Chapter 75
Ten catties of persimmons were quickly picked, and when Wang Long went back, Lean Yue followed him.

The two arrived at Crouching Tiger Village, and the car drove directly to the pond where ducks were raised.

No wonder Wang Long said that they have unique advantages.

Runyue was shocked by the big pond.

Standing on one side of the pond, you can't see the other side at all.

A flock of ducks floated on the shimmering water, and the ducks nearby were using their mouths to pick up the water and sprinkle it on their bodies for a bath.

In the distance is a group of small black dots, which cannot be seen clearly.

A few ducks were mischievous, and one slammed into it. After a long time, when Runyue felt like he was about to hold his breath, those ducks came out from another place.

Others were frightened by the visitors and stepped on the water half-flying and half-running on the water.

The duck that was so shocked to take a bath didn't know what happened, and joined the sprinting team in a daze.

After running wildly for a while, Wang Long pointed to the dozens of floating ducks left on the water and asked Lean Yue to look at them, "Did you see them? They are all sick."

Runyue followed his fingers to look over, and saw several belly-up floating, motionless.

Needless to say, he died of illness.

"Come on, a few more ducks have died here, quickly fish them out, so as not to infect other ducks!" Wang Long greeted, and some villagers ran over, and with something like a netting net in their hands, several ducks nearby were caught. Only a dead duck was caught.

A dozen or so villagers watching the excitement saw that Wang Long had brought a woman over and unloaded a basket of tomatoes from the car.

They all came around curiously and asked this and that.

"Village chief, what use are you using this persimmon?"

"Feed the duck, heal the disease!" Wang Long replied without lifting his head.

"Village Chief, hundreds of them were fished out from the opposite bank just now, and the disease seems to be getting worse."

"Village chief, I've given medicine worth hundreds of dollars, but it doesn't work. Can I take care of this persimmon?"

"Hey! If this really can't be cured, how will our family live? We still borrowed the 30 yuan to raise funds.

My son's tuition fee and my mother's medical treatment money all refer to this. "Squatting beside him was a man dressed in rags, holding his head with a sad expression on his face.

Wang Long put the persimmons away, and kicked the man on the buttocks, "You're so fucking talkative! If you lose 30 yuan, you can't live? Don't blame your mother for naming you Nuo Xiao, you are such a coward!"

Known as Xiaoxiao, he squinted his eyes and looked up at Wang Long, "Village chief, 30 yuan is not a decimal, who can print or draw?

If there is no shortage of money, who can raise ducks with you?

Of those present, which one invested for fun? "

Wang Long couldn't answer this time, but he rolled his eyes and looked at Nuo Xiao with a look of disgust.

"Hey boy, didn't you give you back 50 yuan for the two ginseng you sold to the village chief?
How come the money for raising ducks is still borrowed? "Someone started to reveal the truth.

Nuo Xiao wiped her face with both hands, stood up from the ground, hunched over, "That money, I've already bought medicine for my old lady."

"That's right, Nuo Xiaoniang's illness is a bottomless pit, so Nuo Xiaoshun was able to give up his life and go up the mountain to find money for his mother's medical treatment.

The old lady is long gone. "

"Little boy, if you really can't do it, you can still go up the mountain to dig ginseng, and then sell it to the village chief when you come back."

Wang Long poured out the persimmons in the basket, turned his head and rolled his eyes, "you can put them down, my two ginsengs are still at home, my father asked someone to look at them, and said that his current body can't make up for it. I also plan to take those two ginseng wine.

It's a pity that the year is a little short. If the year is long, who else can I give it as a gift. "

"Hey little boy, then you go up the mountain to have a look, what if you find an older one?"

Nuo Xiao patted his ass that hurt from being kicked by Wang Long, grinned and said, "Pull it down, do you think ginseng is so easy to find?
There is another pack of wolves on the back mountain. It's not that they are short of money. Who will take the risk! "

From their gossip, Leanyue could tell that this little boy was a dutiful son, with a sick mother and a school-going son at home.

But he has the ability to find ginseng, which most people don't know.

Thinking about it this way, Leanyue looked at Nuo Xiao a few more times.

Wang Long dumped the persimmons on the ground, and ordered dozens of ducks to be rounded up.

These ducks are more serious and can't even get into the water.

Runyue saw that the ducks were shaking when they walked, and their feathers were fluffy, as if they didn't know which step they couldn't walk well, they would fall down and couldn't get up.

"This persimmon can't be fed like this, it has to be chopped up. The duck probably doesn't have the strength to peck the persimmon open." Runyue reminded.

Wang Long quickly asked someone to bring a kitchen knife, and chopped ten catties of persimmons into pieces.

Then put it in a paint basin.

The ducks didn't even look at the persimmons in the pot, and some of them put their beaks on the ground, and it was better than a while.

Runyue was impatient, grabbed a seriously sick duck by the neck, bowed the persimmon juice that flowed out, and dripped it into the duck's mouth.

The duck shook its head first, then opened its mouth a few times, and opened its half-closed eyes.

The onlookers were silent, anxiously waiting to see the result.

The duck opened its eyes to look around, opened its mouth and let out a "quack" twice, then broke free from Runyue's hand, jumped straight into the pot containing the persimmons, and ate a few mouthfuls.

"All right?"

"Is that all right?"

"Hey, what kind of persimmon is this? Why is it better than medicine?"

"Even the medicine has to be digested and absorbed for a while, right?
How is this so fast? "

"This persimmon has caught up with the elixir!"

Seeing that the duck was not satisfied after eating a few mouthfuls, Wang Long slurped it into his mouth vigorously, and the persimmon juice flowed out from both sides of its mouth.

"Okay, you are so greedy!" Wang Long grabbed the duck by the neck and threw it out vigorously.

When the duck landed on the ground, it spread its wings unwillingly and flapped a few times, and even called "quack quack" to Wang Long a few times.

Then he jumped into the water with a plop and went to play in the water.

Only then did the onlookers realize, "This persimmon is really good for healing!"

They hurriedly caught those sick ducks and fed persimmons one by one, following the example of Leap Moon.

Soon, a large pot of persimmons came to the bottom, and all the sick ducks on the shore also went into the water.

"Village chief, where did you get your persimmons? I just heard that there is a girl who grows persimmons in Qingniu Village. She said that her persimmons can cure diseases. Could it be..."

Then Wang Long smiled and introduced, "This is the girl who planted persimmons, her name is Runyue."

"Oh my god, isn't this a fairy coming down to earth?
How can such a powerful persimmon be grown! "

"Our grandparents grew persimmons in their homes, and for so many years, we haven't seen anyone who can cure diseases.

Why is this girl so powerful? "

Wang Long interrupted the big guy's flattery, "Hey, hey, stop arguing, there are still many sick ducks in the pond, and we have to buy some persimmons to feed them. These ducks are our bets."

"Village chief, stop talking, I'll go pull persimmons with you."

"I'll go as well."

"Let's all go."

(End of this chapter)

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