40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 425 Chapter 151: Wolf and Lion God

Chapter 425 151. Interlude: Wolf and Lion God

Ruth slowly raised her head.

In his sight, he saw a condescending beast. It has everything a beast and predator should have at the same time. Such as sharp claws or fangs, strong and powerful limbs, instinctive reaction speed

But it is not any ferocious beast in Ruth's impression. It is a terrifying monster shaped by the evil creator. Its eyes sparkle in the darkness, and its hair is dancing in the bloody wind.

It stared at him with disdain, then pressed its right paw.

Ruth heard a scream, and then pain—unfortunately, he didn't realize until seconds after the pain hit that the scream was actually his own voice.

He vomited a large mouthful of blood, and in the weird sweet smell, he briefly lost the ability to think. There was a chaotic light in front of him, and he stood up from the ground staggeringly due to the manic instinct that only surged after being injured.

"It's been fourteen minutes, brother." The beast actually spoke human words. "And I'm surprised you're not dead yet."

The Fenrisians looked at it silently and did not speak. He also holds the Spear of Dionysus. This spear was his life, everything to him - if he let go, he would die immediately.

He can’t die yet. Ruth miraculously told himself clearly in some way: He can’t die yet unless

He tightened his grip on the spear.

"Last minute," said the Beast. "I'll keep a whole body for you, brother."

Without mercy, it rushed towards Russ after speaking. The skin of the beast is gradually peeled off during this process, the light twists and dances wildly, and the laws of reality that used to be immovable are now being distorted one by one, as if deliberately.

Russ's sense of smell told him that the enemy was ahead. However, his intuition gave the exact opposite answer. His hearing also said that the enemy was on the right, but he could not see where the enemy was at all.

So here's the thing: enemies are everywhere, enemies are everywhere, and enemies can attack from any angle without taking any responsibility.

It could have killed me right off the bat. Russ thought in a daze, but the spear instinctively danced along the broken palm.

He didn't feel shame, he just felt a little pity. If more preparation and investigation were done, maybe the situation of this hunt would be different.

However, one cannot go back to the past.

So he just swung his spear around and got clawed through the chest.

Horus lifted him up and looked at his brother carefully. The latter was vomiting blood and his body was shaking spasmodically.

Just fifteen minutes of fighting, and Leman Russ was destroyed like this?

Horus sighed regretfully, slowly put down his hand, gently pulled out his claws, and placed Russ on the ground. He knelt on the ground, waiting for his brother to take his last breath.

Russ's pupils had begun to dilate, and the once proud barbarian king was now covered in bruises and blood. However, even if this was the case, he still held the damn spear in his hand.

Judging by the activity of his fingers and forearm muscles, he still hasn't given up on using it.

Horus gently reached out and held Russ's hand.

"Just lie there, brother," he said with surprising calmness. "There is no need to make these impossible attempts. Your attack was extremely stupid. You saved Jaghatai, but I had no intention of harming him."

"At least I didn't think about it at the time. We are human beings. Since we were born on Terra, we should naturally die on Terra."

Ruth slowly turned her eyes to look at him, still saying nothing. There was no will to survive in his eyes, only an ultimate simplicity.

Horus could only think of one word to describe this: loyal dog.

But he didn't say the word, there was no need to use any insult, Leman Russ was loyal to their father, everyone knew that. In a way, he enjoyed the loyalty, but he also deplored it.

"Why, Ruth?" He frowned, finally showing a little pain. "He is not worth the price you pay at all. You could have become a free wild wolf, standing in front of humans, looking for prey in the snowstorm. But, look at what you look like now."

"You lie here, dying. You will die soon. You can't even see the bright future that I have created for mankind."

Horus sighed and stood up slowly. He stood alone in his royal court, staring at the scene wordlessly as the hanging corpses swayed in the ashes-filled wind.

A burst of white-hot light surged from somewhere in the darkness, and the omnipresent power of chaos brought him a valuable piece of information, a piece of news about the forest and the lion in the forest.

Horus turned his head and stared with interest, no longer paying attention to his brother who was only breathing.

But Ruth was tougher than he thought. The Fenrisian stared blankly at the cloudy and white eyes of the dead, and the breath was stuck in his throat and never came out.

A small rebellion, a stubborn resistance that must be carried out even at the last moment of life.

Horus smiled helplessly.

Now that we have reached this point, why are we still resisting? Every second you survive, you have to endure one more minute of pain, so why not just go into peaceful eternal sleep?

But he still didn't pay attention to Ruth. A more interesting plan kept him busy for the time being. It was sent with a scraping sound of feathers into what he called his heart.

After a few seconds, he glanced at Russ and deliberately and slowly raised the Worldbreaker in his hand. At this moment, a moist and sticky breath suddenly came from somewhere in the darkness, followed by the rustling of swaying leaves, and a terrifying roar.

Someone emerged from the darkness, rushing out of the forest through the wet soil and rotten leaves, and slashed at him with a sword.

That sword was truly terrifying, huge, broad, and sharp. The golden handguard reflects the face of the man holding the sword, as well as the cruel eyes full of murderous intent.

Horus narrowed his eyes, and his face was illuminated by a pale light. That was the sword light, an unrivaled sword light.

Horus took a slight step back.

The sword chopped off a piece of his left shoulder armor like a piece of rotten stone, and it fell to the ground. A scarlet eye silently reflected a roaring lion on the black and gold armor fragments.

"Leon." Horus called affectionately. "Nice to meet you."

The lion responded with another slash.

His sword rolled up the ashes that were constantly rising from the ground of Luperkar's court. The pale ashes flew everywhere as he slashed, and their faces were among the last remaining bodies of the dead. It was divided into tens of thousands of different tiny fragments, and even the eyes looked broken.

Horus did not resist, but was struck again. His armor was hit hard by the sword, and terrible sounds spread throughout the royal court. Red light came from the broken portholes, making people feel like they were among the stars.

After a successful blow, the lion's expression did not appear relaxed, because Horus Luperkar was still strolling around as if nothing happened.

"How interesting." He took a few steps back and looked down at the sword mark on his chest. "Your power... Hmm - interesting, I don't smell any gods. But you are indeed different from before, Leon."

The Lion didn't answer, just made an invitation-like gesture. With a stern look on his face, he stood between Leman Russ and Horus Luperkar.

Horus shook his head.

"I know what you're going to do," he said, smiling. "You will take him to the forest. You will lead him to escape, to wherever he can help. Then go, Leon." He waved his hand flatly, like a palace guard chasing away a beggar.

"There's no need to test him with your sword, and there's no need to hide your true intentions. Just take him away." Horus said gently. "I don't have time to deal with you now, I have other things to be busy with."

Leon El'Jonson still did not move, but changed the movement of holding the sword. Horus glanced at him with disgust and smiled coldly.

"I won't give you another chance."

The dead all closed their eyes, the wind howled, and the sound of snakes spitting messages sounded throughout the darkness, and then, the moist forest breath appeared again. In a flash of light, the lion and the dying Leman Russ disappeared.

The power of chaos rushed out of the darkness again, revealing the scene along the forest path to Horus.

He clearly saw his brothers, not to mention Leman Russ for the moment, but the anxiety and worry on Leon El'Jonson's face made him have the urge to laugh.

Interesting. Horus thought happily. You used to show that you looked down on him, but now you are so anxious, Leon?

He watched the lion carrying Ruth running all the way, and finally arrived at a small river. On the other side of the river is a burning world, with flames rising into the sky, but the river remains calm.

There was a small boat docked on the shore, and a boatman stood on it, his face covered by a bamboo hat. Leon El'Jonson climbed aboard and carefully placed his brother on top. The boatman bent down and began to examine the Fenrisian's injuries.

Looking at all this, the smile on Horus's face became brighter.

He took one step and reached the bank of the river from his royal court with ease. Leon El'Jonson turned his head suddenly, and it was hard to tell whether his expression at this moment was mostly shock or fear.

The boatman wordlessly raised the oar in his hand, and at this moment, the overwhelming rage bloomed frighteningly from his eyes covered by the bamboo hat.

"Father." Horus nodded politely. "As expected, you were secretly guiding Leon. I was originally surprised why he could rush directly into my royal court."

The boatman raised his hand and took off his hat, revealing a ruthless face shaped by age. He handed the bamboo hat and oar to the lion, and then stepped out of the boat. A breeze came from nowhere and carried the boat to the burning world on the other side of the river.

From the outside it was the only ship plying the river, but Horus could see much more. He saw the knights of the First Legion sailing together to the other side of the river in one small boat after another. This discovery made him shake his head.

"You always do this, Father," he accused. "Why do you do this, father? Don't you know that they are only going to die?"

The boatman didn't answer. He clenched his fists and bright golden light replaced his eyes, illuminating everything.

In the golden light, he could clearly see the filth under Horus Luperkar's skin.

"Why don't you speak?" the filthy evil asked in his son's voice. "Is it because there are no more lies to tell, father? You are always like this, used to deceiving us with lies."

"What a pity. I only discovered your weakness now. Without those lies, you are nothing. You don't even dare to tell us the truth."

"Ruth was hurt like that, and you still didn't say a word to him. Leon was shocked by my appearance, but you sent him away without saying a word. Liar, father, you are a liar, you and your damn Thirty years were part of a lie.”

The boatman still said nothing.

Towering trees cast shadows above their heads, and many sharp swords hung from unknown places on their rough bark. Some are rusty, and some are still as bright as new. The soil was wet, and pale corpses were looming among the overgrown bushes.

"Father." Horus called out for the last time, and there seemed to be fire in his eyes. "I hope you understand that I will really kill you. It's useless for you to send Him. The Spirit of Vengeance is my royal court. The Spirit of Vengeance is Terra, so Terra is also my royal court. Here. , I can do anything.”

The boatman looked at him and shook his head slowly.

With just a slight movement, his image changed in an instant. He turned into a dark-skinned man, wearing faded and torn robes. There was a hideous wound on his chest that was still oozing blood. He wore a A crown of thorns.

It pricked his skin, causing thick blood to slowly trickle down.

What was once Horus was slightly stunned, and an unknown sadness began to spread in its heart.

"You treat him as a puppet, a toy made of mud." The man finally spoke, but his words seemed strange. "You refused to give him even the last bit of dignity."

Horus staggered back, feeling the world spinning. Ten million voices began to ring in his ears at the same time. He could no longer hear the man's voice, and could only feel a burst of anger, false anger.

So he opened his mouth and said words that he couldn't even hear.

"And we won, old friend, and you lost utterly."

"I can't see," the man said. "He cut off a piece of your flesh, Tzeentch, and you lost a lot of power."

"You lost, don't deny it," another voice said. "I have sown the seeds of the plague."

"Mortarion will collect his debt," the man said. "Your crops will be completely burned by his fire."

"What about me, dear?" a third voice asked impatiently. "How am I doing? Did you see the scene when I was slaughtered by him? Oh, and your cold and rough son I gave him a little gift."

"I don't have any doubts about Ferrus Manus." The man shook his head slowly. "As for you, Khorne."

'Horus' smiled lowly and horribly, and scarlet light penetrated from under his skin.

"Want a fight?" He raised the World Breaker and asked.

"We will kill you, no matter how powerful you become," the man said.

His voice was cold and dead, and fire ignited from the feet of Horus. The bright golden flame burned the heavenly fire and drove it away completely. The stench of chaos was far away from here, the leaves were swaying, and the man finally lowered his head, showing a little sadness.

He walked over, knelt on the ground, and dug out a ring that had fallen out of nowhere with his fingers in the dirt.

He held it tightly in his hand.

 Just one update today, and I’m going to adjust my work and rest schedule for the unknown number of times.

  It’s terrible. I didn’t get up until five o’clock today. I was so groggy ()



(End of this chapter)

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