my dear lawyer

Chapter 342 (Zhao Baoer and Zhan Shiji) Extra Episode 1 Inexplicable Guilt towards him

Chapter 342 (Zhao Baoer and Zhan Shiji) Extra Episode 1 Inexplicable Guilt towards him
Zhao Bao'er has been very troubled recently. Since Zhan Shiji identified Jiji as the murderer of Xiaoroutuan, he stared at Jiji in a particularly strange way.

It's so scary.

Zhao Bao'er didn't even dare to go out the door, and never left Jiji.

After several days, Zhan Shiji gradually regained her composure. Zhao Baoer thought, at least he is a 30-year-old uncle, so he is not really so naive as to kill the cat for revenge.

So she let her guard down.

Unexpectedly, when I came back today, I couldn't find Jiji anywhere.

Under pressure, Zhan Shiji, the one who killed a thousand swords, finally made a move.

He even took Jiji out without the owner's consent, and even threw it aside! !
Zhao Bao'er went crazy, she rushed over and grabbed Zhan Shiji's collar and shook him here and there, wishing to tear him apart.

Fortunately, Lele brought Jiji back.

Everything was safe and sound, but Zhao Baoer began to pay attention to and guard against Zhan Shiji.

She was afraid that that psychopath would go crazy one day and come to embarrass her daughter again.

That's right, since Xiaoroutuan is Zhan Shiji's son, she should recognize Jiji as her daughter.Sons and daughters are equal in status, so no one can bully anyone.

In the evening, Zhao Baoer talked on the phone with her good friend An An, and complained about Zhan Shiji severely.

An An was silent for a while, and said, "Are all elite lawyers so naive?"

"Where is he naive, he is mentally handicapped."

An An smiled: "Actually, you are also very impulsive. You haven't figured out what's going on yet, so why do you rush forward and want to tear people apart? It's not like you would do it."

"I want to seek justice for my daughter."

An'an was silent for a while again: "Bao'er, you didn't realize that...why did you think of recognizing Jiji as your daughter? You saw that lawyer doing this, so do you want to follow suit? Even if you don't treat Jiji as a daughter It can be protected normally."

Zhao Baoer's heart suddenly flustered when several questions hit her face.

It seemed that there was an answer dangling in his mind, but Zhao Bao'er forcibly suppressed it.

She hung up the phone, hugged Jiji and didn't think about anything else, she needed to calm down.

For several days, Zhan Shiji went out early and returned late to look for the little meat balls, but each time ended in failure.

He was so decadent that he couldn't even eat.

Every night when Zhao Baoer passed the living room, she could see Zhan Shiji sitting alone on the sofa.

His lonely figure made Zhao Bao'er uncomfortable, and the guilt that quietly appeared increased day by day.

Zhao Baoer went back to the room, picked up Jiji and looked left and right.

The fluffy Jiji felt so good, it tilted its head curiously and stared at its owner.

Zhao Bao'er was about to bleed from the cuteness. It was really unimaginable that such a cute and soft Jiji would swallow the little meatball.

Then I contacted Lele and said what I said the other day. Could it be that the chipmunk that Lele saw was the little meat ball?

But if this is the case, the blood at home will not be explained clearly.

Oops, why one question after another.

She obviously didn't do anything wrong, why is it that she is the culprit now, why does she feel so sorry for Zhan Shiji.

Zhao Baoer tossed and turned, and got up very late the next day.

Surprisingly, she saw Zhan Shiji again in the living room.

When Zhan Shiji heard the voice, she turned her head and glanced at her, then looked away lightly.

Even though they only stared at each other for two seconds, Zhao Baoer still caught the despair and irrepressible decadence in Zhan Shiji's eyes.

How many days has he not had a good rest, hey——

Zhao Baoer glanced at the time, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone must have gone to work, why is Zhan Shiji still sitting here blankly?
(End of this chapter)

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