Not a trainer this time.

Chapter 228: Depressed Pokémon

Chapter 228: Depressed Pokémon

Naoki: "..."


Compared with Majestic Tooth, Roartail and the others, Luton is definitely the most powerful Pokémon.

Zhi Shu simply sat next to Gu Lerton and basked in the sun with him.

Luton narrowed his eyes comfortably, while Naoki began to recall what the paradoxical Pokémon were in ancient times.

Dunjia's paradox kind of majestic teeth,

Jigglypuff's Paradox Roaring Tail,

The paradox of the exposed mushroom, the fierce evil mushroom,

The Paradox of the Dream Demon flutters its wings,

Paradox species of Vulcan moth crawling wings,

[-]-in-[-] Magnemite's Paradox Seed Ironhide,

The Paradox of Tyrannosaurus Roaring Moon.

In addition, there are also the three ancient species of the Phoenix King Guards.

Two types had been announced when he traveled through time, namely Suicune's paradox species Wave Water and Raikou's paradox species Violent Thunder Drum.

Only Yandi's Paradox species has not been announced, and its name and image are unknown.

"I wonder what the ancient strength of these three holy beasts is..." Naoki murmured in his heart.

They must have been summoned by the time machine like so many paradoxical Pokémon.

If this is the case, then this also means that he has a chance to encounter them in the Padian Crater.

After lunch, Naoki went to the tree orchard to check on the situation of the injured Pokémon.

It was very quiet in the tree orchard, and the sounds of Pokémon could hardly be heard, which was in sharp contrast to the laughter and laughter of Frost Milk Fairy and Salt Barrier on the grass outside.

Naoki looked inside and saw that these Pokémon were hiding in the wooden hut, as if they had not yet emerged from the shadow.

It is now one o'clock in the afternoon, nearly thirty hours have passed since the fire broke out.

Although the environment of this group of Pokémon is now safe and there is no need to worry about food and shelter, their mental state still seems to be very listless and listless.

Seeing Naoki coming, some Pokémon poked their heads out of the hut.

Naoki made eye contact with them, smiled at them, and said, "Let me check how your injuries are recovering."


The lively chinchilla was the first to jump out of the cabin.

Its big fluffy tail swayed behind it, looking extremely cute, of course, provided you ignore the bare piece of burned fur.

The Tibetan chinchilla held his injured tail and held it in front of Zhishu, letting him check his wound with a pitiful expression: "Gu Guji..."

Naoki checked it carefully and couldn't help but laugh: "It's no longer a serious problem. The burns have healed. After this winter, the burned fur will grow back."


Once he heard that it could grow back, the big-hearted chinchilla immediately stopped worrying.

It turned around, swung its big tail and ran back to its hut.

Zhi Shu looked along the way and saw a lot of fruit behind the chinchilla.

Those must have been stored by chinchillas for the winter, right?

Because this Pokémon's habits are like this, very similar to real squirrels, and have the habit of storing food.

Thinking of this, Naoki couldn't help but think of the burned-out forest in the back mountain.

Is there a tree there that is filled with berries from chinchillas?
But if those places were burned down, the chinchilla would definitely be very sad, right?

The stuffed chinchilla is indeed sad.It was sad all day yesterday, and it wasn't until this morning that it stocked up on fruit in its nest that it felt better.

Looking at the piles of fruit in the wooden hut, the chinchilla felt very happy.

It gathered the fruits with its tail, and then lay on them with a happy face.

Seeing that the chinchilla was no longer seriously injured, Naoki continued to move forward.

First up is the electric petrel in the tree.

Its wings were burned yesterday and it lost the ability to fly. This electric petrel languished for a while.

It kept trying to flap its wings and try to fly, but all ended in failure.

Seeing this, Naoki stepped forward, picked it up, and checked its bandaged wings.

Sure enough, he saw more serious injuries above.

Naoki frowned and asked his brother to bring him a medical kit. While reapplying medicine to the electric petrel, he said:
"You can't fly again until the wound is completely healed. Every time you flap your wings now, the injury will become more serious. If this continues, it is very likely that you will never recover."

Hearing this, a trace of fear flashed in Dian Haiyan's eyes, and it immediately calmed down and lowered its head to express that it would not do this again.

Naoki touched its head and said: "I know that flying is your nature. Now that you have lost your wings, you are very scared and afraid that you will not be able to fly, so you keep trying."

Dian Haiyan raised his head and looked at this human being.

"I promise you, as long as you don't flap your wings as violently as before, your wings will definitely get better. It won't be long before you can fly into the sky again. Do you want to believe me?" Naoki asked.

Dian Haiyan looked into his dark eyes, and then nodded hesitantly.

"Very good." Naoki smiled and touched its head: "From today on, I will come and give you medicine twice a day."

Putting the electric petrel back into the hut, Zhishu continued to move forward, and saw lily root dolls, shuttlecock grass, mushrooms, and yo-yo balls under some fruit trees in front.

Most of these Pokémon have very docile temperaments. Although they were in low spirits when they saw Naoki, they still took the initiative to say hello to him.

Naoki walked up with a smile and checked their bodies: "Your injuries have improved a lot. As long as you have a good sleep, you should be able to recover."


Hearing this, the three mushrooms happily circled around Zhishu.

Two shuttlecocks also began to float around the tree.

Yo-Yo Ball and Lily Root Doll looked at this scene with a smile.

Seeing the smiles finally appearing on the faces of these Pokémon, Naoki felt a little relieved in his heart.

He looked at the little blacksmith, the painter, the speaker cricket and a pair of rats who had gathered not far away when they heard the noise, and said softly: "Everything will be fine."

Naoki checked their bodies, and after seeing that they were all fine, he stood up and looked around.

Suddenly, he noticed that a Pokémon was missing.

The electric-belly frog is in an underground cave. Its body recovered yesterday and it is no serious problem.

And the less one...

"Where's the lazy otter?" Zhi Shu searched around but couldn't find it.

At this time, a pair of rats pointed in a direction.

Naoki walked there, and soon he saw the figure of the lazy otter on a grassy field surrounded by fruit trees.

A beam of sunlight shines through the leaves in the forest, and the lazy otter lies motionless on the grass that is illuminated by the sunlight.

Even if someone came, it would only move its eyes and then yawn lazily.

Naoki: "..."

It can be seen that this lazy otter has completely adapted to the environment here.

(End of this chapter)

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