time never ends

Chapter 145 Choice

Chapter 145 Choice
Gu An dodged quickly, and the slap that was supposed to hit him on the shoulder fell on his chest.He was only wearing his summer school uniform, and through the thin short sleeves, Lin Nuo felt something strange.She was about to curse or something, but she didn't know how to speak at this moment.

She lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, the unknown crimson dyed from her cheeks to the roots of her ears, Gu An seemed to be affected, and her face seemed to be on fire.

Lin Nuo dragged his suitcase and left, quickly arrived at the door of the teaching building, and burrowed inside.Gu An immediately followed, and the two of them blushed all the way to the classroom in silence.

Lin Nuo found the classroom of Grade [-] and [-], and there were only two or three students in it. The older man on the podium was the head teacher of this class.

This teacher was also a middle-aged man, with a greasy smell all over his body. Lin Nuo felt very familiar with it, but he couldn't remember what it was like.The teacher's name—Yuan Zhengcai—was written at the top of the list.

Lin Nuo didn't take the final exam, so the name on the placement form was naturally the last one, and there was also the grade of the placement exam on it, and every column of her was a duck egg.

When talking to Yuan Zhengcai, she scanned all the names in the class, but did not find Yu Shu's name, but saw Gu An.She was stunned, and glanced back, Gu An was standing behind him.

After paying the fee, Lin Nuo stepped aside when he knew the dormitory. Gu An immediately stepped forward, paid various fees, and then walked out of the classroom.

After leaving Class [-], the two walked in silence for a long time, as if they were waiting for the other to speak first.Lin Nuo thought "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move", let's see who can't hold back first, anyway, she can bear it very well.

However, she overestimated herself.

From the fourth floor to the first floor, Gu An still didn't take the initiative to say a word, and she didn't even show an expression. She finally couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you choose science?"

Her tone was bad, with a hint of complaint.

Gu An glanced at her, Lin Nuo's appearance made him laugh, the patience just now seemed to have completely collapsed at this moment.

"Think about it carefully, did I say that I chose science?" Gu An grinned, showing a row of big white teeth.

Lin Nuo went through what he said when filling out the class form in his mind. He really didn't say such affirmative words. He didn't answer this question at all that day.

I rely on!

It was only then that she realized that when she asked him what he had chosen, he had avoided giving a positive answer, and he had never clearly stated what he had chosen from the beginning to the end.

"You're kidding me!" Lin Nuo was furious, wishing he could stuff the schoolbag into Gu An's mouth and let him swallow it.

"I'm wronged," Gu An poked his index fingers at each other, with a look of grievance on his face, but the smile still hung on the corner of his mouth, "I never said that I chose science."

Lin Nuo wanted to be angry and laugh at the same time, but finally couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud.She felt incredible and couldn't believe it.

"You're not bad in science, why did you choose liberal arts? Your Chinese, politics, and geography don't seem to be very good..." Lin Nuo counted the subjects of liberal arts, and suddenly found that he had missed history, "You don't think you are just for history. Did you choose?"

Gu An raised his eyebrows, looked at her for a long time, then nodded with a smile, and said: "I like history, so I don't want to think about it later, so I can take it, anyway, I might not be able to take history after graduating from high school gone."

Lin Nuo couldn't help laughing, Gu An actually made this choice.

Gu An also smiled along with her, his eyes lingering on Lin Nuo.Choosing liberal arts history is an important reason, and of course there is a more important reason.

And Lin Nuo's smile at the moment convinced Gu An that his choice was right.

(End of this chapter)

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