The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 540 Quan Daming’s opposition

Chapter 540 Quan Daming’s opposition
Ask questions and come up with solutions.

Sociologist Zhao Sheng's views were published in the Social Newspaper, and he advocated population control and birth reduction.

In the past, newspapers, even if they were controversial, were at best mixed in reputation and reputation.

within a day.

Zhao Sheng became the target of everyone's shouting and beating.

"This person is a national traitor."

"The greatest treachery and evil has never been seen in history."

The squires didn't even need guidance. They only needed to tell the people Zhao Sheng's original words, which immediately caused the people to curse.

The entire Ming Dynasty has never made such a concerted effort to scold a person.

Zhao Sheng didn't even dare to go out.

The common people don't care about the truth, and public anger cannot be offended.

Zhu Yuanzhang came to warn Zhu Gaochi personally, "You can't speak for Zhao Sheng's proposal."

Zhu Gaochi opened his mouth and gave up helplessly.

If he dares to propose national policies in the Ming Dynasty, he really does not have the organizational skills to suppress the opposition of the people, and he will become an emperor grandson that the whole world cannot understand.

Not even Zhu Gaochi can bear the responsibility of a person hated by the whole country.

"Continuing the bloodline has been the most important thing for the common people since ancient times, and it has always been supported by the country's monarchs."

Zhu Yuanzhang said.


Therefore, the unified environment, coupled with the excellent science and technology and medical treatment of ancient China, have caused historical cycles to occur again and again.

People in later generations often wonder why the earlier the dynasty was, the longer the dynasty was, but the later it was, the shorter it was.

Because technological development has brought about more population growth, it's that simple.

Look at the West.

Agricultural output is low, with a grain harvest rate of two to one, compared to China's grain harvest rate of twenty to one.

High agricultural output requires support from astronomy, water conservancy projects, irrigation facilities, water diversion technology, iron smelting industry, farming technology, organic fertilizers, etc.

In all aspects, the West is far inferior to China. In addition, the West has years of wars and backward medical standards.

Traditional Chinese medicine and the medical system are very backward in the face of modern medicine, but they have solved problems that did not exist in ancient times.

It is not the opinions of some later generations that gorillas have multiplied without traditional Chinese medicine, but the gap in population has been ignored.

"Even the army, even the new army, will not support it."

Zhu Yuanzhang emphasized.

"Grandpa Huang, don't worry, your grandson understands the power of this and won't mess around." Zhu Gaochi said.

After receiving Zhu Gaochi's assurance, Zhu Yuanzhang left with peace of mind.

Because of Zhao Sheng's ideas, he has won the support of the whole society.

The policy of controlling the foreign female population going to the Ming Dynasty naturally encountered opposition. Zhu Gaochi would not personally support it, so this suggestion was not adopted.

Zhao Sheng, who was staying at home, was not idle and soon published another theory in the social newspaper.

Regarding the fundamentals of supporting the development of industrialization.

Machines replace human labor.

"Why has there never been such a big change like today's Ming Dynasty before industrialized society?"

“Because the economic progress of traditional agricultural society is different from the social and economic growth born out of industrialization in terms of quantity and sustainability.”

"Although the progress of traditional agricultural society is enough to affect the entire country, it is not just beneficial to individual regions, cities or social groups."

"However, these benefits are quickly offset by the harsh reality of population growth."

"For statistical reasons, there are insufficient statistical data on the social and economic growth of early traditional agriculture. Therefore, the overall trend of previous economic growth must be extrapolated from incomplete records of individual places and individual historical materials."

"However, a large number of scholars and I launched a research and verification of labor and price data that lasted for nearly eight decades since the Tang Dynasty."

"The standard of living in traditional agricultural societies mainly depends on population."

"This is why when the Tang and Song Dynasties were first founded, the country's development was getting better and better, but in the later stages, the national power was getting worse and worse."

"Because in the founding period of the People's Republic of China, there were many resources per capita. As the population grew, and the harvest of land in an agricultural society was limited, people would soon fall into poverty."

"Those who are poor cannot survive, so they can only sell their own means of production and become tenants of others. This cannot be changed by any policy. This is why many outstanding ministers in the Tang and Song Dynasties carried out reforms, but none of them succeeded."

"After more than twenty years of cultivation, the population of our dynasty has greatly increased, but overall the per capita resources are still rich."

"Therefore, His Royal Highness the Emperor Sun is promoting industrial development in Beiping. Coupled with the assistance of policies and the people-oriented premise, the artificial system has been guaranteed and the development of machines has been beneficially promoted."


Spring Harmony Palace Loft.

Zhu Gaochi sat on a chair, his sight on the platform widened, and Guo Cailian brought her eldest son and youngest daughter to a family gathering.

Zhu Gaochi lowered his head and read the newspaper.

Guo Cailian led her children to play in the distance so as not to disturb Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Gaochi is very proud.

Recovering Senan, also trying to control Li, Annan, and even opening up the Eastern Chagatai Khanate were not as exciting as cultivating a large number of talents of the new era and creating a new mechanism system, which brought Zhu Gaochi.

In the past, these social theoretical studies required him to teach the people below.

With the development to this day, more and more talents have emerged, and spontaneous promotion has begun, forming an effective virtuous cycle.

Social theory reports in newspapers were not possible ten years ago, but now they are available in Ming Dynasty.

This is the greatest valuable asset Zhu Gaochi left for Chinese civilization.

More importantly, the theories developed by these talents are recognized by Zhu Gaochi and are in line with historical development.

Why did Britain enter the Industrial Revolution?

there are many reasons.

But none of them are very profound or complicated.

It is too profound and complex, and cannot appear from scratch, and does not conform to the natural logic of the development of things.

Just like everything has pros and cons, there is a middle ground.The Black Death wiped out more than half of the population in the West, but it also allowed Western artificial intelligence to develop.

In the Black Death and the Hundred Years War between England and France.

Britain's labor income has tripled because per capita resources have greatly increased. This is the bloody and cruel reality.

When the Black Death and the Anglo-French War ended, the UK was in a stable environment and had the geographical environment for the Industrial Revolution. Coupled with high labor costs and tight human resources, the market needed machines.

in short.

The decline in population has brought about an increase in per capita resources.

When industrialized society takes off, it is irreversible in the long run.

This is not just a matter of hindsight.

The increase in human labor productivity resulting from the transformation of the economic system into its modern form represents a new level reached by mankind after several generations of sustained efforts.

Therefore, although the economic growth rate of an industrialized country may fluctuate, stagnate, or even temporarily decline due to the devastating disasters of modern war, revival is always inevitable, because the economic system itself breeds the seeds of its own revival.

Just like Germany, even after two defeats, it can recover quickly.

Because the ability of industrialized countries to produce material products no longer depends solely on the land resources they inherit. .
This is why ancient China's technology and humanities were so advanced that they far surpassed those of the West, but there was no sign of an industrial society in which machines replaced manpower.

Because the massive growth of population not only reduces per capita resources, but also provides countless cheap labor, making it unprofitable in the early stages of replacing manpower with machines and unable to meet market demand.

Comparing the different environments of industrialization development in China and the West, the biggest obstacle is how to solve the problem of excessive population.

"You are really different from others."

Guo Cailian's laughter interrupted Zhu Gaochi's train of thought.

Zhu Gaochi raised his head and saw Guo Cailian's little face was full of fun.

"When I was in Peking, I didn't see you in such trouble now. Why is it that while Ming Dynasty is getting better and better, it's getting more and more difficult for you."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but laugh.

Peiping has a small population, less than 300 million at first. Any industry can drive economic development.

Let’s talk about the cruel reality.

The development of Peiping has absorbed a large amount of demographic dividend from the surrounding areas, but with Zhu Gaochi's rapid development, this problem was quickly solved.

Coupled with the ever-expanding land, the stability of per capita resources is guaranteed through repeated immigration.

"Stand tall and see far."

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "I see more problems, and of course I need to find ways to solve them. National affairs are never static."

Zhu Gaochi sighed with emotion.

Fast development is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Nothing stays the same.

No matter how it develops, a country is like a boat sailing against the current. If it does not advance, it will retreat.

Just like the rapid development of later generations, prices continue to rise, and per capita income also continues to increase.

The faster the development, people seem to be whipped to run in order to catch up with the speed of development and not let their income fall behind.

The Ming Dynasty definitely did not enter an industrialized society and everything would be fine and there would be no problems.

Just like the UK.

Britain during the industrialization period was indeed a struggling country. It did not win by lying down. Its great achievements did not fall from the world. They solved problems one after another and then reached a height that they could no longer solve. There were more and more problems, and it began to decline.

Just that.

Zhu Gaochi's Ming Dynasty was different from Britain. Britain sucked blood from both inside and outside the country, and the domestic working class was in a state of devastation.

Zhu Gaochi wanted the people of the Ming Dynasty to participate in the dividends of development, instead of exploiting the people to maintain the development of national strength.

This is the ultimate goal advocated by the martyrs of the Chinese model.

The world is in harmony.

"You, you can't take a break."

Guo Cailian couldn't help but complain.

Zhu Gaochi shook his head.

"Can't rest."

"It's easy for me to take a break. Those businessmen, squires and other classes that I suppressed will give me a big surprise right away."

"When the time comes, even I won't be able to defeat them, and I will have to compromise with them."

Zhu Gaochi stood up.

Start activities as usual.

He wants to strive to live longer than the life span of the original owner.

It seems that he has suppressed the exploiting class and the country is peaceful.

But he will never look down on those classes.

What he was afraid of was his own death, so he had to use his limited time to firmly build a good foundation for the people.

After all, it was forced to grow.

It is difficult to build material civilization, but it is even harder to build spiritual civilization.

What's even more embarrassing is that many things are too advanced and even the common people cannot accept them.

For example, Zhao Sheng.

He hopes to make things clear through reasoning.

It's a pity that his interests are not consistent with those of the current people.

People want to have more children.

And Zhao Sheng hopes that the people can control themselves and reduce the number of children. This is the enemy in the eyes of the people.

No matter how much Zhao Sheng tries to reason, he cannot change his image in the hearts of the people.

So his approach failed.

(End of this chapter)

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