40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 292 12 Return to the Perfect City

Chapter 292 12. Return to the Perfect City ([-])

Spotting the truth is a pretty sneaky thing.Investigate secretly, interview people with knowledge of the matter, use drugs, hypnotize, bribe with money, or use force to coerce, or threaten your loved ones.
What is even more unfortunate is that a significant portion of humanity is extremely fascinated by these methods.

They were madly obsessed with investigating the matter itself, rather than the truth.For these people, the pleasure brought by investigation and torture is far greater than the discovery of the truth itself. The power given to them by conducting investigations also gives them a sense of superiority overlooking all living beings.

It was a ridiculous mistake, but isn't that what human nature is?
But Khalil had no intention of criticizing them.

It doesn't matter, he doesn't care.After all, he is also a seeker of the truth.

He will still do whatever it takes if necessary.

He walked coldly among the ruins, his figure erratic.If it weren't for taking care of the Word Bearers' footsteps, he might have turned into a shadow and drifted away.However, despite his deliberate slowing down, the Word Bearers still seemed sluggish behind him.

This was normal. The gap between him and the Astartes was far greater than that between the Astartes and mortals. This shouldn't be compared, but he couldn't help it.

His thoughts were like a monster in the darkness, with countless bloody thoughts that should not have occurred spinning in the claws and teeth of this monster.If it weren't for the ice restraint, the monster would have broken out of its body long ago.

Fortunately, he was in the eternal winter, and the 'blade' itself could represent many images. Its pale whiteness was born out of a certain aspect in the memory of the human master.Coupled with his own will, the monster is currently quite peaceful.
But, it will come out one day.The question is, when?

As always, the human named Khalil Lohars has no answers.

He stopped in front of the disappearing mountains.Hermot La Cruz was still reciting those verses, with a voice of fanaticism and hatred.They walked all the way, and he read all the way. Seeing the ruins of the perfect city again seemed to only make his faith more pious.

Khalil laughed a little at that—what a fanatic.But, yes, he should hate.And, to some extent, he should also chant.

With a strange sense of humor, he slowly knelt down and picked up a wisp of white ashes with his right hand.

The clawed gauntlets formed by pale bones and dark shadows were covered by them. There was nothing inside, except for the dust, there was only death.A horrific sight, but just what he needed.

He clenched his right hand, the ashes gradually burning in his palm.He carefully threw away the power surging in his body, refused their request to help him, and continued to use his psychic powers, which had become increasingly powerful in recent years.

A strong wind gradually rose, summoned from the tide by a supernatural force that should not exist. It blew coldly. The wind was so strong that it almost knocked down the Word Bearers, but Khalil stood firm in this storm. .

He was not affected, not even the shadow cloak fluttered.It still lay lazily behind him, hanging to the ground, waiting to be aroused.

The ashes surged up like sea water, forming gray-white tidal waves, almost obscuring his figure, leaving only two points of cold blue light.

They coldly revealed the tide of ashes and refused any obstruction. They forced the ashes to disperse with a certain will. The ashes that did not want to leave were forced by spiritual energy to carry them to various parts of the ruins. At this moment, the tide finally Dissipate completely.

The ashes dispersed, revealing an indelible eight-pointed star etched on the ground.

Crystal clear, extremely pure, reflecting the sun.

It might have been carved into rock or something, but when the Midnight Blade and the Ultramarines ships rained fire from the sky, the star was supposed to fade away.But it didn't, it remained.

It retains its original shape in silica cast from high-temperature flames.

Angel Tai's breathing became heavier. This scene that went against common sense completely broke a string in his mind.

He angrily pulled out the bolt gun from his waist and started firing at the star. Amidst the huge gunfire, it was actually unscathed.The Word Bearer roared and discharged all the bullets in one breath.

Glass shards flew, the bomb sank deeply into the ground, and the shell fell to the ground with a crisp sound. The eight-pointed star still stood, its light still shining, as if it were a mockery.So Angel Tai changed the magazine without hesitation and wanted to try again, but Batusa Narek stopped him.

"That doesn't make sense, bro."

He whispered sadly and empathetically to Angel Tai, his right hand resting on his bolter.It was obvious that if Angel Tai hadn't jumped the gun first, he would have been the one to shoot.

"It might not even exist here. We can see it, but we can't touch it. And even if it exists, what's the point of destroying it?"

"Any obscene sacrifice will be burned." The hermit entered their conversation coldly and forcefully, holding the imperial eagle with both hands in front of his chest. "This is an iron rule, Battusa Narek, never forget it. If I hear you say something like this again, I will kill you."

Khalil did not comment on their conversation, nor did he stop the small dispute that broke out between Batusa and the hermit. He had no time to care about such trivial matters now.

He just continued to clenched his right hand and calmly maintained the operation of his spiritual energy. Under his force, the spiritual energy and the ashes were compressed to a certain limit. After a few seconds, he finally opened his hand, and the ashes had turned into It became a turbid pale gem.At this moment, Angel Tai also ended his anger.He came to him, head lowered, hesitant.

Khalil could see the emotions in his heart, so he chose to speak himself: "Do you remember the trace I said, Angel Tai?"

"I remember." The Word Bearer looked up at the gem. "So, this is the trail?"

"Not yet." Khalil shook his head. "It is not easy to find the person who planted the trouble. He holds a high position in your legion and at least participated in the construction of the Perfect City. But have you ever noticed any trace before today?"

Battusa Narek murmured in a tone of hatred and fear: "A shadow."

"Yes, a shadow." Khalil looked at him with approval, the gem still staying in his hand.

"But he can't completely hide himself, nor can he completely hide all traces. That star represents many fallen things, but only one is definitely not enough. There must be more stars hidden near the perfect city. exist."

"But back then -" Angel Tai swallowed a mouthful of saliva that was almost blood and threw away the honorific. "—I mean, why wasn't the evidence pointed out at that time?"

Khalil looked at him with pity and did not answer the question.

'The Hermit' laughed that cruel laugh again, the sound eerily similar to thunder.

"It was a test, and we failed it. It's that simple, Angel Tai. The hopes you raised were of no help to the situation. Are you correct, my lord?"

Khalil did not respond. Hermot La Cruz was an extreme fanatic, and although his words could indeed be considered correct to a certain extent, he could not agree.

He just clenched his right hand again, and a crisp sound like glass cracking spread out and stirred in the air.

A shiver came down Angel Tai's back. He put aside the old priest's words and began to stare at the clenched hand intently. The emotions in his heart were so agitated that they could no longer be simply described as 'hope' or 'despair'.

He is far superior to them.

After a while, light overflowed.Flashing fragments burst out from the gaps in his fingers, turning into countless blazing crimson meteors and quietly flying away.

Kalil looked at them and slowly uttered a syllable. His voice was simple, like the whisper of the dead from eternity ago. The next second, whether it was the priest, Bartusa, or Angel Tai, they all noticed something. is being born.

Along with such thoughts, Angel Tai saw a sudden appearance of mist.

They filled the air, cold and silent, and began to gather and form under their feet. It almost seemed as if the air was condensing into ice. The shining mist began to extend straight forward along the crimson meteors in the sky, as if being guided. Generally peculiar.

Five minutes later, a route slowly spread out.Complete, magnificent, miraculous.

+These psychic spells given by Macha are really useful. +
Watching this scene, Khalil gave his own evaluation and advice to someone on the other side of the galaxy.

+You should really let him find time to write a book. At least some of the knowledge we old guys carry in our heads can be passed down. +
+I am not old. +The man said. +I'm still young. +
+For Machado, this sentence is more or less the same. +
The man chuckled, and some kind of tapping sound actually sounded in the illusory channel constructed by psychic energy.

It took him a while to answer Khalil's little joke, and his voice became a little more unreal, as if he was doing some kind of work that required extreme concentration and had to be distracted.

+Knowledge is different from ordinary inheritance, Khalil.Some knowledge should be buried. Even if it is to be passed down, it can only be passed among a few people.As for you I wish you good luck. +
+Do you think I can’t find him+
+They will help, so why should he be found by you now? +
+Do you know who that person is? +
+If I knew.+
The man smiled coldly and hung up the communication.

"Let's go," Khalil said, looking towards the Word Bearers. "If we follow this path, even if we can't get the truth, we can at least get some clues."

"But what if we can't get it?" Battusa Narek asked in confusion.

"Just go," said Hermott La Cruz. "Confusion is a shameful weakness. From now on, silently recite the name of the God-Emperor, Bartusa. You will become strong under his gaze."

After saying that, he was the first to set foot on the mist road.Take big strides forward, never look back, keep your head high and your chest high.

 Yes, code.

  My update time is really getting healthier and healthier, happy
(End of this chapter)

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