Chapter 566
Qiu'er and Taoyao came back three days early.

It's because the restaurant is too busy to leave.

As soon as the wheelchair got out of the car, Qiu'er in military uniform was surrounded by villagers.

When the heroes of the army get married, they send six cars, which is a high-level courtesy that has never been seen before.

The excited osmanthus cried again.

But Runyue frowned, she didn't care if Qiu'er was a hero or not, but this was his own nephew, and the wedding was held in a wheelchair?

She couldn't accept it.

That night, Runyue found Xiaoshuidi and asked him to think of a way to cure Qiu'er's illness no matter what.

Xiao Shui Di sighed, "It's not impossible, but you have to lower your cultivation level by two levels."

Without hesitation for a moment, Runyue nodded and agreed, "Okay! My relatives can't be saved, so what's the use of this cultivation!"

"Actually... I've always wanted to tell you..." Xiao Shuidrop hesitated, and then quietly looked at Runyue's face. "Actually, what's in your mind is a wisp of spiritual consciousness from that green ox horn."

"What did you say? Is it true about the green bull horn?"

"It's true, the big cow didn't lie, the horn fell on Luohun Slope, was injured and hit by you, and entered your brain."

"What about you? Where did you come from?" Runyue felt that her brain was not enough. How could the story that she had printed into a book for publicity be true?
The green ox horns that those tourists were looking for when they went up the mountain actually got into my head?
"I am a drop of water condensed in this bull's horn. I have been absorbing the essence of heaven and earth for hundreds of years. I accidentally bumped into it, so..."

Runyue's jaw was about to drop in shock, "I don't care, help me find a way to make Qiu'er stand up, I don't want any cultivation or not."

Xiao Shuidrop frowned, with a miserable face, "Well, anyway, since you have a hospital, it will be easy to upgrade in the future.

Goodbye, leap month!You turn around. "

Leanyue didn't know why the little water droplet said "goodbye."

When she turned around again, she saw that the scene behind her had changed back to the fourth-level space again. On the table was a bottle with a puddle of blue water in it.

Without even thinking about it, Leanyue grabbed it and left the space.

Went to the greenhouse and wiped it on a persimmon.

Soon the persimmon turned a dazzling blue.

Let Qiu'er eat the persimmons, within a quarter of an hour, Qiu'er actually stood up.

This weird scene stunned everyone, happy Taoyao and Osmanthus hugged each other, crying and laughing at the same time.

The wedding went on as planned.

On August [-]th, the car that came to Qingniu Village was parked ten miles away!
The sea of ​​people was crowded.

Some people even brought binoculars to watch the lively scene in Qingniu Village from a distance.

Every household in Qingniu Village hung up red lanterns, and the trees by the roadside were all tied with red cloth strips.

51 couples, wearing the same classic wedding clothes, walked hand in hand on the village road.

The rose flowers on the side of the road are blooming, and the bees and butterflies are flying around.

The leaders Qin Guan and Runyue, with happy smiles on their faces, accepted the blessings from relatives and friends on the side of the road.

The family members of the bride and groom, wearing red flowers on their chests and smiling, kept applauding, even their hands were red.

Osmanthus was so happy that she closed her mouth from ear to ear, she touched Noble next to her, "Look, look at their wedding, back then we memorized a quotation in front of the portrait, we were married.

Look how good it is now! "The eyes are full of envy.

"Then how about... we two make up one more game?" Noble said with a smile.

"Come on, my son is married, you don't think it's embarrassing, but I still think it's embarrassing." Osmanthus wiped away tears of joy, "This man is really useless when he is old, and he sheds tears when he is happy!
This time is good, Leanyue is married, and Qiu'er is also married, we have completed the task, so we don't have to worry about it. "

"We have also completed the task, and we will take care of the elderly!" Third Uncle wore new clothes, and his face was full of wrinkles.

"Grandma, mom looks so good today! I want to wear clothes like that too." An An's little hand was held by the third aunt, and her eyes were full of envy with her little face raised.

"Wear it, when An'an grows up, wear clothes that look better than this!" The third aunt wore a red flower in her hair, her face flushed.

When I was young, I never wore flowers, but when I was old, I actually added color.

Xiaomei jumped to the side of Third Aunt and the others, pointing at Goudan, "Third Aunt, have you seen it? This groom counts our Goudan as handsome!"

Osmanthus quit. "Who said that? Look at our Qiu'er, who can compare with that military uniform? You can't even buy it, okay?"

The bridegroom couldn't compare, Xiaomei pouted, "The bride counts my daughter-in-law as beautiful. To be honest, I didn't agree with it at the beginning!"

The third aunt didn't like to hear it even more, "When will your stinky mouth stop being so cheap?

Among the brides, aren't our Shi Ting and Lean Yue pretty?

Let's talk about this happy day, what do you agree or disagree with?
If you disagree, today is also your family!
You say this when your daughter-in-law just walks in, and you are not afraid that she will throw you out when you are old. "

Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, she was happy today, so she didn't care about it.

People in Qingniu Village sang and danced, and even the tourists who came to play were infected.

The people in Qingniu Village asked, "When will there be another group wedding?"

"August [-] next year! If you want to come, hurry up and sign up with Manager Lanyuelan!" Soon Lanyue was surrounded by a group of people.

It was around five o'clock in the afternoon that the wedding was all over.

Today's tourists are blessed with delicious food, and they also ate the noodles in Qingniu Village for free, all of which are local specialties.

There is no need to follow the gift.

When Qin Guan and Runyue returned to their packed wedding room, it was inevitable that they would be gentle.

Watching Qin Guan fall asleep, Runyue felt that everything was so unreal.

An orphan whose older brother hates his elder brother, and his sister-in-law hates her sister-in-law, unexpectedly has a career, a family, and a good life.

How is it like a dream.

Thinking that all of this was given by that thing in my mind, without the help of the little water droplets, I would not be where I am today.

It should be thanked.

With a thought in her mind, Runyue entered the space.

But this time, the space is cold, with only bottles of potions and operating tables.

"Little water droplet, little water droplet!" Runyue called a few times, but there was no response.

"Little water drop, where have you been hiding? Why are you ignoring me? I'm here to thank you."

Still no response.

Runyue was in a hurry and was about to shout.

I heard a voice as weak as a gnat say in my ear, "Goodbye, I have turned myself into a potion for Qiu'er's disease, and I have disappeared from here forever.

You have to... work hard, don't... let down... this opportunity. "

"No, don't!" Runyue broke down and cried, but was ejected from the space unexpectedly.

Sensing the abnormality of the people around him, Qin Guan turned on the light and saw that Runyue's face was full of tears, so he sat up in fright, "Runyue, what's wrong with you?"

"Dreaming, dreaming that you left again."

Qin Guan heaved a sigh of relief, lay down with his arms around Runyue, and covered her with a quilt, "Don't worry, I won't leave anymore, we will never be separated."

"En!" Runyue nodded, "May there be no more parting in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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