Traveling through the 80s and marrying a rough man

Chapter 204 My Family Has Two Chicks

Chapter 204 My House Has Two Hundred Chicks

"Brother, take care of your children. Your children must be mentally ill. There is no such thing as a fox fairy. Why are you so feudal and superstitious at such a young age!"

It's easy to lose control of your emotions when you're hungry. Qian Xiuxiu has always looked down on Liu Lang and Liu Hu, but now she won't turn her head, and said the words without thinking.

Miao Cuixiang was most displeased with saying that she was the favorite grandson she raised by her side.

"Who are you calling mentally ill! Xiaohu, tell her how many points did you get in the last exam?"

"Chinese language 98, arithmetic 100!"

"I remember that Xiaowen didn't get so many points in the test at such a high age. If you say that if the brain is sick, who is sick?"

The one who was used for comparison was not as good as others, Liu Wen didn't look unhappy at all.

"Second brother is amazing! Second brother is much better than me!"

Grandma better let mother know that he really doesn't think so fast, don't force him to read and study!
Qian Xiuxiu: "..."

This unsatisfactory thing!

"Oh, feudal superstition has nothing to do with learning. Mother, I was just talking nonsense because I was hungry and dizzy. But you really should take care of it. What the hell is there, and I'm not a fox."

Liu Hu said, "That's right, that's right! Grandpa, grandma, and my father's Fox Immortals have all been chased away by me. How could they lie to me!"

Liu Qiushou nodded, "Yes, we didn't lie to Xiaohu! My Xiaohu is amazing! He saved his father!"

"He also saved me! Xiaohu, don't bother with your second aunt. She has a brain problem. If she is punished to stand outside, she will know she was wrong." Even Liu Mangzhong spoke to him, pushed a few children into the yard, and gave back to him. She won't let her in with a wink.

"Where does this Liu Mangzhong belong to?"

Not long after, Liu Mangzhong came out and asked her to come in for dinner. Although she didn't wait long, Qian Xiuxiu's hand was pricked after a day's work, and she was full of anger.

"Is your family all mentally ill, using feudal superstition to coax the children to play! You even teamed up to bully me, an adult!"

"I think it's because you're sick. If you know how to coax the child to play, you're still serious with him. Just follow him and coax him a few words and you'll be done." Liu Mangzhong looked at her with "you are such an idiot".

"When you were in high school, you were looking for grape stands with people all over the county. On the seventh day of July, you had to listen to the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, and you said that you must have been a fairy in your previous life!

How old you are, how old Xiaohu is, your illness is even more severe. "

Qian Xiuxiu was speechless, how did he know about this!
"Here, who didn't have fairy dreams when they were young." She said coyly.

The food has already started to be placed on the table.

No wonder it is so fragrant, not only because they are hungry, but also really fragrant.

Xu Xiaoyun's cooking is average, and the stir-fried vegetables are basically mushy. She only cooks cornmeal porridge, and Liu Dongsheng cooks all the dishes after get off work.

There was no meat at home, and Liu Dongsheng didn't know why they didn't cook so late, and they didn't bring any money or buy it.

Even though they were all vegetarian dishes, he was a chef in a state-run restaurant. After he became a teacher, he learned a few more things from Mr. Wei, and the fried dishes were even more delicious than before.

Everyone devoured the food, and after eating their stomachs rounded, Liu Mangzhong and his wife had to go back quickly.

At this time, Qian Xiuxiu realized that he had obviously come to set up a relationship with Liu Lu Zhou, but he didn't get it, and even annoyed Liu Lu, and after working all day, he couldn't say a few words.

Tired is not in vain!
Liu Wen was very happy, "Dad, shall we still come next week? Grandma said that the chick will definitely be there by then. I want to see the chick! Can I stay at grandma's house during the summer vacation? Brother Xiaohu is so amazing , I still need to learn from him how to restrain monsters!"

Qian Xiuxiu: "..."

"Don't bring me any more monsters!"

Fortunately, they made the chicken coop quickly, and two hundred chicks were delivered the next day.

The fluffy, tender yellow chickens were locked in a large wicker cage, chirping non-stop.

There are twenty of them in one basket, ten baskets in total.

A door made of bamboo was left on the chicken coop. Open the door, move all ten baskets in, close the bamboo door, and then open the cage, and the chicks rushed out screaming.

Liu Lu carried the mountain on the Zhou Bridge on his back, and Xu Xiaoyun also came to watch the excitement. By the way, while people were not paying attention, he put a few drops of spring water in the space into the fixed water tank to ensure that these chickens would grow very strong and not get sick.

"So many chickens, brother Qiao, you are a man with two hundred chickens!" Liu Lu especially likes this sentence pattern recently, it sounds domineering!

When people here like to say chicken, they like to add a different sound, just like some people call chickens little chicks.

Zhou Qiao became a man with two hundred chickens.

"Cough, it's two hundred chickens!" Zhou Qiao corrected.

"That's right, it's two hundred chickens, I'm not wrong!"

Xu Xiaoyun endured the pain with a smile.

"There are so many chickens, how long will I have to eat them? I can eat one of them for more than 200 days a day! It will kill my mouth!"

Xu Xiaoyun: "..."

"No, our chickens are not for eating, they have to be sold for money!"

Xu Xiaoyun: "..."

She can't hold back anymore!

"Lulu, I'm tired, let's go back quickly!" Stop messing around!
Liu Lu has an extraordinary enthusiasm for the two hundred chickens. She has to go to see them once she comes back from the field, and she has to go to see them again after taking a nap before going to work in the fields, and then she has to go to see them again.

When people in the village asked about the chickens they bought, they danced and told them how magnificent two hundred chickens are!
No one has as many chickens as theirs!
Until the night, half of my body got under the quilt.

"No, I have to go to the mountain to see, those chickens are on the mountain in the middle of the night, what if there are wolves and wild boars!"

Zhou Qiao grabbed her tightly.

"It's so late, don't go! People often go to that mountain. Wild boars and wolves generally don't pass by, and the village hasn't seen these things for many years. Sleep well, aren't you tired?"

After all, Liu Lu finally dispelled her thoughts and lay down in bed.

"I'm not tired. I can't sleep when I think of those chickens! Brother Qiao, tell me how much we can sell those chickens when they grow up! There are also eggs, but we don't buy enough hens. If we buy two hundred It’s full of hens... Maybe you can pick up a big basket just by picking up eggs!"

They have limited money, so Zhou Qiao chooses to buy more roosters. The roosters come out of the cage quickly, and they can quickly return part of the funds, and then use the eggs laid by the hens to incubate the chicks themselves.

After all, compared with chickens, every household in the village raises chickens, and most of them have no shortage of eggs. This stuff is not easy to store in hot weather, and it will stink if it cannot be sold.

"The chickens in the village are basically fed with wheat bran and rice bran. Our family has it, but it's definitely not enough. Mother's chickens and pigs have to be eaten.

We have to buy it ourselves in a few days. I can just borrow a cart to pull the cart from door to door, but it will cost a lot of money at once. Fortunately, we raise it on the mountain, and the chicken coop has a large place with grass and insect……"

Liu Lu babbled non-stop, the more she talked, the less sleepy she became.

Perhaps this was the night she had the most brains.

"Lulu, if you're not sleepy, let's do something else."

"Not sleepy, what's the matter? Brother Qiao, are you going to the latrine?"

What goes to the latrine...

"Do whatever you want to do during the day."

What does she want to do during the day?No, it's raising chickens.

Until his lips warmed up, he heard Zhou Qiao's hoarse voice say.

"The chicks in the chicken coop haven't grown up yet, but some chickens have grown up."

(End of this chapter)

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