The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 307 The Landlord's Confusion

Chapter 307 The Landlord's Confusion

Tao Jie said aggrievedly: "According to what I learned in the technical newspaper, the supporting industries in Yingtianfu could not keep up, and the original production cost was higher than that in Beiping. Later, China Heavy Industries put a large number of second-hand steam engines on the market. My factory will do it." I can't go down."

Zhang Bo nodded, understanding why Tao Jie failed.

This person is not defeated by business, but by environment.

The business environment in the northern border has surpassed that of Ming Dynasty, so outside of Beiping, it is impossible to defeat Beiping.

Tao Jie has been looking for the reasons for his failure.

After familiarizing himself with technical reports, Tao Jie had some preliminary understanding, but he always felt that it was not clear enough, so he sincerely asked Zhang Bo for advice.

"Theoretically speaking, the Jianghuai region is the richest place in Ming Dynasty, and its productivity is not weaker than that of Beiping. Why did I fail so thoroughly?"

The exchange of the three attracted the rest of the people, and many people gathered around.

Zhang Bo smiled.

He said in public: "It is already remarkable that the Jianghuai region has reached this level of traditional productivity."

China Heavy Industry outflows external talents, and Zhang Bo has a high degree of awareness of China Heavy Industry.

Businessmen hope that through Zhang Bo, they can also deepen their message.

After finishing the routine, Zhang Bo said seriously: "According to the information published in the new newspaper, the per capita iron consumption in Peiping has increased from one catty to nine taels to 39 catties, a full twenty-fold increase."

"What is the concept of twenty times?"

Zhang Bo's voice became more excited and full of passion as he spoke, which made people listen more attentively.

Like the protagonist of the stage.

Zhang Bo danced and exaggerated his body language, making him look more powerful.

"In other words, the social wealth of Peking has increased twenty-fold!"

"What kind of expansion speed is this?"

"Even the wealthiest salt merchants in the Jianghuai area can't reach the level of growth in their lifetime, and smuggling salt doesn't have such a high rate of return."

People couldn't help but smile.

These people have added countless rich people in the development of Beiping, or the development of Beiping.

The small businessman becomes a big businessman, and the big businessman becomes a power that controls capital.

For example Zhang Dehui.

An important member of the Coal Industry Association, a coal industry tycoon.

This is already exaggerated.

But now Zhang Bo’s new model in Kaiping is equivalent to adding leverage, which is even more serious. Others are still running, but he is already on a plane.

So Zhang Bo became the most popular person in Peking.

"Peking's first-mover advantage, and the current business volume of Peiping, are like Huizhou merchants."

Zhang Bo explained in easy-to-understand words.

"The environment of Huizhou merchants is superior to other groups, so Huizhou merchants do business all over the country in Ming Dynasty, and there is a saying that there is no business without Huizhou."

"This is an inevitable trend in business. The strong get stronger and the weak get weaker."

"Huizhou merchants flowed out and spread all over the country. The same is true for Beiping. In the future, only Peiping will export, but there will be no export to Peiping, because of the development of industrial productivity in Beiping!"

If Zhu Gaochi is here, he will understand that it is also the reason why the United States cries for free trade in later generations.

With the industrial production capacity of the United States at that time, the so-called fair competition was the biggest unfairness to countries with weak productivity.

If we really pursue fairness, when China's industrial production capacity exceeds that of the United States, the United States will not raise trade barriers again.

At that time, the United Kingdom occupied the main market in the world, and the industrial productivity of the United States surpassed that of the United Kingdom. The United States called the United Kingdom every day to hinder free trade in the world.

The dragon slayer boy defeated the evil dragon and finally became an evil dragon.

It is said that China likes to say stereotypes.

In fact, the United States is the same.

It's just that he likes to use words like freedom, which are different from traditional Chinese words. Seeing the essence through phenomena, there is actually no difference.

Of course, there must be something worth learning. The ancestors have long said that three people must have my teacher.

But if you really regard others as your savior and expect others to fight for your own happiness, this kind of talent is really a dream, opening the door to attract tigers and wolves, harming others and yourself.

There has never been a savior in the world, only you can save yourself.

Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, the progress of world civilization has always been achieved by the people themselves. People who expect to sit back and reap the rewards and receive blessings from the sky are hopeless.

It's like Ming Dynasty.

The resistance to the imperial power has never stopped, and the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty has been challenged step by step, which is the manifestation of the Ming Dynasty being more enlightened than the Qing Dynasty.

Try to challenge the imperial power during the stable period of the Qing Dynasty, and you will die if you try.

Tomorrow is different.

Dare to scold in the court, and still scold when you return to your hometown. If you are not satisfied with scolding, write it into a book and pass it on to future generations.

In the mid-Ming Dynasty, civilians walked directly into the East Palace with sticks, so defenseless, how dare you think about it in the Qing Dynasty?

"Peking is now like a train on the railway. The sooner people join this train, the farther they will travel."

"And those who don't take this train will be thrown away without seeing their shadows, and will eventually be eliminated by society."

Zhang Bo highly praised Beiping, and hoped that more people would invest in Beiping, so that he could get more cakes.

This time the banquet was a success.

Zhang Bo's good performance has won the recognition and trust of many people.

The property of the businessmen who came to Peiping expanded like a balloon, and this temptation attracted more people, and Tao Jie was this group of people.

But they are very unfamiliar with Peiping and don't know where to start.

But they have funds and connections in the South.

Zhang Bo raised another 2 taels of silver.

Real money.

This batch of money was exchanged for food stamps, and they continued to go to Kaiping to acquire land, and then recruited workers to start mining. In the early stage of production, they went to the food stamp bank for loans.

This month, Beiping opened three new restaurants.

The border of Zhending Mansion, at the junction with Shunde Mansion, Bai Township, Lincheng County.

Qingming two months ago.

The common people burned paper to visit the grave.

But Beiping is different from the south.

Most of the population of Peiping migrated from the south. In fact, dating back hundreds of years, most of this group of people are descendants of the group of people who originally migrated from the north to the south.

This is also one of the reasons why the Han gene is the highest in the world.

Just that.

It is true that there are not many big families in Beiping at present.

Military households dominate in the north, and small households in the south dominate, and most of the ancestral graves are not in Beiping.

But Shandong is different.

Now the scale of tomb-sweeping in Shandong in Daming is much larger than that in Beiping, and the scale in the southern coastal area is much larger.

This was caused by the policies of the Yuan Dynasty. After all, the era of inferior people was also the center of the Southern Song Dynasty. Various prohibitions destroyed the culture of the Jianghuai region.

On the contrary, the coastal areas were preserved, including clans.

Many people say that clan is not good.

The premise is that I have better things first, and before there is no better replacement, I will lose my clan instead, and that would be called reading stupid and pedantic.

Studying, getting fame, becoming an official, buying land to increase family wealth.

This is the way of traditional agricultural society.

This year, people in the village who came back from doing business in Beiping Mansion repaired their ancestral tombs, that is, the tombs of their grandfathers and fathers.

They even used masonry.

The cartloads of sacrifices were pulled back, alarming the villagers.

"It's so brave."

"The government doesn't care."

The folks are chattering.

The largest landlord in the area, the members of the Laotian family also came to see, and the younger generations of the family showed envious eyes.

"This family used to be inferior to ours. After going out for a few years, they became so arrogant."

"I heard that this family opened a mine in Beiping."

"If you don't buy a field to mine, the mine will be dug out one day. It's not like my family's field, which has been passed down from generation to generation."

"But his family's mining business, the annual profit exceeds our decades of accumulation, I heard that his family bought another mine."

Some children said anxiously.

In ancient times, people kept the good rice and wheat grown in their own fields as grain for the coming year.

This is not a small percentage.

There is a lot of wheat growing in the north. In ancient times, depending on the geographical environment, in some places, five mu of land required more than a hundred catties of grain to be planted.

Twenty catties of wheat seeds are needed for one mu of land.

in the West.


What is the concept of about 1:2?
An acre of land in ancient times in the West can roughly sow 20 catties of seeds, so in the future only 40 catties of grain can be harvested!
From Life in the Middle Ages, UK.

It is also consistent with the conclusions calculated by Cambridge Economic History based on the data in records such as the ancient Roman "On Agriculture".

China's farming technology is far superior to that of the West.

After the crops, taxes, etc. are removed, if the corvee is not counted, the profit of the self-cultivator for an acre of land in the north is about seven renminbi.

Ten mu of land is seven taels of silver.

After removing rations, daily necessities, and tools, there is not much money left.

Theoretically, [-] mu of land is the upper limit for a family to plow with oxen.

Even if there is a hundred acres of land, it will not create much value.

But now the general workers of China Heavy Industry, earn 12 taels a year, including food, housing and free work clothes.

The rate of return for those businessmen who invest in industry is even more astonishingly high.

Snowballing profits like Zhang Bo's are even beyond the imagination of landlords who want to make profits from land.

If the industrial profit is more than double the land profit, these landlords will want to pursue security.

But a hundred times, a thousand times.

The family's annual profit is beyond the reach of ordinary small landlords in their lifetime.

There are many people who will object that the industry has made manpower tense and increased the labor cost of the landlords, but more landlords will turn around and join the industry.

What channels and capital do ordinary people have to start factories?

The main forces in Britain's first industrial revolution were still the same group of people, the royal family, nobles, and landowners.

It's just that their model has changed, so they have changed their names.

Without bloodshed, how could the original interest class disappear.

It's just that the development of industry has made the plate bigger and more people have joined.

Therefore, although Britain's first industrial revolution was successful, it also deepened domestic class contradictions.

Taking out hundreds of taels of silver is something that many landlords can take out by gnashing their teeth.

These few hundred taels of silver can become the original capital.

The rich man who returned to his hometown with wealth invited several landlords in the village to dinner, hoping to get a sum of investment from these people.

The extravagance of wealth and wealth is also for these people to see.

(End of this chapter)

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