Game production: I really have landed

Chapter 255 Ghost story, look at the number of bullets

Chapter 255 Ghost story, look at the number of bullets

In the next three months from June 2040, Luo Bai's main work will focus on several aspects.

One is the optimization of Resident Evil, and this is water grinding, which needs to be polished bit by bit slowly, and there is no rush.

One is a contract work of the second Chuxin Nurturing Project.

At present, the fastest progress is to complete the hero, and it is estimated that it will be able to meet you successfully next year.

The slowest progress is not the rhythm soul which is the most difficult to develop, but the story of mountains and seas hanging upside down.

This guy's amazing appearance in the demo last time made many players who like this tune look forward to it, and in the end he successfully signed the contract with Chu Xin.

It seems that the game is going to be sold all the way, and then it is changed to just get enough money, and it has completely become a sad barrier between the master and the brothers.

Then, it has been more than a year, and there is still no big work coming out of the mountains and seas.

In the "Chuxin Media" official account, a sub-section dedicated to tracking the seedling program, the rating has also dropped again and again.

In fact, Luo Bai also went to chat with this person, and at present, the plot lines of some of the main attackable characters in Shanhai City have been almost done.

Not to mention how godlike it is, at least the characters of each strange beast stand up.

Coupled with the hard work of the painter's younger sister, this gal has already achieved half of the success.

Currently playing roles is stuck at the level of plot series.

The other is to grasp the development of "Cyber·Liaozhai".

The previous trial play made the game have to be redesigned and reworked in many places. Fortunately, everyone in the development department has no complaints.

The main trouble comes from Tianxing, who expressed his dissatisfaction with the need to delay the development progress.

But that was a problem that Ma Bin needed to solve, and it had nothing to do with Luo Bai.

Finally, there is the operation of League of Legends itself.

The results of League of Legends are quite gratifying, and it can be regarded as a firm foothold in the country. Moreover, a few months ago, the domestic daily activities have officially surpassed DOTA.

On the other side of Bangzi and Lighthouse, some companies also came to find Luo Bai, wanting to be the exclusive agent.

Under the condition that the conditions given by the other party are suitable, the League of Legends plate can be regarded as laid out.

The city-state chronicle of Runeterra is released monthly, and it has come to an end recently.

A project called "The Battle of Two Cities" has been approved in the company.

Belonging is thriving.

Also in mid-September, Luo Bai started broadcasting in person again. After completing the final warm-up for "Resident Evil", it was officially launched in October, which has been long-awaited by countless players.

Luo Bai's first horror game, zombie theme.


"By the way, has Er Xiao ever touched the theme of horror games before?"

"I don't remember it, but I saw Er Xiao live broadcast President Luo's promotion of Ori at the Independent Games Festival before I fell into the pit.

The content of the earlier live broadcasts is not very clear. "

"Do you think that Er Xiao never broadcasts horror games because she is afraid?"

"Wouldn't that be better! This time she won't be able to escape!"

The live broadcast room was still pitch black. Although Er Xiao hadn't officially started the broadcast, a large number of friends had already gathered here, discussing excitedly.

"Resident Evil" is finally on sale, and everyone's hearts are anxious.

Finally, after Er Xiao was about to start the broadcast with all the members of Aite in the fan group, not long after, the dark live broadcast room instantly lit up.

"??? Kazakhs!"

"Female zombie, right? I'll make you a female zombie! I'll make you a female zombie!"

"Er Xiao hurry up and bite me!"

Er Xiao, who appeared in front of the brothers at this moment, had the image of a female zombie with a festered face and blood and muscles exposed everywhere.

Er Xiao is still very willing to spend money on cosplay, and his main focus is sincerity.

But you also need to consider the perception of the brothers. It is not the kind of artificial makeup. The festered part of the face made of makeup mud looks bright red, but it is a bit nice.

"Brothers, I did this makeup for six hours today!

I said this not to prove how great I am, I want to tell everyone that I, Er Xiao, have never been afraid of any horror games! "

Er Xiao raised a thumbs up towards him, his whole body was awesome.

As early as a few days ago, there were discussions in the fan group that she dared not play Chuxin's "Resident Evil" this time.

Of course Er Xiao scoffed at this.

Maybe she still trembles three times in Chinese horror, but cuts like zombies and blood plasma are sprinkled with water.

Is it true that Er Xiao went to the lighthouse as an exchange student for a few years for nothing?
There is no pressure at all to accept this kind of thing.

"Please remember how stubborn Er Xiao is now, I'm ready to see Er Xiao get scared and beg for mercy later."

"I feel okay. The theme of zombies is terrible, so it shouldn't be too scary."

"There are so many people covering you in the live broadcast room, just go forward boldly."

It was also at the instigation of everyone that Er Xiao decisively started his journey of "Resident Evil":

"I'm not kidding, okay? I saw it with my own eyes."

"Okay, I believe in you brother, I believe in you.

Say it out for everyone to hear. "

At the beginning of the game, a yellow-green hamburger caught the eye. It didn't emit any heat, and the shape of the hamburger was not too full, which made people look like they had no appetite.

The bearded man who was driving took it into his hand and took a bite, then took the time to adjust the sound of the car radio.

The voice-over that I heard before was a little louder.

Two men talking on the radio were talking about an anecdote.

The man who shared said he was walking home from a pub on Friday night when he came across a woman who staggered and appeared to be drunk.

After observing closely, it was found that the woman's entire face seemed to be rotten.

The whole person is a walking corpse.

The raindrops outside the car window kept splashing into the car, the bearded driver raised the corners of his mouth and said to himself:
"Ha, it really sounds like you're talking about my wife."

And the radio station just happened to talk about the exciting part at this moment. When a man approached this woman, she would actually attack him.

Just at this time, the signal of the radio station seemed to be disturbed by something, and suddenly the sound became stuck.

The bearded driver turned his head to adjust the radio with a displeased face.

But in the next second, a large truck driving at high speed in the rain ruthlessly bumped into a woman with fluttering hair.


The bearded driver slammed on the brakes, and the woman was taken far away by the truck.

With his face flushed, he hurriedly got out of the car to check the situation, and seemed to hate that he just made a fool of himself, why did something happen?

"I bet fifty cents that the one I ran into just now was a fucking zombie."

"The radio station has made it very clear that the zombie crisis should have broken out by now."

"Why do I feel that there is something wrong with the hamburger that the bearded driver ate just now? It looks quite manly."

Looking at the woman lying in a pool of blood, the driver shook his head and muttered:
"no no……"

He approached the woman, lowered his head and found that this person had no signs of life activity at all, so he slowly got up and turned around.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

The driver took off the peaked cap on his head, revealing his smooth forehead, as if the rain could make his mind clearer.

At the same time, with his completely defenseless back, the woman who had just been knocked down by him stood up again in a very strange posture...

"That's it? That's it? I thought it was so ruthless!"

Before the barrage could be called, Er Xiao called it first.

Whether it was bumping into a woman just now, or the moment the woman staggered up from the ground, Chuxin also used the tense BGM here.

But Er Xiao, who had already prepared for the theme of zombies, felt that he didn't feel scared at all.

Plain as water.

How could everyone in the live broadcast room be so proud of watching this guy?
"Hehe, I wasn't scared by the game, but I was scared by Er Xiao's call just now. So this is a horror game."

"From a psychological point of view, if Er Xiao was really not afraid, he wouldn't fight with us at all.

She was terrified to death, that's why she used such behavior to embolden herself. "

"However, there is one thing to say, the opening scene was basically guessed by everyone, and the feeling of scaring is indeed a little bit less."

"Go on and look down."

Rock-and-roll dance music was playing in the car, and the light coming in from the window skipped over the streetlights and illuminated the interior of the car, revealing the "RPD" police badge icon.

The sharp-edged face of the driving man is particularly catchy.

I don't know how long it took, the little jeep drove into the nearest gas station.

A handsome man with parted hair opened the car door, and then filled up his car with gas.

"Here comes a man who is half as handsome as me."

"Here comes a man who is a quarter as handsome as me."

"Unfortunately it's a butt chin."

"Did someone wake up the pussies upstairs?"

The handsome face of the biochemical hero was talked about by many players in the first PV.

Many people simply made their own screensavers with screenshots of the protagonist shooting a gun in the PV, and even before the big game came out, various fanarts had already been arranged.

And now, everyone finally saw the protagonist's true face in more detail.

He was wearing a gray jacket with a white shirt covered by a dark vest.

The brows, eyes and jaw are sharp and angular, and the prominent Adam's apple highlights the man's masculinity.

"Why is no one here?"

The protagonist mutters to himself about the empty gas station.

Suddenly, his eyes moved, and a police car parked further inside with its doors wide open attracted his attention.

Immediately, there was a sound of glass breaking inside the gas station.

Looking at the blood stains on the ground under his feet, the protagonist felt that he should do something.

CG officially ends here.

[Explore surroundings]
In the upper left corner of the game interface, the game gives the goal of the current stage.

As soon as he walked into the store inside the gas station, Er Xiao's expression changed instantly.

The entire store was pitch black, and apart from the range of the flashlight in front of him, I couldn't see anything clearly.

And when the light skimmed the floor, blood stains could still be seen from time to time.

"Come! Come! Come!"

"Horror game classic nuclear flashlight."

"It's going to be dark!"

Er Xiao swallowed her saliva, pretended not to care and said:
"After a while, there must be a zombie coming out of the corner and trying to bite me.

Corner kills, door kills, ceiling kills, etc., let them come, I have no fear at all. "

However, when the protagonist came from one end of the shelf to the other, he didn't meet any corners.

Only a bloody man in blue clothes sat on the ground moaning in pain.

When getting closer, the players can clearly see that the man is pressing the back of his neck tightly and pointing at the warehouse door next to him.

"This seems to be the policeman in the first PV."

"Oh, it's true, I remembered it here, this is the policeman who was attacked by zombies at the beginning.

But wasn't this thing shot and killed by the protagonist? "

"No, the policeman in the opening CG is not bald, it's just that the position of being bitten is the same."

Looking at the man who fell on the ground, the protagonist obviously seems to know what happened.

"Don't move around, I will come back to find you."

Er Xiao walked into the small door of the warehouse with a focused and nervous expression, her heart almost jumping in her throat.

But there is no high energy here, instead, the sound of locking the door behind him made Er Xiao's heart skip a beat.

But when she turned around, the door was locked.

"Classic closed door, so right, so right!"

"There is no retreat, Er Xiao, come on, we are all your solid backing."

Er Xiao blinked her eyes, at this moment she was in no mood to pay attention to what the barrage said.

This aisle was obviously very short, but when the door behind him was closed, it became so long indeed.

Walk through the aisle and open the door, and when the flashlight finds the opposite, a very philosophical picture comes into view.

"Don't move!"

The man in police uniform was pressing his left hand on the neck of the man in front of him.

The protagonist subconsciously said:
"Officer, do you need help?"

The police officer turned his head and stretched out his right hand towards the protagonist to signal him not to approach:
"Sir, please step back, I will deal with it."

The careless police officer obviously didn't understand that he couldn't subdue the zombie behind him with one hand, and he was forcibly thrown down in just an instant.

The protagonist just had time to say:
"Let him go! Let go immediately!"

The zombie had already brutally and mercilessly bit the police officer's neck.

This is the first CG reappearance that players have seen in PV.

"Uh... why do I feel that the protagonist is the same as Nima's Zombie Star? He was good at subduing zombies, but you just distracted them and got bitten."

"Fuck! I said why he was subdued in the PV and then knocked down. So it's the f*cking protagonist."

"No, the main character in the PV is wearing a police uniform."

When the zombie stood up staggeringly, the protagonist drew out his pistol decisively.

Er Xiao has actually watched this PV many times, but seeing this scene in the game, the sense of substitution is obviously not comparable to watching PV.

More or less panicked.

But the moment the protagonist pulled out the gun, Er Xiao immediately calmed down.

This is a pistol!Bar, do you understand?

Directly based on the PV, it was aimed at the zombie's head.

But unlike in the PV, where the protagonist shoots the headshot of the zombie,

One shot hit the zombie's head, and he staggered; the second shot hit the zombie's head, and he fell back; the third shot hit the zombie's head, and he fell to the ground.

Er Xiao:?
"No, brothers, the head of this zombie is made by Nima Tie!"

Er Xiao complained with a dazed expression.

"Turtle, shouldn't the head be the weakness of zombies? Why is the head so hard inside?"

"Ghost story, Er Xiao, look at the number of bullets."

Er Xiao turned the lower right corner, seeing that there were only six bullets left at the moment, she panicked again.

Why are there so few bullets!

 Thank you for visiting the universe, book friends 20230316215003859, and sleeping late for your monthly pass support!

  thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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