Traveling through the 80s and marrying a rough man

Chapter 319 Jackal, Tiger and Leopard

Chapter 319 Jackal, Tiger and Leopard
Some people are gone, but the power of his loud fart is still there.

Chen Xuebin could only smell a suffocating stench coming towards his face, making him unable to breathe.

But people still have to breathe after all. Before he suffocated to death, he chose to die from stinking. He took a breath of stale air into his lungs, made a circle there, and occupied his brain in an extremely violent manner.

Chen Xuebin felt in a trance for a while, his eyes were straightened, as if he saw Xu Xiaoyan giving birth to eight big fat sons and octuplets for him, he was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, and all of them were exactly like him engraved.

The rumors planted in the village disappeared, as long as there was a mention of which man was the most powerful, it was all about him!

He saw himself sitting in the examination room of the college entrance examination again, the questions on the test paper were all so simple, he knew all of them, even if he got confused occasionally, he was all right.

His Chinese composition was praised by the judging teacher, and he was cited as a masterpiece, and even posted it specifically to call on students all over the country to learn from him, and he was admitted to the most powerful school with a perfect score that no one has ever done before, and no one in the future. In order to snatch him, the teacher beat him violently, and the ground was covered with blood.

Chen Xuebin couldn't help showing a dull smile.

This dream is so good!

Before he had time to savor this sweet dream for a while, the foul breath finally reached the nerves that control the sense of smell.

Chen Xuebin's complexion changed drastically, from red to blue and then to white, and he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with foam at the corners of his mouth.

Lie down there and stretch out his hands, struggling to crawl forward.

Good, smelly, help!

Tilted his head, vomited, crawled while vomiting, the vomit was all over the clothes, and it was too late to manage, until he finally crawled out of the radiation range of the fart, then tilted his head and continued to vomit the rest.

Liu Qiu, who didn't know that he had jumped Chen Xuebin's fart, tightened his grip and jogged to find the toilet. After taking off his pants and crackling, he came out refreshed but with regret.

My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, and I feel refreshed, that's...

"It turned out to be a stomachache, not to give birth to a piglet at all."

He is sorry for his parents, the people, and the scientific community that has placed high hopes on him. He may not be able to research this medical miracle, so he can only let others work hard!

Liu Qiushou put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees for a while, his stomach rumbled a few times, and his bright and sad mood was interrupted by hunger.

Rubbing the stomach, let's fill the stomach first, then walk to the hospital.

He has no money and can't buy anything, but Chen Mei's mother will definitely not starve her after giving birth. He is the father of the baby, and he also provided an indispensable part of his birth. It's not too much to eat!
Not long after Liu Qiushou left, an old man with half-white hair and trembling walk came into the house with a broom to clean the toilet. After a few seconds, he ran out angrily holding the broom.

"Who has no sense of public morality, shit on the ground, blind to see the pit inside?"

Of course Liu Qiushou knew that this would hinder the manure sweepers, but at the time he thought he was going to give birth to a piglet.

Being born on the ground is already a very poor condition. If it weren't for being unable to prepare when he was away from home, Liu Qiushou would have thought of laying some gold and silver quilts for the whole time.

Ahem, of course he couldn't afford it at all.

No matter how close it is, it would be enough to bring the new born evil son's swaddling clothes, but time is urgent, and there is no time to go back, and it is wronged to be born on the ground!
After learning that there were no piglets but only a pile of mosaics, Liu Qiushou wanted to put down a few cents in order to express his apology for the increased work of the manure sweepers.

But he was penniless, so he threw a handful of leaves to decorate the mosaic better, at least it would make the manure cleaner happy.

Surely the manure sweeper will know what he means!

Sweeper: I understand you jerk!
After returning to the hospital, I realized that Liu Laogao and Miao Cuixiang had already left, leaving him and Liu Lu behind, and did not leave money for them to buy food, but brought them here later.

Liu Qiushou originally thought about whether to go to the steel factory to find Liu Mangzhong to borrow money for a meal, but he knew from Liu Lu that Miao Cuixiang would bring back delicious food, so he didn't go.

As for borrowing money from Liu Dongsheng...Xiaosi earns 45 per month, but he rarely takes money with him when he goes out, and hand in all of it, which is a good inheritance and development of Liu Laogao's tradition and style.

No money to eat?Can working in a state-run restaurant still miss that meal?

Not long after Chen Mei woke up, Miao Cuixiang came, but she was the only one who came, riding a bicycle with a very large wire basket hanging on the back, the kind used to deliver food every morning, and the food inside was full.

There is no way, they are all starving ghosts collecting debts, and each one is better than the other.

What was prepared for Chen Mei was crucian carp soup, which Miao Cuixiang learned from Liu Dongsheng.

The crucian carp was caught by Liu Lang and Liu Hu in the river yesterday. Except for the short stewing time and the lack of aroma, everything else is good, but there is less oil and salt, and it is tasteless.

No way, pregnant women have to eat this.

The whole crucian carp belonged to Chen Mei, which made her very flattered, even though she knew it was for the sake of her third son.

A fish was cut in half, and Liu Lu and Liu Qiushou got half of each. They also got a lot of fish soup, and there were also flatbread and cabbage, and two boiled eggs for Chen Mei to eat when he was hungry in the afternoon.

Chen Mei was moved to tears as she drank crucian carp soup that lacked salt and oil.

"After confinement is over, I will be filial to my mother, and I will also let Xiaosan be filial to grandma!"

There are four pregnant women in the ward, only two of them can eat gummies and eggs, and one can only eat steamed buns.

Only she can drink fish soup.

This thing is afraid of comparison, Chen Mei finally found out how happy she was eating and drinking at Liu's house!

However, she hasn't had the consciousness to eat and drink, and she used to do...

I really want to slap myself when I think about it.

"Filial piety? You want to eat and drink more!"

Chen Mei lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly.

Miao Cuixiang snorted, and she didn't soften her heart because of her promise again. What she did was just what a mother-in-law should do for a new daughter-in-law.

Why do women make things difficult for women, it's just because Chen Mei is so hated!
With another daughter-in-law, she can serve better!

Miao Cuixiang's indifference did not diminish Chen Mei's good intentions, who made her owe her before!

"Mother, please name the child!"

"Let his father take it!"

There are too many children and grandchildren, and Miao Cuixiang has no fun in naming her at all.

"I'll take it and I'll take it! Let's call it Liu Bao, Jackal Tiger Leopard, it sounds like a good brother! Oh, I knew the first child should be called Liu Jack!"

It's just that this word is too uncommon in the hearts of the illiterate, and few normal people use this word to name their children.

Liu Lang who is still in class: Thank you for not calling me Liu Jack!

Liu Bao, Chen Mei was quite satisfied, she thought she would call it Liu Zhu, after all Liu Qiushou firmly believed that it was a little piggy.

"Girl, please give me a nickname!"

Miao Cuixiang rolled her eyelids, "Whatever to take, Xiaobao!"

(End of this chapter)

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