Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 336 Li Wenqian’s Heart: Fish in the South China Sea

Chapter 336 Li Wenqian’s Heart: Fish in the South China Sea
Early the next morning, Zhou Rui sprayed perfume and hair wax as usual, and came to Wanjingyuan.

This time she didn't go upstairs. After waiting for less than 3 minutes, Li Wenqian went downstairs wearing a simple dress.

If yesterday was about dressing up carefully, today is probably about returning to nature.

Her hair was tied into a ponytail, and she wore blue jeans instead of a skirt. She held Li Huihua's grocery bag in her hand and trotted downstairs.

Zhou Rui was quite surprised by Li Wenqian's style today. The last time he saw Li Wenqian's ponytail was in the first and second grades of junior high school. For a reborn person, that was a very long memory.

Later, because the boy in the back seat had chewing gum stuck on her braid, she had to cut off large sections. Li Wenqian maintained the mushroom hair style until she went to college and grew her hair long.

At that time, Zhou Rui and the boy had a fight at the back door of the campus. There was no real fight. As soon as Zhou Rui picked up the tiles on the ground, the boy was so frightened that he ran away.

Yesterday was a full day, but today was only in the morning. Li Wenqian had a final exam in the afternoon, and Zhou Rui also had some work to do.

Even if there is a "three-day trial", it doesn't mean that you can fall in love without doing anything the whole day, right?
Zhou Rui didn't find a car to drive, so Li Wenqian could just let someone else do it and let her arrange everything.

Li Wenqian also gave her own travel solution.


Li Wenqian held two sets of keys in her hand and found the two she needed among a row of bicycles downstairs.

One is Li Huihua’s own bicycle. She usually rides it to the market. It looks very simple. You can tell at a glance that it does not cost more than 300 yuan. There is also a small frame on the front.

Another mountain bike in good condition was borrowed from a neighbor.

Li Huihua often shares endless delicacies with her neighbors in the building. She is a living Buddha in the whole building. Borrowing a bicycle is naturally a trivial matter.

She and Zhou Rui took one car each, and put the mysterious paper bag in their hand in their own small frame.

Li Wenqian's mood recovered a lot and she said, "It's been many years since the last time I rode a bicycle. When did you, Zhou Rui? Do you still ride?"

Zhou Rui's mind flashed with the scene of him chasing the "cheap disc", and he said modestly: "I know how to ride, but I can't ride fast."

If you can't ride fast, you can't catch up with Wu Ling Hongguang.

Today is the second day of "trying out boyfriend and girlfriend", and according to the agreement, Li Wenqian takes the lead.

She prepared snacks, a bicycle, and checked a nearby park.

Today’s project: Go to the park.

Compared with Zhou Rui's dating plan, Li Wenqian's is much simpler, representing a girl who has never been in love and has a simple imagination of "dating".

It just so happened that the weather was sunny and cloudless today, and there weren’t too many people in the park on a weekday. It was a perfect time and place.

Li Wenqian said to Zhou Rui proudly: "Follow me!"

Zhou Rui stepped on the bicycle with his long legs and said with a smile: "Okay, lead the way."

The two of them rode on familiar streets, one behind the other.

There is no rush or slowness, the breeze is not dry, the sunlight above the head penetrates the leaves, and casts spots of light under the trees.

Zhou Rui looked at Li Wenqian's back. The figure was not skilled in riding, but she could tell that she was very happy. If she wasn't wearing a mask and on a crowded road, this girl might even cheer once or twice.

Zhou Rui suppressed his speed and followed leisurely. The two of them rode for about 10 minutes. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians, and they were probably heading towards the suburbs.

Zhou Rui was afraid that Li Wenqian would be suffocated, so he reminded her: "Take off the mask, be careful of lack of oxygen."

In the past, she was easily recognized on the campus of Fuzhou University, but now she can be recognized throughout Shanghai, and she has gradually developed the habit of wearing a mask when going out.

Without the shackles of the stuffy mask, Li Wenqian felt refreshed and whispered: "Zhou Rui! Let's see who rides faster!"

Zhou Rui didn't take it seriously, but just increased the speed of his feet a little, and became on par with Li Wenqian.

Li Wenqian found that no matter how fast she rode, Zhou Rui remained calm and parallel to her.

After a while, he realized what he was doing. He pedaled twice and Zhou Rui pedaled once.

This must be a problem with the car!

Li Wenqian raised her hand and said, "I want to change my car! Your car is better than mine!"

Zhou Rui thought to himself that I can run faster on both legs than you can ride a bike, but in order to make the little girl happy, he stopped and changed bikes and rode the women's bicycle.

His knees were touching the handlebars. With Zhou Rui's height, he looked like a big spider tied to a wooden stick.

Li Wenqian, on the other hand, looks like a little monkey riding a big cart, which is also a bit funny.

Li Wenqian's silvery laughter didn't stop. She accelerated suddenly and said provocatively: "I'm leaving first!"

Zhou Rui gave a wry smile. Although he ignored the knee problem, he could chase her if he wanted to, but let the girl take the lead for a while.

It seems that I still got complicated yesterday.

Zhou Rui suddenly realized that sometimes talking about friends is not about holding hands, looking at legs, or even eating late night snacks.

Just two people, able to laugh together and do something really stupid.

Ahead, Li Wenqian turned right and disappeared from Zhou Rui's sight, and her silver bell-like laughter stopped abruptly.

Zhou Rui was a little worried and immediately sped up to catch up.

As soon as I turned the corner, I saw a sprinkler truck coming towards me. Maybe the driver didn't expect someone to appear suddenly around the corner, so he left the sprinkler on.

Fortunately, Zhou Rui reacted quickly and drifted to a sideways stop, moving two meters to the side, thus avoiding the tragedy of getting soaked all over.

She secretly thought something was wrong, but she turned around and saw Li Wenqian standing there blankly, her whole body froze.

Water drops slowly dripped from half of his body.

Li Wenqian was stunned for a long time, and then quickly took out the hand-held grocery bag from the car basket.

Inside, Li Huihua gave personal guidance. She worked with her own hands and spent a whole night and early morning making the cookies and desserts.
The jeans won't show through if they get wet, but for girls, it's a bit strange if most of the pants are wet. Zhou Rui took off his shirt and bent down to tie it around Li Wenqian's waist.

The two of them were very close, and the small hill with just the right altitude was dangling in front of Zhou Rui's eyes.

Li Wenqian originally wanted to refuse, but Zhou Rui was determined and could only stand stiffly.

Zhou Rui said while tying his shirt, "Why don't you go back? You have an exam in the afternoon and need to change clothes."

Li Wenqian shook her head and said firmly: "No, we are almost there. The weather is so good today, we will be done soon."

But when I returned home, today's date was ruined again.

Later on, the two of them exchanged their bicycles, and there was no more laughter along the way.

It's just that Li Wenqian has been thinking about something.

The two of them came to the park that Li Wenqian was talking about. It had a large area of ​​grass and bicycles could be ridden in it. It was closer to a public green space than a park.

The two found a green grassy area. Li Wenqian took out a picnic cloth from her grocery bag and spread it on the grass. Then she placed boxes of snacks out and took out two fruit peels.

The two of them sat on a picnic cloth. Zhou Rui tasted the Erliang cookies that Li Wenqian spent eight pounds of flour to make and spoke highly of them.

"It's delicious, not very sweet."

With Li Huihua teaching me step by step, the taste is really good, but the yield rate is a little low.

In fact, Li Wenqian's thoughts about dating only ended here.

Make something with care and give it to the person you care about.As for what to do after sitting on the picnic cloth, she didn't know.

The two of them just lay flat on the picnic cloth and looked at the sky.

A small hand took the initiative to grab Zhou Rui's hand.

Li Wenqian held Zhou Rui's hand and whispered: "Zhou Rui. Why do I feel so strange?"

Obviously before, whenever I touched Zhou Rui's hand, I would be very moved, but now I feel embarrassed instead.
It seemed that every behavior was very deliberate. She didn't like this feeling, nor did she like herself like this.

Zhou Rui turned his head and looked to his side.

"Since yesterday, everything seems to be going wrong."

"Just some accidents."

"Being with you, whether it's watching movies, eating, or visiting the park, should be a very happy thing, but yesterday and today, I always think about messy things. I'm not as happy as before."

"It's just that you haven't gotten used to it yet."

"So, is this all about being friends?"

Zhou Rui coughed lightly: "Of course it's not just that, there are many kinds of intimate behaviors."

Li Wenqian suddenly rolled around, leaned over, raised her upper body, and looked at Zhou Rui so close.

"What kind of intimacy?"

Zhou Rui looked at that pretty face.

Bright eyes, jade cheeks, beautiful nose and pink lips.

He has countless words to describe Li Wenqian's face.

But at this moment, the fact that she was Li Wenqian was enough to make him lose his mind.

The cell phone rang in his pocket, but Zhou Rui naturally wouldn't answer it in a hurry.

Even though it was shaking in his pocket, Zhou Rui still looked at that pretty face.

After watching for a long time, Zhou Rui no longer hesitated and was ready to get up and kiss
Someone is faster than him.

Li Wenqian closed her eyes and took the initiative to kiss her.

It was so sudden that Zhou Rui didn't even have a chance to lift even one centimeter.

She was filled with warm fragrant nephrite and pressed back to the ground.

Li Wenqian was clumsy, jerky, and even knocked her teeth.

Zhou Rui unconsciously put his arms around Li Wenqian's shoulders, held her in his arms, and began to guide the little girl.

That sweet, soft, first time, is tasted again and again.

The kiss came suddenly.

The kiss also lasted longer.

I don’t know if 3 minutes or 5 minutes passed before the two separated.

At this time, Li Wenqian had completely collapsed in Zhou Rui's arms.

Even through the clothes, you can feel the hot body temperature of the little girl's hair.

This is the most proactive time Li Wenqian has ever taken, so proactive that she seems to be giving everything she has.

Zhou Rui's own heart was beating wildly, but his good physical condition allowed Li Wenqian to hear clearly without lying on her chest.

He thought about a lot of things during that kiss just now.

The phone never stopped vibrating, but it seemed to be the least important thing.

Zhou Rui wanted to say something.
But I heard the figure on the chest say: "Zhou Rui, can we return to our previous state?"

Zhou Rui's heart paused and gradually slowed down.

"Can we end this 'trial' early, until tonight? Please."

Zhou Rui stood up and looked directly into Li Wenqian's eyes.

I only saw seriousness.

The vibration on my phone, which was innocuous just a moment ago, is now a bit annoying.

Zhou Rui sat up straight and took out his cell phone. He was about to press it and throw it away, but he saw that the callers were all the same person.

"Brother Yang Rubin"

Zhou Rui exhaled a breath, glared at Li Wenqian, and answered the phone helplessly.

"Xiao Zhou, where are you?"

Zhou Rui: "Shanghai."

Yang Rubin was a little anxious: "Be specific, I'm going to send someone to pick you up!"

Zhou Rui frowned slightly: "What's wrong? What happened?"

There seemed to be some thought over how to say it without leaking the secret. After all, this was a general communication channel.

"Go to the south and catch half a flying fish."

Yang Rubin's voice was calm with a hint of excitement.

"Weighs 44 pounds, the second half."

Zhou Rui immediately understood what the other party meant. This was indeed an emergency.

The other side will definitely want to go back even if they die.

I am definitely not willing to give it, but no one can say how it will be decided on diplomatic matters, so I have to fight for every minute and every second.

Zhou Rui said in a deep voice: "I understand, I'm in Yangshupu District, Oriental Greenland Park. Do you need me to rush to the airport?"

Yang Rubin said: "No, civil aviation is too troublesome."

"I'll make arrangements to fly by helicopter!"

Zhou Rui was stunned and looked at Li Wenqian.

Li Wenqian said timidly: "You are in a hurry, right? That's just right."

Zhou Rui didn't give the girl a chance to speak anymore, he hugged Li Wenqian and kissed her again.

"I'll take care of you when I get back!"

Li Wenqian lowered her head and argued: "We are childhood sweethearts when we come back! Don't even think about bullying me like this again!"

Zhou Rui ignored him and started packing the picnic cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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