Chapter 29 Village Chief
Osmanthus fragrans was dumbfounded when she heard Noble's words, and she was so busy venting her anger that she forgot about this problem.

But it's okay, fortunately, I didn't have too much trouble with Lean Yue because of the chicken.

Before taking advantage of the leap month, the chicken farm must be built quickly.

There is also a large pile of red bricks and adobe in the yard.

Originally, he planned to let Junyue pay some more money to help his family build a few houses that were cleared at one time.

But this plan fell through as Leap Moon went bankrupt.

Materials cannot be wasted, and they are just right for building chicken farms.

Land is needed to build a chicken farm, and there is no room in front of or behind my own house.

Noble hit up the idea of ​​land.

"The piece of land next to my third uncle is just right. The land is too thin, and it is also fed with seeds and fertilizers. In a good year, the income is several tenths less than that of a good land.

And it's not near home, so chicken manure doesn't smell like home in summer. "Noble calculated to the bone.

When his sister gave the money to spend, he never thought about it.

"It's just a little far away from home. If you don't look at it at night, I'm afraid someone will steal the chicken!" Osmanthus fragrans is a thief who wants to guard against thieves, and feels that everyone else is just like her.

"Isn't that difficult? Tie the big yellow dog over there, the third uncle's shed will always have people in it, and if there is any movement on our side, I don't believe he can ignore it."

After the couple discussed it, they felt that their idea was beautiful.

It has a fight with Zhuge Liang.

And the best thing is that it is close to the greenhouse of the third uncle's house, and I can know immediately when their persimmon seedlings are crossed.

"What about the chicks? After the greenhouse is built, it will have to be kept for the winter. There is no place to buy chicks in winter, and they hatch in spring." Osmanthus fragrans suddenly thought of this important question.

"Then incubate by yourself. Don't your own chickens still lay eggs? Save them up and buy some from the village.

Pour out a pavement of heated kang, and there will be chicks in a month, and they will be able to lay eggs in the spring of next year, regaining a season. "Noble seemed to see baskets of eggs in front of him, and they were all money!

"I'm afraid it won't hatch well..."

"Isn't there still your mother? Anyway, she's fine if she's idle!"

Laibao's mother-in-law, who was sleeping in the east room, sneezed suddenly, and muttered in a low voice, "Think about it, scold me...what little bastard is scolding my mother behind her back!"

Early the next morning, Laibao and Guihua split up, and Guihua went to the village to buy eggs.

Noble borrowed a carriage and poured his own bricks and adobe into the field.

Soon, people in Qingniu Village knew that Laibao's family wanted to build a chicken farm.

At that time, the deeds of Liang Fengying, the king of chicken raising, were being publicized on the radio. Everyone thought that he was jealous because he saw others getting rich.

When I came to Paula for the second trip to the adobe, I met my third uncle, third aunt and Leanyue on the way to work in the shed.

Runyue stopped Noble, and said blankly, "I have to return my share of land, I want to plant it!"

Laibao rolled his eyelids, feeling very reluctant in his heart, "Run Yue, you're almost done, there's so much land in the house..."

"I'm not your family member, I grow my own land." Runyue interrupted Noble and said firmly.

When Laibao saw this matter, he might not be able to explain it vaguely, but except for the acre of land where he wanted to build a chicken farm, the rest of the land in the family was fat and oily.

At the beginning of spring, several carts of farmyard manure were used, and the harvest this year is better than others.

He felt distressed whichever piece was given to Leap Moon.

This area is not good. A chicken farm is about to be built. Will the chicken farm be built after giving her?

"Runyue, brother admits that you have a piece of land in the family. You don't have a car or a horse, and it takes a lot of effort to grow it. Why don't you just rent it to brother?" Noble squeezed out a smile and said the word "brother" kindly.

"No rent, I'll grow it myself." Lean Yue is determined to get the land back, which is the capital for her own recovery.

Laibao flicked the whip in his hand, and a crisp sound exploded in the air, "If you don't want land, you will die!"

"Then I'll go to the village chief and let the village chief judge!"

Runyue turned around and walked towards Li Qiang's house.

"Old man, go and have a look with the girl." The third aunt raised her heart again, because there were fights every year in the village because of the boundaries, she was afraid that Laibao and his wife would also rush to bully Leanyue.

The third uncle hurriedly followed the leap month.

Li Qiang is a classmate of Runyue. After graduating from high school, he did not go to university because of the poor family conditions.

When he returned to the village, he was elected as the village chief because of his knowledge and insight.

Li Qiang is an uncompromising figure in Qingniu Village. He has many ideas and popularity. He is young but has high prestige. He is more capable than his father.

His father, how should I put it, in the words of the villagers, is a little... a little... useless...?
Just because his father was useless, he made his mother's fierceness.

In Qingniu Village in the 80s, people had a plot of "National Army" in their hearts.

Most of the children born in the family are called Jianguo, Patriotic, Jianjun, Aijun, and Red Army.

Only Li Qiang is different. Facts have proved that no country or army is as promising as Li Qiang.

He became the head of the village and served two consecutive terms. He is a promising figure in the village.

All this is because Li Qiang has brains and pursues progress. He really cares about the lives of ordinary people.

Li Qiang gave strong support in the name of the village to start a side business and want to get rich first.

He has been the village head for a long time, and Li Qiang is more or less official.

Among other things, wearing clothes is a bit floating.

You know, for a real grassroots cadre, his clothes can't be worn formally, they have to be worn.

Dressed in a hurry and casually.

It's been cold these few days, and Li Qiang is still wearing the woolen uniform, not a Chinese tunic suit, but a people's attire.

Stand collar, firm and intellectual.

Today was an exception, it was cold, his arms were stretched into the sleeves, but they were still open, showing a distinctive demeanor.

His mother prepared a big padded jacket for him, but he didn't wear it. He couldn't imagine himself wearing a big padded jacket in front of the people of Qingniu Village.

The cold wind of early winter blew in through his chest and out through his back, creating a hallway.

He is still standing upright, standing upright.

Facts have proved that his approach of favoring demeanor over temperature is correct, and it can give a good impression to his sweetheart.

His old mother has been whispering in his ear since yesterday, "A fat chicken that was laying eggs ate the belly of the sweet-scented osmanthus family. It's a pity that I fed so many chewy things..."

"Mom, it's just a chicken. You are a family member of a cadre. You need to be high-minded, don't be endless..."

Before she finished her words of persuasion, she saw Runyue walking quickly from the road.

Li Qiang felt his breathing stopped, and a string of little red hearts appeared in his eyes following the movement of the moon.

He wanted to take it over, but he was afraid that he would be too enthusiastic and scare the moon. Besides, he was the leader now, so he couldn't... lose his status, so he had to hold on.

"The old classmate is here. I have been thinking about going to see you for the past few days, but I can't get away." Li Qiang smiled brilliantly.

I want to see it's true, but it's not that I can't get away from it. The lonely men and widows are afraid of bad influence.

As a cadre, the reputation is greater than the sky.

Li Qiang used to be nervous when he saw Runyue, and he stuttered when he spoke.

But not this time, he felt that it was because his status as a village official gave him confidence.

"Village chief, I have something to do with you!" It was the village chief that Runyue called, not Li Qiang or an old classmate.

This made Li Qiang feel that the matter was a bit serious.

(End of this chapter)

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