NBA: Sharks at the peak, guard the basket!

Chapter 199 How dare you use your axe to make a fool of yourself? Watch me turn around 360 degrees a

Chapter 199 How dare you use your axe to make a fool of yourself? Watch me turn around 360 degrees and swing a windmill with one hand!

Pippen glanced at the serious Jordan beside him: "You look forward to that kid's dunk, right?"

"Slam dunk? I wasn't expecting that."

Jordan curled his lips pretending to be disdainful, and directly made friends out of nothing: "It's just that I have a friend who wants to see if Lin Hong can play well.

Seeing God Qiao's stiff mouth, Pippen couldn't say much.

Although the relationship between the Chicago Bulls and Lin Hong was settled.

But this does not prevent Pippen from looking forward to Lin Hong's performance in the dunk contest.

After all, there is no need to bring the grievances on the court to the court.

Pippen really wanted to see if this young man who dared to kick himself and KO Rodman could make a shocking dunk.

After a brief rest, the preparations for the slam dunk contest are complete.

In Lin Hong's memory, the 1997 Cleveland Slam Dunk Contest can only be described by two words: stretching the hips.

Young Ke won the slam dunk contest with just a few crotches. Lin Hong wants to win the championship, it is not too easy.

For those shocking dunks of later generations, just take out two and show them off, it is enough to reduce dimensionality and win this year's dunk contest.

Compared with the opponent who pulls the hips.

On the contrary, the lineup on the judging panel was extremely strong.

The first generation glider - Fezel.

The Iceman - George Gervin.

Journalist Lanier.

Dr. J Irving, the original flyer, and Leslie, the star of the WNBA.

The five judges took their seats one by one, and the seven players participating in the slam dunk contest appeared in turn.

The first player to make an official appearance was Chris Carr, a sophomore from the Timberwolves. For the first dunk, Karl chose a 360-degree turn and dunk with both hands, which was easy and freehand.

Then came Carl's second dunk, throwing the ball into the air, then bouncing the ball in the air, and dunking the ball in with one hand.

There is a little gliding distance, Carl is very proud, Garnett is very excited.

But the joy turned into sorrow, the third dunk Carl dunked the ball... and finally scored 44 points.

The second player to play is the 1996 NCAA Slam Dunk Contest Final Four player, the Bucks' Davin Hamm.

Davin Ham performed well in the first two buckles. A right-handed big windmill and a folded back buckle were full of strength and momentum, and won a lot of applause.

But in the third buckle, he turned 360 degrees on the spot, which was not very satisfactory.

It is said to be 360 ​​degrees, but in fact, when he was running and taking off, he had already started to turn around.

At best, it's a 270-degree turn and dunk.

In the end, Daven Ham only scored 36 points.

The audience at the scene booed, and even the commentator thought the score was ridiculously low.

Indeed, 36 points is ridiculously low for the second player to complete all the actions.

Although the judges have their own scoring standards, it is a little confusing to give the first dunker a high score, and the second one is suddenly so low.

After all, with Carl as a reference, those who dunk more brilliantly than him will score higher, while those who don’t have good-looking dunks can only score lower.

But Davin Ham is better in terms of completion, and the early 40s are still worth it.

The third player to play was rookie Ray Allen.

Jun Zilei's first dunk, he ran with the ball in both hands, received the ball in the air at the waist and abdomen, and then dunked.

In the second dunk, Ray Allen raised the ball with one hand while running, and after taking off, he used the strength of his waist and abdomen to hold the ball 180 degrees in the air, and then dunked with both hands behind his back.

The first two buckles give people the impression that they are more than elegant, but they have no power. They feel light, not very good-looking, and the response is mediocre.

In the third dunk, Allen decided to try to catch the ball after the throw and dunk the windmill.

Unfortunately, this time it failed.

While Ray Allen was off the field, the commentator kept chattering.

The silky feeling is good, but not suitable for dunking.

A dunk must have strength, make people excited, adrenaline rush, and make the audience jump out of their chairs after watching it.

As expected, Jun Zilei only scored 35 points in the end and was destined to miss the final.

In fact, Lin Hong felt that Ray Allen's dunk was quite elegant, and it was not very entertaining.

It's just that with Davin Ham's jewels in front, the low-profile version of Ray Allen can only regret to be out.

At this time, the poor performance of the participating players has begun to cause dissatisfaction. Many players on the court either bowed their heads and sighed, or shook their heads again and again.

The fourth play is Lakers teammate Kobe Bryant.

It is worth mentioning that when Kobe Bryant stood on the court, the top 50 Lakers stars on the sidelines also cheered for him online.

Obviously, these old guys are doing something, deliberately suppressing the famous Green Army star on the opposite side.

Look, these are our Lakers supernovas!
Where is the cornerstone of your Lukai team building? Pull it out for a walk.

Master Russell was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, his heart ached.

He was one of the earliest members of the Yellow-Green War, and now he is very old, although he has no obsession with the grievances of the Yellow-Green enemy.

But seeing that the Lakers have risen and the Celtics are still on the way to failure, I feel very uncomfortable.


Lakers civil war?

Kobe VS Lin Hong's dunk civil war?
That's fun too!
Bryant had just emerged in the rookie All-Star Game, appearing more confident.

By comparing hip-hop walking movements and not taking off the training clothes, he attracted the attention of viewers.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Standing on the court, Kobe dribbled the ball a few times and began to find his feeling.

For the first dunk, he chose to cut in from a 45-degree direction with the ball, took off, floated in the air to the other side of the basket, and turned over with one hand for a dunk.

Powerful, airborne, and a relatively good dunk.

With this buckle, his figure is completely stretched out, and his movements are highly entertaining.

Although it was a dunk without difficulty, it still attracted cheers from the fans!
"Wow, rookie dunk Kobe Bryant from the Los Angeles Lakers! His first dunk is powerful and entertaining!"

"I'm looking forward to his second dunk. Is he the biggest dark horse in today's dunk contest?"

Among the live commentators' comments, Kobe's second buckle came one after another.

He started from the right side, took off sideways and swung one arm in a circle, a powerful windmill dunk, roaring and exploding the frame, amazed the audience! !


The fans at the scene exclaimed again.

Although Kobe's one-armed windmill is a little bit off-putting, his body is light and elegant, and he is very good at viewing.

"Bryant has booked a place in the finals, we just need to wait for him to complete the third dunk!"

The commentator on the scene has already announced in advance!
Just look at the first two dunks in the preliminaries, Kobe is obviously not at the same level as the first few opponents.

In the third dunk, Kobe holds the ball from the bottom line, holds the ball in both hands, turns 180 degrees in the air, receives the ball, stretches his abdomen, and dunks with his back.

It was done in one go, without any sloppy.

After the back buckle, he pulled the basket and did a small pull-up.

"Kobe, Kobe" chants rang out as Kobe left the court.

It can be seen that the audience still likes this 18-year-old boy.

After the unanimous praise of the five judges, the history changed, and the young Ke scored a high score of 45 points.

Basically locked a place in the finals!
"It seems that this year's slam dunk contest finals may not necessarily be Lin Hong's one-man show!"

"The Los Angeles Lakers have a dual-core civil war. It's interesting to compete in the All-Star Slam Dunk Contest!" The commentator at the scene felt that he was excited again.

Lin Hong will not want to roll over in the dunk contest, right?

Immediately afterwards, the fifth debut was the dunker of Cleveland's local battle--Bob Sura.

As a sophomore, Sura averaged 8.8 points, 4.4 assists, and 3.5 rebounds per game, which is quite good.

The first buckle, turn 360 degrees with one hand.


Maybe it was to make up for the difference in height, and at the same time to show that he could jump. For the next two dunks, Sura used self-throwing, catching and dunking methods.

While the audience was frantically waving 10 points, the judges finally gave only 35 points.

The sixth appearance is Michael Finley.

Finley's first buckle also took the one-arm windmill that many people tried, but unfortunately failed.

In the second dunk, Finley threw the ball under his left arm, caught it in the air, and dunked it with both hands.

In the last dunk, Finley used a self-throw, cutting in from the bottom line, receiving the rebound ball in the air, and making a big windmill with one hand, and he was in the soul with one shot!
Even Finley himself was very excited, jumping around like a black rabbit, while opening his mouth and growling...

Uncle Mu also stood up excitedly, and this time he finally held up the number 10.

But despite this, the final score given by the judges was only 39 points.

Since then, the top six players have finished dunking respectively.

Currently ranked number one is Kobe Bryant!
Immediately afterwards, Chris Carr with 44 points and Michael Finley with 39 points.

Chris Karl, who was the first to play and was used as a reference, almost scored the highest score. How bad was the 1997 All-Star Slam Dunk Contest?

It can be seen.

Of course.

The upper limit of this year's slam dunk contest will definitely not be pulled up like the original timeline.

Because, the man who raised the upper limit finally made his debut!

"Director Zhang, Lin Hong only needs to score 39 points to advance to the final."

In the live commentary seat of CCTV, Su Qun calculated the score: "Do you think he can easily advance?
"Of course, 39 points is a piece of cake for Lin Hong. It's a small test."

Mr. Zhang Lili said online: "I think Lin Hong can easily advance to the next level without even taking off his coat and showing his hands casually."

That's right!

From the reasonable point of view of China's number one Lin Chuizhang, Lin Hong didn't even need to show any elaborate moves to advance to the finals of the slam dunk contest.

Casually Xiaolu's hands are enough to crush all opponents and advance!
As if he heard Zhang Lili's call, Lin Hongzhen, who was far away in Cleveland, didn't even take off his warm-up suit, and stood on the court directly wearing a Lakers warm-up jacket.

"Lin Hong didn't take off his coat?"

"He didn't give up, did he? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like you have to take it seriously!"

"Don't be like this, I'm still looking forward to Lin Hong's dunk performance!"

Seeing that Lin Hong didn't seem to take it seriously at all, the American commentators at the scene were quite sorry.

Before this slam dunk contest, you did everything to promote Lin Hong, but in the end you were perfunctory?

Not so good!

Some fans at the scene also began to frown and complain.

They were looking forward to Lin Hong's performance in the slam dunk contest, but it's not a day or two, and they just waited here? !
It's too hard to accept!


However, it was completely different from what everyone in the United States expected.

Just wearing the warm-up jacket, Lin Hong's first dunk was a run-up from the midfield, a big windmill dunk that suddenly took off from the free throw line with a small step!

After perfectly performing the big windmill action in the air, he roared up to the sky, roaring violently and exploding the frame, instantly detonating the audience!

"Oh, it seems that we are completely overthinking!"

"Lin Hong started his preliminaries without taking off his jacket because there is no need to take off his jacket!"

"Oh my god, he can do a small step and windmill dunk from the free throw line with a jacket on, it's unbelievable!"

"Guys, the first few players are playing tricks, and Lin Hong is the king!"

God stayed at the scene of the All-Star individual game and put on the Lakers' warm-up jacket!
The quasi-free throw line windmill is just an appetizer.

In the second dunk of the preliminaries, Lin Hong chose to start along the bottom corner, quickly hit the side of the basket, and took off.

While rotating the body 360 degrees, hold the ball with one hand and swing it in a circle to complete the dunk!

This ball is just like the one that Golden State LaVine will complete in the dunk contest in the future.

Instantly detonated the Cleveland Gonza Arena!

"OH! MY! GOD!!"

"My God, what did I just see??"

"Is Lin Hong's ball challenging the gravity of the earth!

"He seemed to have stopped in the sky, this dunk would be a perfect dunk even in the final!!!"

That's right.

In the view of the on-site commentator, regardless of Lin Hong's quasi-free throw line dunk.

Just looking at this 360-degree one-handed windmill, this Nima is already a perfect score in the finals!

However, Lin Hong put this king bomb in the second deduction of the preliminaries!

This shows what?
This shows that there are more difficult moves behind him.

In Lin Hong's dunk ammunition arsenal, there is definitely a big killer that is useless!

"I can't understand why the American counterparts at the scene were so surprised."

At the CCTV commentary seat at the scene, Zhang Lili blazed passionately online: "For Lin Hong, isn't this ball just a basic operation? There is no need to make a fuss!!"

Look at those who shocked this group of old ricers, their buttocks are so hot that they can't sit still, and they can't wait to jump up and scream.

Really never seen the world!

Su Qun originally wanted to jump up and shout a few times, but when he heard Zhang Lili's bragging, he could only pretend to sit down again calmly.

Now, the audience's expectations have been raised infinitely by Lin Hong.

His first two dunks in the preliminaries have reached the full-score level in the finals, and people can't help but start to wonder how his third dunk in the preliminaries will surprise the audience? !
Soon, Lin Hong gave the answer.

In the third dunk of the preliminaries, Lin Hong was about to start from behind the basket and dispersed the reporters and photographers behind the basket.

At the same time, he called his teammate Kobe Bryant.

Kobe stood under the hoop with the ball in his arms, and pointed to the back edge of the hoop suspiciously.

Lin Hong smiled and nodded.

Lin Ke's combination is full of tacit understanding, and a consensus has been reached with just one look.


The next moment, Lin Hong suddenly started!

He accelerated from behind the rim, and when he hit the back of the rim, Kobe threw the ball up!
The celestial giant in the air, while catching the ball in the air, avoids the lower edge of the backboard with his head.

After the body flew over the basket, he quickly turned around and swung the ball into the basket with one arm in a swivel windmill that almost defied gravity!

This defiant dunk completely detonated the arena.

The fans on the sidelines were all shocked and couldn't help themselves.

Zhang Dashuai opened his arms to stop Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson on the left and right, for fear that these two younger brothers would rush into the court excitedly.

Cobra James Worthy and Mr. George McCann couldn't hide their excitement.

The current Clippers general manager Elgin Baylor has temporarily put his identity as the Clippers general manager behind him.

Take off your clothes, I am also a member of the Lakers!


(End of this chapter)

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