Elven settlers

Chapter 418 Herbs

Chapter 418 Herbs
As a potion master, Carly's herbs are not only used for her own use, but also supplied to the Ranger Alliance to treat accidentally injured wild elves in the Yunhui Mountains, or given to close friends, such as Roque. Neighbors or fellow rangers.

Therefore, Kali's daily demand for medicinal herbs is still very large. Although the medicinal herb resources in the Yunhui Mountains are very sufficient and can fully meet her needs, the time cost required to go into the mountains to collect sufficient medicinal herbs is still too high. .

So Carly opened a large medicinal field in her backyard to grow various medicinal herbs. She is also an expert at growing medicinal herbs.

Rock knew about the medicinal field in Carly's backyard and had visited it several times when he was a guest at their home.The scale of the medicine field left a deep impression on him. It was the second largest "backyard" he had ever seen - the first was the "backyard" of the Oak Research Institute.

This is also the reason why Rock asked for some medicinal seedlings from Carly. To Carly, the few medicinal seedlings he wanted were really not worth mentioning.

"I'd like some kudzu, fleece-flower root, ginseng, and if possible some wolfberry and licorice."

After Carly heard Roark's needs, she was about to get up and take him to the backyard to choose. Then she suddenly stopped as if she thought of something.

"By the way, you are going to grow these herbs in the greenhouse. How large an area should you plant?"

"Yes, I have set aside an area of ​​about one hundred square meters to grow these herbs. What's wrong?"

Hearing Rock's answer, Carly frowned and then said to Rock.

"I remember that your greenhouse is a glass greenhouse. The cost of building this kind of greenhouse is not cheap. Although the herbs you chose are quite effective, I have to remind you that these are not valuable herbs. If you grow These returns will be slow.”

Rock was very grateful for Carly's kind reminder.However, these herbs were all selected by him after carefully reviewing a lot of information, and they were not grown for sale, and a large part of them were not even consumed by himself.

The reason why he wanted to grow these herbs in the greenhouse was actually to prepare for a future plan of his.

As for the specific content of the plan, because everything is still in the preparation stage, Rock is not sure whether it will succeed in the end, so he has not elaborated on it to Carly for the time being.

Carly didn't go into details, she just reminded her from the perspective of a friend.

Now that Rock knew what was going on, she said no more and took Rock directly to the medicine field in the backyard.

Geranium and Heiluga, who had been lying quietly since entering the house, saw that Roque was about to go out, and they immediately followed happily.

I don’t know why, but every time they come to the Kawa couple’s home, they feel an inexplicable peaceful atmosphere, which makes them become very calm unconsciously.

It's not a bad feeling, but it's not very interesting either.To use an inappropriate metaphor, it is a bit like a playful child being sent to a library full of professional books, making Geranium and Heiluga feel very bored.

Now that they can finally go out, they are naturally very impatient.

"It seems that your friends are all lively little guys."

Kawa smiled and joked when he saw this. According to him, this situation occurs in the homes of many senior rangers. It may be caused by the long-term professional aura.

"Here we are, let's look for licorice first. I remember we just harvested a batch recently."

After exiting the back door of the house, just a few steps away is Carly’s medicine field.Her medicine field covers a very large area, but it is not connected into a large area like farmland.

Instead, small fields are cultivated in different locations according to the growing environment of different medicinal materials.

These small fields are either under pine trees, beside ponds, or around a huge stone.

At first glance, the entire medicinal field looks no different from an ordinary wild field. Except for some human-made traces that can be seen in a few places, in fact, every "weed" in it is a real medicinal material.

Such a wild and extremely high-end medicinal field can only be used by potion and herb masters like Carly. Without her guidance, it would be difficult for Rock to find the corresponding herbs even if he had pictures.

Under Carly's familiar leadership, they soon found all the medicinal seedlings Rock needed.

Because Roark won’t start planting until Saturday, he just came here to see if there were enough seedlings in Carly’s place. After he found them, he simply marked them with string.

Carly will dig out these herb seedlings until Saturday, sort them into categories and package them.

After looking at all the herb seedlings and making an appointment to pick them up on Saturday morning, Rock chatted with the Kawa couple for a while, then returned to the pasture with Geranium and Heiluga.

The visit to the Kawa couple's house didn't take much time. It was just four o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the ranch.

After eating a large pot of stew at noon, Rock and the elves were still full, so he continued to work as he did not plan to eat too early.

Although the entire greenhouse is currently built, because the ground is all paved with stone bricks and hardened, many planting boxes need to be made before planting can begin.

There are many benefits of using a planting box, the most important of which is that it is easy to take care of and can control water and fertilizer more easily. In addition, the planting environment is relatively isolated, and it is not easy to cause too much disease.

For scenes such as vegetable gardens where the planting area is not very large, it is easier to use planting boxes than to plant on the ground.

Of course, this is also related to personal habits and skills. For example, Carly can use very high-end technology to grow herbs, but a layman like Rock would be better off choosing a planting box.

This time Rock is preparing to make a planting box that can truly last for a long time, but before officially starting to make it, he needs to build a drainage channel for the planting box on the greenhouse floor.

Drainage is an important issue for bottomed planter boxes.If water is not drained in time, the accumulated water will damage the roots of the plants.

However, on the other hand, if the drainage opening is too large or there are no blocking measures, another problem will arise, that is, a large amount of soil in the planting box will be lost after watering a few times.

Usually, a tray is added to the planter box with a bottom, or it is made into a two-layer design to solve the drainage problem.

Rock has his own solution to this problem. He feels that his method is no worse than other drainage methods.

 It’s another rush day, and it’s the first update today. I feel like I’ve been squeezed dry these two days before the holiday! !

(End of this chapter)

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