President Huo's wife is super sweet

Chapter 318 Wan Wan's skin is tender because she has a childlike innocence

Chapter 318 Wanwan's skin is tender because she has a childlike innocence

Ji Xianya, "No, you have."

"When you first came back, you wouldn't talk to me so peacefully."

Jiang Wanwan lowered her head to drink the milk.

Ha ha
She is not stupid.

Today is a model exam, Jiang Wanwan didn't pay so much attention to them, she wasted her mind here, what if she wants to sleep in the exam room?
They can put on a show, and the effect of Jiang Wanwan's outfit is not bad either.

Jiang Wanwan wiped her mouth and said thoughtfully, "Maybe I've grown up, don't adults have to mature?"

Ji Xianya squinted her eyes, "Yeah, you are growing up soon." Jiang Wanwan will be an adult in a week or two.

At that time, the lawyers will send over the shares that Qiao Yuhan left behind for Jiang Wanwan to sign.

Ji Xianya did not expect that time would pass so quickly, and in a blink of an eye it would be the time when Jiang Wanwan was able to inherit the shares.

Jiang Yunsheng ate the millet porridge in small bites, and when she heard Jiang Wanwan say that she grew up, she said angrily, "Sister, children only say that they grow up. How old are you? Don't treat yourself like a child. People will think you are naive."

Jiang Wanwan raised her eyebrows, she touched her face, "No wonder my skin is so tender and I don't have acne, it seems that I do have a childlike innocence."

Jiang Yunsheng, who has a pimple on his forehead, "."

Jiang Wanwan What does this mean?
Does it mean that she has no childlike innocence and lives a very insidious life?

Ji Xianya acted as if she didn't realize the tit-for-tat between Jiang Wanwan and Jiang Yunsheng's words, she heard footsteps upstairs, she shook her head at Jiang Yunsheng.

"Wen Kai, did you change it so soon?"

Ji Xianya looked at Jiang Wenkai, smiled and said, "Seeing you, Yun Sheng and Wan Wan, I feel like I have gone back in time, especially when you are wearing a suit, it reminds me of the time we met. one day."

"Hey, look at me. Today is the time for the two children to go to the exam. What am I doing here?"

Ji Xianya went over to tie Jiang Wenkai's tie.

Jiang Wenkai raised his head, "If there is anything you can't say, you should tell them more about my hard work in starting a business, lest they all think that Jiang's family business is easy."

Jiang Yunsheng stuck out his tongue.

Jiang Wanwan's expression didn't change at all.

She ate breakfast at her own pace.

She didn't watch the couple Jiang Wenkai and Ji Xianya get along with each other over there. She had just finished eating when her phone rang.

"The great river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are drawn to the Big Dipper!"

The bell rang so loudly that Ji Xianya's tie-wearing hand stopped for half a beat.

Jiang Wenkai was startled by the ringtone of Jiang Wanwan's cell phone, "Wanwan, what kind of ringtone did you make? You don't have the bearing that a famous lady should have, you."

Jiang Wanwan smiled at Jiang Wenkai, "I like this ringtone, I don't want to change it."

Jiang Wenkai frowned.

Ji Xianya said softly, "It's just a ringtone. Since Wan Wan likes it, you can let her use it. Don't you want to interfere with their hobbies?"

Jiang Wenkai, "It's not good for outsiders to hear this ringtone. Who do you think cultivated her aesthetics? It's different from me and her mother."

Ji Xianya said with a smile, "Young people's aesthetics are changing very quickly. Today she likes this, but tomorrow she may like something else."

"If you really want to take care of it, you won't be able to do it for a while."

"You're right. She will always change it. When she doesn't like the ringtone, I'll ask Assistant Li to choose a ringtone that suits her identity." Jiang Wenkai said.

Jiang Wanwan picked up the phone, "Hello"

(End of this chapter)

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