Not a trainer this time.

Chapter 191: The carefree servant will always remember this day

Chapter 191: The carefree servant will always remember this day


Seeing this carefree servant, who usually had a serious look and looked like a little adult, nodded in agreement, the old man Sato let out a series of smiles.

The two caretakers turned to look at him.

Old Man Sato: "Okay, okay, it seems I don't have to worry anymore. In that case, I'll ask you to take care of them from now on."

Naoki nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, I will take good care of them."

Old man Sato said to the two carefree waiters: "Go!"

The brother and sister looked at each other. The younger sister walked happily to Naoki, while the elder brother followed behind her silently.

Seeing this scene, Naoki smiled and reached out to touch his sister's head.


When Naoki put his hand on his brother's head, he clearly felt the Pokémon's body stiffen.

"You're so lethargic, why don't you just smile?" Naoki said with a smile.

Hearing this, the elder brother was slightly startled, then looked up.

When the other party introduced the ranch just now, although it showed no reaction on its face, it was actually listening carefully and using its horns to sense the other party's mood.

When he talked about the ranch, he felt very proud.

He must be proud of how well he managed such a large pasture, right?My brother loves to take care of me, I thought.

And when talking about the Pokémon in the pasture, it felt the deep joy again.

He likes this group of Pokémon very much. This kind of love is pure love and has nothing to do with their strength.

Under the warm autumn sun, the smiles on human faces are like a gentle breeze that seems to blow into people's hearts.

There was no expression on Guanshi's face, he just looked at each other quietly.

It feels that it will remember this day forever.

It and its sister met this human being.

After a moment, it responded loudly: "Love..."

After all the melon seed cakes he had eaten in the morning, Zhi Shu could no longer understand what the carefree waiter was saying.

But judging from its tone, it shouldn't be nonsense like "I'm not born to laugh."

Seeing that they were getting along well, Mr. Sato breathed a sigh of relief.

He was right!
He took out a note from his suit pocket and handed it over: "This is the phone number in the manor. If you need help with anything, you can call."

Nao Shuxin said that he had nothing to do and needed help, but then he thought about it, two nosy parents were there, and they might miss their parents.

So he reached out and took it: "Okay, I'll trouble you!"

Old Sato smiled, then leaned on his cane and waved with his other hand to say goodbye to the nosy brother and sister: "See you later, two little guys!"

Naoki took them and watched Old Man Sato get into the car and watched the black luxury car drive into the distance.

Naoki originally thought that the two nurturing servants would be depressed and needed him to say something to comfort them.

But when he turned his head, he saw his sister Ai Guanshi looking at him with bright eyes, and his brother Ai Guanshi beside him was also looking up at him.

There was absolutely no trace of reluctance or sadness in that look.

What Naoki wanted to say was stuck in his mouth. He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "I thought you would be sad and need someone to comfort you."


"Oh..." A smile appeared on the younger sister's face, while the elder brother sighed helplessly.

This kind of should I put it?

They have known since they were young that they would have a new human family in the future, so they have been looking forward to it from a very early age.

Zhi Shu ate a piece of translation melon seeds and chatted with the two carefree waiters on this topic for a while.

He understood roughly what they meant,
Just like the Pokémon the Pokémon League prepares for new trainers, they also look forward to their trainers and imagine what they will be like.

As for Naoki's ability to understand Pokémon's speech, the two nuisances were very surprised.

For the first time, my brother's caretaker showed a panicked expression, and he began to recall whether he had said anything he shouldn't have just said.

It seems that the only thing I just said about meeting for the first time is that I can’t put too much emotion into human beings...

Brother Ai Guanshi asked anxiously: "Ai eh?" (Did you hear us just now?)
It is afraid that the other party will hate itself because of it.

Naoki blinked and corrected: "Don't use you, it's an honorific. We have an equal relationship."

My sister likes to take care of her: "Aye?" (But this is how our parents taught us? They said that the human being who will take care of us in the future will be our new master, and let us help him properly.)
Naoki listened patiently to their words, organized his language a little, and then replied:
"Rather than master, I think family is more appropriate to describe our relationship. Just like a normal human family, the feelings are mutual. You help me with the housework, and I will take care of you accordingly."

"Ai eh?" (Is that true?) Sister Ai Guanshi looked confused.

"Yes." Naoki looked at his brother who was waiting for an answer, and asked, "Do you think I am the kind of person who abandons Pokémon just because they are weak?"

The brother-in-law was stunned for a moment, then shook his head honestly.

Judging from its observation, it doesn't look like it.

Naoki smiled: "Isn't that good?"

As he said this, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Pokémon such as Bubble, Ice Eevee, Motorized Lizard, Gulton, and Kuailong, hiding in the corner and peeking over.

Naoki waved and called them all over.

"This dragon was very clumsy before. It only learned a few moves when it grew up. Under normal circumstances, other dragons at its age can use many moves." Naoki said: "It should also That’s considered weak, right?”

Kuailong: "..." Although, it is not that weak.

Hearing this, the two carefree servants looked at the chubby dragon.

Naoki continued: "But later, after coming to this ranch, it slowly grew up, and now it has learned many, many tricks."

"Ouch!" Kuailong looked proud.

"There is also this cloth dog." Naoki looked at the cloth dog wearing a bright red cloak: "It used to be a very weak cloth dog, so weak that it couldn't even beat a hen."

Butubo nodded repeatedly, and even took the initiative to cooperate with Naoki and told the two carefree servants about the past:

"Bamo Bamo!" (Yes, at that time I came to the ranch to steal food and was caught by Zhi Shu. I was very scared at the time, but Zhi Shu did not hurt me. He adopted me and let me stay. Work here! Naoki is the best human being in the world!)
Naoki: "And now, the once weak Bobo has transformed into a powerful Pokémon that can control lightning at will and can also use lightning to fly."

"Bamo!" That's right!
The dog's eyes were determined, and it performed a superhero-like takeoff for the two lovebirds.

The red cloak that had been washed very clean by Naoki rustled behind it.

Fly, fly? !

The two caretakers opened their eyes in disbelief.

They looked at each other and roughly understood what Naoki wanted to express.

Naoki smiled, glanced at the other Pokémon, reached out and poked the big nose of the mini dragon that came closer:
"If you want to know more, you can go and talk to them later."

In this way, the two caretakers can be integrated into the pasture as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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