The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Textile Industry Promoted by Chapter 169

Textile Industry Promoted by Chapter 169
It is often said that the first industrial revolution happened in Britain, but when the first industrial revolution happened, Britain did not know about the industrial revolution.

They were completely unaware that in Britain from the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, a first industrial revolution unprecedented in human history was unfolding before their eyes.

And this industrial revolution happened to be detonated by the rural industrialization movement in England from the seventeenth century to the mid-eighteenth century.

It was not until later that the British industrial revolution detonated by rural primitive industrialization was noticed and realized by a few insightful political economists such as Marx and Engels.


In the 80s, China was still poor and backward, and most of the population was concentrated in the rural environment.

No one has been able to keenly grasp or realize the far-reaching historical and economic significance of this wave of rural industrialization.

China around [-] was already on the threshold of detonating the industrial revolution, but it did not attract the attention of economists and media at home and abroad.

And China's greatest chief designer has accurately seen the phenomenon.

Zhu Gaochi also discovered Zhu Di's unhappiness, and he also knew where his unhappiness came from, so he explained it seriously.

"It took less than two years for the birth of China Heavy Industry. Although it has developed rapidly, it still does not have the ability to take care of everyone."

"Currently, China Heavy Industry's goal is still to focus on military households, supplemented by craftsmen, so for the civilian population, these workshops are needed."

"Absorb surplus rural labor, promote productivity, and create a steady stream of power for the road to industrialization."

Zhu Di said dissatisfiedly, "Isn't it unfair?"

Zhu Gaochi didn't find it ridiculous when Zhu Di talked about fairness.

If you think it is absurd, it is because of a misunderstanding of scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce.

Agricultural business.

From "Guanzi", "Scholars, farmers, businessmen and four people are the country's stone people."

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and the four people are the pillars of the country.

According to Guan Zhong, there are four advantages to the separation of industries among the four peoples: first, "communication with each other is based on things, and each other is cleverly shown", and people of the same industry live together, which is easy to exchange experience and improve skills;
The second is "communicating with each other for benefit, showing each other at the right time" and "telling each other to know the price", which have a great effect on promoting the production and circulation of commodities;

The third is to create a professional atmosphere, so that the public can be content with their own profession, so that they will not "see foreign objects and move away", thus causing occupational instability;
The fourth is to create a good social education environment invisibly, so that children can be influenced by their ears and eyes from an early age, and they can naturally master professional skills under the influence of their father and brother.

No matter how some people in later generations interpret it into ranks according to the words, and no matter how the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties changed, at least Guan Zhong's original intention was not to distinguish between high and low.

The ancient Greek thinker Plato divided the citizens into three classes in "Utopia": the first class is philosophers, the second class is warriors, and the third class is merchants, handicraftsmen and farmers.

In the Ming Dynasty, the status of scholars was indeed the highest, after all, they were officials.

Therefore, Western missionaries at the end of the Ming Dynasty called Daming the Utopia.

But this is due to the difference caused by social status, not artificial division, just like the phenomenon of rich people having mistresses, so it cannot be interpreted as society supporting mistresses.

Zhu Di believes that as a ruler, he should treat all people equally, regardless of their closeness, and he is dissatisfied with the boss's actions.

"There are too many farmers in Ming Dynasty." Zhu Gaochi said softly.

The urban population of Ming Dynasty was less than [-]% at its peak.

Relying on the prosperity of the rural economy for a century and a half, Britain supported the market born of the Industrial Revolution.

So how to complete the industrial revolution in one generation, first of all, the development of the rural economy in a century and a half, is an unavoidable problem.

The bottom-up, the fruit of natural development in the UK requires a long time and unique conditions.

And top-down requires superb skills, and ordinary people can't handle it.

Both the development of industry and the stimulation of surplus rural labor are inseparable.

From 150 to 890, the number of township enterprises in China changed from [-] million to [-] million, providing nuclear power for industrialization.

China Heavy Industry solves the problem of military households, while workshops solve the problems of civilian households.

Two roads of heavy industry and light industry.

China Heavy Industries creates consumption, stimulates consumption, drives the private economy, and the development of the private economy absorbs the rural population.

It means that China Heavy Industry has become the incubator of the workshop economy, providing the principal for the workshop economy, and relying on these principals, the workshop economy cycle starts and grows bigger and bigger.

Otherwise, relying on the size of China Heavy Industry alone, it can only increase the industrial population by 5.00% to [-]% in the future.

The most important thing is that if Zhu Gaochi wants to complete the road of industrialization in one generation, he must be inseparable from the workshop economy.

"Should we just ignore it? Man-made division?" Zhu Di understood the difficulty of the eldest son, but still felt that it was not a long-term solution.

"When the machine produces the machine, it's solved."

"Machines make machines?"

"China Heavy Industry currently belongs to the first stage, the stage in which machines produce goods." This is the characteristic of the first revolutionary revolution.

Zhu Gaochi explained: "When machines produce machines, it belongs to the second stage. When the productivity of society reaches this point, social resources can be redistributed."

Machines producing machines are the hallmark of the Second Industrial Revolution.

Between [-] and the millennium, later generations of countries were on the verge of detonating the second industrial revolution.

Once the first and second industrial revolutions are detonated in the right order, their ability to self-reproduce and profit is difficult to stop by any financial crisis.

It is also the key reason why the world was unable to stop China's rise in those years.

Whether it was the Asian financial crisis in 40.00 or the world financial crisis in [-], China's total export volume was permanently reduced by nearly [-]% compared with its growth trend, and it failed to stop China's development.

Just like the United States in the [-]th century, it experienced fifteen financial crises and a four-year civil war, none of which stopped the United States from developing strongly into the next world production center and superpower.

This is not because of America's so-called intellectual superiority, as intellectual economists boast.

It is because the United States has absorbed the successful experience of the British Industrial Revolution, and since the founding of the country, it has adopted a correct and orderly development strategy from primitive industrialization to light industrialization and then to heavy industrialization.

The same is true for China. On the right path, those great powers have taken countless measures together, but in the end they did not stop China's economic take-off.

"Machine produces machines." Zhu Di understood every single word, but he seemed to understand all the words together, but felt incomprehensible.

His face showed a dazed look, and suddenly he felt that discussing economics with his eldest son was really boring.

Daming liked child prodigies, and child prodigies were sought after throughout the Ming dynasty.

Although his eldest son is not a child prodigy, Zhu Di is very proud of his late blooming and youthful brilliance.

He no longer forced himself to understand the boss's economic theory, and said: "Economics, we must not only develop the economy, but also take care of the people's livelihood. You need to know how to love the people like a son."

"Son, remember."

Zhu Gaochi responded.

Aiming for the people like a son will be discarded in later generations, including the bridge section where you block the road and kowtow to the Lord Qingtian, they are all vigilant dross.

However, in Ming Dynasty, rulers did have to possess this kind of quality, and Confucianism strongly required rulers to act in this way.

Just like the great talent Hai Rui, Wanmin is willing to kneel to him, reluctant to let him leave, and hopes that he will stay in the local area forever as an official.

[-] sets of clothes, and the follow-up [-] sets, if in Yingtianfu, with the textile capacity of the Jianghuai area, it may be completed in ten days and a half months.

But being placed in Peiping did make the workshop owners both happy and painful.

I am also worried that there will be fewer orders after recruitment, and I am unwilling to miss this opportunity. I am in a dilemma and it is difficult to make up my mind.

I don't know when, some customers come to the door from time to time, wanting to buy some ready-made clothes.

Some workshop owners keenly seized this opportunity and began to try to produce other styles of clothes, such as beautiful dresses such as Hundred Flowers Qun and Pearl Emerald Butterfly Qun worn by their daughters.

One day during a holiday, Xiao Jiu and his fellow workers went shopping in the city, hesitated for a while, and entered a clothing store.

Under the warm hospitality of the staff, Xiao Jiu bought nine sets of skirts in one go.

"Why do you buy so many clothes?"

"Two sets for Mrs. Shi, two sets for sister-in-law, two sets for mother-in-law, and three sets for sister-in-law." Xiao Jiu said to the workers, carrying the burden on his back.

The workers knew that Xiaojiu had a high income, so they didn't dare to compare with him, so they only bought one set from the mother-in-law and daughter.


There are many beautiful ready-made clothes hanging in this ready-made clothes shop. In the spare time of making work clothes for China Heavy Industry, it specializes in making women's clothes.

Inspired by the factory, it also combines traditional clothing to make more conservative and more refined clothes.

More and more people came to buy, even the lady of the official family in the city heard about the reputation of this place, so they made an appointment to try it.

With one family getting rich, there will soon be a second family and a third family.

In the fiercely competitive environment, some began to pursue cheap prices, some began to pursue quality, and some began to pay attention to styles.

According to Zhu Yuanzhang's will, the common people want to grow mulberry trees and grow hemp and cotton, in order to make the households self-sufficient and achieve food and clothing.

Farmers who have five mu to ten mu of land should plant half an mu of mulberry and kapok, and those with more than ten mu will double that.

After the country was unified, this decree was implemented throughout the country, requiring the people to grow mulberry trees, jujube trees, persimmon trees and cotton.

But these didn't make it to the market.

Including military uniforms, the Ming Dynasty allowed the common people to make military uniforms for free in the context of serving in the military. Not only did it fail to produce economic benefits, but the common people suffered greatly from it.

When China Heavy Industry puts tens of thousands of garment orders into the market every year, it provides impetus for the development of the textile industry.

Relying on this cornerstone, Beiping's textile industry quickly developed, and a wide range of clothing promoted people's consumption.

The upper-middle-class rulers, such as the Wangfu, have their own six bureaus, but the wealthy households in the middle-lower class have this demand and consumption power.

In addition to the tens of thousands of workers of China Heavy Industry, they themselves wear neat clothes and receive affluent wages, so they can't let the whole family wear tattered clothes.

When one family buys, the rest of the workers will compare and then follow suit, and the desire to consume is born.

(End of this chapter)

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