The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 702 Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanyong

Chapter 702 Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanyong

The straight-line distance from the Balihe area to the Multan area, which later became the northern region of Pakistan, was less than a thousand miles.

If you start from Champa Prefecture, Cochin Province, and use the sea route, you need to bypass the old port of Xuanweisi, pass through the Strait of Malacca, and reach the Sindh area on the southern coast, a distance of more than 10,000 miles.

The most economically active area in North India, the Multan Governor's Mansion, is where Ren Li's official residence is located.

More and more houses are being built.

The cement factories and timber factories operated by the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau system, as well as bulk goods such as foundries and iron smelting plants from Samarkand, became the main local supply area of ​​building materials.

Because of the frequent trade of goods, transportation obstacles have become the biggest problem.

The plan to build a railway project from Samarkand to Multan was first proposed by the Ministry of Railway Engineering and received the support of the Ming Dynasty Bureau of Industry and the approval of the Governor Renli.

In a carriage, Governor Renli arrived in Lahore under the protection of his guards.

The plains in the northwest of the former Delhi Sultanate became areas managed by the Ming Dynasty. The rich agricultural resources made up for the shortcomings of the seven western provinces and completed the closure of the economic and trade system.

By the same token, even Cochin Province is a borderland.

“Exchanging agricultural products for industrial products is unsustainable.”

But in this process, more and more Ming people have appeared on the land, and more Ming people have lived on the land. Even schools, Taoist temples, Buddhist temples, and officially designated languages ​​have invisibly changed the environment.


The restoration of agriculture has brought food stability, and the growth of food has promoted local stability.

Some areas in northern Tianzhu implemented the three-si system, and some implemented the Dusi system. The governor was supposed to be a civilian, and Zhu Neng was the only one, which further showed his trust in the emperor's heart.

Only when you are full will a higher level of foundation be born.

The road is not as wide as in China, it is just compacted and paved with a layer of gravel.

The Balihei region has not been successfully conquered for many years. Does it make any difference if you are from the Balihei region?

People no longer have cloth towels wrapped around their heads, and start wearing hats, especially the brown hats that have been popular in China for many years.

Opening the curtains of the carriage, Renli looked at the city of Lahore through the glass window, comparing the difference between the city of Multan and this place.

People in the Ming Dynasty liked to wear jade articles on their bodies. This was not only popular in Korea and Daying Island, but also in Nanyang. The seven western provinces and Tianzhu were also unavoidable. This in turn led to the great sales of jade articles from the Xuanwei Department of Myanmar.

The water conservancy system and irrigation system built over the years, as well as high-yielding crops such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, were finally approved by the court and began to be planted in large quantities in the seven western provinces and the Balihei region.

Earth houses and stone houses still account for a large proportion, but there are more cement-reinforced buildings and tile-roofed houses made of triple earth, and the Ming Dynasty garden-style architectural style gradually flourishes.

There are more and more people wearing Chinese uniforms, overalls, long shirts or short coats. Many people meet acquaintances on the road and salute each other, and the conversations are full of peace.

Zhu Neng, who is over sixty years old, has been traveling from north to south and from east to west all his life. He looks older than ordinary old people, but this does not affect Zhu Neng's prestige.

His Majesty the Prince was also there, and Zhu Neng greeted Ren Li. After a brief greeting, the rest of the general soldiers, as well as the local governor or chief secretary, also arrived.

One official threw out his plan.

A soldier with armor and a soldier without armor are two different things.

Bonidusi and Luzondusi are different from overseas places. The indigenous people in those places are very backward. Not only do they use backward weapons, but they also have no horses and armor.

But now.

"The bottom line of the imperial court is that the border areas are not allowed to develop industry and can only supplement the economic cycle of the inland. So the key point is, does today's Samarkand count as an inland area?"

Thirty years ago, Samarkand was undoubtedly a frontier.

Renli's carriage uses domestic rubber tires, which makes the ride more comfortable. Because of its stability, the life of the carriage is extended and it is not as easy to be damaged as before, and more functions are added.

Ren Li lowered the curtain and sat back.

The arrival of a large number of people from the Ming Dynasty not only brought prosperity, but also civilization. These complicated and complicated things became a popular behavior among the local people, and the local upper class learned etiquette.

In Renli's view, it's just that the locals are too poor.

Ren Li nodded and said.

The premise of etiquette is food and clothing.

Although these originally prosperous areas did not restore the Western trade routes and relied on the traditional Silk Road to prosper, they have embarked on a different path of prosperity by relying on the production system of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Neng is the most powerful military attache in the Ming Dynasty.

The Spring Festival couplets at the door were written with large Chinese characters, which had turned white after being exposed to wind and sun.

"Although we are talking about the future of northern Tianzhu, northern Tianzhu is inseparable from the supply and supplementation of the seven western provinces. Therefore, it is in the long-term interests of northern Tianzhu to support the industrial development of the Samarkand region."

Samarkand should no longer be regarded as a border area. Not only has it been changed to a three-division system, but the development of Samarkand should also be governed according to the mainland model, which meets local needs.

This was also the purpose of his coming to the Governor's Mansion in person.

Multan's business is more developed, so it is more lively than here, but as the administrative center of the five northern provinces of Tianzhu, Lahore is more solemn and grand, and some facilities are cost-effective.

Although he is a warrior, Renli has not given up his studies and understands some economic principles. He knows that the development of Lahore, including Multan, has reached a bottleneck.

Many people's eyes lit up when they heard this. If they think about it from another angle, many things can be easily solved.

Although there is still room for improvement, it cannot change the quality.

Unknowingly, the unstable area of ​​Balihei gradually became peaceful, and the resolution of the "tinderbox" ensured Ming Dynasty's governance in the entire west. Relying on the domestic economic foundation, a larger trade system was established, and The seven western provinces, as well as the five Indian provinces of Lahore, Barihi, and Multan, began to prosper.

Having a horse and not having a horse are two different things.

There were no horses in the Philippines and Australia in later generations.

Everyone understands the significance of horses, not only in terms of production and economics, but also in military terms.

This is also the main reason why the Spaniards, who had horses and armor, were able to kill their emperor in front of the numerous but unarmed natives.


The Ming Dynasty's governance in Luzon and Boni, including Juedao, was generally very easy.

The indigenous people did not have horses. Without horses, their information transmission speed would be very slow.

They were even more backward militarily and were passively beaten. They did not have armor yet. An armored cavalryman on horseback could rampage through the indigenous tribes and fight in and out. Not to mention the Ming army's long-range weapons such as artillery and guns.

But the Balihei area is different. Although the economy in the Balihei area is backward, people still have knowledge. Since ancient times, raising horses has been a tradition in the Balihei area, a culture passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, Renli didn't know about America.

In the environment of America, with its endless plains, the role of horses is even more powerful. The same role is ten times more advantageous than on the islands outside the Southeast Asia. There were no horses in such a fertile area. This was a civilization destined to be conquered by outsiders.

However, Ren Li saw the important role of economic development.

The Balihei region, which no one could conquer, has become peaceful due to its economic improvement, and will play a vital role in the Ming Dynasty's management of such a large region.

As long as the Balihei region remains stable, the seven western provinces and Northern Tianzhu can remain integrated and develop stably. After many years, they will become an indivisible land of the Ming Dynasty.

Otherwise, the seven western provinces would not be able to trade with northern Tianzhu, and each would have to ask for it, forming the appearance of their own development. Coupled with the instability in the Balihe region, it would not be conducive to the management and rule of the Ming Dynasty in the long run.

Then developing preliminary industry in Samarkand, allowing areas such as Lahore and Multan to obtain needed energy and low-cost industrial products, and stimulating economic development is the most important method at the moment.

The Samarkand region can obtain agricultural and industrial products from northern Tianzhu, and has railways from the interior. It can obtain cheap materials from the interior and break up transportation obstacles to trade. The construction of railways is necessary, and the development of Samarkand's industry is also necessary.

Zhu Zhanyong has been in Tianzhu for many years.

Zhu Zhanyong, who is nearly thirty years old, has given birth to several children locally. Years of military and local governance have allowed him to better grasp some of the knowledge he learned as a boy, and also understand some of what his father told him. reason.

Development is the last word.

Shortly after.

Zhu Zhanyong embarked on the road back to the capital. With the stability of the Tianzhu area, he had no reason to stay there. From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to return to the capital.

Only on the border are you free.

But he could only go back.

He took his concubines and children, as well as his personal guards, as well as some civil and military officials, and started the long journey back to the capital.

The huge team finally returned to Samarkand, started to take the train, and finally arrived at Jiayuguan. The child, who was only five years old, looked at the prosperous city and the buildings that were very different from the seven western provinces and shouted excitedly. Call.

"Jingle Bell."

Steam engine factory.

The first steam engine factory in Daxing District, Beiping, was more than ten times larger than its original size. High-rise buildings were built one after another with countless chimneys. Under the gray sky, it was the largest industrial base in the north.

After the factory gets off work, a "bicycle flow" forms at the factory gate.

Workers who enjoy comfort and high living standards have become the largest consumer class. Any new products that appear on the market must first appear in shops in Beijing, Shanghai, Peking, Jiangsu, Guangzhou, Wuchang and other places.

When these places became popular, newly launched products began to be rolled out to other areas.

From the advent of bicycles to their popularization, technological maturity has developed very quickly, especially large-scale purchases by the military. The navy's purchases at Nanyang bases are the largest, which has greatly stimulated the prosperity of the bicycle industry.

Although the rubber industry production base is mainly in Nanyang, there are factories that can produce bicycles. Daxing District is not inferior in technology and soon has its own business name. The bicycles produced in Nanyang are smaller, while the bicycles produced in Daxing District are larger.

"Jingle Bell."

The workers rode on bicycles and rang the bells, which not only alerted passers-by, but also showed off in disguise.

Bicycles, sewing machines, pocket watches.

Every working-class family that wants to find a wife must have these three things at home.

The original bedding and pots and pans were replaced.

"Each worker works four hours a day. The factory has its own school to ensure the education of workers' children, cultivate new talents, and ensure the foundation needed for social development."

"The factory will build a dormitory area specifically to ensure the workers' basic living needs. The food stamp bank will provide workers with low-interest loans, allowing workers in need to build their own houses or buy the houses they want."

"The factory holds regular exchange and friendship meetings between men and women every month to provide support for workers' marriages. There are also Cuju competitions, bamboo ball competitions, equestrian competitions, etc."

"A factory activity is organized every year, and each department goes on a sightseeing trip, and the fare is reimbursed by the factory."

In the steam engine factory headquarters building, in front of the seventh-floor glass windows, people gathered around the prince. A shopkeeper excitedly introduced, "Putting people first and creating a harmonious world has always been the philosophy of the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau, ensuring that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment."

Zhu Zhanji nodded with satisfaction.

The happy smiles on the workers’ faces cannot be faked.

Unlike other places, the steam engine factory not only ensures production, but also establishes rules. With rules, people know what they should and should not do.

The boss of the factory in front of me was elected by the workers themselves.

In addition to competition for jobs, the boss must find a balance between the satisfaction of the workers and the long-term development of the factory. The workers must also be responsible for their own choices, otherwise the factory will close and they will lose their jobs.

Last year, the Daming Industrial Bureau failed in the rubber industry. Although the economic losses were huge, the most painful thing was the resettlement of the workers. The Daming Industrial Bureau spent several times the effort to completely resettle the large number of industrial workers.

"The family is well-off and the country is strong and the people are safe. This is the foundation for the eternal prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. It is the last wish of the emperor."

Zhu Zhanji said to everyone.

Han Qi and others remained quiet, and Zhu Zhanji's words were the only words in the entire hall.

"A strong country can protect its territory and people from external aggression and threats, while also providing better social harmony and creating better living conditions for its people."

"The stability of the people is the foundation for the stability and development of the country. Only when the people live and work in peace and contentment can the country enjoy long-term peace and stability."


Han Qi and others took the lead in applauding, and soon the applause resounded.

Zhu Zhanji was very satisfied with the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau.

Workers are very stable. This is a huge force. The power of the working class, as his father said, is the people's heart in the industrial era. Zhu Zhanji, who remembers his father's words, values ​​​​the workers the most.

Zhu Zhanji paid more attention to the role of the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau.

In the role played by the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau, the workers are indeed very happy. Happy workers have brought social peace, and a peaceful society is the foundation for the long-term prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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