40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 122 Burning Out

Chapter 122 25. Burning Out ([-])

After clenching the burning pain, Karn decided to face death.

He'd done it many times in the past, but this time it was different, this time, the deaths he faced had been his brothers.

Gripping the chainaxe tightly, he charged down the dark corridors into the burning gun decks, his brother fighting with the foe and turning the world into a bloody mud.

Kahn jumped in right away, but he definitely wasn't about to get himself in the bloody mud, in fact, quite the opposite, he was aiming to get his brothers all out of it.

He galloped into the fray, the chainaxe flanking an enemy in the neck.He howled and fell to the ground, still trying to attack, but he wouldn't have that chance again.Kahn stepped on his chest, picked up the bolt gun on the ground and pointed it at the enemy's chest. He pulled the trigger and fired three shots in a row. The bolt completely destroyed his heart and other flesh and blood.

In an instant, the filthy phantom disappeared, and the dead man belonging to the war dog fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, staring at the brother who killed him with his own hands.

Kahn memorized his face, and charged on.

The burning pain still sheltered his sanity, so that Karn could ignore everything and move on. Five minutes later, he killed the last enemy with an axe, and the latter's body fell to the ground, changing back to what it had been before in constant flickering.

Panting heavily, Kahn turned around and called out to his bruised brothers: "I am Kahn from the Eighth Company! Come to me!"


A man stepped forward, Barron Benson of the [-]st Company.He nodded towards Kahn expressionlessly: "The first company has now elected me as the company commander, Kahn, what are you doing back? We worked so hard to let you escape, how did you come back?"

"I don't know." Kahn replied in a growling voice. "But I'm going to the bridge, are you coming?"

"That's where we came back from," said another man, a member of the [-]rd Company, whom Kahn could make out from the markings on his shoulder armor, but he couldn't make out who it was.

That mutilated face didn't match anyone Kahn remembered.His nose and most of his face were gone, his only eye was swollen high, and the last remnants of his helmet gleamed on the gaiter of his neck.

The man noticed his gaze, nodded, and introduced himself briefly: "Harlan Cosen."

"What happened to your face?" Kahn knew who he was now.

"Ambush." ​​Harlan Kosen said vaguely.

He couldn't speak clearly, his broken jaw was shaking, and the fact that he was alive was a miracle in itself. "But I killed the offal."

"Why the bridge?" asked Captain Baron Benson of the [-]st Company.

He stared intently at Karn, whose left hand had completely disappeared from the elbow down, leaving only the twisted remains of his armor.Fibrous cables, ceramic bones, and ragged artificial muscles dangled from the charred wounds, like some terrible joke.

Kahn pursed his lips.

"I can't say why." He whispered. "Because I don't know the reason myself, I don't know who he is, and I don't know why I can come back, but I'm going to the bridge."

"You have to give us a reason enough to convince us, Kahn." Baron Benson said.

The other war dogs walked over slowly, everyone was wounded, and the most expression on their faces was not seriousness, but a kind of terrible blankness.There are corpses all around, but they are all war dogs.It was the enemy they slew, but it was the dog of war that fell, their own brother.

"I have no reason to give!" Kahn said angrily. "I don't know what happened, but here I am, Captain Barron, and I'm going to the bridge!"

"It's all their people there." Harlan Kosen said thoughtfully in that uncomfortable-sounding voice. "That's where my company commander died. And three squads of the fifth company."

"Why?" Baron Benson stepped forward aggressively. "You didn't explain why you came back, and you didn't tell us what you were going to do on the bridge. Why should we trust you and go to the bridge with you?"

Karn was silent, he didn't know how to explain that nightmarish short journey to his brothers, and he didn't know how to describe the man he met from the Eighth Legion and what he looked like in the end.

That bone-like appearance.

Kahn clenched his right fist slowly, and the burning pain came again, rolling endlessly in his heart, becoming a force that supported him to accept the gaze of the war dogs.

Kahn of the Eighth Company of War Hounds raised his head and spoke in an extremely soft voice that did not belong to him.

"Because I want to fight," he said quietly. "The Emperor saw us fighting bloody battles on the heights of Cyphers. He named us after the battle after the white hounds raised by the Yeshk. We are the hounds of the Emperor, so I will go back to fight. The war hounds will never Yield, never back down."

"How do you win?" Baron Benson stared at him closely. "Tell me, Kahn, how do you win?"

"We don't need to win," Kahn said. "We just need to resist."

"Rebel against whom?"

"A thing trying to make us his slaves," Kahn said.

He seemed to have entered a door, and behind the door was endless courage and calmness. He stared at each of his brothers, and saw the red collars on their necks that were about to take shape.

"But he won't succeed, because we are war hounds, our Primarch is a gladiator, he was also a slave, but he has been resisting, he has never surrendered. So we must resist, and we will not will give in."

"How do you know?" Barron Benson asked, not laughing, but he wanted to, because he thought Kahn's words were ridiculous.But he didn't, he didn't smile because he wanted to believe Kahn.

His eyes sparkle.

"Because I met him, he was tall, the first captain."

Kahn nodded to him, telling a lie, a lie that he was really willing to believe, he was calm and calm, full of determination in his heart.

"Are you coming? Go to the bridge and we will fight together."

He looked to his brothers and saw the terrible daze fade away.

Baron Benson laughed at last, a low grin.

"Okay," he said. "Then come on, let's go, Kahn, and lead us to start the resistance."

The company commander roared angrily.

"War dogs! To death!"
Eight minutes ago, Robert Guilliman and Angron braved the opposition of the entire ship and crashed into the cursed front half of the Resolute with a boarding torpedo.

Marius Gage even threatened his primarch when they entered the torpedo boarding bay, swearing that if Guilliman didn't let them join the gang, he would definitely report it to Tallasha Euton.

Guilliman ignored it.

He feels sorry for his Legion, but he must fight alongside his brother.It was a battle whose absence would haunt his conscience for the rest of his life, and he knew very well that what Khalil Rohars had said was true.

If he said that only two people can participate in this gang dance, then there must be only two people participating.

Now, they walked in silence between the warhound's body and the dark corridor.Guilliman was fully armed, while Angron only held a two-handed giant sword, and jumped dangerously on the sword in a disassembled position.

Walking in silence, Guilliman felt that his brother might be bleeding.Angron wasn't actually hurt, but that's what Guilliman thought.

He could see the transformation in his brother.

Ever since Angron saw the severed corpse of the No.1 war dog with his own eyes, a tough and stern focus appeared on his face. The Butcher's Nail was still trying to influence Angron, while his brother It was ignored abruptly with some terrible determination.

They continued to move forward, trampling through the corridors full of black dust, passing the corpses of war dogs, Angron never showed any anger on his face, but he stared at every face, every corpse that still had a head .

He would stop between his walks, turn over the bodies whose faces he couldn't see, and gently put them down again.

A deep sadness welled up in Guilliman's heart, he did not expect his brother to pick up the connection between him and his heir at this moment.A Primarch, the first meeting with his scion should have been a beautiful sight.
But what is this?
Robert Guilliman gritted his teeth silently and silently, the ruling hand buzzed, and the sincerity dagger reflected light in his right hand.

The corridor is very quiet, and it can even be said that it is a little too quiet.They heard no sound of battle, and the whole ship was dead silent.Guilliman and his brother passed through long corridors and saw countless skull decorations along the way. Angron's expression became more and more calm until it reached a certain critical point.

Then, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Do you think it's a good idea to use my talents here, Robert?"

"...I won't persuade you," Guilliman said. "As much as I want to, I won't."

Angron smiled, closed his eyes, and his body began to tremble violently.Guilliman stared at his brother without saying a word.He guarded him, and he stood by his side, vigilantly perceiving every corner in the darkness.

Angron's mouth, nose, eyes and ears began to ooze blood, and he let out that broken groan again, sending chills down the spine of those who heard it.After a full minute, he opened his eyes.

"Come with me," he said to his brother, wiping the blood off his face, and started running.Robert Guilliman did not ask him why, but ran with him.
Somewhere, somewhere dark, beyond the darkness beyond the reach of fire. There was a fleeting flash of gold.

Inside was a skeleton, his chest was full of burning embers, his flesh was bloody, power and authority surged between the bones, and the empty eye sockets shone with a cold blue light.

He didn't go behind the curtain, he drifted away according to the anchor left by an authority.

+Live on, Khalil Rohars, the covenant between you and me has not yet burned. +
The skeleton did not answer, he could no longer answer.

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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