Chapter 99 Lei Zhenzi

Yang Jian forcibly intervened in the Tushi Palace matter, which made the Taishang Laojun lose face, and the subsequent impact will soon be revealed.

In the past, all the immortals in the heavenly court were afraid of the power of Yang Jian's judicial god, and no one dared to compete with him. Even if they were resentful and dissatisfied with him, they just cursed behind his back.

However, since that day, gradually some gods began to publicly question whether the justice of the Heavenly Court was fair or not, arguing endlessly with Yang Jian.

Yang Jian is very familiar with the rules of heaven and the rules of heaven, and he knows the evidence of the case case like the palm of his hand. Most of the disputes ended with Yang Jian winning.

But this also made many gods smell a different smell, and the voices against Yang Jian gradually grew louder.

They watched Yang Jian's words and deeds closely, and only waited for Yang Jian to show his flaws, so they rushed up and tore him to pieces.

Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all, and fulfilled the duties of the department with due diligence, handled everything in a tight manner, and did not leave any loopholes for others.

Occasionally seize the opportunity, and will fight back mercilessly, and dealt with many gods severely.

This made the atmosphere in the heaven more and more tense. The routine court meeting was full of gunpowder, and all kinds of rhetoric emerged one after another.

The Jade Emperor stayed out of the matter all the time, pretending to be deaf and dumb, making peace with each other, and letting the two sides fight to the death.

Li Anran was in the dungeon, and he had always acted cautiously, but he was not affected in any way.

On the contrary, it was because Yang Jian would send them to the prison for a few days before punishing these criminals, and he gained a lot.

The only pity is that after these criminals are punished, the information will disappear from the punishment book.

Li Anran had to hurry up and watch their biographies, so as not to miss anything valuable.

In contrast, the Meishan brothers were not so lucky.

They have been by Yang Jian's side for so many years, and they have to perform various official duties, and they also have to go down to suppress monsters and riots, so it is inevitable that they will be inconsiderate in doing things.

When Yang Jian was in the limelight, no one dared to mention these, and it was not a big deal.

Now, they were brought out by someone to criticize them for their excessive behavior and Yang Jian's lax control.

Although Yang Jian suppressed the matter, the Meishan brothers were also disgraced and embarrassed.

"If you want me to say, the second master shouldn't have gone to heaven to be the god of justice for this troublesome child. We brothers are still in Guanjiangkou like before, competing in martial arts every day, drinking and having fun, wouldn't it be fun?"

Tianlao Palace, Guansuo Palace.

It was rare for the Meishan brothers to relax, so they came to drink with Li Anran.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone talked more unconsciously.

Guo Laowu took a sip of wine into his mouth, full of resentment: "Why is it like this now! I am so busy every day that I don't touch the ground, I don't even have time to rest, and I can't get a good word from others!"

"That's right!" Yao Lao San agreed deeply, and said angrily, "The Jade Emperor himself doesn't care about the three worlds of heaven, so why should we worry about him? Even if the rules and regulations are rotten to the root, Could it still affect our brothers?"

Boss Kang was also said to be a little moved: "Since the brothers all think so, then when we go back later, let's go and persuade the second master to let him resign from this judicial god, and let's go back to Guanjiangkou to be happy together."

"Okay!" The third, fifth, and sixth children were overjoyed and agreed repeatedly.

Li Laosi was not very happy, and said: "Brother, we have put in so much hard work and worked for so many years. Is it because of a few villains that we are so disheartened to return to Jiangkou? When it spread, they thought we were afraid kill them!"

As soon as he said this, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on Boss Kang and the others, and the atmosphere suddenly became dull.

They don't care about their current power and status, but they are all people who want face. It's really not good for face to just return to Jiangkou like this.

Zhang Laoer said: "Brother, what the fourth brother said is also reasonable. Even if we don't care about fame and face, we can't let the second master become the laughing stock of the Three Realms with us, right? Even if we want to leave, we can't leave at this time, because Go for this reason!"

Boss Kang and the others nodded when they heard the words, and then gave up the idea of ​​leaving the Heavenly Court and returning to Guanjiangkou.

Zhang Laoer said again: "Brother, don't worry! This matter will not be left alone! If they can find fault with us, we will find trouble with them!"

"How many people in this world dare to say that they are innocent and have never made mistakes? I don't believe it, and I can't find fault with them!"

Li Laosi added coldly from the side: "Even if they didn't make a mistake, we can still find their disciples and grandchildren, and take part in their lax discipline, and let them know the consequences of provoking us!"

The third, fifth, and sixth didn't think too much about it, they just thought about happiness and enmity. Hearing that, they agreed very much, and they were gearing up to find trouble with those gods.

Boss Kang was a little worried, and said, "Second and fourth, you can't make your own decisions! What you want to do, you have to discuss it with the second master first!"

Li Anran's eyes narrowed slightly, realizing that this storm is far from over, and it can even be said that it has just begun.

However, he didn't say much.

From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that brothers Yang Jian and Mei Shan would leave the Heavenly Court and stop wading through this muddy water again.

However, there is a record of punishment, and he himself will not leave the heaven no matter what.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously inappropriate to persuade the Meishan brothers to leave the Heavenly Court.

The Meishan brothers were full of thoughts about getting revenge and going back, so they didn't have much thought of drinking. After eating hastily, they immediately returned to the Judicial Temple.

How they told Yang Jian, Li Anran didn't know, but the result of the matter was that the Temple of Justice started a large-scale counterattack.

Yang Jian adhered to some bottom lines, and did not use methods such as planting stakes to frame him.

However, as long as these opponents show even the slightest flaw, the Judicial Heavenly Temple will not let them go, chasing and fighting all the way, and will never leave him in the sky if he can defeat the mortal world, and will never give him a way out if he can reincarnate.

In just half a year, Yang Jian demoted a large number of gods, making the Heavenly Court look deserted for a while.

Such a thunderous method directly deceived these gods.

When they came back to their senses, they also started to fight back, but with little success.

The core of the Temple of Judiciary is only Yang Jian, the Meishan brothers, Li Anran and a group of grass-headed gods.

Ever since Yang Jian decided to fight back, the Meishan brothers have been very careful in their actions. They would rather do less than make mistakes, and do not give people the opportunity to find fault.

And Li Anran has been strictly following the rules and regulations since he became the prison god, and they can't find any faults either.

Therefore, some gods set their sights on the Three Holy Mothers.

It turned out that the Sanshengmu was busy with the work of the Earth Immortal all day long, and she was deeply worshiped and loved by the people around Huashan, but she couldn't find any faults.

On the contrary, it was Yang Jian who secretly investigated the behavior of the Three Holy Mothers, who was discovered by Yang Jian, which made Yang Jian furious, and his methods became more cruel and unreasonable.

It is difficult to find flaws on Yang Jian's side, but his own side is full of loopholes. From time to time, there are immortals who are played by Yang Jian in front of the Jade Emperor.

All of a sudden, Yang Jian's power was even stronger than before, and all the civil and military officials couldn't lift their heads.

The group of gods who are enemies with Yang Jian are naturally not reconciled to this. Since Yang Jian's subordinates have no problem with his sister, they can find it on his friends.

If Yang Jian is merciful, it will be unfair justice in the heavenly court.

If Yang Jian is still ruthless, then he will also betray his relatives.

The first thing they thought of was Nezha.

Nezha is impulsive and irritable, and he makes big mistakes as well as small ones. It is easy to find faults in him, but considering Li Jing's sake, he finally gave up.

Then, there is Huang Tianhua.

However, considering that Huang Tianhua's father, Huang Feihu, is the Emperor Rensheng of Dongyue Taishan Tianqi, who is in charge of the Yin Division of Mount Tai, and is the representative of Taoism in the underworld, it is also not easy to offend.

After picking and picking, they finally set their sights on Lei Zhenzi!

Lei Zhenzi, as one of the seven people who were physically sanctified in the catastrophe of conferring gods, chose to stay in Nanzhan Buzhou after the catastrophe of conferring gods to protect the Zhou Dynasty from the invasion of evil spirits.

After the demise of the Zhou Dynasty, he did not leave Nanzhan Buzhou, but chose to play in the world.

These are nothing, the key is that Lei Zhenzi's temper is soaring and his temper is upright. When encountering injustice and doing evil, he will directly lead the thunder to kill him, leaving a legend in the mortal world.

These villains also included many city god lands that harmed one side.

These City God's lands are all under the jurisdiction of Taishan Yinsi, and Lei Zhenzi and Huang Tianhua are good friends, so if he kills these evil City God lands, Taishan Yinsi will naturally not go to heaven.

But if these things are investigated carefully, Lei Zhenzi is arbitrarily killing the gods of the heavenly court, which has violated the rules of heaven.

Even if it goes deeper, Huang Tianhua and Huang Feihu have also committed the crime of covering up.

However, these gods didn't intend to offend Huang Feihu and his son, they only participated in the lower realm Sanxian Lei Zhenzi's killing of the city god's land without authorization, which violated the rules of heaven and should be severely punished.

After the memorial was submitted, before Yang Jian could speak, Nezha had already jumped out, bluntly saying that there must be something hidden in it, and Lei Zhenzi must have been wronged.

Li Jing angrily reprimanded Nezha in court and asked Nezha to step down, but Nezha once again violated Li Jing's words, and expressed his willingness to guarantee Lei Zhenzi with his family and life.

Those gods had already guessed that this scene would happen, and they also thought that someone would use those city gods' lands as an excuse for doing evil.

They directly came up with the reason why Yang Jian hated the Supreme Lord——

If everyone can execute lynchings as they like, what is the meaning of the existence of Tiantianru and Judicial Temple?

The Jade Emperor stood decisively on the side of these gods this time, and ordered Yang Jian to go down to earth to arrest Lei Zhenzi and bring him to justice.

Yang Jian had no choice but to lead Xiaotiangou and Caotou God to Nanzhan Buzhou.

Three days later, Yang Jian took Lei Zhenzi's weapon, the Fenglei Golden Stick, back to the Heavenly Court, saying that Lei Zhenzi had resisted in a corner and had been killed by him himself, and his soul was scattered.

Naturally, all the gods didn't believe it, and they all accused Yang Jian of deliberately covering up Lei Zhenzi, deceiving the emperor, and asked the Jade Emperor to punish him severely.

However, Yang Jian bit Lei Zhenzi to death and died in his own hands, and said that if someone saw Lei Zhenzi again in the future, he would accept any punishment from the Heavenly Court.

As a disciple of Yun Zhongzi, Lei Zhenzi had broken through to the Golden Immortal realm long ago.

Not within the Three Realms, jump out of the Five Elements!
His name is not in the book of life and death!
If you want to find his trace and determine whether he is alive or dead, you can only go through the treasure book of heaven and earth.

However, even the Jade Emperor didn't have such a big face, allowing Zhen Yuanzi to consume a ginseng fruit to open the treasure mirror of heaven and earth, just to find Lei Zhenzi who killed several city gods who caused disasters.

Both sides insisted on their own words and argued endlessly, but there was no substantive evidence to prove what they said.

In the end, it was the Jade Emperor who said "I believe that the judicial gods will never bend the law for personal gain", and promised to the immortals that "if you can find evidence that Lei Zhenzi is alive, I will punish Yang Jian severely", which is considered to be the end of the matter.

Li Anran's views on this matter are the same as most gods.

He thought that Lei Zhenzi was not dead, but was hidden by Yang Jian, or changed his appearance and changed his identity.

Even if it was later reported that Nezha and Huang Tianhua turned against Yang Jian because of Lei Zhenzi's incident, and they fought in the Judicial Temple.

Li Anran remained unwavering, thinking that it was probably because Yang Jian was afraid that he would get Nezha Huang Tianhua involved, so he deliberately drew a line with them.

It wasn't until half a month later that Nezha escorted the monsters from the lower world to the prison.

Ever since Li Jing took Nezha away that day, Li Anran has never seen Nezha again. Seeing you again at this time, he was a little happy: "Brother Nezha."

Unexpectedly, Nezha said coldly: "Prisoner God, you should call me Nezha! I can't afford to be your brother!"

Li Anran: "???"

Li Anran was a little confused. Seeing that Nezha had a serious face and refused to pay attention to him, he asked through voice transmission: "What's wrong with you? Is it because of Li Jing? Or, do you really believe that Lei Zhenzi is the second master?" killed?"

"Er...Yang Jian killed it!" Nezha was not angry with Li Anran after all, and said via voice transmission: "Bing Linggong (Huang Tianhua) saw this with his own eyes!"

"This is impossible!"

Li Anran was taken aback, and said via voice transmission: "What Lei Zhenzi committed is not serious, there is no need for the second master to kill him at all! Besides, they are in Nanzhan Buzhou, and there is a large array of nine cauldrons to limit mana, so the second master If you want to kill him, you may not be able to kill him! Nezha, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"What misunderstanding! He admitted it himself!" Nezha was furious, but he forgot even the sound transmission, and shouted directly.

Of course he knew what Li Anran said.

Therefore, even if Huang Tianhua said that he saw Yang Jian kill Lei Zhenzi with his own eyes, he still didn't believe it. That's why he and Huang Tianhua went to the Judicial Temple to question Yang Jian.

He also thought about whether Yang Jian had some last resort, and sent a voice transmission to Yang Jian for confirmation.

As long as Yang Jian gives him an explanation, he is willing to believe it!

but no!

Not only did Yang Jian not give him any explanation, but he told him not to be naive anymore.

He also said that Lei Zhenzi was arrogant and arrogant. During the confrontation between the two, he failed to keep his mana and killed Lei Zhenzi by mistake.

It was not intentional, but I will never regret it!

Thinking of this, Nezha became restless and unbearable. He threw the monster in his hand on the ground, turned around and left with a cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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