Chapter 481 Added New Species
Because Liu Bao doesn't want to be hugged by his mother, he's about to throw him away!
Put it on the kang and let him play by himself - woo woo!
Chen Mei picks it up and walks around - woo woo!
The crying child has a hoarse voice, and the noisy one has a headache.

"The eldest daughter-in-law hurry up and treat your boy, what are you going to do when he cries so much and makes the fourth daughter-in-law read a book!" Miao Cuixiang urged, "Or go to your mother's house to stay with her for a day, and come back after dinner in the evening!"

Maybe in the new environment, I won't cry.

Chen Mei's head was also buzzing, thinking of her son's performance on the mountain, she shook slightly, and Liu Bao stopped crying immediately.

But after bouncing for a while, he was not satisfied with just bouncing his vision up and down, and cried again, insisting on tossing and catching.

He was so heavy that Chen Mei lost his strength after a few strokes.

"Liu Qiushou, Liu Qiushou!" I shouted several times but no one answered.

"Liu Qiushou, you can't hear me calling you, your ears are stuffed with donkey hair!"

It wasn't stuffed with donkey hair, but he saw the white cotton balls protruding from the corners of his ears and eyes. Chen Mei picked out the cotton balls.

Liu Qiushou immediately heard his son's cries, and was so frightened that he hugged his little piggy daughter tightly.

"Are you still the child's father?"

"I hope not." How could he have such a rambunctious son?
What do you mean by choking Chen Mei, not with him but with a wild man?
Chen Mei didn't care about it either, and threw Liu Bao at him suspiciously, right on top of the pig.

Liu Yuanyuan: She was lying on her father's body and enjoying her life, but she was almost smashed to the ground by an unknown object that fell from the sky.

I suspect that someone is jealous of me and wants to murder me!
Aww hum.

As soon as the pig hummed, Liu Bao stopped crying and lowered his head to meet the pig's beady eyes.

Confirmed the eyes, it is the person who often plays shit together!
The child's hands are neither light nor heavy, and they are very curious, and they reach out to pull the pig's ears.

"What are you doing!"

Under the careful feeding of Liu Qiushou, Liu Yuanyuan has grown very fast, and has gained more than ten catties of flesh. Originally, she was a little bit unable to support her lying on her body for a long time, and she insisted entirely on love.

When the little weight Liu Bao came up again, it happened to hit Liu Qiushou's bladder, almost pissing out of him, and he hurriedly threw the man and the pig down.

"The son is yours, why do I always look after the child, you look at it for a while, I have to go to work!"

Let him watch Liu Bao?He can't see it!
Because Chen Mei wanted to bring up a good son who would be close to her and not to his father, she took care of most of Liu Bao after he was born, and Liu Qiushou didn't want to take care of him in the first place.

Besides, Liu Yuanyuan is not as obedient as him, so he won't do it!

"I've already washed his diapers, you should take care of the baby yourself!" He couldn't figure it out.

Liu Qiushou messed up, Miao Cuixiang couldn't handle it, Chen Mei was very surprised, her family's mistress, even his father was afraid, so Liu Qiushou wanted to take care of him.

"If he cries, you can hug him and fly away. He won't cry, but will even smile at you! It's easy to carry."


Chen Mei's arms were sore from the throw, let Liu Qiushou throw it away with such strength, as long as she doesn't drop the child.

Liu Qiushou took over the child in a hurry, saw Liu Bao's little brother pulling the pig's ear with his hands, screaming at Liu Yuanyuan's disaster, and quickly rescued the ear from the devil's claws.

As soon as Liu Yuanyuan was rescued, she spread her hooves and hid in a corner of the wall, trembling.

Although its size is larger than Liu Bao, it can't beat it at all!
Seeing the pig run away, Liu Bao turned around and wanted to crawl after it, but Liu Qiushou grabbed him back and pulled him back.

Liu Bao crawls, Liu Qiushou pulls;
Liu Bao crawled and Liu Qiushou pulled.

Liu Bao: "..."

woo woo woo woo!

Weeping again.

"Oh, you are my ancestor, can you stop crying?"

woo woo woo woo!

I don't understand, I don't understand, he is only a one-year-old child!

Didn't you cry when you were young and cry when you grow up?
Liu Qiushou felt a pain in his head, remembered what Chen Mei said, threw it up, hugged it, threw it up, hugged it again, and really stopped crying.

"Hiss, Chen Mei didn't make me tell lies on purpose." He couldn't be really kind enough to let him and Xiaosan strengthen their relationship.

Soon, Liu Qiushou discovered her sinister intentions.

Liu Bao seemed to be addicted, as long as he didn't fly high, he would howl. After a dozen or twenty times, his arms were sore!

Until there was a chirp, he failed to catch it, and fell on the kang. Fortunately, he didn't throw it high, but Liu Bao pursed his mouth, and this time he really cried, tears came out.

When Chen Mei came back from the outside, she saw Liu Qiushou, Liu Lang, Liu Hu, and Liu Wen forming a circle, playing a naive game of tossing and picking with a look of lovelessness on their faces. Of course, Liu Qiushou was tossed. Leopard.

Seeing her, several people showed expressions of being saved.



Liu Qiu closed his mouth and shouted, "Mom!"

Several people:"……"

"Ah bah, Chen Mei, hurry up and take Xiao Bao away, throwing it around like this all day, who can stand it!"

Liu Bao can stand it, but they can't stand it!

"That's right, mother, we're going to sell watermelons later!"

Never before has Liu Lang and Liu Hu called his mother so sincerely.

Chen Mei also knew that they wouldn't be able to carry them for long, but her arms ached again at the thought of tossing and catching.

Liu Lang: "Mom, it's so tiring to throw it away. Why don't you ask Dad to make a swing for Xiaobao, and make it into a small wooden box, and put him in it!"

This way is good!
What is the use of the human brain, to free the hands!

The hands of Liu Lang and the others are free, but Liu Qiushou wants to continue making swings. Is it so easy to make swings?

All right, let him make it bigger, so that the sweet babies from his family's Yuanyuan and Xiaosi's families can play!

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Called Liu Laogao to help, saying it was for Tianbao to play, Liu Laogao came without saying a word.

My father and I have been busy all day, and finally set up the swing in the evening.

The frame is made of wood as thick as an arm, with two thick branches left on the top, and the thick hemp rope is firmly fixed to the branches, and a box with wooden boards erected on all sides and the top is not sealed is fixed on the bottom.

Since it is said to be made for Tianbao, of course Tianbao must be the first to sit!

Liu Qiushou said, "Wait, let Xiaobao try it first. What if something is not firm and falls on the sweet treasure just after sitting? The boy is tough, let him try it before letting Yuanyuan try it. They're all right, and Sweetie's sure to be all right!"

Everyone else thought this method was safe, only Xu Xiaoyun felt embarrassed.

How can I let my brother be a test subject?

But both Chen Mei and Liu Qiushou said nothing was wrong, and Liu Bao also cried and stretched out his hand towards the swing, arching his body, as if he knew it was something that could throw him high.

Xu Xiaoyun didn't say much.

Put Liu Bao into the wooden trough, push it lightly, and it will swing.

He lay on his back inside, seeing the blue sky, white clouds, and the occasional birds flying by, Liu Bao quacked and laughed.

Because of crying too much, my voice is a little hoarse.

Listening to his laughter, several people were almost moved to tears!
Their arms are finally free!

The little ancestor finally stopped crying!

Liu Qiushou held hands with Chen Mei and jumped up excitedly.

Miao Cuixiang: "Whoever bought the duck is back, quack, let Xiao Si stew it later."

Her words woke up Liu Qiushou and Chen Mei. They looked at each other, they were annoying people, and let go of their hands.

"Mom, it's not a duck but your grandson!"

Miao Cuixiang: "..."

Clap clap, clap your hands.

"Mom, why are you clapping your hands?"

Miao Cuixiang said expressionlessly, "Congratulations to our family for adding a new species besides Liu Lu's geese!"

It makes sense, otherwise, they also chirp?
(End of this chapter)

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