Chapter 32 Gifts
Seeing that his daughter-in-law followed his own words, Laibao changed the topic and said, "I used to only see that it was easy for Lean Yue to make money, and I didn't feel bad if I wanted it from her, and I just took it if I said it.

Only now do I realize that it was also blood and sweat..."

After finishing speaking, Noble looked at his wife's face and took a puff of cigarette.

Osmanthus fragrans paused with Zhaodan's hand, but said nothing.

If you don't speak, you don't object, and you don't get angry.

Noble went on to say, "At that time when Leanyue came back, she never came back empty-handed. She always said that it was not easy to do business, dealing with all kinds of people.

Dealing with people is the hardest thing in the world.

Thousands of people face thousands of faces, do you know what he is thinking? "

Osmanthus fragrans glared at Noble, then turned back to stare at the egg in her hand, "It is the easiest way to make money in business, buy low and sell high, and the money will come from reselling.

Unlike me hatching this egg, I have to touch each egg more than a dozen times every day. "

Noble took another puff of cigarette thoughtfully, "Since our family built a chicken farm, I know that money is not easy to come by.

In the past, I didn’t think too much about farming. I threw the seeds in and harvested them in autumn.

Now I have a good heart in my heart, this is a good way to go uphill, it is really not easy. "

"Are you changing your sex? Do you feel sorry for your sister?" Osmanthus put another widow in the basket.

Seeing that there are more than twenty, I feel a little distressed.

"It's not that I feel sorry for Leap Moon, it's the truth."

"Then..." Osmanthus fragrans looked down at the eggs in the basket, "Send these eggs to Runyue?" What Osmanthus fragrans thought was that the chicken farm was about to open, and in the future, there would be persimmon vines from Leyue's side.

It's better to repair the relationship in advance. It doesn't have to be too good, as long as you can talk.

Noble was startled, and the ash in his hand fell on his lap, scalding him to death.

"I just had a conflict a few days ago, and it went to the village chief..." Noble looked at his wife like a monster.

"Then send it to Third Uncle. Anyway, they are eating together."

This, this... the moon came out of the ground?

Even though he thought so, Noble jumped off the ground and extinguished the cigarette butt on the sole of his shoe.

"I'm going to deliver it now."

"What are you in a hurry for? It's already midnight, and I'll deliver it tomorrow morning." After Osmanthus finished speaking, she counted the eggs in the basket and took out a few more.

"Here are fifteen, enough for them to eat for a few days, take them over tomorrow morning."

Although there are not many of them, they have been covered on the hot kang for more than ten days. I don't know if it smells bad or not.

But Osmanthus fragrans was the first time the big girl got on the sedan chair, so she couldn't raise any objections, lest she discourage her enthusiasm.

That night, Noble dreamed of his father for the first time.

It was when father was about to leave that he told him to take good care of Lean Yue.

After waking up early in the morning, Noble was afraid of being seen by outsiders when delivering things, which would make him lose face.

The third aunt got up early and asked Lean Yue to finish eating, and several of them were going to work in the shed.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Laibao stood at the gate with a basket in his hand, in a dilemma.

There were eggs in the basket.

The third aunt was confused and didn't know what Noble was going to do.

"Noble, you..."

"Third Aunt, Osmanthus asked me to bring you some eggs to eat."

After saying that, Laibao stuffed the bamboo basket into the third aunt's hand, turned around and ran away.

I didn't dare to look at Runyue and Third Uncle.

"Night owls come to the house for nothing." The third uncle said leisurely, exhaling a smoke ring.

"What's wrong with him?" The third aunt was in a daze, very confused.

That family has calculated to the bone that they can only take things from others, but can they still send them out?
Wait until the iron tree blooms, but it won't work.

"He has such a kind heart. The eggs are smooth and bright, and they look like widowed eggs that won't hatch." Runyue saw clearly.

"The eggs, they didn't poison them, did they?
Do we eat it or throw it away? "Third Aunt's first thought was that Osmanthus fragrans was not that kind.

"Don't throw it away, the widow is also an egg, whoever has how much money can still throw away the egg.

I'll eat at noon first, and you can eat later if you have nothing to do. "

I usually sell all the eggs at home, and fried egg sauce at most is a luxury enough.

The third uncle is really reluctant.

"Yeah, don't throw it.

The iron rooster plucks its hair, regardless of whether its hair is round or flat, long or short, it will be taken away. "Runyue guessed that Laibao was so timid that he didn't dare to poison him.

That day, the village head frightened him with a few words. He dared not dare to deal with such a matter of life and death!
And Leanyue also communicated with that thing in her mind, and the result was "non-toxic, eight stinky ones, seven better ones."

"This cannibal's mouth is short, if..." Third Aunt thought a lot, and felt that the egg in her hand was like a bomb, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"Third Aunt, as the saying goes, if you come, you will be safe, and we will eat it as soon as it is delivered. These days, we must be on guard against them. We must not agree to anything that violates the principle." Runyue took the basket in Third Aunt's hand, delivered to the house.

A few people went to the greenhouse again, and there was no laughter in the past.

The stingy Noble's eggs became a burden on their hearts.

If Noble knew that his good intentions had been misunderstood by them, he would not know how to complain.

He just gave them a few eggs, so he frightened them.

The things in Leanyue's mind can identify good and bad things, and can also recognize and treat diseases, so that she has the ability to protect herself.

Just can't distinguish people's hearts.

Brother-in-law's abnormal behavior, no matter what you say, something abnormal... definitely something is wrong.

At noon, the third aunt really fried the seven good eggs with a plate of green onions.

If you don't eat it, it will stink.

It was a big plate, and the third uncle drank half a glass of white wine. His cheeks were flushed and he forgot whether Noble had ulterior motives.

Those eight stinky ones were thrown away as soon as they were opened.

After eating eggs, several people avoided Noble's family for several days.

I was afraid that if I met him, he would put forward some unacceptable conditions.

Noble can't take advantage of it, and he will earn back twice as much.

It has always been so.

Later, the third uncle figured out a way to pick a basket of tomatoes for Qiu'er when he was giving them away.

It can also be regarded as a special product of one's own family.

Osmanthus took the basket of persimmons with a smile on her face, and said, "What did Uncle San say, a few eggs for a basket of persimmons.

We've earned it! "

When the third uncle went back and said, the hearts of several people "suddenly" let go.

This is what Noble Osmanthus should have been like.

After the construction of the greenhouse in the leap month, the third uncle and the old couple and the leap month were exhausted.

Several people did not dare to rest, and planted the persimmon seedlings that had been bred in advance in the greenhouse.

When spraying, Leap Moon did not dare to increase the concentration.

The effect of the medicine is terrible. If the greenhouse has just been built, there will be a whole shed full of persimmon seedlings, bearing persimmons of all sizes.

Runyue was afraid of scaring the villagers who often came to watch the fun or learn from the scriptures.

If this kind of behavior against the sky is called a monster by them.

Or offering Baojiaxian and other unclean things, which is not good for myself and my third uncle and aunt.

Not good for persimmons either.

(End of this chapter)

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