Chapter 79 Conspiracy
I thought that Nuo Xiao would leave after taking the money, at most he would ask when he would ask for ginseng again.

But Nuo Xiao counted the money in her schoolbag, touched the two persimmons, and happily said, "In the leap month, the ducks in our village ate those persimmons, and all their diseases were cured.

The people in the village thank you very much, they all say that you are a fairy daughter, and only fairies descend to the earth to grow that healing persimmon. "

Leanyue didn't expect that the honest Niaoxiao would praise others.

Yesterday, people in their village also said that this little girl has been a girl since she was a child, and she likes to cry at every turn, and doesn't like to talk.

It's an honest pimple.

It seems that the saying that only cucumbers will grow out is true.

"No way, my persimmons are just using special fertilizers, it's not that serious.

By the way, come back in two days, and I will tell you whether you want to participate in the seedlings. "

"Okay! Then you are busy in the moon, so I will go back first... Don't talk about the ginseng thing, people's hearts are far away..." Nuo Xiao looked worriedly at the moon.

"Don't worry, I won't tell your secret." Runyue made a promise, and Xiaocai grinned, "Hey!"

Turned around and left.

Lean Yue returned to the greenhouse and found a place to plant the two ginseng seedlings.

Then I was afraid that the workers who were helping would not recognize them, so I pulled them out, and made a special mark, asking my third aunt to help me look at them.

I picked up the small watering can and went home.

Mix the potion for promoting growth and improving varieties into a bowl, and pour it into the watering can.

Let's take a look at the remaining potions, they can still be used for a while.

After hiding the potion, Runyue went to the greenhouse again with a small watering can.

On the way, I met Gui Ping who was coming back from the town, and the two met each other.

Gui Ping was riding a bicycle, and when passing by Lean Yue, she deliberately turned her head to one side, pretending not to see Lean Yue.

Then he kicked a few times and rode over.

After passing by, he was not reconciled, jumped off the bicycle, and said "bah" to Leanyue's back, "What the hell, I planted a few sheds of vegetables with their tails sticking up to the sky, and they don't talk when they see people."

Seeing the watering can in Runyue's hand, Guiping's heart skipped a beat.

A few days ago, I heard from Xiaomei that the persimmons planted in the leap month were sprayed with an unknown potion.

The potion is very precious, and even the helpers are not allowed to touch it.

He also said that the potion was in a watering can.

Could it be... the watering can in her hand?
Gui Ping felt that she had discovered a great secret, and her breathing was out of rhythm.

Her persimmons are not sold to herself, but to her competitors.

My family was fined for selling fake persimmons, and now I have a bad reputation, and my business has never been able to get up.

Every month, there are taxes, business management, sanitation fees, and electricity bills, which are almost unaffordable.

The couple thought of many ways to lower the price, but the customer said it was because the product was not good.

Cheap is not good quality.

The green vegetables can't be kept, and if they are not sold out on the same day, they will go bad the next day.

No matter what method they tried, the people in the town just didn't recognize their food. Seeing that they were losing money every day, the vegetable shop would not be able to open.

If you have the potion of Leap Moon in your hand, you can spray all the vegetables at home... Let's see who dares to say that his stuff is fake!

It doesn't need much, as long as it can save your reputation.

Isn't this what businessmen are afraid of? The good reputation cultivated over the years will be fatal once it is lost.

Thinking of this, Guiping turned the car around and went back to the town.

When she shared her thoughts with Dashan, Dashan cheered happily, "My wife still has a lot of ideas, and there is no one in this store anyway, so I will close the door with you and go home.

No matter what method you think of, if you get the medicine tonight, our vegetable shop will be saved. "

Guiping approached Dashan and asked in a low voice, "How are you doing now that you tricked those merchants into reporting Liu Xiangxiang's deception?"

"They are going to court, saying that they need to ask someone from an authoritative department to give the test results.

We will be considered a success if Liu Xiangxiang's vegetable shop is sold out.

At that time, even if she wants to sell me the things of Leap Moon, I won't take it! "

"Yes, even if you want it, you have to suppress the price! Let her be coquettish."

"Maybe when the time comes, we will be able to produce that kind of persimmons ourselves, no matter how cheap it is, we don't want her."

"Yes, let's go home quickly, think of a way, we must get it tonight."

When Dashan and Guiping returned to Qingniu Village, they heard another good news. There will be a movie tonight!
The projectionist in the village has already brought all the equipment used for showing the movie to the village committee compound in Qingniu Village.

At that time, every household did not have a TV set, so the villages sent projectionists to show movies from village to village.

It's also an entertainment project.

Today is Qingniu Village's turn.

Although it is "Tunnel Warfare", which has been watched several times, it is rarely lively.

Every household cooked meals early, specially fried melon seeds, prepared small benches, and waited for it to get dark before gathering at the village committee to watch a movie.

Headed by Qiu'er, the half-children in the village were running around with pistols carved out of wood, making a "beep" sound, and were extremely excited.

Dashan and Guiping heard the children clamoring about the news of the movie, they glanced at each other, restraining their excitement.

The opportunity is coming!

On the side of the Runyue shed, because it is rare to have such a lively event, Runyue specially asked the villagers who were working to go back an hour earlier.

Even Hou San'er, Runyue asked her to accompany his wife and children after watching a movie before coming back.

Runyue also wanted to wait until the dead of night to see what those two ginsengs would look like.

Today's potion, she specially increased the concentration by a lot.

This matter cannot be seen by the workers, and it is appropriate for them to keep watch at night.

Before leaving, Hou San'er also told Runyue, "Everyone has gone to the movies, you should be more energetic here, thieves like to do things at this time."

No need to ask, he used to do that a lot.

The sun finally set on the western horizon.

The sound of the movie started to show, and the theme song of tunnel warfare resounded over Qingniu Village.

Lean Yue squatted alone in the shed, with a flashlight in her hand, and sprayed the medicine in the medicine pot on the two ginsengs.

Two black shadows crept into Leanyue's shed.

Straight to the light.

While looking at the ginseng in front of her, Runyue "slapped" the mosquitoes around her waiting for an opportunity to bite.

The two shadows nodded and moved separately.

Runyue was watching carefully when she heard a few dogs barking from the nearby shed.

Then there was the sound of cucumber seedlings being bumped.

It's broken, someone's dog has come to harm people!

I am not afraid of it eating, but I am afraid that it will run wildly from the shed for a few laps and trip over many cucumber seedlings.

Runyue yelled, and the dog barked as if talking back, making the trouble even louder.

It seems that some cucumber seedlings must have been poisoned.

Runyue was in a hurry, so she picked up a hoe and chased after it.

Wait for her to chase the dog away.When I came back to look at the ginseng, the ginseng had grown to the thickness of a carrot, and there were even two buds protruding from the middle of the leaves.

Runyue was so pleasantly surprised that she even forgot the small watering can at her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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