A leisurely life reborn in the fiery age

Chapter 235 Digging a hole at the beginning

Chapter 235 Digging a hole at the beginning

"You haven't passed the big dragon stake to him yet, have you?"

In the No. [-] courtyard of Beixincang, Zhang Dongya sat on a chair and asked, looking at Li Xing standing there under the pomegranate tree.

Li Yuan smiled and said, "It's still a little short of that. Once we've gone all the way back, we'll be back in Hong Kong Island. But I don't think there's a rush, so I'll wait. He's still growing and growing rapidly, so there's no need to rush and exert too much force."

People who have practiced martial arts since childhood, whether it is martial arts or opera, are usually not tall.

There are countless recorded martial arts masters, few of whom are taller than 1.7 meters.

He is small in stature, has a low center of gravity, and his horse's steps are stable and flexible.

It stands to reason that practicing martial arts and Lajin will help growth and development and height.

Li Yuan only thought that practicing martial arts required a lot of energy, and in the past, nutritional levels were limited, resulting in malnutrition...

Li Xing's conditions are much better. Li Yuan's space always has top-quality medicinal foods, which are nutritious and delicious.

But even so, he did not dare to let his son practice Dalong Zhuang too early.

If the vertebrae are finalized, the bone seams are closed, and the height is locked at 1.4 meters, Li Yuan will regret it for the rest of his life...

Zhang Dongya nodded and said: "That's right, don't be anxious. Don't treat your situation as normal. The child is still young and the foundation will be more solid. There are only benefits."

Li Yuan nodded, looked at his son who was practicing seriously and smiled: "He is much better than me."

Zhang Dongya looked at him with disgust. When it came to monsters, he had never seen anyone more unreasonable than Li Yuan.

But such a monster disciple never thought of doing anything big.

If he had this weird ability, not only would he go to Japan to work for the emperor, but he would also go to the white house to kill an old devil and leave some of the old man's things behind. He would have to start a third world war and liberate all mankind!

Li Yuan is on the good side, busy marrying a third wife and taking his son around the world.

No prospects!
Of course, those are just thoughts. At his age, what he hopes is that the younger generations can be safe and happy.

But seeing Li Yuan looking at his son with admiration, he still said angrily: "Go and do your work, don't be so worthless and keep staring at your son."

Li Yuan laughed happily, agreed, turned around and left without disturbing his son Zama.


After putting down a pile of supplies in No. [-] Courtyard, Li Yuan went to Tongzhou District, where Red Star Commune is located.

It took no effort to find the home of the three people Qin Daxue mentioned. There was no one in the family, there was a woman taking care of the children, and there was a pair of elderly people in the family.

The one with no one was easy to deal with. I went in and posted a photo of my bald head. This time it was not a sketch. I bought a lot of them on Hong Kong Island and saved them.

It's not difficult to find a home with old, young, women and children. Li Yuan is like a cold-blooded animal, showing no mercy. He not only posted a picture of a bald head, but also hung a poem about a bald head:
Each family also left a piece of Grasshopper Army clothes, and then wrote a sentence on the door of the three houses: I hope the president will return to the mainland as soon as possible!

Soon, he was discovered by passers-by.

Passers-by couldn't believe their eyes. They almost went blind before finally confirming that it was true. They stumbled away and soon brought a bunch of people over...

This kind of crude and illogical frame-up is like a guillotine that cuts off a person's head in this era, and the blade will draw blood! !
In fact, I couldn’t find out clearly. The gadgets Li Yuan got have long since disappeared in the mainland. Who would collect these except for those who are chaotic?

These three families originally made their fortune by doing all kinds of bad things, and they have harmed and offended many people. Normally, everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out. But now with such irrefutable evidence, these three families have no way out.

After looking at the messy and crying scene, Li Yuan turned and left.

It is better for one family to cry than for every family to cry.


"Comrade, are you here? I'll call the director for you!"

At the entrance of the commune unit, the armed militiamen obviously recognized Li Yuan. They had smoked two cigarettes last night and greeted him warmly when they saw him coming.

Li Yuan waved his hand and took out a pack of gold leaves with a smile. Each of the four militiamen at the door handed out a cigarette, then took out a match and handed it over to take turns to light the cigarette. He also took one in his mouth and smoked for fun. , asked: "Brother, how are Wang Maocheng and Niu Huaihua?"

These words seemed to poke a hornet's nest, and the four people started to curse.

Not to show loyalty in front of the man behind the boss, but because...

That son of a bitch Wang Maocheng actually wiped the table with the quotation paper in the little red book.

Seeing how the four of them were filled with anger and gnashing their teeth in hatred as if they wanted to tear Wang Maocheng into pieces, Li Yuan knew in his heart...

Then he asked with a smile: "I heard that Wang Maocheng had a lot of scoundrels in the commune. Have they been arrested?"

The militiaman who sent the message to Li Yuan yesterday was happy again and said: "What's the point? No one can escape! Those dogs, when they criticized Director Qin before, they were all like mad dogs. This morning But they were scared, and they all knelt on the ground and begged for mercy."

Li Yuanle said: "How did your director solve the case?"

The militiaman said proudly: "The director is not like them. The director said that if a person is not a sage, who can make mistakes? If you know your mistakes, you can improve a lot. They are not the culprits, so they are only accomplices. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. If you make mistakes, You have to pay the price. Let all the members of the Red Star Commune supervise them to repair the roads. Wherever the road is broken, the members can ask them to repair it. It depends on their attitude, and then all the members decide whether to forgive them or not. "

Li Yuan secretly praised in his heart, this move is called killing without blood.

In these days and months, who’s doorstep doesn’t have potholes on the road, and when it rains, there’s mud everywhere?

Those people will never stop working until they die!

They don't dare to complain, otherwise just a "bad attitude towards reform" will give them a taste of what is called the people's iron fist!

Compared with Li Yuan's simple and crude methods, Qin Daxue's methods are obviously much more artistic.

That's fine. When the higher authorities investigate in the future, it will be easy for her to come forward.

You need academic qualifications, you need qualifications, you need ability, you need to be female...

It is almost foreseeable that as long as these few years go smoothly, Qin Daxue's future will be limitless!

After chatting for a while, Qin Daxue probably got the message inside. When he went out, he saw Li Yuan chatting lively with four militia guards. There were also some people who were joining in the fun, bursting into laughter.

Qin Daxue was extremely satisfied.

A man who can make a fortune in Hong Kong, buy land, build factories and live in villas, can still mingle with the working people here and enjoy it.

This is the man she's looking for!
"Hey, Director Qin is here? It's off-duty time, right? Did I disturb my brothers from going to work? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If I get a demerit, it's all down to me, a member of the people!"

Li Yuan asked with a smile after seeing Qin Daxue coming.

A group of club members have to bear responsibility even if they are not willing to let the "director's wife" take the blame.

Qin Daxue smiled and said: "It's time to get off work. It's okay. Let's all leave. Those on duty should pay attention to their posts and be careful of Wang Maocheng and his party coming in to cause trouble."

After arranging the guards, they got on the back seat of Li Yuan's bicycle. After Li Yuan said goodbye to everyone cheerfully, he pedaled and the bicycle slid out.

There are naturally many good names behind him.

It's a pity, because he can have a good working environment for his wife, otherwise he would actually make a living from negative emotions...

Female lust really affects the speed at which a man draws his sword...


The bicycle drove smoothly all the way without delaying the conversation between the two of them.

Li Yuan said happily: "Those three people in the district are gone."

Qin Daxue said in surprise: "Is this settled? Yuanzi, I knew you were bad, but I didn't expect you to be so bad! Sure enough, to deal with that bad guy, you, the bad guy's ancestor, have to be the best at it!"


Li Yuan was not in the mood to joke, and said seriously: "These three can only be regarded as little miscellaneous, but there will definitely be such people in the future. Daxue, to be honest, I don't trust you to stay here alone. Really? If anything happens, it's hard for me to get news over there. Even if I know, it will take me a few days to get back, and it's beyond my reach. Otherwise, you should tell Grandma Cao and go to Hong Kong Island."

Qin Daxue laughed, and then said warmly: "I understand! But it's really unnecessary. The last time the boat capsized in the gutter, I was really careless. Besides, I have never seen such a crude method before. However, after experiencing it once, With experience and lessons learned, and with the personal guidance of a famous teacher like you, even if such a person appears again in the future, he won’t be caught off guard. There’s really no need to worry.”

Li Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "The situation here is like this, how can we not worry?"

Qin Daxue smiled when he heard this, and leaned his head gently on Li Yuan's back. At the same time, his voice was much lower, and he said: "During the days of my cultivation, I reviewed it countless times. If I go back to the beginning, how should I deal with Wang Maocheng?" That kind of person. Do you know what I think?"

Li Yuandao: "How are you going to deal with it?"

Qin Daxue smiled and said in a cold voice: "If I were back to the past, I would directly order the militiamen to take action, and then force them to find out who was standing behind them."

Li Yuandao: "What if it is the leader of the district?"

Qin Daxue was sitting on the back seat of his bicycle, his bright eyes filled with piercing coldness, and he said, "Then take the militiamen from the Red Star Commune, bombard the district government offices, find this person, and punish him until he dies!"

Li Yuan couldn't help but laugh. His wife was so fierce that she was actually a bit scary...

He came back to his words and advised earnestly: "What if there is no one behind you? You will be charged with suppressing a girl, which is a serious crime of decapitation. How about you think of other ways?"

Qin Daxue sneered and said: "Even if there is no one, there will be someone. The district government started chaos one step ahead of us. If we go in and find a few people who sneak in by making food, if they catch them, I will become a hero!" Son, I finally understand. This scene makes one thing clear: lawlessness!
The old man is right, political power comes from the barrel of a gun!

The reason why we people were caught off guard and beaten to pieces is because we forgot this.

Now that I think about it, most of them have realized that, haha, their good days are almost over. "

Li Yuan wasn't sure what proportion of the "three types of people" accounted for during the special period, but it seemed that the directors of major provinces and cities had indeed turned back to their old comrades.

A blind guess, it should be after [-]...

Li Yuan reminded: "If you also start smashing it, you will definitely be settled by Qiu in the future." Qin Daxue smiled and said: "Do you think I'm stupid? For real old comrades, Qiu has no fault, even if he can't understand it You have to respect me even though I have to protect you on the surface. So, don’t really think that I am a weak woman with no fighting experience. In other words, you are so strong and unreasonable with all your skills, and you also have those weird methods that make it difficult for people to guard against. You really need to use regular methods. Let’s face it, you may not be my opponent.”

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Okay... That's all I said, knowing that you won't be swayed. If you are swayed, it won't be you. However, is there anything else I can do to help you? I'll get it for you How about two yellow sheep? Treat the people from the militia company to a good meal?"

Qin Daxue was amused, shook his head and said: "Yuanzi, this kind of small favor is useful at ordinary times, but at critical times, it cannot win people's hearts. Only iron-blooded discipline and strict training in peacetime can truly train troops. Okay, I won’t switch sides at the critical moment.”

Li Yuan reminded: "Don't avoid relatives when promoting talents. Let my second brother be in charge of the commune's militia division. The fourth, fifth and seventh brothers can be placed in the militia company that guards the commune. We have many relatives in our family, and we moved here yesterday. Wang Maocheng relied on my second brother's brother-in-law to lead people to cause trouble outside and attract the attention of the people inside. Try to use your own people to hold the militia tightly, which is much safer. At any time, you must protect yourself first. As long as you are safe, you can always find a way to deal with it with your intelligence.”

Qin Daxue nodded and said, "I understand."

At this point, the bicycle stopped at the door of No. [-] Beixincang Courtyard, and Li Yuan smiled and said: "We're home."

Qin Daxue jumped out of the car with a smile, raised his head and looked at the front door of the courtyard, and said: "Hey! It's still Guangliang Gate. It's really a rich family."

No matter how generous a woman is, she is still a woman.

How could it not smell like vinegar?

But it is precisely this way that makes it more feminine...

Li Yuan said with a smile: "When the situation here improves and housing sales are allowed, I will buy you the best villa in Shenghai Xiafei Road. I know that what you want most in your heart is to return to Shenghai and do it Economic work.”

The smile on Qin Daxue's face suddenly bloomed. He looked at Li Yuan and asked, "Really?"

Li Yuan chuckled: "Do you even need to ask?"

Qin Daxue tilted her face and smiled, and the two of them entered the yard hand in hand.


"The house is nice."

After a general visit, Qin Daxue said.

Li Yuan could understand and said: "If you feel uncomfortable, don't stay any longer, but you have to take the key. I have stored a lot of supplies here, you... Daxue, where will you live after I leave?"

Qin Daxue wondered: "Of course I live at my parents' place."

Li Yuandao: "Your parents are still..." Before he could finish his words, he realized that if a married daughter lives in her parents' family, both sides will lose face.

He chuckled and said, "Can you get used to it?"

Qin Daxue shrugged and said, "Isn't this how they all come here?"

Li Yuan thought for a while and said: "That's okay. I can let the second brother and fifth brother escort you to and from work with the militia every day. I can feel more at ease. Then don't worry about these supplies. I will find a way to take care of them." Send it home and save it. Oops, the more I live, the more I fall back. I don’t even have a house of my own, and my wife has no place to live. It would be better if you work in the city. I still have two more people in Nanluogu Lane. A room, or..."

Qin Daxue smiled, touched Li Yuan's face, and said, "You are so capable, don't care about the trivial matters of women's lives like this in the future. Which woman can stand such romance?
You should tell me what you want to do when you go to Hong Kong Island. Do you just want to be a pharmaceutical factory?To you, is it overkill?Yuanzi, I have no intention of interfering with your plans, but I still hope you can cherish your talents. "

Li Yuan took her hand, and the two of them sat on a stone pier under the pomegranate tree. He said: "Of course it's not just a pharmaceutical factory... But don't underestimate the pharmaceutical factory. In the world, it is the number one pharmaceutical company. Industrial giants have more funds than our country’s foreign exchange reserves.

The key point is that the people in our country cannot get life-saving medicines by others all the time.

Although we have traditional Chinese medicine, if we don’t have enough excellent Chinese medicine doctors to diagnose and diagnose the pulse, the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine will be greatly reduced.

But because of the special nature of traditional Chinese medicine, it is destined that there cannot be so many good traditional Chinese medicine doctors who can treat hundreds of millions of people.

So, there is still a need for modern medicine.

However, the original medicine is too expensive and we ordinary people cannot afford it.

International drug rules are like this. Original drugs generally have 20-year patent rights. During these 20 years, they can be sold at high prices, and all countries strictly protect their rights and interests.

Because the pharmaceutical company has paid sky-high R&D expenses, it is allowed to sell at a high price to recover costs and make a profit, which is indeed what it deserves.

After 20 years, pharmaceutical companies in other countries can apply for generic authorization of drugs. After obtaining authorization, they can produce generic products.

However, just because it can be copied and produced does not mean that it can be exported and sold.

Pharmaceutical companies that are not from low- and middle-income countries are not allowed to export.

Those with the ability to imitate are basically middle- and high-income countries, so the export of generic drugs is basically eliminated.

In this way, countries with the ability to imitate can imitate drugs, and the price of the drugs will be greatly reduced, but they cannot export them.

Countries without the ability to imitate can only continue to purchase expensive original drugs.

Therefore, most patients in poor and backward countries can only wait to die.

The five-year survival rate of various cancers is much higher in developed countries than in third world countries.

At present, the production technology of our country's pharmaceutical factories belongs to the most backward echelon. Even the most basic penicillin has too high impurity content after being copied. Compared with the drugs produced in the West, the effect is much worse.

Not to mention other medicines.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, there are also medical devices.The FDA in the United States mandates that medical devices must use medical-grade stainless steel that can be in direct contact with human flesh and blood without producing harmful heavy metal ions.Medical stainless steel has good biocompatibility, good mechanical properties, excellent corrosion resistance, and good processability.

For example, scalpels, surgical scissors, surgical forceps, bone drills, surgical lights, stethoscopes, injection needles, tweezers, small medicine spoons, etc. Medical-grade stainless steel is used almost everywhere in regular hospitals.

However, our country cannot produce this kind of special steel at all.

If you don't use this grade of stainless steel, even if it looks exactly the same on the outside, it will be no different from killing people slowly.

As for other high-end medical equipment, not to mention...

It's really far behind.

In a big country with a population of [-] million, besides eating, medical treatment is the biggest livelihood issue for the people, right?Because both are matters of life and death.

So I have been thinking that after being alone, I hope that one day I can make a career in these two fields.

Let’s not talk about how many original drugs we need to develop, but we must at least accumulate the ability to effectively copy other people’s drugs.

Let’s not talk about high-end medical equipment. Let’s see if we can find a way to produce medical-grade special steel on Hong Kong Island.

The heavy snow and the wealth are actually of little interest to me.

As long as we have enough money, power...as long as we don't let power bully us at will.

I don't like being driven by money and power.

I prefer to live a leisurely and contented life with my family enjoying the cool breeze in summer and listening to the snow in winter, while doing meaningful practical things.

This is what I really think in my heart, the real me. "

Qin Daxue stared at her husband for a while, then slowly smiled, nodded and said: "Yuanzi, you are right, we are indeed a match made in heaven, a perfect match!"

With that said, she stood up, stretched out her hand and said: "Comrade Li Yuan, your ability is better than mine. Your ideals are more real and greater than mine. I sincerely wish you that your ideals will come true!"

Li Yuan looked at Qin Daxue with a complex expression and said, "Daughter-in-law, I only have one ideal at this moment..."

Qin Daxue said: "What?"

Li Yuan said sincerely: "I hope that the two of us can hit the target and have a baby soon!"

Qin Daxue: "..."


Courtyard No. [-] of Huguo Temple.

After Li Yuan brought Qin Daxue in, he saw the courtyard which was much bleaker than a few years ago.

Before coming, Qin Daxue also told Li Yuanpu the "rivalry" story between the mistress of the Mei Mansion, Fu Zhifang, and the Eastern Emperor, Meng Xiaodong...

Basically, Fu Zhifang fucked Meng Xiaodong, and Meng Xiaodong was sad and followed the tycoon Du Yuesheng.

Not to mention, Li Yuan really didn’t know about this.

It seems that no matter which era, women are more powerful when it comes to gossip...

Fu Zhifang was very happy to see Li Yuan and his new wife coming. In the past two years, Mei Mansion has become more and more lonely, and it is not easy to stay in this courtyard...

There are fewer and fewer guests who dare to visit us.

Mr. Mei Lanfang was naturally happy to see Li Yuan arrive. He was even more surprised when he learned that he had just gotten married yesterday and brought his wife to visit today.

After sitting down, Mei Lanfang looked at Li Yuan and said with a smile: "Wang Changan and Zhu Jihuang have been sent down. I heard that you have also been on a business trip for a long time?"

Wang Shixiang and Zhu Jiaxin have left Sijiu City for several years...

Li Yuan sighed and said: "Yes, I also went to mountain villages in other provinces to provide free medical treatment to the people. The city is messy, and it is inevitable that I will feel restless and depressed. People in rural areas are more simple, and if you interact with them more, your mind will become calmer. Some. Now, I like staying in the countryside more and more."


Qin Daxue glanced at her husband with bright eyes full of smiles. It had to be him who dug a hole at the beginning...

The couple came here today just to invite Mei Lanfang to the countryside to give guidance and rehearse, but they must not praise the beauty of the countryside first...


(End of this chapter)

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