Game production: I really have landed

Chapter 237 The Charm of the Spire

Chapter 237 The Charm of the Spire

Spire sales exceeded 300 million?
Such a level has been achieved in only half a month, no doubt it can be said to have shocked the industry.

People outside the industry should be amazed at how much they saw, but when they learned that this game was made with the original intention, they immediately turned it into a sentence:

It's strange that the game I made at the beginning didn't reach such a level.

It is also when countless players are captured by the charm of this game and climb the tower over and over again, more and more things in this game are also exposed.

The extremely deep card group, various random events, and the extremely different playability of each character have all come together to form this fascinating skit game.

Chuxin did not invest too much publicity funds in Killing the Spire, but there are still a steady stream of players who have started to make a series of related videos, and began to attract players who are not this type of game into the pit.

Meat pigeon + card + hardcore game, a new version of the ship that you have never played before!
And when new players are attracted by such titles, they start their own unique journey of climbing towers.

And after several tens of minutes to dozens of hours, he finally defeated the boss on the third floor and won the game.

Perhaps the player will raise the corner of his mouth.

"That's it? This is also worthy of being called a hardcore game? You can pass the level by playing casually."

But have you really passed the level?

Don't forget, after you clear the level for the first time, the characters that appear on the screen are not [Success], but [Success? ].

The opening of the advanced mode brings a brand new option - the key.

When you pass by a fire, in addition to the most basic blood recovery and upgrade cards, you can also choose to get a diamond-shaped red key.

When you pass by a treasure chest, you can choose to give up the powerful or useless relic in it and get a diamond-shaped blue key.

On the map of each floor, you will find an icon of an elite monster surrounded by raging flames.

As long as you can kill this elite who is stronger than normal elites, you can get a green diamond key.

Under normal circumstances, basically no player would choose these options.

The rest of the fire pile is the guarantee of your blood volume, and the precious opportunity to upgrade determines the strength of your deck.

Needless to say, relics, a good relic can completely determine the direction of your deck construction in this game.

The last elite with fire can easily kill you on the spot.

If you can't pass the last one you take with the key, what's the use of taking the key?
But when the players successfully built a powerful deck in the advanced mode and defeated the boss on the third floor.

We routinely saw a heart, its name is the heart of corruption, which is the source of the tower's corruption.

Every time we clear the level, the characters we control will come here and cut this heart a few times.

The damage is global networked, and the value was not high before, but now it has reached more than a dozen digits when the minaret is on fire.

Some people have speculated before, how much damage will the heart accumulate before it will explode?

But with the opening of the realm mode, everyone seems to have the answer in their hearts. The damage is not the key, but there are some things that everyone has not unlocked yet.

An animation that had never appeared before appeared in front of my eyes.

A door-like thing with three diamond-shaped slots on it.

There is no doubt that these slots represent those keys.

But what it is, we still have to wait until all the keys are collected before we can know.

The enthusiasm and motivation of the players for the game is unimaginable.

Although the process of searching for the key means a greater test, for a player who has died countless times on this steeple, those are not a problem!

If you die suddenly, you will die suddenly. Wouldn't it be fine if you come back again?
In the end, when the players rely on their own understanding of the game, they successfully form a card group that can obtain the key and successfully defeat the third-tier boss.

As the three keys were inserted into the grooves, a door slowly opened.

The players have finally come to the deepest place hidden in this tower.

[final act]
It is different from the densely packed climbable routes before.

In the final scene, a fire, a store, an elite monster, and a boss constitute everything on the top of the tower.

For the first few floors, there is only one fire in front of each boss.

But in front of this door, apart from a fire, you are given the last chance.

In the store, it is the last chance to strengthen your deck, the chance to choose the last relic, and the chance to replenish potions.

All of the above can prove how powerful this monster is.

Elite enemies are Tower Shield and Tower Spear.

Unlike all previous battle screens, the character controlled by the player is on the left and the direction of the monster is on the right.

In this battle, you, as a player, are in a pinched position.

In front of him is the Spear of the Tower, and behind him is the Shield of the Tower.

If you expose your back to the enemy's attack, the effect called "rear attack" can let you know what real cruelty is.

Also, Spear of the Tower has the ability to stuff cards into your deck.

For a player who likes to play infinite in small decks, it can be called a real torture.

I don't know how many heroes who were able to defeat the third-tier boss died suddenly before the elite monsters of the final boss. It's amazing.

And when the player finally broke through these two powerful elites and came to the final boss room, only a huge heart appeared in front of the player's eyes.

The source of the tower's corruption, with the efforts of countless players, has endured more than a dozen corrupted hearts with zero damage.

The super high HP of 750, the super buff Death Rhythm that can cause a little damage to the characters you control every time you play a card, and the buff with a limit of 300 damage per round is indestructible.

These powerful abilities have gathered into the final boss of the steeple in front of him.

Is this boss strong?Of course powerful!
The existence of Rhythm of Death has made many genres of pain masks that rely on the number of cards played to deal damage.

The existence of indestructibility has made many people blindly pursue the construction of dead joints that start every second, every second, every second, every second. (It's you! Power Warrior!)
What?Are you infinite?Are you afraid of putting five abnormal state cards directly into your deck?
Your defense is very fierce, reaching the upper limit of 999?If you have the ability, you continue to procrastinate, and when you increase your strength, you will break through the game's defense limit and kill you little boy!
The heart is a boss with almost no shortcomings.

It has the abilities of almost all the monsters you have seen in the tower climbing journey.

Whether it is the defense, attack, or activation ability of your deck, there are extremely high requirements.

But no matter how powerful the boss is, it will eventually fall one day.

Defense fighters have 999 defense, and each belly can produce 999 output. Even if you are indestructible, you will be defeated in three rounds.

Poison Hunter will dry your health bar in one round, as long as the defense can withstand it, it will also kill you in three rounds.

In addition to these attack and kill card groups, there are naturally anti-kill card groups.

The punch card group robot is struggling with the tug-of-war with the heart.

As for the viewer... that's a bug.

As the main character of the game sung by Mr. Luo, the invincible supermodel Grand Viewer naturally aroused the interest of the players in the first place.

After many people quickly died violently with fighters, hunters, and robots, they decisively chose the profession of spectator, and then they were shocked.

The viewer has his own unique mechanism—gesture.

Angry, calm, divine.

In the state of anger, the damage caused is doubled directly!When exiting from the calm state, you can increase the cost by two points.

For the first level, which is extremely lacking in attack methods, the game experience of the spectators is simply not comparable to that of the first three professions.

Others can only hit 6 with one blow, but you can hit 12 with one blow, playing NM!

Although the damage received in the angry state is also doubled, but after reasonably mastering the transformation of posture, it is not a problem at all.

No wonder the keys are only red, green and blue, and there is no purple key at all, and no one will take you to play in the tower.

In the early stage, when other professions can only hide from the elites and slowly strengthen their decks, viewers can even take the initiative to go to the elites to drink tea and play cards to snowball.

"Broken Heart Ending!The world's first pass! "

With the hot blessing of the minaret, this video was highly praised on the homepage of Xiaobozhan on the first day it came out.

In the game, the profession chosen by the player is a warrior.

I got a barrier from Neow, and got this ability card whose defense will not disappear at the end of the round, and my thinking became clear in an instant.

Although the barriers in the early stage were too high because of the cost, they were too stuck, which made it very uncomfortable for up to play.

But after struggling through the first floor, getting the BOSS relic that can increase the cost, and after upgrading the barrier to two costs, the whole game became a cool game.

In the end, it was also a broken heart.

In the CG four-frame cartoon, the armored warrior with scarlet eyes and flying white hair climbed all the way to the top of the steeple.

Watching the corrupted heart in front of him swing out with a knife, the heart was directly split into two!
[The tower is asleep...then it's time for me to sleep too...]
In Neow's whispers, the game's hidden ending, Broken Heart, is also revealed.

"This game is so cool! This is definitely the most fun strategy game I have played in recent years, bar none!

During the game, my most intuitive feeling is that my victory is not because I took certain cards that are particularly strong, my values ​​crushed the enemy, or I took a very strong genre.

It's the inevitable result of my thinking, my strategy, and my choices.

The process is so fascinating.This is the biggest charm of this game. "

UP's final monologue made countless players empathize.

And in the steam evaluation area, which is the most intuitive evaluation of this game, the 97% favorable rate is also top notch.

[This game is really time-saving, it’s 8:59 when I play, and it’s only [-]:[-] when I watch it later. ]
[Don't read, it's all good reviews, buy one, Yanzu. ]
[Don't buy it, I feel that this game is overrated, and I don't want to play it after playing for a while. (104 hours of game time)]
Under the comment section of the last comment, many players frantically asked questions.

"Brother, no... this game has only been out for half a month!
What the hell do you play for an average of seven hours a day, why don't you go to work? "

Of course, in addition to these most intuitive praises, there must also be the most valuable, the player's perception while playing this game.

[This game has been played for half a month, more than 100 hours, only focusing on the warrior profession, and also passed the advanced 20 heartbreak, although it often dies suddenly.

Just to share, this game has brought about a change in my concept.

What I have to say here is that reaching advanced level 20 is only a matter of the first 80 hours.

At that time, even though I cleared the highest difficulty level of the game, I was still a colored pencil at that time.

It is only now that I have the qualifications to say that I am still a beginner in this game.

Because at that time, the thoughts and ideas in my mind were basically finalized, and I began to frantically pursue a core card for construction.

For example, if you have a breakthrough limit in your hand, you must find a way to get a flying sword boomerang, and the last time is a double blow.

If you have a barrier in your hand, you must find a way to get a belly.

For the cards that he saw on the road, such as Vajra Arm and Wrath, he didn't even look at them. On the contrary, he took a lot of skill cards for various auxiliary output.

As I lack the attacking side cards, I am often prone to sudden death on the spot due to insufficient output.

At first I was just blaming the game for not giving me the cards I wanted, the dealer was too stupid.

But after communicating with many bigwigs in our steeple group, I found that they basically take a lot of cards that I don't even look at to overdo it on the first floor.

For some constructions, it can be said that the core rare cards are directly discarded.

Although it was a bad hand in the end, he was able to accomplish the heartbreaking feat.

So why have I been killed so many times?To put it bluntly, it is too ambitious, and the eyes will always only see the perfect construction, and there is no thinking about adapting measures to local conditions.

What cards I lack at this stage should be replenished, instead of aiming at the most perfect mold to drill in.

Think about it carefully, is this very similar to our life?

In reality, I didn't have a Tianhu start, and I even said that the start was very bad.

And in my life, I despise this and that in the game exactly the same, but in the end I can't do anything, I can't do anything.

Perhaps we in the game are the epitome of real life, take every game seriously, and choose the right type of card at the right time.

Even if it is not so high-quality or perfect, in the face of a poor start, I choose not to restart the bad game, but try to challenge myself to draw cards and pass the level, and play the bad cards in my hand well.

These are the things the steeple has taught me.

By the way, today is Crazy Thursday, V I 50 to see the strength. ]
"Fuck, I was just touched, crawl!"

"Isn't it Friday? It's not Friday? It's not Friday?"

"Are you still playing cards after all? Climbing! What the hell!"

 Thank you for your monthly ticket support!

(End of this chapter)

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