Elven settlers

Chapter 148 Pharmacist

Chapter 148 Pharmacist

After entering the room, Rock found that both the squadron leader and his nightmare guide had been stabbed, and nothing else had happened on the scene. This was obviously the work of the Kawa couple.

It seemed that because they were about to run away, the squadron leader and the five researchers all had packed luggage, which was convenient for Rock.

He first opened the squadron leader's bag, and the items inside surprised him.

The squadron leader had about 4 yuan in cash in his bag, and two skill discs, one was 'Poison Strike' and the other was 'Digging', both of which happened to be used by Rock.

After putting away the bag, Rock looked through the researchers' luggage again.

The belongings of several researchers are miscellaneous. In addition to computers and books, there are also a lot of research materials in file bags.

And there is only a little cash, and there is no skill disc that Rock wants.

He was not going to take the computer away, so he put the books into the squadron leader's bag, and he returned to the living room with the bag in one hand and the research materials in the other.

"How's the harvest?"

Carly, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, asked casually.

"It's okay, but those researchers' things are of no value to me. You can take a look later, but I want to hear what you want to talk to me first."

Rock put the research materials in his hand on the coffee table and sat on the sofa opposite Carly.

"It's not a big deal, it's mainly about the aftermath. Thank you very much for your generous rescue this time. Although I don't know what your purpose is to deal with these Rockets, but if you don't mind, the follow-up matters will be Leave it to our rangers."

Rock didn't expect Carly to take the initiative to take the matter over as soon as she came up. It seemed that the other party really wanted to repay him sincerely.

Doing so was indeed the best result for Rock, but after thinking about it, he decided to tell some inside stories he knew first.

"To be honest, my territory is just south of the Yunhui Mountain Range, and I'm currently reclaiming wasteland there."

"Oh! It turned out that you bought the land in the south. I'm just saying that anyone who can't think of it will buy land in this wilderness."

Carly interrupted Rock's words in the middle, as if she found that the second half of the sentence she blurted out was a bit offensive, she quickly added.

"Sure enough, only you have this ability. From now on, we will be neighbors. If you need any help, just come to me and Kava."

"haha ok."

Rock was not surprised that the other party knew his territory, because he purchased the land legally, so the scope of the territory would be updated in real time on all maps of the Elf Alliance.

As a Pokémon ranger who has been operating in the wild all year round, it is natural to understand the property rights changes of each piece of land, so as not to accidentally intrude on private land.

After being interrupted by Carly, Rock organized his language and continued.

"I have some problems with one of the leaders of these Rockets. The other team should be targeting me this time."

Having said that, Rock gave Carly an apologetic look.

Carly didn't care about that.

"It's your business that he has a festival with you, but it's our festival that they broke into our house. You don't have to worry about this, and then leave it to our rangers."

Seeing that after clarifying the inside story, the other party still wanted to take the matter over, Rock did not reject Carly's kindness again.

After talking about the aftermath, he chatted with Carly.Rock is still a little curious about the ins and outs of the whole thing, and he wants to know some details from Carly.

Leaning on the back of the sofa, Carly slowly narrated what happened during this period.

One evening seven days ago, Carly and her husband were about to have dinner when they suddenly felt an overwhelming drowsiness attack their minds.

Then Carly and her husband fell asleep uncontrollably, and when they woke up again, they found that they had been tied up.

For the first five days, the Rockets completely ignored them.Except that someone came regularly to feed them some water every day, they were left in the corner at other times, and they were just busy with their own experiments every day.

Although they don't know what experiments these Rockets are doing, the Kava couple in the room can hear the voices of Nidolan, Nidolan, Nidorino, and Nidona roaring outside the room every day.

The time came to the sixth day, and for some unknown reason that night, those researchers suddenly broke into the room where the Kavas were detained like crazy.

"They forced us to ask who would make medicine, and Kava and I ignored them. But I didn't expect those bastards to release the elves. If I want to do something to Kava, I can only stand up."

Speaking of this, Carly's expression showed a hint of pride.

"I'm a pharmacist, and I'm quite well-known in the ranger alliance. I have dealt with many injuries of elves and humans."

As she spoke, she pointed her finger at her broken left leg, and said in a contemptuous tone.

"Injuries like this are completely minor injuries to me, and I can recover in just two months. Those idiots thought breaking my leg was some terrible punishment, hmph, that's it Don't try to learn a word from me."

It turned out that after the Rockets took Carly away, they began to torture her to extract a confession.

According to what she said, she wanted a formula for an elf potion, but in the end she didn't succeed, so Rock took it all at once.

Having said that, Carly is also full of doubts.

"It's just a potion for calming Pokémon's emotions, and it has no special effect. I don't know what they want it for."

Hearing that the potion can calm Pokémon's emotions, Rock's eyes lit up.

He quickly flipped through the documents on the table, and Carly felt a little puzzled when he saw that he was chatting well and suddenly moved.

But because of leg problems, he couldn't get up, so he had to sit on the sofa and watch Rock move curiously.

"I see, you can look at this."

After reading some information, Rock handed the found page of the experiment log to Carly.

Carly took the document and read it with a frown. The more she looked at it, the tighter her frown became.

After reading the entire document, Carly suddenly realized.

"You mean..."


Combining the experience during this period and Carly's description, Rock already knew the overall plan of the Rockets.

The rocket team's experiment this time is an experiment that catalyzes the evolution of elves. As far as Rock knows, the rocket team often conducts this kind of evolution experiment, but it has not been very successful.

This time the Rockets selected a large number of Nidolan, Nidolan, Nidorino, and Nidona.

The experiment they started went well, and they successfully forcibly evolved Nidoran and Nidolan into Nidorino and Nidona.

But something went wrong in the following steps, Nidorino and Nidona lost all their sanity, and fell into rage endlessly.

It is difficult to continue to evolve in such a state.

When the experiment was at a loss, a researcher accidentally fed the four experimental subjects with the medicine found in the Kawa couple's wooden house.

This allowed the four subjects to successfully mutate benignly. Unfortunately, those four subjects ran away for some reason, so the researchers had no choice but to ask about the situation of Kali's potion.

(End of this chapter)

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