Elven settlers

Chapter 140 Night Attack

Chapter 140 Night Attack
Before leaving, Lambda gave the bastard two "gifts".

The first is the four mutants he deliberately let go.

Those four mutants were accidental products, and as individuals with positive mutations in the experiment, they were supposed to be brought back to the base for careful study.

Lambda is very clear about their value. After systematic research, there is a high probability that the overall strength of the elves in the organization will be improved.

But so what, he doesn't stand on strength.

The ones who benefit the most from the success of research are those idiots who are full of fighting and killing. Their strength is stronger, and their own interests will be damaged again.

Therefore, Lambda has no psychological burden on letting go of the four extremely valuable mutants, and even has some complacency.

Those mutants are not easy to deal with, they are four extremely dangerous monsters.

If the mutant kills that bastard, then his purpose will be achieved.

If those four mutants were counter-killed, then at least Lambda eliminated a hidden danger that might harm its own interests.

What's more, at that time, the other party will accept the second gift from him.

"How do you face the killing of an entire Rocket squadron?"

Thinking of the subtlety, Lambda raised the corners of his lips subtly.

In this operation, he did not mention that Roque was his enemy at all, and he was only guiding secretly throughout the whole process.

Even just now, Lambda just "reminded" the squadron leader with good intentions. No one knew that he was using the mission of the organization to eliminate his enemies.

In order to clear himself of the suspicion of killing with a knife, Lambda persuaded Dr. Mita to act with him overnight.In this way, even if someone suspected that he was using power for personal gain afterwards, no real evidence could be found.

They took the experimental materials and walked towards the helicopter in the camp.

Just waited for the technician to finish the pre-flight inspection, and then took off and left.

Unexpectedly, everything fell into Rock's eyes.

"Abo monster, charge up!"

Roque whispered instructions to Arbor, and at the same time gestured to Heluga, signaling it to go around to the other side of the camp.

The first time he saw Lambda, Rock figured everything out.

He completely let go of the worries in his heart. Since the action against him this time is only on the side of Lambda, he can fight freely.

"boom buzz"

The noise of the helicopter's rotor turning rang out in the camp, and the tents were constantly shaking due to the huge wind and waves.

People around stepped aside one after another, and the huge helicopter slowly climbed up from the ground.

This was an excellent opportunity to attack. Taking advantage of the attention of everyone in the camp, even though the Arbo monster had only charged twice, Rock still gave the order decisively.

"Squirt! Hit that helicopter first."


The Arbo monster raised its head, and a beam of bright yellow light shot out from its mouth, blasting towards the helicopter in mid-air.

The black-painted helicopter was originally very concealed in the night, but the huge "R"-shaped red letter on the side of the fuselage made the helicopter a conspicuous target.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone in Team Rocket, the helicopter that had climbed into the air was suddenly hit by a yellow beam of light coming out of nowhere, and then spun and fell into the distant forest.


After making the head start, Rock rushed out with the Arbo monster without giving the members of the Rockets any time to react.

"Sword dance, and then Feiye quickly suppressed it."

Rock released the bay leaf while sprinting. He didn't directly throw the bay leaf's high-level ball into the crowd, but threw it behind him.

There are a lot of enemies in the camp. In such a chaotic battle, the suppressing effect of the bay leaf is very important. Rock has to reserve time and space for it to strengthen the sword dance.

"Enemy attack!!"

The moment Rock jumped out of the bush where the tree was hiding, the Rocket Squadron Captain reacted and shouted loudly.

At this time, there were not many people left outside the camp, only the squadron leader, an elite squad directly under him, and two pawns guarding the cabin.

While shouting, the squadron leader and his subordinates threw their pokeballs.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The sound of opening the elf balls sounded one after another, and eleven elves of different shapes blocked their trainers.

The elves of Team Rocket are basically the same, they are three Ladas, two small Ladas, a double bomb gas, two big mouth bats and two abo monsters.

Only the last elf of the squadron leader is a bit special, it is a nightmare attractor.

The nightmare guide has yellow skin all over its body, with only a circle of white hair on its neck.

Its head is very strange, with two pointed ears on its round head and a huge long nose.

What's even weirder is that such a head grows on a humanoid body, holding a pendulum-like hypnotic ring in its hand, which looks inexplicably terrifying.

"Big snake stare! Paralyze it!"

As soon as Rock saw the Nightmare Introducer who appeared, he immediately gave the Arbo Monster instructions through his thoughts and words.

Consistent with its terrifying appearance, the Nightmare Tapir is indeed a very dangerous Pokémon.

As long as you accidentally meet its gaze, you may be hypnotized by its extremely powerful hypnotism.


Abo Monster also felt the threat from the Mengtair, and immediately raised his upper body, and shot two fierce lights from the facial pattern on his chest, directly into the eyes of the Mengtair.

The body of the nightmare-inducing man trembled slightly for a moment, but his expression remained strangely calm, making it hard to fathom its emotions.

"Come with me and hold him together. You two go to the camp and get someone to go."

Seeing that Rock was about to rush forward, the squadron leader of the Rockets only had time to give an order to the two ordinary pawns, and then led the three members of the elite team to fight.

Lada, who was the fastest, rushed forward first, biting towards Rock's calf with her sharp front teeth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he jumped into the air, he would be bitten by the lightning-like probe of the Arbo monster.

Rock's figure slammed to the brakes, sideways jumped and rolled to avoid the other two Ladas, and gave way to the shooting range of the bay leaf behind him.

After Rock's brief tugging, Bay Leaf has completed a sword dance enhancement.It quickly swung the sickle above its head, and several high-speed rotating blades shot out.

If Bay Leaf's previous Flying Leaf Knife was a flying knife, then its current Flying Leaf Knife is a flying axe.

With the whistling sound of the wind, the blade slashed heavily into the bodies of the two Radhas, leaving deep bone wounds on their bodies.

After seriously injuring the two Radhas, Bay Leaf's offensive did not stop, and the Flying Leaf Knife shot towards the other elves like a rainstorm.

 It's done, I have to go to work tomorrow, Zhuo!
(End of this chapter)

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