Chapter 212

Liu Ting glared fiercely, and said two words coldly

"Go to hell!"

Wang Shiqiang rolled his eyes angrily, thinking that although you and I seem to have sworn enemies at the moment, it is not enough for you to die, and you will never give up regardless of whether you are superior or inferior. Facing a woman The best way to make trouble out of no reason is to keep silent and let her make up her own!self-guide!Self acting!As soon as she was bored, she was at ease, so she sighed, didn't say a word, and let Liu Ting toss, thinking that as long as you don't go out, the rest of the things are nothing, let's not talk about anything else for now Well, I am tens of centimeters taller than you in terms of height alone, so I should let the little one carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Cao Wei came to Xi'an Bus Station. After buying the ticket, there was still [-] minutes before the departure time of the last bus to and from Qingyang. Although he hadn't eaten or drank all day, he didn't feel hungry. I forgot to be hungry, sat in the waiting room, looked around and scanned around, and found that most of the young people like me were in pairs, sitting here talking and laughing, but I was alone, like a homeless child Similarly, although he knew where his home was, he was afraid to go home after being diagnosed because he didn’t know how to face his parents, and he was afraid of seeing their disappointed eyes and frustrated expressions. The clock in the center of the hall, I found that there are still [-] minutes left, I thought to enter the station now, and I am not allowed to get on the bus, I still have to freeze outside, why not sit inside, close my eyes and rest for a while, and wait for the meeting In the car, it's all over.

Thinking of this, Cao Wei slowly closed his eyes, but within 2 minutes, he was hit by a guy next to him with a backpack, and he opened his eyes with a whoosh. He wanted to ask if he thought he was easy to bully. As long as he is a person, he can be bullied, but before he opened his mouth, the guy blushed and said
"Brother! I'm so sorry! I just forgot about it while reading the book. The car is about to start. I accidentally bumped into you just now. Is your arm okay?"

Cao Wei glanced at the young man's anxious expression, thinking that it would not be easy for the big guys to go out, and besides, he didn't do it on purpose, so he said with a faint smile
"It's okay! Hurry up and go!"

The young man glanced at it gratefully, then handed him the magazine he read just now, and said with a flushed face
"Thank you, brother! You are such a good person! I just finished reading this book, and I think the content is not bad. If you don't mind, please read it to pass the time!"

Seeing the young man handing over the beg, Cao Wei thought he would give someone a rose to leave a lingering fragrance in his hand. He had no reason to refuse to let him think about knowledge, but he couldn't take it for nothing, because he looked at the young man, who was about the same age as himself, so he couldn't help it. If there is an accident, it should be a college student, so he quickly stood up, took the book in his hand, and said with a smile while taking out his wallet

"Thank you! This book looks brand new. I bought it at the station just now! I'll give you how much it is!"

Seeing Cao Wei taking out his wallet again, the guy immediately turned around, shook his hand and said with a smile

"No need! I'll get in the car first!"

After sitting down, Cao Wei glanced at the book in his hand, thinking that at the age when others were studying, he chose the game life. At that time, he did not suffer from ten years of hard work, but now he treats hardship as food, tempering it in the melting pot of society , it seems that the teacher is right, life needs games, but you can't play life, otherwise you will be punished by life!

Thinking of this, Cao Wei glanced at the book in his hand again, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly

"May I ask if you are still in a hurry now? Is it helpful to my life? Is it a bit late! Can you help me out of the sea of ​​suffering and suffer less? Sigh! But the teacher said, live to learn When you grow old, you can become a master without enduring hardships, let me be a student again today! See what you have written in it!"

After Cao Wei finished speaking, he turned to a page of "What is suffering?" "The title came into view, and I immediately felt that I had met a bosom friend, so I quickly looked down, what is suffering?Most people may understand the meaning of suffering too superficially!Being poor is not suffering!Poverty is poverty. Suffering is not the ability to endure poverty. The essence of suffering is the ability to focus on a certain goal for a long time. During this process, give up entertainment, ineffective social interaction, meaningless consumption, and in the process Incomprehensible loneliness.

Therefore, the essence of suffering is a kind of self-control and self-control ability: the ability to persist and think deeply. To a large extent, the rich who succeed on their own are often able to endure hardships and stand hard work better than the poor, otherwise he would not be able to start from scratch. , you will see that after he is rich, he is still more diligent than ordinary people, can endure loneliness than ordinary people, and is more idealistic!This is suffering.

Cao Wei suddenly realized when he saw this, and thought that he was wrong. He used to think that he was suffering, that is, he just kept his head down and worked, and never looked up at the road. As long as you really give, success is only a matter of time. Like many people say, You just have to work hard and leave the rest to God!well!How can I be so sad, I can't even eat suffering!
When Cao Wei was depressed, the station radio began to shout
"Bus No. 1234 to and from Qingyang is about to leave. Please take your luggage and items, go to ticket gate No. 3, and get on the bus. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Hearing this, Cao Wei glanced at the ticket gate, stood up slowly, and wanted to give the book to others to pass the time, but he was a little reluctant, because if it wasn’t for today, if he read this article, he might never I will understand why I work so hard and make fun of suffering all day long, but I am still poor. It turns out that I will not suffer at all, so I put the book in my bag, thinking that after I get on the car, when I am really bored, I will pass it. Time, to save cranky thoughts, by the way, see if I can learn some knowledge about life and work, and recharge myself well, hoping to avoid detours in the future.

After Cao Wei packed the books, he stood up and came to the queue at the ticket gate. He found that there were still many people in front of him, so he couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and took a look to see if Wang Cuihua had sent him a text message. Not a single text message, and not even a missed call, although it was almost exactly the same as what I guessed, but I was still a little disappointed, because as usual, when I went home, Wang Cuihua couldn't make a few calls, at least Make four or five phone calls, text messages are like no money, one every once in a while, one after another, the people who read it are a little annoyed, but today I have no text messages, no calls, and I feel even more annoyed, maybe This is what people often say, only when you lose it can you know how to cherish it.

(End of this chapter)

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