Cataclysm King

Chapter 287 Hydralisk Legion Cage Jar

Chapter 287 Hydralisk Legion Cage Jar

In the battle at Nugget Pier, Red-haired Ron, the seventh-level commander of the Venomous Bee Vanguard Legion, died in the battle, and the morale of the Lion Heart Legion was greatly boosted.

At the same time, the "capitulation faction" within the federation also suffered heavy losses.

Although most of the guys who secretly helped the enemy enter the Nugget Pier committed suicide after the incident was revealed, in the end they were caught alive by the Lionheart family who deployed their defenses in advance.

Moreover, the Bai family also used secret techniques to obtain a large amount of information from Ron's body.

Once the two were confirmed, it was revealed that the Capone family, one of the five major congressmen, was a traitor.

As soon as the news came out, major newspapers published it one after another.

The entire federation was in an uproar instantly.

No one expected that Harold Capone, the top federal dignitary, had surrendered before the war even started.

He has even dedicated the defense map and most city-state maps of the federation to the enemy.

This news instantly ignited everyone's anger.

The sentiment is exciting.

With the other four congressmen secretly igniting the fire and leading the crusade, even though the Capone family was so powerful, it collapsed almost overnight.

The Capone family was eliminated.

The first vacancy of a seat in the House of Representatives also means that the two-hundred-year-old federal House of Representatives system has come to an end.

But the chaos continues.

There is even a tendency to spread to several other congressmen.

All the great congressmen took the lead in treason.

The civilian class instantly lost all trust in the federal leadership.

At this time, voices supporting the restoration of the Oran Royal Court came out of nowhere.

It also increased quietly.

The new king of Oran appeared in the public eye for the first time with the slogan of "overthrowing the corrupt parliament".

Ji Xun didn't originally have much interest in politics or anything like that.

So it wasn't much of a surprise when I heard the news from Catalina.

But surprisingly, no one completely guessed these.

Jia Yu had calculated before that under the current situation, the Oran Palace would most likely be restored successfully.

The mushroom head had already deduced the "necessary process" of traitors, unrest, and the collapse of the parliamentary system almost before the incident happened.

Ji Xun heard it before and thought it made sense.

And think it will definitely happen.

However, the fact is that everything that is happening now is exactly like a script written by that guy in advance, and it is unfolding bit by bit.

Ji Xun was filled with emotion.

After personally experiencing these major events that could be recorded in history, he more deeply understood the meaning of Jia Yu's words: If you look far enough, you will find that the change of dynasties is just history repeating itself again and again.

Just like a classic stage play, batches of actors have been changed, but the core plot of the script still only has the "thirty-six types": revenge, revolution, ambition, and disaster.

However, there was a lot of commotion on the Eastern Continent, but the Lionheart family on the Nugget Pier was not negatively affected at all.

On the contrary, because of the treason of the Capone family, everyone knew the truth of the war.

And those neutral forces that have lost trust in the federal government have also joined the "war faction".

Nugget Pier is becoming more and more lively.

With the communicator, Ji Xun can know the situation of the federation almost at any time.

Those messages are also lines of cause and effect.

Clarifying it will also allow him to better understand the "world".

However, the life of the team he was lurking in was not so easy.

This group of people completely lost the arrogance of slaughtering and looting the city before. They hid here and there, not daring to show their faces where others appeared.

This storage lasted for more than a month.

This day.

In a dark and dilapidated ruins.

It is less than fifty kilometers away from the Nugget Pier.

A group of more than thirty members of the vanguard team were hiding in a dilapidated building complex.

The bonfire reflected tired faces.

"It's time for the changing of the guard."

"Joel, go and stand guard for me."


Hearing this, Ji Xun stood up expressionlessly.

The "Joel" he plays is an ostracized and boring person.

So there will always be the most duties in a day.

But this was just right for Ji Xun.

He had just advanced to the fourth level, and he needed a lot of time to consume the new abilities he had mastered through the advancement, and he also had to understand those magical and mysterious techniques.

Standing guard can give you a lot of time to practice.

Also thanks to [Shadow Trick].

During this period of time, not only has the rank been stabilized, but the progress of various secret techniques has been visibly increasing every day.

The most important thing is that with this one-month buffer, his "performance" has fewer and fewer flaws.

This was Ji Xun's experience from asking Jia Yu for advice before.

After all, that mushroom head has the experience of successfully lurking in Bureau X.

He said that good acting requires not disguise, but the true meaning of "identity substitution."

To truly become that person, even some mysterious sensing methods cannot detect it.

This is what Ji Xun did for more than a month.

He is fully integrated into who he is now.

He is "Joel" now, and Joel is who he is.

The fate line has been completely replaced.

Ji Xun was so confident that even the people closest to "Joel" couldn't tell there was something wrong with him in front of him.

At least Kuro, the sixth-level deputy commander who came to the team a few days ago, was completely unaware that there was a spy in the team.

And as time goes by, the performance will become more sophisticated.

Even if you are facing a card master of level 7 or above, the possibility of being seen through will be getting lower and lower.

With this layer of disguised identity, Ji Xun no longer has to be secretive when inquiring about information.

In this month, he got too much important information from those people's chats.

The mysterious veil of the Airel Empire has gradually been revealed.

The card masters of that empire obtained all the inheritance from the Talon Dynasty three thousand years ago, including all kinds of spells, martial arts, and cards that were lost in the Federation.

Even many of the Federation's fifty-two card master sequences that have been lost for generations have been handed down from that empire.

This is also cheaper for Ji Xun.

His current level of understanding is ridiculously high.

As long as they were below the fourth level, he could understand almost what abilities those people showed after a little thought.

During this period of various spying, he also learned a lot of new knowledge.

And these new knowledge are the building blocks for his understanding of the "world".

Jia Yu has said before that "I am the world" is a magical and mysterious method, and it is also the way to finally become a "realm".

As long as you understand the world deeply enough, you can continue on this path.

However, the situations of Ji Xun and Jia Yu are different.

He does not practice one extraordinary path alone, but embraces all things.

And this "everything" needs a stable and solid foundation to support it.

"I am the world" couldn't be more appropriate.

After improving your proficiency in this secret method, almost everything you learn can be integrated into this secret method.

As his understanding deepened, Ji Xun gradually discovered that he seemed to have found a unique path of his own.

High above the ruins, Ji Xun was standing guard.

While practicing, another picture appeared in my mind.

The shadows not far away were watching the captain-level vanguard members holding a management meeting beside the bonfire.

At this moment, Deputy Commander Kuro was holding a conch-shaped object and saying something "Jiligulu".

This is the communicator of the Airel Empire.

Pure magic equipment.

The "fire" that went to the Southern Continent three thousand years ago indeed inherited almost everything about the Ka Master civilization.

However, no mechanical technology was retained.

Because the dragon is a symbol of "power", mechanical technology is a blasphemy against power and is heresy.

For thousands of years, the Holy See did not allow the development of machinery, and it completely declined.

Therefore, no mechanical equipment can be seen on this group of people.

When Deputy Army Commander Kuro spoke, his voice sounded as coercive as a beast's roar.

This is not Talonian either, but "simplified Draconic".

Dragons are a superior race like high-level demons, and dragon language is also a magical language with magical power like ancient demon language.

After all, the Airel Empire is a country where dragonborn are in power.

So the aristocracy over there has its own language of communication.

It's this "simplified dragon language".

In the military, only senior officers are qualified to master it.

It’s not just a question of identity.

There is also the understanding of laws.

Just like there is a threshold for reading Devil's language, there is also a threshold for reading Dragon's language.

Not strong enough to even open his mouth.

And because of the inherent super-element affinity of the dragon's blood, card masters have improved and created a series of unique and powerful dragon spells and card systems over the past thousands of years.

This is what Ji Xun has been studying hard during this time.

After a few days of eavesdropping, although the simplified dragon language was not completely understood, I could roughly figure out the content of the communication through guessing: at six o'clock today, the army is approaching.

"finally coming."

Ji Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured in his heart.

These days, their team seems to be hiding here and there, but in fact they are also exploring the way for the army behind them.

Ji Xun had already guessed this result when the sixth-level deputy commander came a few days ago.

After all, their current location is close to the Nuggets Pier.

And to a certain extent, they were able to appear here because Ji Xun deliberately guided them here.

Several vanguard groups were exploring the road at the same time.

Whichever route is "safest" and "most concealed" will be the best choice for subsequent reinforcements.

And Catalina knew Ji Xun's position in the team throughout the entire process.

Naturally, the defenses were also deliberately avoided.

So it's almost expected.

The army will choose their path.

Judging from the information obtained now, it is the "Hydralisk Legion" from the Red Dragon Kingdom.

It seems that they are preparing to quickly attack the Nuggets Terminal, and then break through the Innocence City directly to capture the Card Master Federation in one fell swoop.

Probably they wanted to launch a blitzkrieg and achieve a quick victory.

The confidentiality of this matter was quite high. Originally, the soldier was not qualified to know such important military information.

It's a pity that there is a spy named Ji Xun in the team.

After hearing this, he passed on the information.

He doesn't care too much about what will be done over there or whether the intelligence is wrong.

Katarina's wisdom is enough for her to make the most rational response. He won't let himself be exposed as a spy.

After delivering the news, Ji Xun continued to meditate and practice.

In a flash, it was six o'clock in the evening.

Ji Xun suddenly opened his eyes while meditating. He looked at the ruins in the distance and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Here he comes!"

He was vaguely aware of a large army marching in the distance.

But those people seemed to have used some kind of legion equipment to cover up their marching movements, and they were only discovered when they got very close.

Only a mass of black mist was seen gradually filling the ruins.

But no movement was heard.

Ji Xun didn't worry about a top-notch powerhouse like the eighth level going directly to attack the Nugget Pier.

Because that possibility is very low.

During this time, he also discovered that the top card masters of the Ariel Empire had extraordinary arrogance.

After all, they are dragonborn, and their aura of dominance does not disdain any sneaky activities.

Now facing a weak federation of card masters, the eighth level masters are all Kingdom Marshal-level masters, and they still can't lose face.

The person coming will not be of the eighth level, so he should not be exposed.

Thoughts flashed through Ji Xun's mind for a moment, and the stern look in his eyes dissipated instantly.

"Joel" can't find it.

But he didn't want to be punished by military law for dereliction of duty.

He still did what a sentinel should do.

Stand up and patrol around occasionally.

Finally, the vanguard of the Hydralisk Legion arrived.

Ji Xun has sensed some "qi" hidden in the darkness.

He still pretended not to see it.

Waiting for someone to trigger the early warning trap on the periphery, he immediately shouted anxiously: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The voice frightened those in the camp and rushed out in a hurry.

I thought it was another fierce battle.

At this time, the deputy commander Kuro shouted: "Don't panic! Our people are here!"

Seeing the reinforcements coming, the members of the Venomous Bee Pioneer Group also breathed a sigh of relief.

But I was a little uneasy.

They discovered the Card Master Federation in the Eastern Wasteland before, which was a great achievement.

But later, the legion commander Ron was killed for taking advantage of the situation, and the nature of the matter changed.

And in order to take all the credit, all the "evidences" such as maps were taken away by Ron.

Now the persuasiveness is much less.

If you don't do it well, you might even be punished.

In the blink of an eye, professional soldiers wearing standard leather armor and as much equipment as possible walked out of the mist.

Looking again, the huge ruins are full of people.

A rough estimate was that there were probably several thousand people.

The number of people doesn't seem to be too many, but the sense of oppression of this regular dragon-born army is very strong.

Ji Xun felt as if he had returned to the first time he entered the animal cage in the circus when he was a child and was stared at by a group of beasts.

The sergeant standing in the mist looked like an evil dragon, exuding a terrifying pressure.

At this time, a group of people wearing golden armor came over.

Deputy Army Commander Kuro looked at the leader and shouted: "General!"

Ji Xun and other pioneers also shouted.

Only then did everyone see a strong man with a scar face who was more than two meters tall walking towards the crowd of knights in golden armor.

The scar-faced strong man glanced at the ruins, but no one dared to look directly at him.

Although he has never seen it, Ji Xun has heard about it before.

This guy is probably the famous general of the Red Dragon Kingdom and the commander of the Hydralisk Legion, General Heman.

General Hermann asked in a deep voice: "How is the situation?"

Deputy Army Commander Ku Luohui reported quickly: "Report to General, the Nugget Pier is fifty kilometers east, and the route has been explored."

General Hermann asked again: "Where is my stupid brother? Where is the body?"

Hearing this, Qrow swallowed his saliva: "It's in the hands of those people in the Eastern Wasteland."

As soon as these words came out, Heman's face turned cold, and an invisible coercion and murderous intent instantly swept over the entire audience.

Ji Xun shouted in his heart: "Longwei!"

He had experienced this feeling in another dimension before.

He also instantly understood this guy's intention.

The anger is just superficial, the real reason is to see if there is a spy in the team!

"You're so cautious."

Ji Xun looked at it and murmured in his heart.

If it weren't for him, if it were another card master, even if it was a higher level, there would definitely be something strange when encountering the dragon power of such a top powerhouse.

For almost an instant, he didn't dare to show any flaws and was trembling along with the people around him.

General Herman glanced at the crowd and seemed to find nothing, so he didn't say a word and just said: "Shoot ten and kill one."

Qrow's eyelids twitched and he responded with an ugly expression: "Yes, sir."

Killing one out of ten is a harsh collective punishment in the army.

After some legions made a serious mistake, ten of them would draw lots and kill one of them as punishment.

Officers are no exception!

After hearing this, the dozens of people in the Venomous Bee Pioneer Group all had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Only Ji Xun listened and smiled slyly in his heart: "Hehe. I hid it."

Just now he was a real seventh-level person, but he didn't see through his disguise at all.

That's something to be happy about.

As for the killing law, he didn't care at all.

Ji Xun was never afraid of gambling on his life.

Luck has always been good.

There was a 1 in 10 chance that he didn't think it would be him.

The truth was just as he suspected.

After drawing lots, the bodies of the three unlucky men were hung on the city wall.

Ji Xun is safe and sound.

Others were grateful to have survived.

It is very close to the Nuggets Pier.

It won't take long to run at full speed against the extraordinary beings for dozens of kilometers.

General Herman and the Hydralisk Legion no longer concealed their traces and rushed away quickly.

The main task of the Pioneer Corps is reconnaissance and is not responsible for fighting.

At least until the end of the war, people like Ji Xun can rest in the camp for the time being.

It is relatively safe here and has also become a camp for the follow-up troops of the Hydralisk Legion.

An army not only has a vanguard, but also people coming from behind.

The fatigue on the soldiers' faces showed that the Hydralisk Legion had just experienced a long march.

Soon, hundreds of bonfires were lit in the camp.

The troops began to rest and cook.

Because Ji Xun and his vanguard group were located in the middle of the ruins, they happened to be surrounded by the army.

If you enter an enemy camp alone, you will almost certainly die if you are exposed.

But this feeling made Ji Xun feel more and more excited.

His status as a sentinel also allows him to better observe everything around him.

Officer configuration, number of troops, equipment, large siege equipment, etc.

It seems that there is no way to cross the chasm of the abyss.

Ji Xun had quietly seen everything about the Hydralisk Legion.

In his eyes, he also saw a more complicated thread of fate.

It is not only the thread of individual destiny, but also involves the destiny of the kingdom and the destiny of the race.

Countless things are intertwined together and gathered into a mess, which becomes more and more chaotic the more they are sorted out.

This is why if you want to practice "I am the world" to a high level, it will become increasingly difficult in the future.

The more Ji Xun understood the secret technique, the more he felt that the mushroom head was really powerful.

There are many people from the Hydralisk Legion, estimated to be tens of thousands.

A few hours after the leading troops arrived, the follow-up teams arrived one after another.

They brought not only troops, but also a large group of human slaves wearing collars.

After all, these people did not come to the Old Continent to fight.

But to open up wasteland and hunt for treasure.

Ji Xun glanced at the thousands of humans dressed in coarse linen and linen clothes, and knew that they must be "cannon fodder" for exploring extradimensional space.

Just judging from the "qi machine", there are even fifth- and sixth-level card masters in the slave group.

The power of the Red Dragon Kingdom is evident.

Seeing these slaves, Ji Xun seemed to have seen what would happen if the Federation were to be breached and became war slaves.

Ji Xun glanced at it.

Suddenly his eyes fixed.

He actually saw a huge cage covered with black cloth among the group of slaves.

"Strange. What is in that cage?"

Ji Xun was curious.

It looked like some kind of monster was being imprisoned.

Moreover, the cage is over there in the slave camp, and it seems to be some kind of special slave.

Before Ji Xun could figure it out, a group of knights in golden armor, surrounded by a fat-headed guy, quietly arrived at the Pioneer Regiment's camp.

As long as there are people, it will be a humane society no matter where you are.

When Ji Xun heard about it, he realized that it was the person who was approached by the deputy commander Culuo to ask for a favor.

"I said Kuro, your vanguard group has pushed all the merits of the Pantian to the outside. It is obvious that the discovery of Donghuang is indispensable for your collective first-class merit. Now it's okay. You are greedy for merit and rush forward. Captain Ron is dead, and you still alert the snake. .If the news really reaches the marshal, it won't be as simple as 'draw ten and kill one'."

"Lord Lamb, you know that none of us can persuade Captain Ron's decision. You have to help me this time. Oh, I almost forgot! And this is a gift from those people in Donghuang before. The treasure that came here was not given to General Herman just now, so please help pass it on."

"Tsk tsk, there are quite a lot of good things in the hands of those guys in the Eastern Wasteland. I can hand them over to you. But if you want this matter to be completely safe, you still have to rely on yourselves. Explore more and make meritorious deeds. I heard that Augustus The royal family has also passed it down? There must be a lot of good things in Donghuang."

"Don't worry, whatever our vanguard team finds when the time comes, we will show it to you first."

"These are all trivial matters. Oh, and one more thing, have your vanguard group found any clues? There is no news about how many 'spell jars' the Holy See is looking for. I am very dissatisfied with the progress."

"I haven't found it. The Old Continent is too big, and we have only explored this far. By the way, Lord Lamb, what on earth is that jar? There is no pattern and no reference. The broken jar in this ruins There are quite a lot of them. If I really encounter them, I’m afraid I’ll miss them and not know about them.”

"I don't know the details. But from what I heard above, finding the 'jar' is a special order from the top of the Holy See, and it has a higher priority than finding the 'Augustus Mausoleum'. That's why I brought the 'monster' this time. Please look for it carefully, it’s definitely not a broken jar, I think it might be some ancient relic with powerful magic power.”


Ji Xun, who was eavesdropping, originally thought it was a simple bribery conversation.

However, as he listened, he felt strange in his heart.


It couldn't be the two he was carrying, right?

After thinking about it again, it was now confirmed that what was sealed in the jar was the old Outer God, which was an extremely dangerous ancient relic.

If it's really worthy of the attention of the senior officials of the Airel Empire, I'm afraid it can only be something of this level.

But what are those guys doing looking for this jar?

(End of this chapter)

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