Not a trainer this time.

Chapter 272 There must be light

Chapter 272 There must be light (4000)

Kuailong [-] has long ago noticed the two Kuailongs and five Hakosaurs that rise at sunrise every morning and return at sunset.

They open their eyes from sleep every morning when the sun rises, and then fly away in the early sunshine.

When the sun is about to set, Kuailong [-] can see them returning to Kuailong Island, and it will also bring fragrant food that is very tempting to the dragon.

So, it finally failed to resist the temptation and followed secretly this morning.

It originally thought that the delicious food was picked by two dragons from trees in the wild, but it didn't expect that they landed in a place where many Pokémon lived.

Not only that, even the most stupid dragon on the island is here.

Kuailong No. [-] became curious about this place.

It looked at the two dragons eating Baofen and asked innocently: "Ouch?" (What is work?)
The two working dragons thought for a while, and the one sitting on the ground on the left replied: "Ooooo, ooooo." (Work is to help humans, and humans will give us delicious poffins.)
It turns out that this delicious one is called Baofen! Kuailong No. [-] thought.

At this time, the dragon sitting on the ground on the right noticed Naoki walking towards him.

It waved its paws in disgust, signaling this guy to stop disturbing their food, and its saliva almost flew to their poffins.

"Ouch." (Naoki is here, ask him if you have anything.)
Hearing this, Kuailong No. [-] turned his head and saw a familiar figure walking towards this side.

With just one glance, it recognized the other party's identity.

This human being is the same human being who once visited Kuailong Island!
At this time, Naoki also guessed the origin of this strange dragon.

Obviously, it was a Kuailong coming from Kuailong Island. As for why it came here, there was only one possibility.

Thinking of this, Naoki's eyes turned to the Poffin box held in the arms of Kuailong, a migrant worker at both ends.

"Another foodie dragon..." Naoki cursed in his heart.

He looked at the new dragon with a smile, and then asked his dragon: "Have you told it all the precautions in the pasture?"

Seeing this, Kuailong sighed as if he was resigned to his fate, shook his head helplessly and said: "Ouch..."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Naoki smiled and touched the head of his dragon, then turned around and prepared to return to the house to make some fatigue-relieving dishes for the gopher.

Kuailong felt very happy when his head was touched. He nodded his big head and happily agreed.

Zhi Shu didn't know what the dragons said among themselves, but early the next morning, he found that there was one more dragon working in the ranch.

This morning, Kuailong stood on the grass like a boss and directed the three Kuailong in front of him to put bottles of fresh milk into their satchels, and then arranged for them today's work and things to pay attention to at work.

For example, who is responsible for which street, you are not allowed to steal goods on the way, you are not allowed to fight with the guests’ Pokémon, and you return to the ranch after delivering milk and wine.

After Kuailong finished explaining, the four Kuailongs flapped their small wings behind them and flew into the sky, heading towards Zhiqin Town.

Naoki stood on the ground and looked at this scene, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

There are really more and more fast dragons in the pasture!

However, it is a pity that the pastures are now in the development stage and there is not much work for them to do yet.

This also leads to the fact that after delivering the goods every morning, the dragons will transform into salted fish and lie in the pasture all day.

Naoki smiled and shook his head. Sometimes, he really hoped that the information age would come as soon as possible.

At that time, he will be able to equip these fast dragons with better equipment, fully utilize their strengths, and send the goods from the ranch to farther places.

Watching the dragons disappear into the horizon, Naoki turned around and continued to devote himself to a new round of sky island development.

As the entrance to the reverse world slowly opened, Naoki jumped in with Gopher and King Lei Guan riding Gullton.

As soon as they arrived at this special space, Naoki saw a familiar figure appearing in front of them.

That was Giratina, the master of this realm.

Giratina looked at them with those terrifying blood red eyes.

Just when Naoki thought it was going to roar as fiercely as before, Giratina spoke uncharacteristically calmly: "What are you going to plant today?"

Naoki was stunned for a moment, then looked over in disbelief.

Giratina pretended not to see his rude gaze, and as its favorability for this human being increased, its tolerance level also continued to increase.

In addition, it had been bombarding others for a long time before. This alone made Giratina's heart full of apologies.

At the same time, it also felt very lucky.

Fortunately, this human being was special and was not killed by it at that time.

Otherwise, it will never have the chance to see beautiful flowers bloom in this place full of destruction.

After a brief daze, Naoki came to his senses and replied, "I'm going to plant some flowers today."

Yesterday they built the Initial Island and Apple Island, and today it’s time to try Flower Island.

However, before heading to the new floating island to plant flowers, Naoki rode Gullton to Apple Island.

The explosive mushroom of destruction yesterday concerned him very much.

Naoki tried to search for traces of other Destruction Mushrooms on this island full of apples and waterfalls.

However, the Destruction Mushroom was not seen, but the apples on some apple trees were eaten completely.

You don't need to think about it to know that this must have been what Giratina ate after he left yesterday.

Naoki's mind pictured Giratina turning into a small figure of over two meters, landing on the grass of Apple Island, picking apples with his mouth and eating them.

How would Giratina feel at that time?

Naoki looked at Giratina with interest.

Sensing Naoki's gaze, Giratina felt a little awkward and glared at him with wide eyes.

Naoki pretended not to see it and didn't find the Destruction Mushroom he wanted, so he set off to the new empty island.

In the end, they jointly selected a relatively normal-looking island with a relatively flat terrain, no backflow waterfalls, and no messy gravel.

It was still the gophers who helped plow the land, Naoki planted grass seeds and flower seeds in it, and finally handed it over to King Leiguan for cultivation.

With the emergence of a blue light, in the blink of an eye, the island in front of him underwent earth-shaking changes.

The deep and barren land was covered with green grass, and a variety of flowers bloomed on the grass. Roses, lilies, roses, lily of the valley, sunflowers, and some unknown flowers.

Naoki looked at this sea of ​​flowers and felt very satisfied in his heart.

However, at this moment, King Leiguan seemed to suddenly discover something. He looked at a special sunflower and said, "I feel an unusual aura."


Naoki was stunned for a moment, then followed King Lei Guan's line of sight and saw a special sunflower emitting a faint light in the dense sunflower field.

The next second, the information about the sunflower emerged from his mind.

[Sunflower: A special crop. It was originally an ordinary sunflower. After being cultivated by Lei Guanwang, it has undergone some magical changes. It can produce sunlight regularly, illuminate a certain area, and provide it with temperature and light. Dishes made from its fruits will have the effect of "Sunstone". ]
This is……

Naoki was stunned on the spot.

At this moment, the flower disk of the sunflower suddenly became brighter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After reaching a certain level, the light gradually separated from the flower plate below, gathered into a golden sun and rose to the top of the empty island.

Suddenly, the surrounding environment became warm and bright.

Giratina on the side was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

If it saw it correctly, that thing is... the sun?
Giratina was a little unsure, so he turned his attention to Naoki.

After a brief shock, Naoki quickly accepted the incident. He said to Giratina: "Okay, you can come here to bask in the sun in the future."

Giratina was still confused. He looked at the sunflower in disbelief and said in shock: "What is that? Humans can actually grow such a plant!"

Naoki: "...Not everyone can grow this kind of sunflower."

Giratina looked over.

Naoki explained: "To be precise, it's called the sun flower. It's a special plant that was born after the combination of my ability and King Lei Guan's ability."

Giratina seemed to understand what he heard, and then he exclaimed in admiration: "It's really amazing!"

Naoki carefully inspected the other flowers and saw that there were no mutated plants except sunflowers, so he took a few Pokémon to the next empty island.

This time, he plans to plant tea seedlings here and turn this place into his own exclusive tea garden.

Meanwhile, Table City, Padiya News TV station.

A blond woman wearing an OL uniform was sitting at the desk, checking letters sent from all over Padea.

Generally speaking, these letters will record strange things that happened in various places in Padia.

For example, a rare Pokémon appears in a certain place, a certain Pokémon causes abnormal movement in a certain town, a certain trainer sees a ghost in a certain place, and so on.

When these things happen, Padya News TV will send special reporters to investigate and interview them, and then produce them into programs to be broadcast on TV to attract the attention of the audience.

"Let me see if there is any big news worth exploring recently." Alice's heart was filled with anticipation.

If they encounter interesting news, the ratings of their program will rise several points.

When I opened the envelope, the first thing that caught my eye was - [A large number of little magnet monsters are causing chaos in the town, causing large-scale power outages in the city. Their purpose of sucking power is actually...]
"Little Magneto? It's a very common incident!" Alice commented sharply: "This kind of thing has happened many years ago, it's not unusual at all."

Alice put the letter aside and went on to open the second letter.

[A man fell in love with Gardevoir, put on a wedding dress for Gardevoir, and planned to hold a wedding in a church. What will be the outcome of the forbidden love between humans and Pokémon? ! ]
Alice: "..."

At this time, a male colleague wearing glasses came over: "Hey Alice, have you found any interesting news?"

Alice handed the envelope about forbidden love to the man: "Here, take a look for yourself!"

The man reached out and took it. After seeing the information clearly, his eyes hidden behind the lenses suddenly lit up:
"Wow, this is great news worth discovering!"

"...Then I'll leave this matter to you to investigate." Alice simply handed over the task to the man, and then continued to open the third letter.

[Surprise traces of the rare Pokémon Kuailong appeared in a rural town! There are actually people using Pokémon like Kuailong to act as delivery boys! ]
"Huh?" Alice suddenly became interested when she saw the content on the letter, and she continued to look down.

[I traveled to Zhiqin Town not long ago. One morning, while having breakfast with Pokémon, I suddenly saw several dragons flying into the town carrying satchels. ]
[I heard from the local townspeople that those dragons came from a farm in the countryside, and a farmer directed them to deliver goods to the townspeople! ]
"Farmer?" Alice's first reaction when seeing this was disbelief.

It's a little impossible for a farmer farming in the countryside to conquer a Pokémon as powerful and rare as Kuailong.

Although Pokémon like Kuailong have a gentler temperament, this does not mean that they will choose weak humans as their companions.

Not to mention that every Kuailong has a different personality, and there are some Kuailongs who value strength and pursue powerful power.

A male colleague who was asked to investigate the forbidden love between humans and Pokémon saw Alice's expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Have you discovered any big news again?"

Alice didn't answer and asked instead: "Mark, do you think a farmer running a farm can conquer a Pokémon like Dragonite?"

Hearing this, Mark's first reaction was to shake his head: "How is this possible? The farmer is not a trainer, and the two sound too incompatible, don't they? If it is Mr. Yeci, I would be willing to believe it! "

"Here." Alice handed over the news letter in her hand: "See for yourself."

Mark reached out to take it, glanced at it, and then firmly shook his head and said: "Absolutely impossible! It's fake, there is no way such a thing can happen in this world!"

He originally thought there was only one fast dragon, but he didn't expect that there were several fast dragons.

This is absolutely impossible!
"It's too exaggerated." Mark shook his head and said: "At first glance, this person wants to trick us into getting information fees!"

Alice thought so too.

She put the letter aside without paying much attention, and then continued to check the following news worthy of investigation.

But I never thought that the next letter would still be about the farmer and the delivery courier.

[Well, hello, I am a traveling trainer! Not long ago, I passed a strange ranch... There were many Pokémon living in that ranch, but strangely, there was no human being, only a group of Pokémon. ]
[There is also a tavern there that only serves Pokémon, run by two carefree waiters. What is even stranger is that there are several dragons living there, and they go to the town every morning to deliver milk. ]
[Isn’t it strange? Oh, by the way, that ranch is near Zhiqin Town. If you go to investigate, don’t forget to send me the information fee! ]
Alice: "?"

It's a bit strange that they are both from Zhiqin Town, both a ranch and a delivery company.

Alice looked thoughtful. If that was the case, the place would be well worth her while.

Thinking of this, Alice, an activist, immediately packed her things.

Mark on the side was a little confused when he saw this: "Why are you going?"

Alice had already brought her camera and luggage, and replied without looking back: "Business trip!"

(End of this chapter)

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