Chapter 692 Ideal and Reality


"Too deceiving."

Wenhua Hall.

Zhu Zhanji was furious, and the cultural relics on the desk were scattered all over the floor, including today's latest newspaper, which published Tao Wei's detailed speech report. Many words deeply hurt Zhu Zhanji.

"Your Highness, please calm down."

The officials in the clerk's office quickly dissuaded him, and Yu Qian also looked at the prince.

"Without a king and a father, he is just a beast."

The angry Zhu Zhanji mentioned the quotations written by Mencius's disciples and cursed: "My father is kind and loving to the people, and he is deeply respected by all people. However, there are always villains, narrow-minded and shameless people in the world. They don't Knowing the great kindness of the emperor, he repaid his kindness with hatred and said evil words to his father. Such villains are really shameful! I am both a minister and a son, how can I turn a blind eye. I swear to fulfill my loyal duties, defend the emperor's majesty, and make things right!"

Zhu Zhanji demanded that Tao Wei be arrested and severely punished for the crime of disrespect, completely ignoring that a few months ago, he specifically named this person to accompany him.

The road to spiritual civilization construction is too difficult, and one failure will cause huge harm. Zhu Gaochi does not have much confidence.

This is not forced.

Jin Yiwei had arrived in Zhejiang, and when he learned that Tao Yi was still there, he stared blankly at the chief envoy.

No matter how bad a stable society is, it is better than a chaotic society, no matter how civilized it is.

Several disciples entered the prison privately to visit their teacher.

The local officials who received the official document of cooperation in the arrest did not dare to refuse, but Tao Wei's temporary residence had already passed the threshold, and waves of people came to advise Tao Wei.

The day of martyrdom has come.

Also, Zhu Gaochi wanted to see how Zhu Zhanji handled this matter.

First it was Cao Duan's thoughts, and then Tao Yi's thoughts. Zhu Gaochi seemed to see the development trajectory of history. History was slowly unfolding before his eyes, but Zhu Gaochi had to adopt a conservative attitude.

Looking in the direction of Wenhua Hall, Zhu Gaochi's face was calm.

The road is never smooth. It is full of dangers and obstacles. Tao Yi saw the road and was willing to sacrifice his life to awaken more people.

In the end, Dazhan got angry and wounded several people before taking Tao Yi away and forcing him into the capital. When Tao Yi was escorted back, Zhu Zhanji had already regretted it. This was a big trouble.

The Jin Yiwei immediately sent out exploration cavalry.

After years of reform, Jin Yiwei only has the right to investigate cases, but not the right to arrest people. The lobbyist smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Tao Yi shook his head.

Tao Wei was imprisoned in a separate prison. Because there were too many people paying attention, the prison not only prepared sufficient food, but also invited doctors to treat Tao Wei, for fear that something would happen to Tao Wei in prison.

The responsibility of Dali Temple is to hear and decide cases, and it belongs to the Supreme Court of the Ming Dynasty.

Thirty years ago, the name Jin Yiwei changed. Although it has been greatly changed now, Jin Yiwei is still Jin Yiwei. With the orders of His Highness, there is nothing Jin Yiwei dare not do.

It was the royal family that asked Jin Yiwei not to arrest people. By the same token, the royal family could also change its mind and allow Jin Yiwei to arrest people.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Tao Yi sighed slightly in his heart.

With tears streaming down their faces, the disciples recorded the teacher's words verbatim.

"I am not guilty, and the Jin Yiwei has no right to arrest people."

"Tao Gong hid before the Jin Yiwei arrived. After the incident, His Highness the Crown Prince's anger subsided, and if he asks someone to beg for mercy, the matter will most likely be over. Isn't that a waste of time?"

The chief envoy of Zhejiang is going crazy.

Ming Dynasty is now in a period of rapid development, and stability is the main prerequisite. Zhu Gaochi does not plan to delegate power in his lifetime, firstly because he does not want to delay the development speed, and secondly because he has no confidence.

There was no response from Wenlou. Zhu Zhanji was under greater pressure and began to regret in his heart. He should not have made a decision easily when he was angry.

Tao Wei, who was nearly fifty years old, recalled the deeds of his youth with his disciples, and began to explain his posthumous affairs in a different direction, mainly his own knowledge and thoughts.

The chief envoy was very helpless.

The exhorter said hard.

The Minister of Dali Temple was a senior official of the third rank, and the matter was immediately reported to Zhu Gaochi.

"In the fifteenth year of Yongle, when I was in my prime, I gave a speech at the Imperial College in Peking, telling people to understand the correct principles of things, to understand their own hearts, and to unite knowledge with action."

Jinyiwei no longer has his own prison. If he is sent to the prison of the Ministry of Justice, he will have to go through the procedures. The movement is getting louder, but is it possible to build a private prison? In the end, Yang Pu came forward and was escorted into Dali Temple in a low-key manner.

Just as spitting was the norm for people in the 1970s, it has become a rare phenomenon in the new century. This is a phenomenon brought about by social progress and civilization, and is based on economic development.

Dali Temple does not have a long-term prison for prisoners.

There was a tacit understanding among the officials. Jin Yiwei's actions were so slow, which gave the local government enough time, but the local government did not solve the problem. Jin Yiwei had no choice but to bite the bullet and arrest people. Tao Wei's residence was full of people.

Preparations for the war with the Delhi Sultanate have begun, and Zhu Gaochi does not have much time.

Although ordinary people do not understand these principles, society is indeed undergoing invisible changes.

When one Tao Yi dies, more Tao Yi will be born.

There were numerous ideological trends in the society of the Ming Dynasty. There were three waves of trends in the Yongle Dynasty, which provided a broad foundation for the growth and popularization of new learning. Behind the new learning thoughts, it was not only women who appeared openly on the streets, but also women who appeared openly on the streets. Being able to squeeze into the bus with the men is just one aspect.

"You should handle this matter yourself, with the regulations as the priority." Zhu Gaochi said lightly.

His disciples and friends refused to persuade Tao Yi to leave, so they stood in front of Jin Yiwei.

Everything has its traces and is an inevitable phenomenon.

The industrial development of Ming Dynasty society promoted economic prosperity. Under the surface of economic prosperity, people had a high degree of freedom of movement, and more frequent exchanges could lead to prosperous trade.

Starting from the Southern Song Dynasty and going through the Yuan Dynasty, the social atmosphere has become more and more conservative. Starting from the Yongle Dynasty, there has been a huge loosening under the impact of waves.

During the Tang Dynasty, the confidence on the faces of the people began to return to the faces of the people of Central China.

Confidence means openness.

Openness is a spirit.

The current Ming Dynasty is even better than the Tang Dynasty. It is exponentially more powerful than the Tang Dynasty and naturally breeds a stronger civilization spirit.

But the inertia of history is also huge.

Although it has been nearly a century since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the memory of being enslaved is still in the hearts of the people. These untouchable insults and scars are still firmly locked in people's hearts.

People are afraid of open societies.

Worried that they would repeat the same mistakes as the Northern Song Dynasty and fall into the failure situation.

The problem of military failure in the Northern Song Dynasty was definitely not just a problem of suppression of military power, but a problem of the whole society.

There are smarter people who have seen more and think that the Great Dao should be like this, not like this. Because of the existence of the Holy King, they have more confidence. This is a very ridiculous phenomenon.

Tao Wei believes that all people in society are created equal and no one is nobler than anyone else.

People ridiculed him and laughed at him. He even called him a nerd.

But there are people who recognize him.

Sure enough, the news of His Highness the Crown Prince's arrest of Tao Yi was published in a small newspaper. Most people did not react and just regarded it as a casual thing after dinner, but some people were full of concern.

Someone told Tao Yi that as long as he admitted his mistake, the matter would be over.

Tao Yi did not admit his mistake.

Tao Yi started a hunger strike.

Although he cannot speak to the world, he is ready to use his own life to speak out and tell the world that all people are created equal.

Tao Wei's hunger strike was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The officials were talking a lot, and the atmosphere in the Wenhua Hall was tense. Zhu Zhanji sat behind the desk and frowned. As the prince, he faced pressure from all sides, not only to worry about his father, but also to do everything well.

The prince has his own officials, but no one dares to make any mistakes.

Tao Wei is a great sage in the world. If he doesn't make a mistake, he will be ruined and leave a bad name in history. This is something no one wants.

Zhu Zhanji was a little disappointed, but at the last critical moment, Yang Pu decided to step forward.

As the prince's teacher, he knew that he had the responsibility to guide the prince and protect him. So, he decided to go to the prison of Dali Temple in person to have a face-to-face conversation with Tao Wei.

Tao Yi has been very weak for a month in prison.

From the moment he decided to go on a hunger strike, Tao Wei made preparations for his posthumous affairs and officially started his hunger strike. It was a real hunger strike, not a political show for future generations. Although his body is getting weaker, his eyes are still firm.

Yang Pu looked at him with mixed feelings in his heart.

He admired Tao Wei's courage and lamented his persistence. Under the temptation of power and interests, Tao Yi remained unmoved and only insisted on sticking to his beliefs. This is something that most people cannot do.

Yang Pu took a deep breath and tried to calm down his inner excitement.

He gently said to Tao Wei: "Why are you so stubborn at the cost of your life? Isn't the current Ming Dynasty bad? The emperor is so wise, why should he be so extreme?"

"Yes, Daming is the best, he should be the best."

Tao Yi smiled slightly, his eyes firm.

Yang Pu was stunned.

Tao Yi looked at Yang Pu with clear eyes, "All people are created equal. This is the belief in my heart. I am willing to defend it with my life."

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Tao Wei continued leisurely: "The current emperor is the greatest man. With his wisdom, I believe he must understand this truth. However, even he does not have the confidence to practice it, which just illustrates this principle. The difficulty of the road.”

He paused, as if thinking about how to better express his point. Then, he added firmly: "However, the avenue is always the avenue, and it will not disappear because of our fear. Since the avenue is there, people should be brave enough to approach it, even if they pay a huge price for it."

Such a person with lofty ideals cannot be shaken by words.

Yang Pu gave up the next consolation and left the prison disappointed.

Seeing the master's expression and knowing that the other party had not changed his mind, Zhu Zhanji could no longer control his temper. He said angrily: "Why is everyone pushing me? Why doesn't anyone think about me? Everyone only thinks about their own interests and never thinks about me."

There was deep fatigue and pain on Zhu Zhanji's face.

Under pressure from all sides, he not only has to maintain the dignity of the royal family, but also faces various complex interpersonal relationships, various struggles and contradictions, and does not know what to do for fear of disappointing his father.

Zhu Zhanji never thought that he had done anything wrong, and everything was done to satisfy his father.

Only when your father is satisfied with yourself can you prove that you are doing well.

Yang Pu comforted him: "Prince, don't be too anxious. Everyone has their own choices and pursuits, and they are not necessarily all for themselves. Prince must believe in his own abilities and wisdom, and face everything bravely."

Zhu Zhanji calmed down a little.

Take a deep breath and try to calm down your emotions.

Zhu Zhanji knew that his father must be paying attention to this matter. At this critical moment, he could not let his emotions influence his decision-making. He needed to think more rationally and find a way to solve the problem.

The next day, Zhu Zhanji, in the name of the prince, asked all newspapers not to publish any news about the matter, and then released Tao Wei, escorted Tao Wei to his home, and placed people under residential surveillance.

In this case, even if Tao Yi died of starvation, he would still starve to death in his own home.

The Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau and the Imperial College were not allowed to contact this person.

After many attempts, Zhu Zhanji suppressed the matter forcefully. At least there was no more movement among the people. Only half a month had passed, and some of the original voices immediately disappeared without a trace.


There are complete records on Zhu Gaochi's desk.

Zhu Gaochi thought of someone.

There were quite a few thinkers who died on hunger strikes in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

For example, Liu Zongzhou, a thinker who died on hunger strike after the Qing soldiers invaded Hangzhou, was also the founder of the Jishan School. Huang Zongxi, Chen Que, Zhang Luxiang and other great Confucian scholars in the early Qing Dynasty were all descendants of this school.

And during the Wanli period, the thinker He Xinyin was arrested and imprisoned for opposing Zhang Juzheng's closure of private schools, and began a hunger strike. He eventually died of the hunger strike.

He Xinyin advocated sharing the same desires with the people.

In a feudal society with class antagonism, he required that the common people should be cared for first and their daily necessities met. If the people's food and clothing can be guaranteed and they can live a normal life, they will naturally be satisfied. This will establish a harmonious society that everyone yearns for. This is the ideal society that He pursues.

Finally, the Juhetang, which was created to realize his ideal of a harmonious society of "inner saint and outer king", was different from the ruling model of the feudal ruling class at that time.

It is not only a comprehensive management institution integrating clan and social autonomy, but also a social organization integrating production activities, cultural education, and social assistance.

It is also a typical example of popularizing Confucianism and is a practical attempt by He Xinyin with a strong purpose of social transformation. Juhetang pays attention to rights, obligations, economic fairness and equality.

It also includes the idea of ​​equality between king and minister, father and son, brothers, friends, etc.

For the sake of his own path, He Xinyin also chose to sacrifice his life.

This is what scares people with lofty ideals.

In the eyes of people like them, noble aspirations are the most important, far more important than life. It is precisely because of these people that they hold up the backbone of Chinese civilization.


Zhu Gaochi shook his head.

As an emperor, for the development of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Gaochi had no confidence in achieving the ideal society of these people. What he valued was seizing the moment, at least winning the war first.

Let's discuss these avenues after we win the war.

Shortly after.

Zhu Neng arrived in Samarkand and began to assemble the western army. According to the discussions between the cabinet and the Ministry of War, he no longer used the national army, but used the western army and the Beijing camp.

In addition to confidence in the Ming army, even if the war failed, it would not completely shake the foundation of the Ming army.

Compared with the foreign wars of the Yongle Dynasty, Zhu Gaochi chose to be conservative.

(End of this chapter)

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