Chapter 252 Destruction

After eating, Chen Mei thought about it and found Xu Xiaoyun.

Because compared to Zhou Qiao, he is still more familiar with Xu Xiaoyun. They are both women, so they are easy to talk to.

"Little four daughter-in-law, can I trouble you to do me a favor?" She was a little embarrassed.

"What are you busy with?"

Xu Xiaoyun has the same attitude as Miao Cuixiang, he doesn't care what Chen Mei wants to do, as long as he doesn't make troubles on himself.

"It's simple, I just want you to write a word for me!" Chen Mei clenched her fists, "Just write the word forbearance! As long as I can't bear it, I will read more and remind myself not to make old mistakes again!"

A minute later, Chen Mei solemnly returned to the room with a piece of paper in her hand, made some paste and stuck it on the head of the bed.

This word is called tolerance!

It doesn't matter if she didn't know each other before, she will get to know her later!

"What are you doing?" Liu Qiushou came closer, "Haha, forbearance? It's a knife and a heart. You are afraid that you will be possessed by the fox again, so put a knife in your heart first, enough Ruthless! It will definitely be more useful for me to get a real knife."

Ah bah, if you stab your heart with a real knife, you will die!
"Come back quickly, I don't want a real knife!" Put it on the side of the bed, she was afraid that Liu Qiu would be a monster in the middle of the night and stab her!
She hasn't eaten enough meat, hasn't given birth to a child, hasn't enjoyed the glory and wealth, she doesn't want to die!
After eating, Liu Wen lifted his buttocks and ran away, fearing that his ears would be twisted again.

Qian Xiuxiu had been on guard for a long time, and Liu Wen fell to the ground as soon as she lifted her leg.

Can run, right? A horse can run on all four hooves. If you don't have a horse's legs, you can only fall.

Just as Qian Xiuxiu bent down to attack, Miao Cuixiang threw the chopsticks on the table.

"What are you doing, beat the child right after eating, and treat me and your father as a display?"

"No, I was afraid that he would run away just after eating, and that his stomach would hurt." Qian Xiuxiu sat back awkwardly.

Liu Wen also got up and stood behind his grandparents, and made faces at Qian Xiuxiu. It feels good to have someone to support him!

An angry Qian Xiuxiu could do nothing but scold the little bastard in her heart.

Miao Cuixiang rolled her eyes, "I think you are all idle. Isn't it uncomfortable to be idle? Don't take a nap at noon, dig the soil and live mud for me, and make adobe!"
I plan to sell things in the front, build a warehouse in the back, and build a hut for sleeping and living. There are so many things in the house that someone must sleep there, or they will be lost. "

In winter, it is necessary to burn the kang, otherwise it will be too cold to live in, and the kang is a must.

Live mud?
Qian Xiuxiu's face was ugly. For a cleanliness like her, sweeping the dust eight times a day is not tiring, but asking her to wash the mud...

"What's the matter, don't you like it? If you don't like it, you still go to sweep the pigsty, and by the way, go up the mountain to help the third child sweep up the chicken shit in her chicken farm! She wants to help me make mud, and I don't have time to sweep the chicken shit."

Qian Xiuxiu went to the mountain to see that simple chicken farm. It was surrounded by barbed wire and occupied a large area. Miraculously, none of the two hundred chickens died.

"...I'm still like mud."

Alas, being a man is difficult, being a woman is difficult, and being a married little daughter-in-law is the hardest!
Liu Wen was delighted to hear it.

"Grandma, I'll help too! I wouldn't have taken a bath if I knew I'd be living mud!"

He's crazy by nature and doesn't like bathing, except swimming.

It was probably also suppressed by Qian Xiuxiu, the more he was kept clean and spotless, the more he wanted to get covered in mud.

"Grandma, mother stared at me again!"

Liu Wen also learned to sue.

"I didn't."

"There is!"

Miao Cuixiang: "You dig the soil for me now!"

Her eldest grandson is so good. After only a few days, he has become strong and eats a lot. What a child!

Fortunately, the summer vacation came here, otherwise, she would be raised and abandoned by Qian Xiuxiu!

Chen Mei washed the dishes, and Xu Xiaoyun boiled some hot water in a big pot. Working under the sun would definitely make you thirsty, and it would be delicious later on. The rest of the people dug the soil with iron balls and baskets. Go to the foundation of the house.

Some went to clean up the weeds and stones on the foundation of the house.

Chen Mei took the shovel and shoveled the soil relentlessly.

It hadn't rained for many days, and the ground was so hard that I couldn't push it down with my feet.

Liu Lu was right next to her, one shovel after the other. Before Chen Mei had shoveled out half of the basket, she had already shoveled the whole basket full of sharp points and was about to carry it away.

Even Miao Cuixiang was faster than her.

"What's wrong with being in the city for so long that people in the city can't even shovel the soil. Where did all the food on the dinner table go! Third child, you shovel the soil and let the second daughter-in-law carry it!"

The shoveled soil includes grass and stones, and it needs to be sifted and sifted to get fine soil for use.

The whole body is covered with dirt on the back and body.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you pull the weeds and sieve the soil?"

"...I'll carry it on!"

Miao Cuixiang really grasped her lifeline.

There are many people and strength is great, so Miao Cuixiang hurried to work today because the second child's family came and there were two extra laborers.

One day late opening of the commissary means one day less money!

Sieve out a portion of the soil, mix it with some soft straw, pour water and mud, and wait for Qian Xiuxiu to carry another basket, sweating all over from exhaustion, seeing Liu Wen take off his shoes again after taking a bath , Stamping in the mud, blood pressure went up again.

"Come out, how many times have you told me not to play with mud!" Since Miao Cuixiang was not here, Qian Xiuxiu began to show off her prestige again.

"Just play, just play!" Liu Wen bent down and picked up a lump of mud, and slapped it on Qian Xiuxiu's face, hitting her heart.

Qian Xiuxiu's eyes darkened, and her nose was filled with the "fragrance" of soil.

"Oh mother, I just peed in it!"

The hairs all over Qian Xiuxiu's body were about to explode.

Urine? !

"Liu Wen, if I don't beat you today, bastard, I won't be your mother!"

Qian Xiuxiu ran two steps, stepped on a piece of mud, slipped and fell, and was carried into the pile of mud that Liu Wen had just stepped on.

This time it was really muddy.

Qian Xiuxiu didn't go back for a long time, and Miao Cuixiang asked Liu Qiushou and Liu Mangzhong to carry the dirt on her back. Seeing her like that, Miao Cuixiang laughed.

Liu Qiushou: "Second brother, is your wife going to be a clay figurine? I've seen a clay figurine, and it's great! She can't learn it, so she came up with such a good idea to turn herself into a clay figurine?

Second daughter-in-law, when you make a clay figurine as big as you, let's dry it and put it at the entrance of the small shop, it will definitely attract many people!How did you come up with such a good idea? "

Liu Mangzhong was full of complexities: "Daughter-in-law, I always thought that you like to be clean and don't like to get in mud. It seems that I was wrong. I will definitely tell your mother about your good idea, and it will satisfy your desire to play with mud.

It doesn't matter if you are old, everyone has a childlike innocence, and there is nothing shameful in loving to play with mud. "

Qian Xiuxiu clenched her fists tightly, but only found a bag of wet, soft, watery mud, possibly mud mixed with urine.

Who said she loves to play with clay, can her husband and children be remade?

Destroy it!
(End of this chapter)

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