Chapter 276 My love is gone
Before dawn, Liu Xiangxiang was called by Zhao Meijuan.

Her husband never told her the specific address of his home, but Zhao Meijuan kept every letter he sent, and the address on it was the same, which was the address of an elementary school.

She planned to take the child to try her luck.

Even if you can't find your husband, maybe you can find someone who knows about her husband.

"Xiangxiang, hurry up and eat the meal, we have to leave after eating."

Yesterday, I baked three miscellaneous noodle cakes and three white noodle cakes. In the morning, I boiled five more eggs and brought some pickles.

Don't dare to do too much, the weather is hot, and it will spoil if you don't finish it.

Zhao Meijuan's parents insisted on letting her take the eggs. Although there were some conflicts with her sister-in-law and daughter-in-law, her parents were not so heartless.

I'm about to leave now, and there's no need to hold on to the little things from the past. I've even treated them much better these days than before, and I look forward to leaving quickly.

The two drank the mushy porridge, and Liu Xiangxiang ate an egg, and then they went to the village to take a donkey cart with their parcels on their backs.

"Juanzi, mother, I still have some private money here, you take all of it and hide it separately, so as not to be stolen by thieves on the train!"

Zhao's mother stuffed a few banknotes into Zhao Meijuan's pocket while her daughters-in-law were not paying attention. In fact, she didn't save much, only 20 yuan.

"If you can't find it, come back, there are so many places in our house, there is no shortage of food for the two of you! At worst, mother will find you a good one who can live!"

Zhao Meijuan didn't think so.

Even if the mother is willing to let them come back, will others be willing?How many words can be counted by the mother?
She is a second marriage with a child, her skin is not as good as before, and her waist is not as thin as before. What good man can she find?

Even if it is Lai, Zhao Meijuan wants to shamelessly lie with her husband, she doesn't care, if Xiangxiang has an urban household registration, it will definitely be better than staying here.

Zhao Meijuan didn't plan to tell her mother much, so she hugged Liu Xiangxiang and got into the car after saying goodbye, and climbed up by herself.

Liu Xiangxiang pouted and kept looking in the direction of the village.

"Mom, can you wait any longer?"

"What are you waiting for, Xiaohu? He didn't come all day yesterday, and he certainly won't come today. We have to leave quickly."

The driver slapped his whip, and the donkey started to walk, wobbling.

At this moment, there was a child running on the path shouting, "Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang!"

"Little Tiger is here! Little Tiger!"

At the moment when she was about to leave, Liu Xiangxiang completely forgot what she said earlier.

Hearing her voice, Liu Hu ran faster, but the donkey cart didn't stop.

"Xiangxiang, you must remember to come back, we have been married several times, and you are still my wife in my heart!"

He didn't have Liu Wen's running speed, and couldn't catch up with the donkey cart. Instead, he got farther and farther away. He threw his hand vigorously, and with a click, the three tied hair ropes fell onto the cart, and Liu Xiangxiang picked it up quickly.

It was the hair rope that Liu Hu bought after earning one yuan for the first time, and he never gave it away.

After picking up the headband, Liu Xiangxiang put it on her wrist. At this moment, the donkey cart turned a corner, and the two children couldn't see each other.

"Mom, let's go back, I don't want my father! He hasn't even come to see me, so he definitely doesn't like me, I don't want him!"

Liu Xiangxiang threw herself into Zhao Meijuan's arms and cried loudly.

But Zhao Meijuan felt that this was an angry talk, how could a child not want a father, after all, a stepfather is not as good as a biological father.

"What's the matter, did you catch up? You didn't listen to me telling you to get up early." Miao Cuixiang asked.

In fact, she didn't intend to call him, child, she will forget it after a few years, and she doesn't remember those playmates when she was a child.

It was Xu Xiaoyun's insistence, Liu Hu's appearance didn't look like that.

"It's considered catching up, but it's not catching up." Even he didn't know whether the three hair ropes were thrown into the car or not.

He even walked over and searched for it by the side of the road for a long time, but he couldn't find it, and he might have fallen into the grass.

Liu Hu drooped his head, sat down on the ground, and sighed.

"My wife is gone, and my love is gone."

Seeing Miao Cuixiang wash the eggs and put them in the pot to boil the eggs.

"Grandma, considering how poor I am, can't you cook me one more?"

"You still know how to eat eggs, I don't think you are pitiful at all!" Otherwise, why would you want to eat them.

The milk doesn't hurt him anymore.

Liu Hu continued to be sad, and he didn't know whether Liu Xiangxiang was more sad when he left, or if he didn't get an egg.

When the rice is cooked, serve porridge for dinner.

The three of Liu and Lang each had an egg in front of them. Children need to eat more nutritious food to grow tall and brainy. Her grandson is so smart that he can't be left behind because he ate an egg.

Everyone else has one each, too.

But the few chickens at home can't keep up with laying eggs like this, so except for Chen Mei and Xu Xiaoyun who are pregnant, other adults can only eat one every four or five days.

Xu Xiaoyun had two eggs in front of him, but Chen Mei only had one.

Chen Mei, who had enjoyed the special treatment for several days, couldn't accept it.

Obviously, she had two of the eggs before!
"Mother, did you miss an egg for me?"

Miao Cuixiang didn't even raise her eyelids, "Did you cook less? You don't want to eat it, Xiaohu just wants to eat one more, give yours to Xiaohu!"

Without further ado, Chen Mei directly stuffed the egg into her mouth, but the shell of the egg was not peeled, so she knocked on the table a few times to peel the egg, and ate two mouthfuls after peeling.

Stretching his neck and staring in choking, he sent the porridge down, and stuck out his tongue so hot.

"Hahaha, mother, do you think she is stupid!" Liu Qiushou laughed.

Miao Cuixiang: "Anyway, it doesn't work."

Chen Mei burst into tears, mother, you were not like this a few days ago, mother!

Seeing that she was really out of her mind, I had to remind her, "I forgot that you haven't written your self-criticism. If you weren't pregnant, you wouldn't even have eggs! If you have nothing to do, hurry up and write it!"

If she can't write it out, she really won't be allowed to eat meat!

Chen Mei looked at Xu Xiaoyun for help, hoping that Xu Xiaoyun could say a few words for her, what if she didn't have to write?
"Sister-in-law, the state owns the state laws, and the family has family rules. Our father has to abide by the rules, or else the father will write them for nothing."

Liu Laogao seldom took care of the affairs of these daughter-in-laws at home. One was inconvenient, and the other was too simple.

The only daughter-in-law he can praise is Xu Xiaoyun.

Not counting Zhou Qiao, the married man is also a son-in-law and a man!
"Little four daughter-in-law is right! Am I still the head of our family, and I'm done talking like a fart?"

Liu Qiushou: "No, Dad, who dares to fart you, even if you are so big, you can't let it out!"

Liu Laogao saw that he was looking for a beating.

The father-in-law stared over, even if it wasn't staring at Chen Mei, it still startled her.

"That's not what I mean, Dad, it's just that I really can't read, at most I know one, two, three."

Liu Laogao didn't want to talk to her, he was too stupid.

"Didn't Dad tell you to learn it? What's wrong, Dad is so much older than you, and people's brains also degenerate when they get older. You are so young, you can't compare to Dad?"

Liu Laogao began to untie his belt.

Liu Qiushou jumped out, "Father, I'm just telling the truth, the truth! Those white-haired and white-bearded people in the village talk nonsense all day long, and you are smarter than them!"

"You don't need to say that I am better than them!"

Comparing him with those half-buried in the ground, he also wants to be buried in the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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