my dear lawyer

Chapter 333 Give him permission (2)

Chapter 333 Give him permission... (2)


Does that mean that as long as there is no trial, it can hang him?But this is not fair to Shi Yun...

Xu Changhuan didn't know what else to say.
Within a few days, the bad news came - Shi Yun left.

After all, he couldn't withstand the ravages of fate and passed away.

Xu Changhuan's heart was empty, and he couldn't recover for a long time.Although she is not familiar with Shi Yun, she seems to have lost an important friend, and feels pity and sad for him.

Once, she thought that the bird could not fly over the sea because the bird did not have the courage to fly over the sea.Only now did she understand that it wasn't that the little bird couldn't fly over, but that there was no longer a world that belonged to it at the other end of the sea...

Shi Yun was that little bird. When he defeated himself and was about to fly across the sea, he broke into another world.

On the day of the funeral, Xu Changhuan was not invited, only Qi Chengjing went.

Xu Changhuan was not in the mood to go to work, so he simply asked for leave and went to the countryside to relax.

A gust of autumn wind blew by, and the red maple leaves all over the mountain were blown loudly.The ruthless autumn strips off their gorgeous clothes, and makes them stand bare, indifferent and lonely before winter comes.

The four seasons are particularly distinct at this time, and the emotions that cannot be suppressed seem to have found a breakthrough.

Xu Changhuan picked off a maple leaf, wrote down a wish, folded the maple leaf into a small plane, and threw it into the distance, and the small plane floated away with the wind.

She passed by a temple, went in unconsciously to add money for sesame oil, and said silently: Please bless Shi Yun on his journey.
Shi Yun left quietly without leaving a word.

The two parties involved in the incident can never speak, and no one knows the truth.

Soon, the verdict came down.

Since the defendant had passed away, the court did not let the family members come to hear the sentence, but sent the verdict directly to their home.

Shi Yun is innocent!

Hey, this is the only bad news that can barely be called good news among the many bad news.

At the very least, Shi Yun doesn't have to bear the trumped-up charges, hoping to comfort his sad soul a little.

Xu Changhuan heard from Qi Chengjing that Shi Yun's family burned the verdict to Shi Yun, and he could see it in another world.
Time will not stop because of someone, the time flies by, and before you know it, another two months have passed.

Wang Guifang asked Xu Changhuan: "Chinese New Year is coming soon. How about you get married after the Spring Festival, and wait until the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming?"

Xu Changhuan blushed and turned around, "Oh my god, I'm so moved by what you said."

At the beginning of the year, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, a season full of hope.

Wang Guifang said: "If you like it, I will ask someone to find a good day. By the way, didn't the two families have a meal together to discuss and discuss it? Why is there no more information?"

Xu Changhuan remembered about Shi Yun, hey, how could they have a party.

"Mom, I'm too busy these days, let's take it easy, and I'll give you an answer after we ask."

Wang Guifang was a little worried: "Aren't you guys having a fight?"

"No, don't worry. It's not like you don't know my job. If it's easy, I don't need to stay."

Wang Guifang didn't say anything more, after all Xu Changhuan was usually too busy to go home on weekends.

Today's young people are under a lot of work pressure. It is good to be able to guarantee three meals a day. There is really no extra time.

Xu Changhuan hung up the phone and went to Qi Chengjing's room.

After they were together, Qi Chengjing used his room as a study, where he handled work at night.

(End of this chapter)

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