Chapter 20 Killing two birds with one stone

The arrival of the fox demon made the atmosphere of Tianlao slightly improved in the past half month, and it took a sharp turn for the worse.

Li Anran escorted her to the front.

A group of Heavenly Soldiers and Generals surrounded them chaotically, and as they continued to walk in, the number continued to increase.

This scene is called an escort, but a farewell!
Li Anran stood half a meter in front of the fox demon, holding the rope in his hand, but he didn't dare to use any force at all, and even had to follow the rhythm of the fox demon.

Once he used his strength or walked faster, the fox demon only frowned slightly, showing a weak and painful expression.

No need to speak at all.

The heavenly soldiers and generals around him would glare at him, with righteous indignation on their faces, as if he had done something unforgivable.

In the doghouse!
Li Anran rolled her eyes in her heart, but on the surface she had to slow down and let go of the demon-binding ropes.

Fortunately, this fox demon didn't make any fools along the way.

Li Anran smoothly put her in the cell of Class C, and he didn't want to be troublesome, leaving behind a mess of heavenly soldiers and generals, who came out of the cell, ready to come out of the cell.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the gate of the prison, he bumped into Qiu Yin.

"Why are you the only one here? Where are the others?" Qiu Yin's face was a little ugly.

No matter how lax and loose the sky prison was in the past, at least there were two heavenly soldiers guarding the gate of the sky prison.

But today, Li Anran was the only one!
Li Anran said: "They are all in prison."

"In the prison?" Qiu Yin was taken aback for a moment.

Li Anran immediately told about the fox demon.

"These idiots!"

Qiu Yin's face was livid, without saying a word, he led Li Anran into the dungeon.

The further he walked, the uglier his face became.

From the entrance of the sky prison to the checkpoints and then to the stone chamber, the entire sky prison is empty, and there is almost no one in sight.

This situation is a bit more serious than before he rectified the slack atmosphere in the prison.

When they arrived at the C-type prison, Qiu Yin couldn't hold back any longer, and yelled: "What are you all doing here!"

Li Anran followed Qiu Yin, also a little dumbfounded.

I saw more than 300 heavenly soldiers densely packed in the aisle of the prison, standing on tiptoe and poking their heads to look into the execution room.

In the past, the most bloody and filthy torture room was not only clean and spotless, but also wafted a faint fragrance.

The instruments of torture were piled up in the corner, and a large table was placed in the middle, which was filled with all kinds of rare treasures, fine wines and fine wines.

Although the demon-binding rope on the fox's body is still there, his hands have been untied, and a dozen or so days will be courteous like servants.

"General, General! Why are you here?"

It was only then that the heavenly soldiers and generals noticed that Qiu Yin had arrived, and they were shocked.

Qiu Yin sneered and said: "If X doesn't come again, are you going to turn this prison into a restaurant for X? Get out of the way!"

All the heavenly soldiers quickly spread out to both sides, making way for them.

Qiu Yin walked into the execution room with a sullen face.

"General!" The heavenly generals hurriedly stood up.

Qiu Yin ignored them, walked up to the fox demon, and looked at her coldly.

"My concubine is a thousand-time mountain, a hundred-beautiful fox demon, and I have seen the general."

The fox demon saluted Qiu Yin, still soft and weak, but not panicked at all.

But next second.

The fox demon's expression suddenly changed, and his face was full of disbelief.

Qiu Yin grabbed her neck and lifted her up.

"Great general!" All the heavenly generals were in a hurry and wanted to stop it.

However, when Qiu Yin glanced over, they seemed to be strangled by the neck, and their voices stopped abruptly.

The torture room was dead silent.

All eyes were on Qiu Yin.

Qiu Yin began to exert force on his hands.

The fox demon's body began to struggle, and its mouth opened unconsciously, wanting to breathe air, but it couldn't be done at all.

Her face flushed first, then turned pale, and her eyes gradually began to protrude.

The heavenly generals were sweating profusely, but they did not dare to step forward.

"Is Qiu Yin going to kill her directly?"

Li Anran unconsciously put himself in it.

If it were him, he would not hesitate to kill those hideous and ugly monsters.

But this kind of female goblin, who is so charming and charming, is no different from the peerless beauty of human beings, he is really not sure whether he can be decisive in killing her.

Especially when the other party is not threatening his life.

The fox demon's struggle became weaker and weaker, and her pupils began to slack.

Seeing that he was about to die, Qiu Yin let go of his hand.

The fox demon fell heavily to the ground, gasping for breath, five bruised fingerprints were particularly conspicuous on his neck as white as jade.


There were also a few breaths of relief coming from the surroundings, but they stopped suddenly after half of the relief, obviously afraid of being caught by Qiu.

Qiu Yin ignored them, and shouted: "Li Anran!"

"The subordinate is here." Li Anran walked forward quickly.

"Put this fox demon in a cell, and no one is allowed to approach it!"

Qiu Yin said: "Also, from now on, you will not only escort the prisoners, but you will also be in charge of the cell! If anyone dares to violate the rules of heaven and misbehave, you can just arrest him, and a certain person will deal with him personally!"

"Here." Li Anran took the order and put the fox demon back into the cell.

It was only then that the heavenly generals realized why Qiu Yin appeared here. On the surface, they didn't dare to attack, but secretly they were gnashing their teeth in resentment.

Qiu Yin noticed their expressions, and asked sharply: "What? Do you have any objections to XX's arrangement? Then speak up!"

The heavenly generals trembled in fright, and said repeatedly: "This subordinate dare not."

Qiu Yin snorted coldly, and said: "Let me put my words here first! If any of you don't take what I said to you, then don't blame me for not treating you as brothers! What are you still doing here? Do what you should do! "

Watching all the heavenly soldiers and generals leave in panic, Qiu Yin's anger still persisted, and with a wave of his right hand, a flame lit up.

In the blink of an eye, the tables and chairs that should not be in the torture room were burned clean. ,

Li Anran just came back to report, and immediately recognized the flame as the air fire in the true fire of samadhi, and secretly marveled in his heart.

It is not difficult to burn these things to ashes with aerial fire, but the difficulty is not to damage the rest of the objects.

Qiu Yin's control over mana and spells was far beyond his comparability.

Qiu Yin said: "You don't have to worry about the fox demon. She is just naturally charming, not because of any magical powers. Wang Yi and the others are fascinated by her because they have no defense. It will be fine after a few days .”

Qiu Yin said this, but he secretly hated Yang Jian in his heart: "First it was the Yu Tamarin King, and this time he sent such a fox demon, Yang Jian, you really think someone is easy to bully!"

Qiu Yin thought of Wude Xingjun asking him to discuss dealing with Yang Jian a few days ago, and his eyes flickered.

But then I thought of Zhao Gongming's persuasion.

Qiu Yin took a deep breath and decided to bear it for now.

Yang Jian is lucky at this time, so it is really inappropriate to be an enemy of him!

Let's wait for the future to take revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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