Chapter 125 Miyun Iron Mine
From Beiping to Miyun, nearly two hundred miles away.

When passing through Yingzhou, the Yingzhou Guard sent a team to accompany them, and when they arrived at Miyun, the Miyun Guard also sent a team to accompany them.

The team has tripled from more than ten people to nearly 50 people.


In the house provided by the guard, people washed up after eating, ran around and visited everywhere, and everyone was exhausted.

Gao Zhen soaked her feet in hot water, picked up the basin and poured it to the corner outside the house, and trotted back in the cold wind.

Another shopkeeper, Gao Changfang, was already resting on the kang.

Gao Zhen didn't feel sleepy yet.

"Are you still asleep?" Gao Changfang was in a daze, and when he saw a figure sitting on the kang, he was startled, his sleepiness was startled, and he said half complaining.

Gao Zhen shook her head, turned on the oil lamp on the kang table again, the light in the room was brighter, and she still held a book in her hand.

"It's strange to say that when I didn't go to the factory before, I fell asleep as soon as the sun went down."

"Later, when I entered the factory, it may be that there were too many things on the cabinet, and my heart was not empty, but I couldn't fall asleep. I always had to read a book and stay up."

Gao Changfang was stunned.

He nodded understandingly, stopped complaining, and comforted: "Your outer cabinets are indeed under a lot of pressure."

"It made you drowsy." Gao Zhen said apologetically.

Gao Changfang lost sleepiness, put on a sheepskin jacket and sat up wrapped in a quilt, "What book are you reading?"

"It's just miscellaneous books."

""Mengxi Bi Tan", there are dozens of volumes in this book, which volume did you read?"

"You read it too?"

"I've finished reading it." Gao Changfang smiled triumphantly, and then added: "One time when I was in the little prince's office, I saw this book, and I bought it and read it later."

Gao Zhen was stunned.

It seems that he is not the only one who is working hard, and many people are making progress secretly.

Gao Changfang and Gao Zhen have different personalities. After all, one has been in the factory for a long time, and the other has been traveling all year round. It is surprising that they have the same personality.

He is more curious about the power of the palace, and is more interested in these outside things.

"I don't know if you found out."


"It's different in the north."

"The northern part of Beiping is mountainous and sparsely populated. The current proportion of military households is the majority, which is indeed different from the southern part."

Gao Zhen laughed.

Gao Changfang shook his head, and said in a low voice: "I said that the prestige of our palace in the north, you didn't realize how we are treated along the way?"

It turns out that Gao Zhen knew what Gao Changfang was referring to.

The little prince is working in Beiping Mansion. Although the local government will not stop him, they will not take the initiative to welcome him, but on the way to the north, everyone feels the local respect.

"It should be the difference between the guards and the government." Gao Zhen hesitated, and analyzed: "The guards in the north are powerful, but in the south of Beiping, the terrain is flat, the population is relatively dense, there are many households, and the government is also powerful."

"When you say that, it makes sense."

The more Gao Zhen said, the clearer she became, and at last she was convinced, and said with certainty: "Your Highness has led troops to the north for many years, and all the guards in Beiping are under his command."

"Although after the fighting stopped, the guards returned to their original places and resumed their daily routines, but the previous relationship will still be maintained."

"And when the war resumes, these guards will still be under the command of the prince, so even on weekdays, who would dare to disobey the order of the prince?"

"So that's how it is." Gao Changfang understood, and then said in admiration, "It's because you people who run outside are knowledgeable and well-informed."

"It's all speculation, it can't be true."

Seeing that it was getting late, Gao Zhen put down her book, said "Go to sleep", and really fell asleep, leaving Gao Changfang dumbfounded who had no sleepiness at all.

the next day.

The military households serving in the public house of the guard boiled water for cooking and provided it for people to use.

Zhu Gaochi is naturally not here.

He was invited back to his home by the commander last night. After saying goodbye in the morning, the commander's son sent him a few miles away.

Bringing people to the guard, the group set off again.


Eight mountains, one water and one field.

The population is sparse and the fields are insufficient. The current population is mainly military households, which belong to the important military area of ​​Beiping Prefecture.

The guards in various places cooperated very well and opened the door of convenience, giving people and land.

There are two teams of soldiers guarding it, and all parts of Miyun can walk sideways.

The sergeants were also curious.

Miyun is such a shitty place, what do noble people come here for?

Zhu Gaochi did not explain, but only revealed to the commander that he was going to mine here.

As for why Zhu Di greeted them in advance, and why their attitude was so bright, Zhu Gaochi had no doubts.

During the battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di rebelled, not only the three guards of Yanshan quickly followed, but the attitudes of the guards in various parts of Beiping Prefecture were more inclined to Yanwang Palace.

However, Zhu Di spent some effort to subdue the guard in the south of Beiping Mansion.

Baoding, calm down, even the gate of Beiping City, the three guards of Zhuozhou at the junction of the south and Baoding, is not as easy to control as the guards in the north.

But relying on Zhu Di's perennial prestige and skill, most of the guards in Beiping Mansion eventually turned to Zhu Di.

Only in this way did Zhu Di provide enough elite soldiers, laying the foundation for future victories with less.

Otherwise, no matter how excellent Zhu Di's military skills are, if he doesn't have elite soldiers in hand, he will also fall into the predicament that a clever woman can't cook without rice.

"After the understanding of the local iron mines and the exploration of our own craftsmen, the mine seams in this area are huge, extending for one or two miles, or even more than ten miles, and one is more than twenty miles long."

"There is a private iron company that has been mining for decades, but it has not yet reached the bottom."

"According to the local master, the thickness of the iron ore is multi-layered, and the thickness of the ore layer is often nearly a thousand feet."

When Wansan talked about iron ore, he was very familiar with it.

The preparations for Miyun have been in preparation for a long time, and there are detailed information on all matters. They are here to make a decision this time.

Zhu Gaochi already knew about the news Wansan said.

Mineral resources in Miyun have been discovered through exploration in later generations, and there are many iron ores, accounting for more than 90.00% of the total reserves in Beijing.

Miyun Iron Mine is also famous in later generations.

Iron ore was also produced in ancient times.

But the scale is small, and most of them are open-pit mines.

"The mining of coal mines is much more difficult than iron mines, and there are many dangers in coal mines. With the current technology, it is impossible to achieve perfection."

"That's why China Heavy Industries does not seek to build its own mine, but chooses to cooperate with coal mine owners. As for iron mines, the iron mines in Miyun must be monopolized in their hands."

"In addition to the rich iron ore resources in Miyun, the most important thing is that the iron ore in Miyun is easy to mine and the risk is controllable."

"Having mastered the iron ore in the Miyun area, China Heavy Industry will not be afraid of any competition and will be even more powerful, so we cannot miss this opportunity."

Not only that, Miyun Iron Mine is the easiest area to mine.

It is also because it is too easy to mine, so that people in later generations can dig out truckloads of iron ore with a few companions and only need a few picks to go into the mountain.

It is precisely because the threshold is low, like ants moving, everyone goes into the mountains to mine, which leads to repeated bans in later generations.

Of course, Zhu Gaochi cannot miss this rare "treasure land".

"China Heavy Industry's iron smelting plant, with the production method of a large factory, combined with our most advanced iron smelting technology, the output will reach an astonishing level."

"It's not enough to rely on civilian mines alone, and we want to monopolize the iron mines in Miyun, so that we can produce and sell them ourselves, so that the cost of ironware in iron smelters can be controlled to the lowest level, and then we can The price is market-oriented.”

Because I told people about the principle of production distribution a few days ago, many people understood what the little prince meant.

All concessions for industry.

"There are several private mines in Miyun, and I'm afraid they won't sell them." The honest Wan San asked an honest question.

Nobles eat people.

But because of the long contact with the little nobleman, Wansan has already forgotten.

Ma Wangxuan controlled his smile and didn't let himself laugh, but Gao Changfang couldn't help it.

"They will give it to us." Zhu Gaochi comforted Wan San.

Wansan's old face was a little dazed, and he didn't react.

"Gao Changfang."


"You are responsible for the specific affairs of the iron factory and the iron mine. Is there any problem?"

"No, don't worry, little prince."

Gao Changfang knew about it in advance and was fully prepared for it.

"Businessmen are profit-seeking, but we are not pure businessmen." Zhu Gaochi glanced at the crowd, and everyone sat up straight.

"China Heavy Industries is making a profit. If you use the character of a businessman, you can squeeze workers to the maximum."

"Increase workers' working hours, reduce workers' wages, and drain workers' potential."

"Especially in a large factory with intensive operations like ours, this alone can bring huge profits."

"And we don't approve of this production method, and we have different requirements for you. We must not only guarantee the interests, maximize the profits of the factory, but also take good care of the workers' lives."

China Heavy Industry has been doing this.

Ordinary workers are paid one or two taels of silver a month, while military household workers are paid one or two or five taels of silver a month.

There are also people with crafts, people who can write and do arithmetic, and so on.

"If we follow the production method and the cost problem brought about by this, if there is another factory like ours, we can't compete with others."

"So we want to monopolize, for example, the iron mine in Miyun. Although we don't open coal mines, we want to monopolize the technology of honeycomb coal."

"The monopoly of the means of production is to better protect the interests of workers. I hope everyone can understand this truth. It is definitely not for the benefit of the family, let alone our selfish desires."

Zhu Gaochi couldn't let the people in front of him have immoral thoughts about the means of dealing with the Miyun mine.

Things are done with the power to coerce people, but the essence of the matter is for the development of people's livelihood, so that the benefits of industry can be extended to the level of the people, instead of staying on the factory owners.

This is a more advanced way of social distribution than after the Western Industrial Revolution.

A person must have personal virtue.

A group must have public morality.

Only when managers have a sense of public morality can China Heavy Industry's current people-oriented atmosphere continue to be carried forward.

 Thanks for the reward of Fossil Wuheng.

(End of this chapter)

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