Elven settlers

Chapter 151 The Bee Farm Defense Battle

Chapter 151 The Bee Farm Defense Battle


The Delubis spat out flames five or six meters long, and the orange-red flames illuminated the night.

Nidorino and Nidona who invaded the hive completely revealed their clear figures.

There were so many of them that they couldn't be counted, and they rushed towards Derby's defense line like a tide.

The seven Delubis stood side by side in a row, constantly using their spark skills to sweep left and right in front of them, and the flames they spit out intertwined into a coherent sea of ​​flames.

According to the instinct of most wild elves, they should be very afraid of such a flame defense line.

But these Nidorino and Nidona stared into the flames one after another with scarlet eyes.

Some of them were directly burnt by the flames, and they were completely blackened, and they didn't even notice it. After they fell down, their eyes were still fixed on the beehive and the wooly sheep in front of them, with only the madness of hunting in their eyes.

Looking at these crazy enemies, the woolly sheep hiding behind the Deruby defense line huddled together in fright, trembling all over.

However, after evolution, they have no hair on their bodies except the chest and above, and rubbing their bodies does not generate much electricity.

Therefore, the self-protection method of the Mare sheep period did not have any effect.


A shaggy sheep that was very afraid because it didn't have enough electricity shrank back into the flock.

At this moment, it suddenly felt something squeezing its legs behind it.

"How rich?"

The velvet sheep didn't know how there were still sheep squeezing forward when it was so dangerous, it turned its head and looked curiously.

It turned out that it wasn't the other wool sheep that squeezed it, but the wounded Derubies surrounded by them.

These Dai Rubi felt that the defense line of their companions was in jeopardy from the impact of the beast tide, so they all got up from the ground and wanted to support them.

However, due to the recent injury, their bodies were still very weak, so they could not be squeezed out from the wooly flock.

A deruby spotted a woolly sheep looking back at it and gave the woolly sheep a determined look.


Even if it is injured, it will protect the flock!

The woolly sheep looked at these darubies who were dragging their weak bodies and wanted to join the battle, and felt that he was also infected by them, and a wave of courage slowly rose in his body.

But it still didn't dare to let it go on the battlefield like this. The wooly sheep touched its head with its stubby little hands, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Baa, Baa Kuo"

The wooly sheep patted the shoulder of his companion beside him.


The companion looked back at it suspiciously.

"Baa, baa, baa, baa!"

The wooly sheep pointed to Dai Ruby behind him, then pointed to his companion, and explained his thoughts to it dancing.


Its companion understood its thoughts, clapped its two little hands up and down, and nodded heavily.

Then the two woolly sheep who had reached an agreement split up to find other companions and continued to convey their proposals.

The battle ahead was still going on fiercely, and quite a few Nidorinos and Nidonas had rushed out of the flames stepping on the corpses of the same kind.

They either erected their poisonous thorns on their heads, or raised their sharp claws, and rushed towards these Da Rubi who blocked them.

Fortunately, the big needle bees had come back to help at this time, and they were already familiar with each other when they were patrolling the Dai Rubys.

So these big needle bees also regarded the Delubys as comrades-in-arms, instead of fighting each other, they cooperated with them.

Nidorino and Nidona who crossed the Deruby flame defense line were all precisely cleaned up by the big needle bees.

But the number of these mutated elves is too many, Team Rocket almost captured the entire Nido family at the southern foot of the Yunhui Mountain Range.

Seeing that there are a few fish that escaped through the blockade of the big needle bee swarm, they are about to attack the Derbys behind.

In desperation, the two Dai Rubi had no choice but to stop their spark skills, and instead dealt with the close enemies first.

All of a sudden, the flame defense line organized by Deluby was shaken, and the situation became critical in an instant.

The woolly sheep standing at the outermost edge of the flock felt very nervous when they saw the precarious defense line.

At this moment, the voices of their companions asking them to get out of the way suddenly came from behind them.

"Baa Kua!" "Baa Kua Baa Kua!"

Although the velvet sheep were wondering why their companions asked them to get out of the way at this time, they moved to the sides one after another out of trust in their companions and the strong push from behind.

The sixteen woolly sheep in the inner circle of the flock came out in groups of two and two, carrying eight handicapped Dai Rubi.

These velvet sheep often work as transporters with Rock, and they have great strength. It is no problem for two sheep to lift a Derby together.

They folded their hands, held Dai Rubi flat, and ran to the battle line with vigorous strides.


The wooly sheep who initiated the proposal first gave a loud cry.

The other velvet sheep scattered one after another, as if they were holding flamethrowers, and turned their respective Dairubi to face the rushing enemy.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Flame spat out from the mouth of the lifted Dai Rubi one after another, and the line of defense suddenly became stable again.Even with the addition of a new force, the sea of ​​flames became even denser.

A large number of blazing flames finally contained the offensive of the mutant elves.

The roiling heat wave blows all the curly hair on the wool sheep's heads backwards, and they all turn into wild big backs for a while.

"Baa Kuo~"

The velvet sheep held up the Drubies and shot left and right. Relying on the flames of the Drubies, they also became arrogant.

Only the Dairubi who were being held up felt a little helpless. They were not incapable of action, and they could actually be put down after reaching the front line.

With the close cooperation of Big Needle Bee, Deluby, and the Velvet Sheep, this wave of mutant elves was successfully blocked, and neither the hive nor the elves suffered any loss.

After killing all the enemies, the woolly sheep put down the Dairubis with endless enthusiasm, and then returned to the flock proudly with their heads on their backs.

It's a pity that their hair is very elastic, and the handsome hairstyle didn't take long to return to its original shape.

However, this did not affect the wooly sheep who fell back into sleep and continued to kill all directions in their dreams.

"This is?!"

When Rock returned to his bee farm in anxiety, he was taken aback by the sight he saw.

The charred corpses of Nidorino and Nidona were piled up on the ground, the entire grass field beside the hive was burned, and there was still some lingering smoke on the black-gray ground.

Fortunately, the water content of the plants in summer is very high, and the forest did not ignite a fire.

Apparently his worries came true, there was indeed a beast horde in the territory last night.

 Thank you for your monthly pass, this month's monthly pass will be honored during the May Day holiday
(End of this chapter)

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