Chapter 121

Zhao Dahai was a little nervous.There is a huge difference in hand feel between a small fish that has been caught for several hours and a big one. You have to walk the fish carefully and never pull hard.

how big is this fish
Shallow sea fishing will not use very hard poles or thick lines. If the pole is too hard and the line is too thick, the fish will be very vigilant and the mouth of the fish is not clear, so it is not easy to take the bait.Generally, they are soft rods and thin lines.Once you encounter a big fish weighing two or three catties, it will be very strenuous.

Zhao Dahai carefully controlled the pole, pulled it for 2 minutes, the fish in the water was very strong, slipped for a full 10 minutes, sweating profusely, and his clothes were wet, before the fish pulled out of the water.


"So big?!"

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened immediately.

It is not the black snapper that is pulled out of the water but the yellow snapper, which is as big as a small washbasin.

Zhao Dahai held his breath, not daring to be careless, gently pulled the fish to the side of the boat, controlled the fishing rod with one hand with his right hand, picked up the dipping net with his left hand to catch the fish, carried him onto the fishing boat and put it on the deck.


Zhao Dahai let out a long breath, took a rest before unhooking, stretched out his feet and made a gesture on the side, the fish was longer than his feet.

Both black bream and yellow eagle are common fish along the coast.Yellow snapper is yellow in color with a little red on the scales.Black snapper is mainly bluish gray.The meat quality of yellow eagle is more delicate and delicious than that of black sea bream, and the fishy smell is a little lighter.More popular, the quantity is relatively less, and the price is higher.

Zhao Dahai took a closer look at the fish. The body of the fish was very thick, like a small chopping board. He picked it up and weighed it, and it weighed more than four catties.

"Ten or eight fish like this will make a lot of money today!"

Zhao Dahai copied the net and shook it a few times into the living cabin, the big yellow snapper fell in, slapped its tail a few times, and water splashed everywhere.

Prices are high for big fish.Yellow snappers weighing more than one catty can be sold for at least 80 yuan per catty.Four catties of fish cost more than 300 yuan, and one fish is worth twenty catties of four or two heads of small black snapper.That's why people who go out to sea like big fish.

Zhao Dahai put on a new bait and cast his pole for fishing.

Dozens of large yellow snappers weighing three to four catties?

What are you thinking?How could there be such a good thing in the world?

It is an eye-opener to catch such a fish in the shallow sea

Honestly catch black sea bream!

After a while, Zhao Dahai caught another black snapper, which was not very big, only three or two, and he was very happy.

Yellow snappers are indeed worth a little money, but yellow snappers generally fight alone, and it is good enough to catch two or three in the same place.

Black sea bream is different. It can form a small school of fish. If you find a place with fish, you can usually catch more than ten or twenty fish.

Fishermen or fishers prefer black bream to yellow bream. Fishing yellow bream has to change places more frequently, especially if the yellow bream is not big. It may be that if you catch a lonely fish, instead of making money, you will lose money. It is not worthwhile to waste time and gas.

Zhao Dahai caught a huge yellow bream. He was very happy, but at the same time he was a little worried that he would catch a yellow bream next time. He had to change places immediately. There would not be too many fish at this point.

Seeing that the black bream was caught, we can continue fishing in this place for a while.The yellow snapper is just a passing fish.

Zhao Dahai fished a dozen black breams, found no fish, and changed to another place. He stopped at about 200 meters, and all the fishing boats around him were staring at him. They couldn’t sail along the trench. Other fishing boats couldn’t locate it precisely when they saw it. In addition, my own fishing boat was not parked on the trench but on the edge of the trench. It was difficult for other fishing boats around to estimate the exact distance to cast their poles.It is impossible to 100% prevent others from finding their own fishing spots by doing this, but it is enough. There are really people who are capable and are masters. Such people can catch fish with their own abilities, regardless of where others catch fish. I will think about rubbing other people’s fishing spots.

"This kid is amazing!"


"How can you find the trench?!"



"Have you caught a dog in 20 years of fishing?"


While listening to the words from the two fishing boats approaching him, Zhang Fu took off Shi Jiugong, who was as big as a finger, from the hook. The male is small, but it is indeed a fish. If you can’t sell it, take it back to the evening miscellaneous fish soup.

Zhang Fu cast the pole and waited for ten minutes. The tip of the pole did not move. It was boring not being able to catch fish. Looking around, he vaguely saw Zhao Dahai’s fishing boat 100 to 200 meters away. There were eight poles on the fishing boat, front, back, left, right, southeast, north, and west. The man held only one pole in his hand, and his own pole did not move for a long time.

The people on the two fishing boats nearby are right. There are trenches underwater, and where there are trenches, there are flowing water and more fish. As long as you find the right place, you can catch fish.Everyone understands the truth, but it is not easy to find the trench. Anyone who has this ability counts as one, and each one can catch twenty or thirty catties of fish a day.

Zhang Fu is very envious, but he has no choice but to honestly catch his own fish. He caught a little bit of it two hours ago, and he was afraid of getting caught. The unbelieving fishing boat behind him was also not good enough to catch a few fish. of.

Zhao Dahai fished until the sun was setting and the sky was full of sunset before he drove the fishing boat away.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


"Tu Tu Tu!"


Zhao Dahai's right hand is holding the rudder. The two diesel engines are full of power and the speed is good. The bow of the ship is like a knife cutting through the calm sea. The seawater poured into the hole gushes out from the cracks in the living hatch cover, and the deck is full of water.

Zhao Dahai was in a good mood. He got up early in the dark, was exposed to the wind and the sun, and was very tired, but when he thought of another bumper harvest, he caught a full [-] to [-] catties of fish. Nothing is more happy than making money.

When Zhao Dahai returned to the pier, it was almost dark. He tidied up the fishing boat, rinsed the deck, caught the fish and walked to the house. Put sandworms in the bag next to the dustpan.

Zhao Dahai walked over quickly, greeted him and entered the yard, poured the fish in the bucket into the fish pond, turned on the oxygen machine and water pump, and added ice cubes to adjust the water temperature.

Zhao Shi stood by the side, waiting for the ice cubes to almost melt, stretched out his hand to stir the water a few times, and nodded, Zhao Dahai learned these things really quickly, just read and listen to it once.


"This yellow snapper is really big! It must weigh two catties?"

Jintao came over and saw the yellow snapper in the fish pond.

"Two catties?"

"I can't bear four catties!"

Zhao Shi shook his head.This yellow snapper is not only big but also fat, and weighs very well.

"Which fish costs 400 yuan?"

Jintao was taken aback.

"Isn't it?!"

"If you sell it alive, say 300 yuan less."

Zhao Shi glanced at the yellow bream, ignored them, and stared at the other black breams for a while, then turned his head and asked Zhao Dahai, who came over after washing his hands and feet, if he could catch so many in the past few days fish.The yellow bream is really big and valuable, but it is impossible to catch it every day if the quantity is not large. The key to making money is the small black bream that can be caught every day.

"Second grandpa."

"Found running water."

"Good fishing."

"Both trips can catch dozens of catties of fish."

Zhao Dahai admired it very much.Zhao Shi is really experienced. When asked in one sentence, the point is that fishermen can catch a lot of fish in a day or two. The key is whether they can catch so many fish every day.Zhao Shi asked this because he wanted to know whether it was luck or real skill.

Zhao Shi took a puff of cigarette, nodded, and said nothing.

Zhao Dahai went to the vegetable garden to pick green vegetables and beans. Seeing that the cucumbers were about the same size, he picked two. He went back to the kitchen and started cooking. Stir-fried green vegetables with oil, fried beans with bacon, and mixed the cucumbers with some soy sauce After a while, the black bream that had just been caught caught seven or eight three or four twos and cooked a pot of soup, and also fried a salted fish. The dishes were enough and hearty, and the table was set up in the yard, and the meal began.

Zhao Dahai filled bowls of fish soup for grandma Zhong Cuihua, second grandfather Zhao Shi and second grandmother Jintao.People on the beach can eat anything, as long as they have fresh fish soup. The freshly caught fish are alive and kicking, and they are delicious.

"Second grandpa."

"Ask you something."

"At the other end of the mangrove forest in our village, did someone do farming before? I remember playing there when I was a child. They were all pools made of large stones and cement, with gates and so on."

After Zhao Dahai drank half a bowl of fish soup, he felt refreshed all over. After a day in the sun, the [-]-year-old ginseng soup couldn't compare to it.


"There is this matter."


"There is a family named Huang in our village, do you remember?"

"Twenty years ago, he was already the richest person in more than a dozen surrounding villages."


"The people in Paiwan Village are getting rich. Which of the surrounding villages is not jealous?"


"People in the Huang family follow suit."

"Dig a big ditch and a big pond to build a big pool."


Zhao Shi took a sip of the fish soup, put down the bowl, picked up the hookah and smoked while talking.


"Why didn't this happen after that?"

Zhao Dahai was very strange. He didn't know what happened back then. He was young at that time and couldn't remember what happened.

"One is technology. The other is that the Huang family's stall is too big!"

"Fish, shrimp and crab farming do make money, but you need technology, and you can't do it without technology. Second, the Huang family is rich, but their hearts are too wild. It cost 300 million just to dig those ponds. Seedlings and other things are another fortune. Big money, and labor?"

"All the fish, shrimps and crabs raised in the first year died, and they all died in the second year. At this time, the Huang family had no money, so they borrowed a lot of money to survive. The third year was better, not all died but not How much is left. The money from the sale can’t pay back the money that was borrowed.”

"The entire Huang family ran away overnight."

"I haven't seen anyone come back for more than ten years."

Zhao Shi let out a long sigh.

Zhao Dahai was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

Seven or eight in the evening.

After the sun goes down, the temperature slowly drops.

The sea breeze blows, making it cool.

Zhao Dahai sent Zhao Shi and Huang Jintao back, stood at the gate of the yard, and watched from a distance the mangrove forest in the west of the village.

Who doesn't want to make big bucks?But this big money is really not so easy to earn.The members of the Huang family had no choice but to run away because they could not repay the money. It would be hard to leave their hometown.

Zhao Dahai turned around and went home to sleep. No matter how successful or miserable the other family's affairs are, they are all other family's affairs. It's just after dinner to talk about his own affairs. Go to bed early and go fishing tomorrow. I'll go to that place again when I have time. .

 The last ten updates have been updated.Vote with votes.After 12 o'clock in the morning, the normal update will start.Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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