LOL: The anchor was not arrested, but just quit the network

Chapter 306 [Dow, known as Little Theshy]

Chapter 306 [Dow, known as Little Theshy]

"It's still a typical IG way of winning! After taking advantage of the top lane, Director Dow's split push on the wing is no longer unstoppable!" Miller summed up IG's way of winning this game in a concise and comprehensive way.

It is indeed about continuously operating around the advantages of the top lane, taking advantage, and then opening up the gap bit by bit.

The League of Legends game looks so complicated, and the commentators are also very mysterious about what games and operations they talk about.

In fact, the way to win is far less complicated than you think.

Very simple.

Just create an advantage point and then continue to do things around this advantage point.

Chu Ge took off his headphones, and the cheers of the audience immediately rang in his ears. He couldn't help but smile, and then he got up and walked backstage laughing with his teammates.

Too many victories have made IG players accustomed to it.

Isn’t winning just because you deserve it?

We are IG!

The day IG doesn't win the game will be big news.

As for KWG, it's actually not bad. After all, for KWG, this is the first time they have faced their own first team since entering the LPL, and it was also after they won the MSI championship.

Although Little Peanut was placed in KWG, King Ning was also in very good shape at MSI.

The most important thing is.

After a period of precipitation, King Ning’s thinking is now very correct, even more correct than when he first joined IG last year.

It is a pity.

Without IG, KWG's strength would definitely be the only one in LPL.

In particular, the commanding abilities of JackeyLove and Xiao Ming can fully maximize the advantage of this team's powerful line-up players.

It's a pity that if KWG is born, why should IG be born?

You can't say that they don't have a strong desire to win. No one doesn't want to win the game. It's just that too many failures have numbed them and they can adjust quickly.

It’s just the bad emotions caused by losing the whole game.

This is not...

Theshy, who was the most abused, even smiled. That innocent and honest smile made people wonder if he was not a jerk?

[Oh my god, KWG’s top laner is probably not really good at it, right? 】

[Isn’t it true? Others are Sima-faced when they are singled out. But he, after being singled out and killed, he smiled as if he had won a 500W lottery ticket. 】

[Actually, seriously speaking, the future prospects of theshy should be pretty good. He is strong and has a good mentality. Unlike some people who are strong but are stressed out. 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, are some of the top laners a little psychopathic? How can anyone smile so happily when being singled out, or be so happy when losing a game, and lose all their wealth in stud? 】

[You laugh at theshy’s food, and theshy laughs at you to pay the mortgage! 】

No matter what the outside world says, the KWG players will not be greatly affected. When they return to the backstage, the scenes on both sides are completely different.

Tabe is giving various instructions to the players based on the content of the previous game.

The members of KWG's coaching staff didn't give any instructions at all, and some were even playing with their phones with their heads down. On the contrary, Long Hongzhou, who had just been transferred to the second team manager, kept saying, "It's okay, just look away. It’s not a shame to lose to IG, and I

I think you should be able to perform better! The opponent's top laner can use long-hand suppression, so can we! What Director Dow can do, Cheng Lu should also be able to do it!

That's right!

Amid the compliments from netizens, Long Hongzhou really regarded theshy as someone who could rival Chu Ge.

Down guide?

People just give me the nickname "little theshy".

After the two communicated in Korean, Theshy looked at Xinglong Hongzhou with a smile on his face and said, "Kuo Yi, Kuo Yi.

In fact, Theshy has had an illusion since the first and second team training matches against Chu Ge.

It felt like I was living in Chu Ge's shadow.

Whether it’s game style, playstyle, or hero pool.

Later he thought about it, it would be a good thing to have a ready-made template for him to learn from?

He began to often watch some of Chu Ge's game videos or live broadcasts in private, so he had actually played the long-hand hero, so he was naturally able to fulfill the requirements.

Live broadcast, so he has actually played the long-hand hero, so he can naturally complete the requirements.

"Okay, okay! Little Peanut, you will risk your life to stay on the road in the next game. They say that we are similar to IG, so let's completely copy our team's playstyle!" Long Hongzhou's idea is that simple.

Soon both parties were back on stage again.

“The confrontation in the first game was quite intense, and it must have been very enjoyable for the audience. Both sides are indeed the two bloodiest teams in the LPL, but there is also a bit of a pity, although they will all focus on the new version of Rift Pioneer. But the style of play seems to be the same as in the spring split. Let’s see if KWG or IG can show us something different.”

"Brother, this may be a bit difficult. The team also needs a lot of games to slowly explore the version's style of play. In order to be stable, they will definitely stick to the previous style of play. It may be a bit difficult to see new things, but KWG is losing the game. The side will definitely make adjustments in BP."

In this game, the two sides exchanged sides, IG came to the blue side, and KWG came to the red side.

But IG has not made any big changes in terms of banning people.

The first move was to send Syndra to the ban position, and KWG did the same, turning around and banning Galio.

In the second ban position, both sides were given Snake Girl and Spider respectively. The third ban position is given to Enchantress and Zach.

"IG just grabs Xia! There's nothing wrong with that. Lin Weixiang's AD is inherently relatively stable, and Xia's ultimate move can provide him with enough self-protection and greatly increase his fault tolerance."

In order to break up the Xia Luo combination, KWG could only grab Luo, but fortunately, Xiao Ming’s Luo didn’t have any problems.

Although the hero Luo can also protect, the stronger one is the R flash without breaking the group. In fact, it does not require too many delicate operations, as long as the thinking is clear enough and the control skills are handed over at the most critical moment.

Then KWG took the initiative to lock the ice.

[Eagle Strikes the Sky] can provide great help to the jungler and allow the team to obtain more map information. Most importantly, it can also protect itself well.

Moreover, Jack's ice proficiency is very high, and he can often achieve surprising winning effects in this summer split.

Little Peanut obviously doesn't like to grab the bottom lane, and KWG's bottom lane can only seek self-protection in this way.

Choosing a combination of tools and players that don't require too many resources is the current destination of KWG's bot lane.

Then IG naturally took down Thresh. Thresh's lantern provided a double protection. Liu Qingsong's Thresh actually played well.

And once again actively targeted the rock bird.

In fact, in this version, the mid laner should take on more output responsibilities, and what is needed is a big output core like clockwork.

Rock Bird is a compromise choice.

He is a rhythm mid laner, so he naturally loses the damage of one big move, but in the later stage, the CD of Q will become very short and can be used frequently. Compared with other rhythm mid laners, Yanque's damage ability is not that unbearable. .

The most important thing is that Yanjai has line rights in the middle.

Having lane rights in the middle not only benefits the jungle, but also the two side lanes.

After all, after clearing the line in the center, he disappears directly into the center, which puts invisible pressure on the opponent's wing. This pressure will cause the opponent to miss many good opportunities. For example, I originally had the opportunity to exchange blood with you, but I was afraid of your missing mid laner, so I didn’t dare to play. How can I accumulate the advantage of cashing in?

Isn’t it just accumulating bit by bit in this way?

If you make less, doesn't it mean that I make more in disguise?

After weighing the situation, KWG decided to go with Zhumei first, Luo + Zhumei. With these two heroes in the lineup, their teamfighting ability will not be much worse.

After all, they are two super large group controllers! As long as they control enough, small-scale team battles and head-on 5v5 will gain huge advantages!

Luo is better than Thresh because of his team fighting ability.

It is actually difficult for Thresh, a hero, to perform well in team battles. The most eye-catching operation is probably a key lantern to rescue teammates who have been fired?

This also reflects that KWG has enough trust in Toothpaste’s hero pool.

The high probability is that with greater ability comes greater responsibility, and you have to make sacrifices for the team.


In the second round, KWG sent the prince and blind monk to the ban position, which left King Ning with few choices.

There is only one excavator that has been weakened many times and is still barely usable.

IG continued to target the middle lane, banning both Clockwork and Ryze. Counting the initial Enchantress, Snake Girl, and Syndra, it was equivalent to IG banning the middle lane five times!

"Wow! IG is really targeting the middle lane. All five ban positions are assigned to the middle lane." Wawa looked surprised.

Miller explained, "To illustrate two issues, Toothpaste's rhythm in the middle is very important, and his hero pool is relatively weak, which allows Rookie to play comfortably."

KWG’s grab in the second round was a bit intriguing!

"Huh??" The three commentators all looked very surprised, "Lucian?? Oh my God! No wonder they say that theshy is the little Dow director. Not only the playing style and style must be the same, but the choice of heroes must also be the same. Bar?"

Top laner Lucian!

In the perception of the LPL audience, this is Chu Ge’s exclusive gameplay. In the entire LPL league, only Chu Ge will take out this hero and go on the road.

But who would have thought that KWG would actually take out this hero?

"Wow! Wow!" Lin Weixiang also screamed when he saw this, "Guigui, the other side wants to defeat the pigeon in a pigeon's way? It's kind of interesting! The pigeon is Chi Guoguo's provocation! Can you bear this? ?”

"Yeah, top laner Lucian, what hero can you use to beat Pigeon?" Rookie was also curious.

"Shame on you! This has put me on the road!!" Prince Ning gave the best answer


For long-handed heroes on the top lane, there are almost no natural enemies in terms of pure laning.

Be it tanks, warriors, Kennen or Jace, you can't beat them all. The best way to punish them is to shake people, shake junglers over, and hit the road for crazy military training!

But this is just a conventional solution.

In fact, there is another special solution.

There is nothing better than using magic to defeat magic, and using long hands to defeat long hands!

Tabe looked at Chu Ge and gave him absolute autonomy!

Play whatever you want.

"I have several heroes who can fight against each other. Let me think about it."

Chu Ge was not in a hurry, but instead whetted the appetite of his teammates.

Skateboard shoes?

This version does not have the talent [Cluster Blade] or [Blood Blade]. In fact, the laning suppression power of the top lane skateboard shoes is average, but in pure laning, the skateboard shoes can beat Lucian even without these.


This hero can also fight. The rolling of his main Q skill can directly avoid Lucian's Q, and Vayne's duel ability is also excellent. The frequent stealth mechanism is almost a cheating method in a shooter's duel.

The biggest problem with Vayne is her lack of wave clearing ability.

Once Lucian is determined to push the line, he will have a headache.

Which one to choose?

After careful consideration, Chu Ge finally decided on skateboard shoes.

Line rights are so important.

Anyway, no matter how good the skateboard shoes are, Vayne can beat Lucian in the lane.

Put aside your duel ability.

The main range is long!

The skateboard shoes have a range of 525, and Vayne has a full 550 yards. Lucian went from being very popular in the competition to being ignored. What is the biggest reason?

It’s not the numerical weakening of various skills. The biggest weakening is actually that the shooting range has been cut from 550 yards to 500 yards.

The shooter's range determines his output environment in team battles.

When Lucian first came out, he relied on Brother Ni's racial talent to be unable to withstand all the female heroes in Reuters, and the male heroes were also faced with difficulties.

Now that the length has been reduced, how can you still play?

Although Kai'Sa and Xayah are standard short-handed ADCs, one has an invincible ultimate to protect themselves, and the other has E-evolved invisibility plus a ultimate to adjust the output position at will.

Even Kalista has infinite 'small jump' displacement.

What do you have, Lucian?

"Ah? This Callista??" Guan Zeyuan was completely confused.

Don't say it's him!

Everyone at the scene was confused.

Top skateboard shoes?

These skate shoes are only for walking.

There is already Xia in the bottom lane, so it’s not going to be a single Xia in the top lane, right?

"This can only be said that Director Dow has once again refreshed our understanding of top lane hero selection." Miller was also a little stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Even the usually eloquent baby was silenced.

This is completely beyond their knowledge, what else can they say?

Not to mention the audience and commentators, even Chu Ge's teammates were a little confused, but they were relatively receptive.

Chu Ge.

No matter how strange you pull out, it won't surprise anyone.

In terms of jungler selection, IG finally decided to choose Troll!

The trolls are not afraid of Pig Girl in a duel in the jungle, and her ultimate move can also restrain Pig Girl. Pig Girl's armor is actually for the Trolls.

The main reason is that there really aren't any good choices. Zach, Spider, Blind Sin, and Prince are all on ban. The excavator is a bit weak, but that's not the only way.

And KWG took a look at this situation.

IG's lineup lacks control capabilities, and they directly select aircraft at 5L.

The popularity of airplanes is the same as that of heroes such as Kassadin and Clockwork. Since the S6 shooter was revised, the passive of airplanes has changed from causing an additional 10% real damage to 80% of the normal attack damage being converted into magic damage.

He has already left the bottom lane and become a core mage option in the middle lane.

Because this hero's skills have high AD bonuses, he can use AD equipment, and because of his passive skills.

The high AD panel can bring high magic damage!

Didn't Xiaohu's Tiger 9W reputation come from flying?

In the end, the lineups of both sides were officially determined.

(End of this chapter)

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