Chapter 277
". Find the question from the throwing arc, the steps are as follows"

"To sum up, we can get the answer. The answer is the square root of 2. I have already talked about the idea of ​​solving the problem. In fact, it is not difficult. Mathematics is a well-founded subject. From point to surface, combined with formulas, we can get Answer."

The math teacher looked around the classroom of class ten and asked the students sitting below, "How many of you have done this problem too much?"

"Raise your hand and let me see."

Everyone in the class looked around one after another, wanting to see who raised their hands, but after looking around for a long time, they found that very few raised their hands.

Apart from the math committee and the study committee, Jiang Wanwan was the only one.

The math teacher asked, "Are these three students the only ones who did it right?"

"Teacher, this question is so difficult!"

"I don't even know where to start when I get it, it's too difficult!"

"Is this what normal people do? It's a blow to our self-confidence!"

The math teacher smiled and said, "Is it difficult?"

Everyone nodded, "Difficult!"

"It's really tough!"

The math teacher shook his head, "If it's really as difficult as you say, how can Jiang Wanwan and the others know how to do it?"

"I don't think the topic is difficult, but that you didn't think hard at all!"

Everyone whispered, "It's normal for Jiang Wanwan and the others to know how to do it." They would be shocked if Jiang Wanwan couldn't solve the problem one day.

Jiang Wanwan's head is full of wisdom, and their heads are full of sloshing water!
"There will be a model exam soon, so you should try to do more difficult problems like this, so that when you get to the exam room, if you encounter a paper with a slightly lower difficulty, you will find it easier, and it will be easier to get a high score in the exam."

The math teacher looked at Jiang Wanwan again, with a warm smile, "Jiang Wanwan, you are a good boy, so the teacher won't talk about you."

"En." Jiang Wanwan nodded.

After the teacher finished speaking, the class continued.

Ran Yanqi didn't raise her hand. Like everyone else, she didn't solve this problem.

When the math teacher started to teach, she pursed her lips and raised her head to look at the blackboard. Why was the process so simple, but she couldn't think of it, couldn't do it?

Is she really not as smart as Jiang Wanwan?

There will be a mock exam this week, and the exam room is being set up today. The students in each class have been dispersed, and the student union sent someone to the class to paste the exam number on the table.

One model is carried out according to the scale of the college entrance examination, which is naturally more rigorous than the usual exams.

One class.

The class teacher was speaking on the podium, "You are the best group of people in the entire grade, I hope that the number one in the grade can return to our class this time."

"Squad leader, you don't want to stay in the second place in the grade all the time. If you don't want to, then work hard and win back your honor in this exam!"

"Jiang Wanwan from class [-] is a strong opponent. In the past few monthly exams, she got the first noun in age. Although I was unhappy, I didn't care much about it. But this time it's different! The questions given by the famous teachers and professors who were in charge of the college entrance examination papers in the past can be said to be the closest to the real college entrance examination papers!"

"In short, you all have to use your strengths to get the number one! By the way, I remember that Jiang Wanwan is Jiang Yunsheng's older sister in our class, and you are her younger sister. Do you know how she usually studies?"

"Say it out for everyone to listen to. If her study habits are good, the students in our class can learn from it."

Jiang Yunsheng, whose name was called, calmly stood up from his seat.

(End of this chapter)

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