zhenbang was not really stupid. He put the drawing book away with a smile and said, "You can also draw over there!"

Qin Daxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "Okay, let's go! Let's go over there and meet your eldest mother and the others. Mom still has to thank them."

Li Yuan clicked his tongue and said disgustedly: "What are you talking about? Just thank me!"

Qin Daxue rolled her eyes, ignored it, and walked out with her seven-year-old son and daughter.

There is no need to govern the country. At 1.75 meters tall, he is as tall as Qin Daxue.

The father and son followed behind, laughing and joking. A family of five is indeed enviable...


"Come on, come on!"

In Pengcheng Hotel, Ji Xiang climbed upstairs and reported a letter, then ran down again.

At the gate, the two guards finally got rid of three naughty kids who were discussing weapons with them and wanted to come over and play.

"little six!"

"Sixth brother!"

"Little Sixth Brother!"

As soon as Zhiguo got out of the car, he heard three "stern" shouts: "Brother, why are you getting more and more handsome!"

Seeing the three murderous brothers rushing towards him screaming, Zhiguo smiled tightly and quickly put on a golden fist stance, preparing to face the impact.

Unfortunately, perhaps because he had not yet sat on the Jinluan and was not strong enough, he was knocked down by the three brothers before he could hold on for a moment. The four brothers were piled on top of each other.

Qin Daxue got off the car from the other side. After just one glance, he sympathized with Lou Xiu and said, "Sister Xiu has suffered a lot these years."

Wealth, good fortune, and good luck are probably all heard by everyone, so get up quickly and bow politely to say hello.

Qin Daxue looked at them one by one and said, "You are so energetic, why not join the army as a volunteer for two years?"

Fugui: "..."


As one wishes:"……"

Zhiguo stood up happily, without arranging his messy hair or his messy and dusty clothes, waiting for the arrival of the Queen Mother.

Sure enough, before the three brothers could explain, Lou Xiao'e, Lou Xiu, and Nie Yu came down with their whole family.

Lou Xiu immediately caught sight of the embarrassed Zhiguo. When she saw Zhiguo smiling disgracedly at her, she immediately realized what had happened. Her face turned blue with anger. She looked around and found something under the cement platform. Half a brick...

Fugui, Jixiang and Ruyi really screamed: "Mama Xue, help me!!"

Qin Daxue couldn't stop laughing. He stepped forward and hugged Lou Xiu who was about to go berserk. For a moment, he couldn't hold him anymore.

Zhiguo came over and hugged him, laughing and saying, "Big Mom, I'm playing with my brothers. This is how we've been since we were little!"

Lou Xiu was so distressed that she bent down to pat the dirt on her trouser legs. Lou Xiao'e gave it to herself and then came over to clean it up.

When governing the country, three people, Fugui, Jixiang and Ruyi, carried him on their backs, screaming to give their younger brother a bath...

Even the stern guard laughed. Qin Daxue briefly chatted with the hotel manager who came to greet him, and then went upstairs with his family.

Family reunion is always the most beautiful scene in the world...


PS: I really can’t stand it any longer, so I may need to take it slow. I’ll have to take a day off tomorrow to rest, or maybe write another chapter. Time is not forgiving. When I was writing about drunkenness, I could still drink half a day at 18,000 yuan a day, but now I feel pain in my bones.

(End of this chapter)

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