40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 447 Episode 173: Reignition

Chapter 447 173. Interlude: Reignition (6.8, k)

From the angel's eyes that seemed to be stained with blood, Kabanha saw everything. The Blood God is roaring, and it can feel it. The Blood God is using a continuous influx of power to repair its shattered body, and is urging it, or in other words, roaring.

Kill him or I'll do it myself!

Not this time, my God. Kabanha said humbly but firmly. Please don't interfere.

The Blood God was furious, almost making Ka'banha terrified, but the angel's sword brought it back to reality, bringing back the entire reality it needed to face.

Smoke and dust lingered all around, and the large crater formed by the impact was filled with blood, its own blood. The demon's burning eyes covered everything with a thick blood-colored mist, but it could still tell that its own blood was splashing everywhere and burning the ground.

However, this does not matter, every drop of blood is a gift to the God of War.

And the most important thing it needs to do now is to get Sanguinius back first, that sword is hurting it. It can withstand this kind of damage, but it wants to stand up and fight with the angels instead of being nailed to the ground like now.

Then it swung its axe, and struck Sanguinius with the great ax in its right hand with determination that transcended all.

It knew that the angel would block the blow, and the fact was exactly what it thought. Sanguinius used an extraordinary skill to deflect the ax with one hand. Because of this, he lost one hand to hold the sword. .

Kabanha saw something like pain flash across the angel's face.

Good that you realize that. It grinned ferociously. Magma-red blood spurted out from between the fangs and rushed towards the angel with high temperature.

For mortals, such a mouthful of blood is enough to make their intestines pierce, their bodies and souls destroyed. But for the angel, it was just a slight burning sensation - however, Kabanha had achieved his goal.

Its left claws were slightly brought together, and it swung out a standard sharp arc based on the human fist swing. The latter was hit by this blow and flew away on the spot. When he stood up again, the devil had already stood up.

There is a naked and terrible hole in its chest, which is beyond the scope of a sword blade. But the Ranchi Blade was still nailed deeply into the ground at this moment. It's clear that Cabanja didn't get out of trouble in the usual way.

"Your sword." The demon looked back at it thoughtfully. "You need it, you need a weapon, Sanguinius."

"I can kill you with my bare hands," Sanguinius replied in a low voice.

The demon's blood flowed freely on his face, almost turning his skin into red.

Kaban laughed, knowing that the angel would answer this way.

It smoothly pulled out the dyed red blade and threw the sword at the angel's feet, sinking deep into the soil.

"I said, I want a fair fight," Kabanha said. "I have two weapons, and you have two weapons. We both lost one, and now we only have one left."

It picked up the huge bone ax that seemed to come from the barbaric era and raised it high.

"Raise your sword, angel." Kabanha urged with enthusiasm. "This is a ritual between warriors. Raise your weapon, raise it high, and point its blade towards the sky. Then swear, swear that you will kill the enemy in front of you. In this way, the God of War will Keep His eyes on you.”

The angel did not make any of the above requests. He drew out his sword and flapped his wings and flew straight over, like a bright ray of light.

Fury flowed in his eyes, and the sword stabbed and slashed Kabanha's body hundreds of times like lightning, but the demon seemed indifferent. It stood there panting heavily, and suddenly at a certain moment, it stretched out its right paw and grabbed the angel's sword blade.

The breath of hell's brimstone spurted out from between the fangs again, but it shook its head dissatisfied.

"You should at least have some manners," Kabanha complained, and it pushed the sword away, causing the angel to back away.

It looked down at itself, and was slightly surprised to find that it was covered in cuts and bruises, with bone-deep wounds all over its body.

The angel remained silent, but angrily struck again with his sword. The demon stared at his shoulder attentively, and raised his ax in advance to block the possible change of the sword path.

So the angel moved his right foot, rotated and changed his moves again. The acumen and strength he showed in the battle excited Kabanha again. The demon lowered his left wing with a low roar, used it to protect his front face, lowered his shoulders and rushed out.

It knocked the angel away again at the expense of the incomplete left wing. Sanguinius fell heavily to the ground, and his pupils were distracted for a moment.

The power of the devil is unreasonable, primitive and pure, and so barbaric that it is in a league of its own. He can contend with it, but many times, he must also bear the pain caused by the collision with this power.

He struggled to stand up, but a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes. It was the devil's giant ax that was landing. The jagged sharp surface cut through the air and was slashing towards the angel at a rapid speed.

The blood light blooms and illuminates everything. The demon had a growling face, obsidian-like sharp teeth, and a long tongue that was bitten by himself. Sanguinius's frowning brows, his blood-stained wings, and his right hand raised instinctively.

The blade of the Red Blade collided with the giant ax, and the ground sank cruelly for several meters. Smoke and dust roared and rolled up. The angel groaned, suffering severe pain from the blow, and a heart-piercing pain came from his back. .

The devil smiled ferociously and let go of his hand, pressed the ax on the angel, and used his claws to grab his throat. The huge force began to suffocate the angel at the moment of contact.

"Resist me!"

Kabanha roared out these words. It didn't sound like a taunt, but more like an urging.

The angel did not let him down. He gritted his teeth and thrust out the Red Blade. The long sword pierced Kabanha's jaw from bottom to top, reaching the top of his head.

Blood and a smoky gray viscous substance gushed out from the wound. Kabanha roared angrily. Not only did he not let go, he even began to increase his strength.

Yes! That's it! kill him!

At this moment, it heard the blood god's roar again. Here it comes again, the urging again

The demon growled and forced himself to release his claws, and slowly took a few steps back. It raised its hand to grab the Ranchi Blade, pulled it out and held it in its hand. The sword was not forged for a creature like it, and the way it held it was hilarious.

The Blood God roared in its ears again, and every syllable seemed to be burning. He was commanding it to kill Sanguinius—and this time, Ka'banha disobeyed its god.

"Do not."

It muttered to itself, blood leaking from the wound like a flood, but it still stood.

"I will kill him, but not this way, Blood God."

It lowered its head and looked at the healing wound on its chest. The demonic realm here was jointly created by the four gods, and every killing and death in it is passively restoring its injuries and increasing its power.

Kabanha can even see the battlefield at this moment and the war that will happen here in the near future through the divine favor it enjoys.

It's so sweet, a bloody battle that lasts for ten thousand years. If it were still the pure bloodthirsty it was before, it would rush straight into this war and sacrifice countless heads to the Blood God. but--

"——But you sent me to fight him, Blood God." Kabanha whispered, and watched the angel slowly stand up from the blood.

"You made me realize that the children of the damned were not just inferior giant babies or immature imbeciles, but that there was a true warrior among them. I challenged him, and for the first time, I won. Chapter The second time, I lost, and now it’s the third time.”

"I will fight him until this is over. I want this fight to be completely fair, without any support, without any help, without any intervention. I want you to guarantee this, Blood God."

"In return, you will see Kabanha beheaded by him, and the angel of Baal will surpass his own limits and move towards a new realm. Or, you will see me break his wings and sacrifice his soul. A throne for you.”

It laughed ferociously, and so did the Blood God. Together they watched Sanguinius lift the great ax from the blood-stained mud, his eyes were red, and the backflow of blood and internal injuries caused his appearance at this moment.

It really fits your image. Kabanha laughed wildly.

very good. He praises from His throne. You briefly escaped the shackles I gave you, Kabanha. You proved your courage with your disobedient actions and your pursuit of a fair fight, right?

Kabanha raised the Red Blade wordlessly, feeling that the god's endless bloody support was slowly dissipating. It has become weaker, but it has also become stronger. It looked down at the Red Blade and saw that the sword was burning its flesh, just as its ax was hurting the angel's flesh.

Go fight! The God of War roared. In my name!

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Kabanha roared and jumped up, and the dyed red blade stabbed the angel's face accurately and fatally. Sanguinius roared back with equal force. The giant ax had already turned his hands extremely black, but he still used it to block the demon's attack.

He turned around, his wings vibrated, jumped up with enough force to shatter the ground, and threw the giant ax down. The demon responded to the invitation to fly with its incomplete wings. It grabbed the front of the giant ax with its backhand, not caring that it almost cut off half of its hand, and threw the dyed red blade back.

The angel caught it and flew high again, being carried straight down by the strong wind. The demon roared excitedly and collided head-on with him. The shock wave erupted again, the soil splashed, everything seemed so cruel.

The demon swung its axe, swept its tail, shoulder-butted, slapped - it hurt the angel with all its might, destroying his armor and body. And angels are never stingy. Every attack of the dyed red blade can carve out a piece of flesh and blood from the demon's body, allowing the fire of hell to bloom from the demon's eyes in the high temperature.

Both sides are filled with terrifying rage and determination to bring about the downfall of the other side. The sky seemed to be inspired, and the broken clouds were blown by the strong wind, covering their heads, and also sprinkled with crazy blood, creating a vast cage or duel cage. Until one of them dies, the bloody light will never dissipate.

In the tide of chaos, the Blood God swore on his name to all beings who could hear his voice that this battle would be absolutely fair.

He drew the sword for this purpose.

The ax and the sword collided again, and steaming blood spilled from the angel's armor. This absolute masterpiece has been damaged in many places, even rusted. Supernatural aging in gold and adamantine destroys their once close cooperation, and the power of demons adds to this.

But what about demons? Now that the angel is in such a mess, will Kabanha look like a winner? The answer is no, it is equally embarrassing.

Its axe-holding claws are the key targets of the dyed red blade. They are already bone-white, and the burning tendons from hell are still stubbornly left on the exposed muscles, beating with every operation of the master.

Kabanha's body seemed to have been tortured like Ling Chi, with many scars lacking flesh and bones that made people wonder why it could still stand and attack the angel with such a violent offensive.

They slashed each other and bled each other. Every collision was the most perfect manifestation of the four words "fighting skills". But this was just the beginning, because they would eventually beat each other until they were exhausted, unable to stand, or even unable to hold on. arms. Kabanha waited for that scene with absolute patience, and concentrated on trying to kill the angel before it came.

The power of the Supreme Heaven is roaring in his body, and so is the angel. His power also comes from the Supreme Heaven, but he still refuses to accept this fact at this moment. But it doesn't matter, because they are already fighting against the odds.

Demons no longer enjoy the power of resurrection that the Blood God draws from the river of blood, nor do they have a steady stream of support from the same kind of inanimate beings. Like an angel, completely alone, without support, without the eyes and silent support from above.

There was only each other, only this deep muddy pit of blood, and only this primitive and barbaric battle itself.

How much time has passed?

Kabanha laughed wildly and grabbed the angel's head, threw him to the ground, and trampled him with his feet. The angel rolled over and dodged, fluttered his wings and jumped up, turned around and knocked down the demon with his sword, then stood on top of it and began to kill.

Blood flowed freely, and they looked at each other while roaring. The human's eyes widened with anger, his face was distorted, and the blood stained him to the point of becoming inhuman.

The devil's mouth was wide open, and his mutilated face was filled with a primitive and ferocious nature, and this was just the appearance. It is actually calm and joyful, waiting for the final moment to come

Fight, fight, fight. They continued to fight, getting up from the mud pit again and again, roaring at each other again and again from the splash of flesh and blood.

The sword curled, the ax broke, the armor shattered, and the bones were destroyed. When all the conditions were met, the devil realized in a daze that it had waited.

So, it released its right paw with only two claws left, and let the ax fall to the ground, which was almost completely broken.

It looked at Sanguinius, a smile blooming on its face, because the angel looked similar to what it looked like at this moment.

The gorgeous gold armor had been shattered to the point where it could not provide any protection at all. The hand armor was twisted, the leg armor was shattered, and the breastplate had melted.

His lower body was covered in scars, and his warrior emblems and medals smelled of blood. The scarred wings were still flying bluffingly, but they had long since lost the strength to flap.

"Throw away the sword," Kabanha urged inarticulately. "It's no longer useful."

The angel looked down at his sword and saw that it was indeed the case.

This indestructible sword has many gaps, and the red gems embedded in it have long since disappeared. Its handle was full of broken marks, and the metal was silently sucking his blood and cutting the flesh of his palm.

"You humans—" the demon gasped and began to limp around the grounds. "——The history we have is really short, just like your life span. But you are good at learning and passing on."

It raised its claws and pressed them against its chest, piercing the incomplete claws into the flesh of its palms and fixing them. Then, it opened its mouth and began to use its fine fangs to shape its fist, grinding the bones and biting away the flesh.

With sheer patience, Kabanha created for himself a pair of incomplete fists instead of savage minions. It raised them, shrugged, and raised its chin toward the angel.

"Come on." It laughed and spat out a mouthful of blood. "Come on, the most primitive way. After the fists are the teeth, angels, come and fight to the death."

The angel gently released his hand in silence, and the dyed red blade refused to slip, creating a new long and narrow wound in his palm. The angel raised his hands, slowly took off his wings, and then clasped his hands tightly.

They began to approach each other slowly, and the first punch was thrown by Angel. The demigod's power is still dangerous even under extreme fatigue and injuries. Ka'banha's sharp teeth were knocked out several, and the pain brought anger and high excitement.

It smiled angrily and waved its left fist, not even thinking of defending. The angel managed to dodge, but was still hit in the left rib. Several broken bones penetrated the surface of the body and trembled cruelly in the air.

The angel spurted out a mouthful of blood, and Kabanha took it all in, licking the blood of his sworn enemy, but he didn't get any comfort.

"That's it, Sanguinius, that's it!" it roared still. "That's it!"

The angel howled angrily and punched it back. The last punch even broke one of the horns on the demon's head, forcing it to stagger to the ground, but it was still talking.

"Tear off your gorgeous coat"

It raised its head drowsily in the blood and looked at the crumbling angel.

"Throw aside worldly views, responsibilities, self-demands and the so-called destiny of mankind. You are a warrior, Sanguinius, you are born that way. I can see the anger in your heart and smell your suppressed bloodthirst. Desire, come punch me!”

It hammered the ground, stood up, and roared at Sanguinius.

"Come and fight me!"

The angel gasped and looked at it, his white fangs already sticking out of his lips. He didn't need a mirror to know that his appearance at the moment was probably not much better than Kabanha's.

His long-suppressed bloodthirsty desire was completely activated in such a cruel battle, and a kind of pure anger was surging in his heart. As soon as he kills Kabanha, it will explode completely. Sanguinius had rejected it countless times, but what about this time?

He raised his head and looked at the blood around him, and he also heard the Blood God's cry. He understood that if Kabanha did not die, he would not be able to leave this prison.

But he must leave here, there are countless loyal people who need him, the empire needs him, and his father also needs him.

In the prophecy, he lay dying beside the god. He didn't know why, but he had to get to that future.

Kabanha moved slowly towards him.

Kill me, or be killed by me. In its eyes, Sanguinius read the message.

Sanguinius silently lowered his fists, then raised them again. He suppressed his anger, suppressed his worries, suppressed the endless fatigue of traveling all the way to this point, and raised his fists with simple thoughts.

There was something boiling in his veins, like burning venom. It was not Kabanha's handwriting, nor the blood god's arm, but the erosion of him by the power of chaos.

The angel smiled mockingly, but the face of Khalil Lohars suddenly flashed before his eyes.

Just like you. he thinks. We are all monsters in human skin, bound by ourselves.

"Time for reflection is over, Sanguinius."

Kabanha walked up to him, said this, and slowly stood up, his bent feet sinking into the soil. Its burning eyes stared blankly at the angel, the life force draining from the body like the angel himself.

It punched, but the angel did not dodge, and firmly used his abdomen to eat the punch that could break the armored car. The shock wave turned into visible torture and appeared on his body. His bones shattered one by one, his skin and flesh trembled, and blood and internal organs gushed out of his throat.

The devil laughed, but there was sadness in his laughter. It knows that it has won, but it also knows that from now on, it will never have such a good opponent or such a good battle.

It truly mourns this.

Sanguinius staggered back, shaking his head as if confused by the scene before him. Kabanha prayed that he would fall, but he also prayed that he would stand strong, come back and punch him, knocking him to the ground.

Punch me again, prolong the fight just one more second, Sanguinius, I beg you.

The angel raised his head while vomiting blood, and a little blue light emerged from the blood in his eyes.

He walked back silently and beat back under Kabanha's ecstatic eyes. He still has power - it's a goddamn miracle that he still has power despite what he's become.

That punch hit Kabanha's eye cruelly, shattering its eye socket and protruding its eyeball, and it fell down again. The angel watched it fall to the ground, struggling in the mud, but unable to stand up again.

He suddenly felt sad.

It's just a show. he thinks. It's all about the fall of Terra, the victims being tortured as sacrifices, and the battle.

So what if I win this battle?

The master behind the scenes doesn't care at all. He will only laugh with satisfaction in the eternal war.

All of this is meaningless, just a drama staged by the evil gods themselves to please themselves. There is no meaning, everything is meaningless, why don't I just die? To repay this cruel world?

This thought was so attractive, he was already very tired, and he wanted to end everything like this. However, at this moment, there was a surge of anger coming back.

He had suppressed it, but it came back. It was so violent, yet as cold as ice, freezing every drop of his blood and preventing the poison from nothingness from harming his soul.

Those empty thoughts quickly dissipated and turned into a passing cloud. Sanguinius felt a pang of shame, wondering why he had entertained such thoughts—but he soon sensed something was wrong.

In silence, he touched his still-beating heart and suddenly laughed.

"Coward," he said, looking at the sky. "You swore that this battle would be absolutely fair, but what happened? You broke your oath and I spit on you."

On the brass throne, the Blood God suddenly roared. He may have never been so angry. Even the joy of witnessing such a battle could not reverse this anger.

The bloody light that shrouded the surroundings instantly shattered. Kabanha stopped struggling and looked up at the broken clouds. This hard-won peace only lasted for a few seconds, and it soon started roaring like crazy.

"I curse you, Lord of Changes, I curse you, this lowly and shameless false god!"

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, as if to punish him for his disrespect. But another piece of blood-red floated in, dispelling the thunder instantly. In the blood light, Kabanha's form began to dissipate. It melted, flesh and bone shattering together.

It was recalled by the Blood God, including all the Blood God's army on the entire battlefield. These bloodthirsty devils wearing brass armor will fight another war. They will attack the kingdom of another god on an unprecedented scale.

Sanguinius exhaled slowly.

It ended like a child's play. he thought calmly. The so-called gods are really ridiculous.

But he won.

The angel looked up to the sky and began to regain his strength. A few minutes later, he reluctantly flew up with his sword, but saw another golden light coming quietly from the other side of the battlefield. It's not like a weapon or anything like that, in the angel's perception it's more like


 One more chapter.



(End of this chapter)

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