Mr Zhan is back

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

Looking back at Tan Xitong in the war epidemic, he replied firmly.

"Don't worry, you will always have only family affection with the Zhan family, and there will be no family hatred. There must have been a misunderstanding back then.

Although I don't know much about my great-grandfather, I know that my great-grandfather loved someone when he was young, and he loved someone very deeply. This is no secret in the Zhan family. "

After coming out of Tan Xitong's room, the mood in the war epidemic could not be calmed down for a long time.

It turned out that his great-grandfather had an illegitimate son in the legend, but now it seems that there really was one. Tan Xitong was Zhan Aotian's illegitimate son.

During the war epidemic, I remembered that when I just returned to Nanguang, in the cafeteria of Nanguang Hospital, Tan Xitong tried to test him intentionally or unintentionally, asking about the Zhan family...

Thinking about it now, he actually has complicated feelings towards Zhan Jia.

When I heard the rumors before, I didn't know the name of his great-grandfather's confidante in the war epidemic.

When Tan Xitong said those three words just now, Zhan Epidemic's mind was inexplicably full of images.

Zhan Aotian and Qin Xianglian fall in love freely, because of family reasons, a pair of lovers who originally loved each other became enemies because of love, is this the plot?

When Zhan Yanli was in a daze, Zhan Yanchen tapped his back behind him.

"Brother, what are you thinking, smiling silly alone."

Zhan Epidemic squeezed his face, "Do I have it? I just... I was just thinking about a big melon from our Zhan family."

Zhan Yanchen was a gossip man, he hurriedly tugged on Zhan Yanli's sleeves, "Brother, who in our Zhan family still has big melons. Could it be that you are having an affair?"

Zhan Yanchen was joking with Zhan Yanli, and was beaten by Zhan Yanli.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I'm so busy every day, you give me an affair!"

Saying that, Zhan Yanli knocked Zhan Yangchen on the head again.

"Brother, I'm just joking with you, hey... Really, hit me on the head again, do you think I'm not stupid enough?"

Zhan Yanchen held his head and complained to Zhan Epidemic.

"Next time you talk nonsense, I'll sew your mouth shut."

Zhan Yanli made a gesture of smacking his mouth, which made Zhan Yanchen cover his mouth in fright.

"Don't make wild guesses by yourself in the future. I forgot what to say to you when you make trouble. Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Zhan Yanli pretended to have forgotten, hurriedly threw away Zhan Yangchen and walked forward quickly.

"Brother, wait for me. Brother..." Zhan Yanchen followed Zhan Yanli.

Walking ahead in Zhan Yanli, ignoring Zhan Yanchen who was behind, he walked on his own, secretly speeding up his pace.

"Brother, you are bullying people. You know martial arts, but I don't. You are bullying people."

Zhan Yanchen gave up completely behind, he looked at Zhan Epidemic's back like a whirlwind and complained, "Hmph!"

During the war epidemic, I found Zhan Shennong for the first time.

"Grandpa, don't ask anything now, don't say anything, let me take your blood first, and I will tell you everything."

When Zhan Shennong saw that he was going to collect blood for him during the war epidemic, his heart skipped a beat. His instinct was to recognize his relatives.

"Li'er, tell grandpa, what are you going to do with my blood? Who will you compare it with?"

While collecting blood in the war epidemic, he replied mysteriously, "Now it's a secret, I'll know if you are brothers."

brother? !
A memory that had been dusty for many years was uncovered, and there was another person in this world besides God of War.

"You mean him? Qin Xianglian's son?" Zhan Shennong's hands were trembling.

War epidemic nodded, "Well, grandpa, who do you think he is?"

Zhan Shennong looked at Zhan Epidemic in a panic, "Tell me, where is he? Tell me, where is he? Do you know that before your great-grandpa died, the most difficult thing to let go of was him and his mother Qin Xianglian."

Zhan Yanli pressed Zhan Shennong's shoulder to comfort him, "Grandpa, your blood pressure is high, don't be so excited."

Zhan Shennong held up the collar in Zhan Epidemic. "Li and me, you tell grandpa, who is he and where is he?"

War Epidemic originally wanted to talk about it later, but now that Zhan Shennong was impatient, he had no choice but to speak out first.

"Tan Xitong, the director of Nanguang Hospital. He said it himself. His mother is Qin Xianglian... He also said that he is from the Qin family!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhan Shennong held Zhan Yanli's hand, "Li'er, go, accompany me to find him now, I have here a letter left by your great-grandfather, and Qin Xianglian and your great-grandfather's kindness at that time." Break the book."

As he spoke, Zhan Shennong rummaged through boxes and cabinets in his own room to find letters.

Zhan Epidemic frowned and looked at Zhan Shennong, "Grandpa, do you think he hates our Zhan family so deeply, would he watch it?
Maybe he tore up the letter as soon as you gave it to him.Shall we make a copy of this letter first. "

The War Epidemic reminded Zhan Shennong, after all, Tan Xitong can't listen to anything now.

Zhan Shennong handed Zhan Aotian's suicide note and Qin Xianglian's letter of favor to Zhan Aotian back then to Zhan Epidemic, "Li'er, make a copy first. You can accompany me to meet him later."

In the face of Zhan Shennong in the war epidemic, he opened the portable space, and then used his microcopier to make a copy of both letters.

"Li, what's your name? Why didn't you have it just now?" Zhan Shennong asked curiously, pointing to Zhan Epidemic's portable space.

Zhan Epidemic scratched his head, "Grandpa, isn't this the portable space in our Zhanjia Yanjia Collection? I just made it."

Zhan Shennong has never been interested in Yanjiashu, but in his generation, Zhan Shennong was more interested in Zhan Shennong.In Zhan Tianyi's generation, he was more interested.When it comes to this generation in the war epidemic, it's just the love of the war epidemic.

"It turns out that this is the portable space mentioned in the Yanjia Collection, which is quite advanced." Zhan Shennong commented sincerely.

In the war epidemic, he proudly said to Zhan Shennong, "Grandpa, the Yanjia Collection of our Zhan family is simply the treasure book of Yanjiamen."

Hearing the mention of the stars in the eyes of the Yanjia Collection in the War Epidemic, Zhan Shennong always felt that choosing a major in virus pathology in the War Epidemic was the wrong major.

"Li'er, have you ever thought about studying Yanjia Art in the future? I think you are very concerned about these things."

Zhan Shennong said what he had been wanting to say for a long time, but he didn't expect Zhan Epidemic to reply.

"Grandpa, I am determined to do virus pathological analysis in my life. Yanjia surgery is just one of my hobbies, but it is not all I have."

War Epidemic said with joy on his face, "Li'er, I am very pleased that you have this idea. There is a story about your generation back then. I think you have heard some of it before. After many years, it should be Let you know."

Zhan Shennong has always been very concerned about the origin of the word "epidemic" mentioned by Zhan Shennong in Zhan Epidemic, and now he is very happy to hear Zhan Shennong bring it up.

"Grandpa, tell me quickly, how did our word 'epidemic' come about, and why do we use 'epidemic' as the character generation?"

(End of this chapter)

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